Source code for evennia.utils.utils

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
General helper functions that don't fit neatly under any given category.

They provide some useful string and conversion methods that might
be of use when designing your own game.

import os
import gc
import sys
import copy
import types
import math
import re
import textwrap
import random
import inspect
import traceback
import importlib
import importlib.util
import importlib.machinery
from unicodedata import east_asian_width
from twisted.internet.task import deferLater
from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue  # noqa - used as import target
from os.path import join as osjoin
from inspect import ismodule, trace, getmembers, getmodule, getmro
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from twisted.internet import threads, reactor
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.apps import apps
from django.core.validators import validate_email as django_validate_email
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
from evennia.utils import logger

_GAME_DIR = settings.GAME_DIR
_GA = object.__getattribute__
_SA = object.__setattr__
_DA = object.__delattr__

[docs]def is_iter(obj): """ Checks if an object behaves iterably. Args: obj (any): Entity to check for iterability. Returns: is_iterable (bool): If `obj` is iterable or not. Notes: Strings are *not* accepted as iterable (although they are actually iterable), since string iterations are usually not what we want to do with a string. """ if isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)): return False try: return iter(obj) and True except TypeError: return False
[docs]def make_iter(obj): """ Makes sure that the object is always iterable. Args: obj (any): Object to make iterable. Returns: iterable (list or iterable): The same object passed-through or made iterable. """ return not is_iter(obj) and [obj] or obj
[docs]def wrap(text, width=None, indent=0): """ Safely wrap text to a certain number of characters. Args: text (str): The text to wrap. width (int, optional): The number of characters to wrap to. indent (int): How much to indent each line (with whitespace). Returns: text (str): Properly wrapped text. """ width = width if width else settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH if not text: return "" indent = " " * indent return to_str(textwrap.fill(text, width, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent))
# alias - fill fill = wrap
[docs]def pad(text, width=None, align="c", fillchar=" "): """ Pads to a given width. Args: text (str): Text to pad. width (int, optional): The width to pad to, in characters. align (str, optional): This is one of 'c', 'l' or 'r' (center, left or right). fillchar (str, optional): The character to fill with. Returns: text (str): The padded text. """ width = width if width else settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH align = align if align in ("c", "l", "r") else "c" fillchar = fillchar[0] if fillchar else " " if align == "l": return text.ljust(width, fillchar) elif align == "r": return text.rjust(width, fillchar) else: return, fillchar)
[docs]def crop(text, width=None, suffix="[...]"): """ Crop text to a certain width, throwing away text from too-long lines. Args: text (str): Text to crop. width (int, optional): Width of line to crop, in characters. suffix (str, optional): This is appended to the end of cropped lines to show that the line actually continues. Cropping will be done so that the suffix will also fit within the given width. If width is too small to fit both crop and suffix, the suffix will be dropped. Returns: text (str): The cropped text. """ width = width if width else settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH ltext = len(text) if ltext <= width: return text else: lsuffix = len(suffix) text = text[:width] if lsuffix >= width else "%s%s" % (text[: width - lsuffix], suffix) return to_str(text)
[docs]def dedent(text, baseline_index=None): """ Safely clean all whitespace at the left of a paragraph. Args: text (str): The text to dedent. baseline_index (int or None, optional): Which row to use as a 'base' for the indentation. Lines will be dedented to this level but no further. If None, indent so as to completely deindent the least indented text. Returns: text (str): Dedented string. Notes: This is useful for preserving triple-quoted string indentation while still shifting it all to be next to the left edge of the display. """ if not text: return "" if baseline_index is None: return textwrap.dedent(text) else: lines = text.split("\n") baseline = lines[baseline_index] spaceremove = len(baseline) - len(baseline.lstrip(" ")) return "\n".join( line[min(spaceremove, len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" "))) :] for line in lines )
[docs]def justify(text, width=None, align="f", indent=0): """ Fully justify a text so that it fits inside `width`. When using full justification (default) this will be done by padding between words with extra whitespace where necessary. Paragraphs will be retained. Args: text (str): Text to justify. width (int, optional): The length of each line, in characters. align (str, optional): The alignment, 'l', 'c', 'r' or 'f' for left, center, right or full justification respectively. indent (int, optional): Number of characters indentation of entire justified text block. Returns: justified (str): The justified and indented block of text. """ width = width if width else settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH def _process_line(line): """ helper function that distributes extra spaces between words. The number of gaps is nwords - 1 but must be at least 1 for single-word lines. We distribute odd spaces randomly to one of the gaps. """ line_rest = width - (wlen + ngaps) gap = " " # minimum gap between words if line_rest > 0: if align == "l": if line[-1] == "\n\n": line[-1] = " " * (line_rest - 1) + "\n" + " " * width + "\n" + " " * width else: line[-1] += " " * line_rest elif align == "r": line[0] = " " * line_rest + line[0] elif align == "c": pad = " " * (line_rest // 2) line[0] = pad + line[0] if line[-1] == "\n\n": line[-1] += ( pad + " " * (line_rest % 2 - 1) + "\n" + " " * width + "\n" + " " * width ) else: line[-1] = line[-1] + pad + " " * (line_rest % 2) else: # align 'f' gap += " " * (line_rest // max(1, ngaps)) rest_gap = line_rest % max(1, ngaps) for i in range(rest_gap): line[i] += " " elif not any(line): return [" " * width] return gap.join(line) # split into paragraphs and words paragraphs = re.split("\n\s*?\n", text, re.MULTILINE) words = [] for ip, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs): if ip > 0: words.append(("\n", 0)) words.extend((word, len(word)) for word in paragraph.split()) ngaps, wlen, line = 0, 0, [] lines = [] while words: if not line: # start a new line word = words.pop(0) wlen = word[1] line.append(word[0]) elif (words[0][1] + wlen + ngaps) >= width: # next word would exceed word length of line + smallest gaps lines.append(_process_line(line)) ngaps, wlen, line = 0, 0, [] else: # put a new word on the line word = words.pop(0) line.append(word[0]) if word[1] == 0: # a new paragraph, process immediately lines.append(_process_line(line)) ngaps, wlen, line = 0, 0, [] else: wlen += word[1] ngaps += 1 if line: # catch any line left behind lines.append(_process_line(line)) indentstring = " " * indent return "\n".join([indentstring + line for line in lines])
[docs]def columnize(string, columns=2, spacing=4, align="l", width=None): """ Break a string into a number of columns, using as little vertical space as possible. Args: string (str): The string to columnize. columns (int, optional): The number of columns to use. spacing (int, optional): How much space to have between columns. width (int, optional): The max width of the columns. Defaults to client's default width. Returns: columns (str): Text divided into columns. Raises: RuntimeError: If given invalid values. """ columns = max(1, columns) spacing = max(1, spacing) width = width if width else settings.CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH w_spaces = (columns - 1) * spacing w_txt = max(1, width - w_spaces) if w_spaces + columns > width: # require at least 1 char per column raise RuntimeError("Width too small to fit columns") colwidth = int(w_txt / (1.0 * columns)) # first make a single column which we then split onecol = justify(string, width=colwidth, align=align) onecol = onecol.split("\n") nrows, dangling = divmod(len(onecol), columns) nrows = [nrows + 1 if i < dangling else nrows for i in range(columns)] height = max(nrows) cols = [] istart = 0 for irows in nrows: cols.append(onecol[istart : istart + irows]) istart = istart + irows for col in cols: if len(col) < height: col.append(" " * colwidth) sep = " " * spacing rows = [] for irow in range(height): rows.append(sep.join(col[irow] for col in cols)) return "\n".join(rows)
[docs]def iter_to_string(initer, endsep="and", addquote=False): """ This pretty-formats an iterable list as string output, adding an optional alternative separator to the second to last entry. If `addquote` is `True`, the outgoing strings will be surrounded by quotes. Args: initer (any): Usually an iterable to print. Each element must be possible to present with a string. Note that if this is a generator, it will be consumed by this operation. endsep (str, optional): If set, the last item separator will be replaced with this value. addquote (bool, optional): This will surround all outgoing values with double quotes. Returns: liststr (str): The list represented as a string. Examples: ```python # no endsep: [1,2,3] -> '1, 2, 3' # with endsep=='and': [1,2,3] -> '1, 2 and 3' # with addquote and endsep [1,2,3] -> '"1", "2" and "3"' ``` """ if not endsep: endsep = "," else: endsep = " " + endsep if not initer: return "" initer = tuple(str(val) for val in make_iter(initer)) if addquote: if len(initer) == 1: return '"%s"' % initer[0] return ", ".join('"%s"' % v for v in initer[:-1]) + "%s %s" % (endsep, '"%s"' % initer[-1]) else: if len(initer) == 1: return str(initer[0]) return ", ".join(str(v) for v in initer[:-1]) + "%s %s" % (endsep, initer[-1])
# legacy alias list_to_string = iter_to_string
[docs]def wildcard_to_regexp(instring): """ Converts a player-supplied string that may have wildcards in it to regular expressions. This is useful for name matching. Args: instring (string): A string that may potentially contain wildcards (`*` or `?`). Returns: regex (str): A string where wildcards were replaced with regular expressions. """ regexp_string = "" # If the string starts with an asterisk, we can't impose the beginning of # string (^) limiter. if instring[0] != "*": regexp_string += "^" # Replace any occurances of * or ? with the appropriate groups. regexp_string += instring.replace("*", "(.*)").replace("?", "(.{1})") # If there's an asterisk at the end of the string, we can't impose the # end of string ($) limiter. if instring[-1] != "*": regexp_string += "$" return regexp_string
[docs]def time_format(seconds, style=0): """ Function to return a 'prettified' version of a value in seconds. Args: seconds (int): Number if seconds to format. style (int): One of the following styles: 0. "1d 08:30" 1. "1d" 2. "1 day, 8 hours, 30 minutes" 3. "1 day, 8 hours, 30 minutes, 10 seconds" 4. highest unit (like "3 years" or "8 months" or "1 second") Returns: timeformatted (str): A pretty time string. """ if seconds < 0: seconds = 0 else: # We'll just use integer math, no need for decimal precision. seconds = int(seconds) days = seconds // 86400 seconds -= days * 86400 hours = seconds // 3600 seconds -= hours * 3600 minutes = seconds // 60 seconds -= minutes * 60 retval = "" if style == 0: """ Standard colon-style output. """ if days > 0: retval = "%id %02i:%02i" % (days, hours, minutes) else: retval = "%02i:%02i" % (hours, minutes) return retval elif style == 1: """ Simple, abbreviated form that only shows the highest time amount. """ if days > 0: return "%id" % (days,) elif hours > 0: return "%ih" % (hours,) elif minutes > 0: return "%im" % (minutes,) else: return "%is" % (seconds,) elif style == 2: """ Full-detailed, long-winded format. We ignore seconds. """ days_str = hours_str = "" minutes_str = "0 minutes" if days > 0: if days == 1: days_str = "%i day, " % days else: days_str = "%i days, " % days if days or hours > 0: if hours == 1: hours_str = "%i hour, " % hours else: hours_str = "%i hours, " % hours if hours or minutes > 0: if minutes == 1: minutes_str = "%i minute " % minutes else: minutes_str = "%i minutes " % minutes retval = "%s%s%s" % (days_str, hours_str, minutes_str) elif style == 3: """ Full-detailed, long-winded format. Includes seconds. """ days_str = hours_str = minutes_str = seconds_str = "" if days > 0: if days == 1: days_str = "%i day, " % days else: days_str = "%i days, " % days if days or hours > 0: if hours == 1: hours_str = "%i hour, " % hours else: hours_str = "%i hours, " % hours if hours or minutes > 0: if minutes == 1: minutes_str = "%i minute " % minutes else: minutes_str = "%i minutes " % minutes if minutes or seconds > 0: if seconds == 1: seconds_str = "%i second " % seconds else: seconds_str = "%i seconds " % seconds retval = "%s%s%s%s" % (days_str, hours_str, minutes_str, seconds_str) elif style == 4: """ Only return the highest unit. """ if days >= 730: # Several years return "{} years".format(days // 365) elif days >= 365: # One year return "a year" elif days >= 62: # Several months return "{} months".format(days // 31) elif days >= 31: # One month return "a month" elif days >= 2: # Several days return "{} days".format(days) elif days > 0: return "a day" elif hours >= 2: # Several hours return "{} hours".format(hours) elif hours > 0: # One hour return "an hour" elif minutes >= 2: # Several minutes return "{} minutes".format(minutes) elif minutes > 0: # One minute return "a minute" elif seconds >= 2: # Several seconds return "{} seconds".format(seconds) elif seconds == 1: return "a second" else: return "0 seconds" else: raise ValueError("Unknown style for time format: %s" % style) return retval.strip()
[docs]def datetime_format(dtobj): """ Pretty-prints the time since a given time. Args: dtobj (datetime): An datetime object, e.g. from Django's `DateTimeField`. Returns: deltatime (str): A string describing how long ago `dtobj` took place. """ now = if dtobj.year < now.year: # another year (Apr 5, 2019) timestring = dtobj.strftime(f"%b {}, %Y") elif < # another date, same year (Apr 5) timestring = dtobj.strftime(f"%b {}") elif dtobj.hour < now.hour - 1: # same day, more than 1 hour ago (10:45) timestring = dtobj.strftime("%H:%M") else: # same day, less than 1 hour ago (10:45:33) timestring = dtobj.strftime("%H:%M:%S") return timestring
[docs]def host_os_is(osname): """ Check to see if the host OS matches the query. Args: osname (str): Common names are "posix" (linux/unix/mac) and "nt" (windows). Args: is_os (bool): If the os matches or not. """ return == osname
[docs]def get_evennia_version(mode="long"): """ Helper method for getting the current evennia version. Args: mode (str, optional): One of: - long: 0.9.0 rev342453534 - short: 0.9.0 - pretty: Evennia 0.9.0 Returns: version (str): The version string. """ import evennia vers = evennia.__version__ if mode == "short": return vers.split()[0].strip() elif mode == "pretty": vers = vers.split()[0].strip() return f"Evennia {vers}" else: # mode "long": return vers
[docs]def pypath_to_realpath(python_path, file_ending=".py", pypath_prefixes=None): """ Converts a dotted Python path to an absolute path under the Evennia library directory or under the current game directory. Args: python_path (str): A dot-python path file_ending (str): A file ending, including the period. pypath_prefixes (list): A list of paths to test for existence. These should be on python.path form. EVENNIA_DIR and GAME_DIR are automatically checked, they need not be added to this list. Returns: abspaths (list): All existing, absolute paths created by converting `python_path` to an absolute paths and/or prepending `python_path` by `settings.EVENNIA_DIR`, `settings.GAME_DIR` and by`pypath_prefixes` respectively. Notes: This will also try a few combinations of paths to allow cases where pypath is given including the "evennia." or "mygame." prefixes. """ path = python_path.strip().split(".") plong = osjoin(*path) + file_ending pshort = ( osjoin(*path[1:]) + file_ending if len(path) > 1 else plong ) # in case we had evennia. or mygame. prefixlong = ( [osjoin(*ppath.strip().split(".")) for ppath in make_iter(pypath_prefixes)] if pypath_prefixes else [] ) prefixshort = ( [ osjoin(*ppath.strip().split(".")[1:]) for ppath in make_iter(pypath_prefixes) if len(ppath.strip().split(".")) > 1 ] if pypath_prefixes else [] ) paths = ( [plong] + [osjoin(_EVENNIA_DIR, prefix, plong) for prefix in prefixlong] + [osjoin(_GAME_DIR, prefix, plong) for prefix in prefixlong] + [osjoin(_EVENNIA_DIR, prefix, plong) for prefix in prefixshort] + [osjoin(_GAME_DIR, prefix, plong) for prefix in prefixshort] + [osjoin(_EVENNIA_DIR, plong), osjoin(_GAME_DIR, plong)] + [osjoin(_EVENNIA_DIR, prefix, pshort) for prefix in prefixshort] + [osjoin(_GAME_DIR, prefix, pshort) for prefix in prefixshort] + [osjoin(_EVENNIA_DIR, prefix, pshort) for prefix in prefixlong] + [osjoin(_GAME_DIR, prefix, pshort) for prefix in prefixlong] + [osjoin(_EVENNIA_DIR, pshort), osjoin(_GAME_DIR, pshort)] ) # filter out non-existing paths return list(set(p for p in paths if os.path.isfile(p)))
[docs]def dbref(inp, reqhash=True): """ Converts/checks if input is a valid dbref. Args: inp (int, str): A database ref on the form N or #N. reqhash (bool, optional): Require the #N form to accept input as a valid dbref. Returns: dbref (int or None): The integer part of the dbref or `None` if input was not a valid dbref. """ if reqhash: num = ( int(inp.lstrip("#")) if (isinstance(inp, str) and inp.startswith("#") and inp.lstrip("#").isdigit()) else None ) return num if isinstance(num, int) and num > 0 else None elif isinstance(inp, str): inp = inp.lstrip("#") return int(inp) if inp.isdigit() and int(inp) > 0 else None else: return inp if isinstance(inp, int) else None
[docs]def dbref_to_obj(inp, objclass, raise_errors=True): """ Convert a #dbref to a valid object. Args: inp (str or int): A valid #dbref. objclass (class): A valid django model to filter against. raise_errors (bool, optional): Whether to raise errors or return `None` on errors. Returns: obj (Object or None): An entity loaded from the dbref. Raises: Exception: If `raise_errors` is `True` and `objclass.objects.get(id=dbref)` did not return a valid object. """ dbid = dbref(inp) if not dbid: # we only convert #dbrefs return inp try: if dbid < 0: return None except ValueError: return None # if we get to this point, inp is an integer dbref; get the matching object try: return objclass.objects.get(id=dbid) except Exception: if raise_errors: raise return inp
# legacy alias dbid_to_obj = dbref_to_obj # some direct translations for the latinify _UNICODE_MAP = { "EM DASH": "-", "FIGURE DASH": "-", "EN DASH": "-", "HORIZONTAL BAR": "-", "HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS": "...", "LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK": "'", "RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK": "'", "LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK": '"', "RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK": '"', }
[docs]def latinify(string, default="?", pure_ascii=False): """ Convert a unicode string to "safe" ascii/latin-1 characters. This is used as a last resort when normal encoding does not work. Arguments: string (str): A string to convert to 'safe characters' convertible to an latin-1 bytestring later. default (str, optional): Characters resisting mapping will be replaced with this character or string. The intent is to apply an encode operation on the string soon after. Returns: string (str): A 'latinified' string where each unicode character has been replaced with a 'safe' equivalent available in the ascii/latin-1 charset. Notes: This is inspired by the gist by Ricardo Murri: """ from unicodedata import name if isinstance(string, bytes): string = string.decode("utf8") converted = [] for unich in iter(string): try: ch = unich.encode("utf8").decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: # deduce a latin letter equivalent from the Unicode data # point name; e.g., since `name(u'á') == 'LATIN SMALL # LETTER A WITH ACUTE'` translate `á` to `a`. However, in # some cases the unicode name is still "LATIN LETTER" # although no direct equivalent in the Latin alphabet # exists (e.g., Þ, "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN") -- we can # avoid these cases by checking that the letter name is # composed of one letter only. # We also supply some direct-translations for some particular # common cases. what = name(unich) if what in _UNICODE_MAP: ch = _UNICODE_MAP[what] else: what = what.split() if what[0] == "LATIN" and what[2] == "LETTER" and len(what[3]) == 1: ch = what[3].lower() if what[1] == "SMALL" else what[3].upper() else: ch = default converted.append(chr(ord(ch))) return "".join(converted)
[docs]def to_bytes(text, session=None): """ Try to encode the given text to bytes, using encodings from settings or from Session. Will always return a bytes, even if given something that is not str or bytes. Args: text (any): The text to encode to bytes. If bytes, return unchanged. If not a str, convert to str before converting. session (Session, optional): A Session to get encoding info from. Will try this before falling back to settings.ENCODINGS. Returns: encoded_text (bytes): the encoded text following the session's protocol flag followed by the encodings specified in settings.ENCODINGS. If all attempt fail, log the error and send the text with "?" in place of problematic characters. If the specified encoding cannot be found, the protocol flag is reset to utf-8. In any case, returns bytes. Note: If `text` is already bytes, return it as is. """ if isinstance(text, bytes): return text if not isinstance(text, str): # convert to a str representation before encoding try: text = str(text) except Exception: text = repr(text) default_encoding = session.protocol_flags.get("ENCODING", "utf-8") if session else "utf-8" try: return text.encode(default_encoding) except (LookupError, UnicodeEncodeError): for encoding in settings.ENCODINGS: try: return text.encode(encoding) except (LookupError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass # no valid encoding found. Replace unconvertable parts with ? return text.encode(default_encoding, errors="replace")
[docs]def to_str(text, session=None): """ Try to decode a bytestream to a python str, using encoding schemas from settings or from Session. Will always return a str(), also if not given a str/bytes. Args: text (any): The text to encode to bytes. If a str, return it. If also not bytes, convert to str using str() or repr() as a fallback. session (Session, optional): A Session to get encoding info from. Will try this before falling back to settings.ENCODINGS. Returns: decoded_text (str): The decoded text. Note: If `text` is already str, return it as is. """ if isinstance(text, str): return text if not isinstance(text, bytes): # not a byte, convert directly to str try: return str(text) except Exception: return repr(text) default_encoding = session.protocol_flags.get("ENCODING", "utf-8") if session else "utf-8" try: return text.decode(default_encoding) except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError): for encoding in settings.ENCODINGS: try: return text.decode(encoding) except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass # no valid encoding found. Replace unconvertable parts with ? return text.decode(default_encoding, errors="replace")
[docs]def validate_email_address(emailaddress): """ Checks if an email address is syntactically correct. Makes use of the django email-validator for consistency. Args: emailaddress (str): Email address to validate. Returns: bool: If this is a valid email or not. """ try: django_validate_email(str(emailaddress)) except DjangoValidationError: return False except Exception: logger.log_trace() return False else: return True
[docs]def inherits_from(obj, parent): """ Takes an object and tries to determine if it inherits at *any* distance from parent. Args: obj (any): Object to analyze. This may be either an instance or a class. parent (any): Can be either instance, class or python path to class. Returns: inherits_from (bool): If `parent` is a parent to `obj` or not. Notes: What differs this function from e.g. `isinstance()` is that `obj` may be both an instance and a class, and parent may be an instance, a class, or the python path to a class (counting from the evennia root directory). """ if callable(obj): # this is a class obj_paths = ["%s.%s" % (mod.__module__, mod.__name__) for mod in obj.mro()] else: obj_paths = ["%s.%s" % (mod.__module__, mod.__name__) for mod in obj.__class__.mro()] if isinstance(parent, str): # a given string path, for direct matching parent_path = parent elif callable(parent): # this is a class parent_path = "%s.%s" % (parent.__module__, parent.__name__) else: parent_path = "%s.%s" % (parent.__class__.__module__, parent.__class__.__name__) return any(1 for obj_path in obj_paths if obj_path == parent_path)
[docs]def server_services(): """ Lists all services active on the Server. Observe that since services are launched in memory, this function will only return any results if called from inside the game. Returns: services (dict): A dict of available services. """ from evennia.server.sessionhandler import SESSIONS if hasattr(SESSIONS, "server") and hasattr(SESSIONS.server, "services"): server = else: # This function must be called from inside the evennia process. server = {} del SESSIONS return server
[docs]def uses_database(name="sqlite3"): """ Checks if the game is currently using a given database. This is a shortcut to having to use the full backend name. Args: name (str): One of 'sqlite3', 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'oracle'. Returns: uses (bool): If the given database is used or not. """ try: engine = settings.DATABASES["default"]["ENGINE"] except KeyError: engine = settings.DATABASE_ENGINE return engine == "django.db.backends.%s" % name
[docs]def delay(timedelay, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ Delay the calling of a callback (function). Args: timedelay (int or float): The delay in seconds. callback (callable): Will be called as `callback(*args, **kwargs)` after `timedelay` seconds. args (any): Will be used as arguments to callback. Keyword Args: persistent (bool, optional): If True the delay remains after a server restart. persistent is False by default. any (any): Will be used as keyword arguments to callback. Returns: task (TaskHandlerTask): An instance of a task. Refer to, evennia.scripts.taskhandler.TaskHandlerTask Note: The task handler (`evennia.scripts.taskhandler.TASK_HANDLER`) will be called for persistent or non-persistent tasks. If persistent is set to True, the callback, its arguments and other keyword arguments will be saved (serialized) in the database, assuming they can be. The callback will be executed even after a server restart/reload, taking into account the specified delay (and server down time). Keep in mind that persistent tasks arguments and callback should not use memory references. If persistent is set to True the delay function will return an int which is the task's id intended for use with TASK_HANDLER's do_task and remove methods. All persistent tasks whose time delays have passed will be called on server startup. """ global _TASK_HANDLER # Do some imports here to avoid circular import and speed things up if _TASK_HANDLER is None: from evennia.scripts.taskhandler import TASK_HANDLER as _TASK_HANDLER return _TASK_HANDLER.add(timedelay, callback, *args, **kwargs)
_PPOOL = None _PCMD = None _PROC_ERR = "A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended by signal 9."
[docs]def run_async(to_execute, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs a function or executes a code snippet asynchronously. Args: to_execute (callable): If this is a callable, it will be executed with `*args` and non-reserved `**kwargs` as arguments. The callable will be executed using ProcPool, or in a thread if ProcPool is not available. Keyword Args: at_return (callable): Should point to a callable with one argument. It will be called with the return value from to_execute. at_return_kwargs (dict): This dictionary will be used as keyword arguments to the at_return callback. at_err (callable): This will be called with a Failure instance if there is an error in to_execute. at_err_kwargs (dict): This dictionary will be used as keyword arguments to the at_err errback. Notes: All other `*args` and `**kwargs` will be passed on to `to_execute`. Run_async will relay executed code to a thread or procpool. Use this function with restrain and only for features/commands that you know has no influence on the cause-and-effect order of your game (commands given after the async function might be executed before it has finished). Accessing the same property from different threads can lead to unpredicted behaviour if you are not careful (this is called a "race condition"). Also note that some databases, notably sqlite3, don't support access from multiple threads simultaneously, so if you do heavy database access from your `to_execute` under sqlite3 you will probably run very slow or even get tracebacks. """ # handle special reserved input kwargs callback = kwargs.pop("at_return", None) errback = kwargs.pop("at_err", None) callback_kwargs = kwargs.pop("at_return_kwargs", {}) errback_kwargs = kwargs.pop("at_err_kwargs", {}) if callable(to_execute): # no process pool available, fall back to old deferToThread mechanism. deferred = threads.deferToThread(to_execute, *args, **kwargs) else: # no appropriate input for this server setup raise RuntimeError("'%s' could not be handled by run_async" % to_execute) # attach callbacks if callback: deferred.addCallback(callback, **callback_kwargs) deferred.addErrback(errback, **errback_kwargs)
[docs]def check_evennia_dependencies(): """ Checks the versions of Evennia's dependencies including making some checks for runtime libraries. Returns: result (bool): `False` if a show-stopping version mismatch is found. """ # check main dependencies from evennia.server.evennia_launcher import check_main_evennia_dependencies not_error = check_main_evennia_dependencies() errstring = "" # South is no longer used ... if "south" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: errstring += ( "\n ERROR: 'south' found in settings.INSTALLED_APPS. " "\n South is no longer used. If this was added manually, remove it." ) not_error = False # IRC support if settings.IRC_ENABLED: try: import twisted.words twisted.words # set to avoid debug info about not-used import except ImportError: errstring += ( "\n ERROR: IRC is enabled, but twisted.words is not installed. Please install it." "\n Linux Debian/Ubuntu users should install package 'python-twisted-words', others" "\n can get it from" ) not_error = False errstring = errstring.strip() if errstring: mlen = max(len(line) for line in errstring.split("\n")) logger.log_err("%s\n%s\n%s" % ("-" * mlen, errstring, "-" * mlen)) return not_error
[docs]def has_parent(basepath, obj): """ Checks if `basepath` is somewhere in `obj`'s parent tree. Args: basepath (str): Python dotpath to compare against obj path. obj (any): Object whose path is to be checked. Returns: has_parent (bool): If the check was successful or not. """ try: return any( cls for cls in obj.__class__.mro() if basepath == "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) ) except (TypeError, AttributeError): # this can occur if we tried to store a class object, not an # instance. Not sure if one should defend against this. return False
[docs]def mod_import_from_path(path): """ Load a Python module at the specified path. Args: path (str): An absolute path to a Python module to load. Returns: (module or None): An imported module if the path was a valid Python module. Returns `None` if the import failed. """ if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) dirpath, filename = path.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1) modname = filename.rstrip(".py") try: return importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(modname, path).load_module() except OSError: logger.log_trace(f"Could not find module '{modname}' ({modname}.py) at path '{dirpath}'") return None
[docs]def mod_import(module): """ A generic Python module loader. Args: module (str, module): This can be either a Python path (dot-notation like `evennia.objects.models`), an absolute path (e.g. `/home/eve/evennia/evennia/objects/`) or an already imported module object (e.g. `models`) Returns: (module or None): An imported module. If the input argument was already a module, this is returned as-is, otherwise the path is parsed and imported. Returns `None` and logs error if import failed. """ if not module: return None if isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): # if this is already a module, we are done return module if module.endswith(".py") and os.path.exists(module): return mod_import_from_path(module) try: return importlib.import_module(module) except ImportError: return None
[docs]def all_from_module(module): """ Return all global-level variables defined in a module. Args: module (str, module): This can be either a Python path (dot-notation like `evennia.objects.models`), an absolute path (e.g. `/home/eve/evennia/evennia/`) or an already imported module object (e.g. `models`) Returns: variables (dict): A dict of {variablename: variable} for all variables in the given module. Notes: Ignores modules and variable names starting with an underscore. """ mod = mod_import(module) if not mod: return {} # make sure to only return variables actually defined in this # module if available (try to avoid not imports) members = getmembers(mod, predicate=lambda obj: getmodule(obj) in (mod, None)) return dict((key, val) for key, val in members if not key.startswith("_"))
[docs]def callables_from_module(module): """ Return all global-level callables defined in a module. Args: module (str, module): A python-path to a module or an actual module object. Returns: callables (dict): A dict of {name: callable, ...} from the module. Notes: Will ignore callables whose names start with underscore "_". """ mod = mod_import(module) if not mod: return {} # make sure to only return callables actually defined in this module (not imports) members = getmembers(mod, predicate=lambda obj: callable(obj) and getmodule(obj) == mod) return dict((key, val) for key, val in members if not key.startswith("_"))
[docs]def variable_from_module(module, variable=None, default=None): """ Retrieve a variable or list of variables from a module. The variable(s) must be defined globally in the module. If no variable is given (or a list entry is `None`), all global variables are extracted from the module. Args: module (string or module): Python path, absolute path or a module. variable (string or iterable, optional): Single variable name or iterable of variable names to extract. If not given, all variables in the module will be returned. default (string, optional): Default value to use if a variable fails to be extracted. Ignored if `variable` is not given. Returns: variables (value or list): A single value or a list of values depending on if `variable` is given or not. Errors in lists are replaced by the `default` argument. """ if not module: return default mod = mod_import(module) if not mod: return default if variable: result = [] for var in make_iter(variable): if var: # try to pick a named variable result.append(mod.__dict__.get(var, default)) else: # get all result = [ val for key, val in mod.__dict__.items() if not (key.startswith("_") or ismodule(val)) ] if len(result) == 1: return result[0] return result
[docs]def string_from_module(module, variable=None, default=None): """ This is a wrapper for `variable_from_module` that requires return value to be a string to pass. It's primarily used by login screen. Args: module (string or module): Python path, absolute path or a module. variable (string or iterable, optional): Single variable name or iterable of variable names to extract. If not given, all variables in the module will be returned. default (string, optional): Default value to use if a variable fails to be extracted. Ignored if `variable` is not given. Returns: variables (value or list): A single (string) value or a list of values depending on if `variable` is given or not. Errors in lists (such as the value not being a string) are replaced by the `default` argument. """ val = variable_from_module(module, variable=variable, default=default) if val: if variable: return val else: result = [v for v in make_iter(val) if isinstance(v, str)] return result if result else default return default
[docs]def random_string_from_module(module): """ Returns a random global string from a module. Args: module (string or module): Python path, absolute path or a module. Returns: random (string): A random stribg variable from `module`. """ return random.choice(string_from_module(module))
[docs]def fuzzy_import_from_module(path, variable, default=None, defaultpaths=None): """ Import a variable based on a fuzzy path. First the literal `path` will be tried, then all given `defaultpaths` will be prepended to see a match is found. Args: path (str): Full or partial python path. variable (str): Name of variable to import from module. default (string, optional): Default value to use if a variable fails to be extracted. Ignored if `variable` is not given. defaultpaths (iterable, options): Python paths to attempt in order if importing directly from `path` doesn't work. Returns: value (any): The variable imported from the module, or `default`, if not found. """ paths = [path] + make_iter(defaultpaths) for modpath in paths: try: mod = importlib.import_module(modpath) except ImportError as ex: if not str(ex).startswith("No module named %s" % modpath): # this means the module was found but it # triggers an ImportError on import. raise ex return getattr(mod, variable, default) return default
[docs]def class_from_module(path, defaultpaths=None, fallback=None): """ Return a class from a module, given the module's path. This is primarily used to convert db_typeclass_path:s to classes. Args: path (str): Full Python dot-path to module. defaultpaths (iterable, optional): If a direct import from `path` fails, try subsequent imports by prepending those paths to `path`. fallback (str): If all other attempts fail, use this path as a fallback. This is intended as a last-resort. In the example of Evennia loading, this would be a path to a default parent class in the evennia repo itself. Returns: class (Class): An uninstantiated class recovered from path. Raises: ImportError: If all loading failed. """ cls = None err = "" if defaultpaths: paths = ( [path] + ["%s.%s" % (dpath, path) for dpath in make_iter(defaultpaths)] if defaultpaths else [] ) else: paths = [path] for testpath in paths: if "." in path: testpath, clsname = testpath.rsplit(".", 1) else: raise ImportError("the path '%s' is not on the form modulepath.Classname." % path) try: if not importlib.util.find_spec(testpath, package="evennia"): continue except ModuleNotFoundError: continue try: mod = importlib.import_module(testpath, package="evennia") except ModuleNotFoundError: err = traceback.format_exc(30) break try: cls = getattr(mod, clsname) break except AttributeError: if len(trace()) > 2: # AttributeError within the module, don't hide it err = traceback.format_exc(30) break if not cls: err = "\nCould not load typeclass '{}'{}".format( path, " with the following traceback:\n" + err if err else "" ) if defaultpaths: err += "\nPaths searched:\n %s" % "\n ".join(paths) else: err += "." logger.log_err(err) if fallback: logger.log_warn(f"Falling back to {fallback}.") return class_from_module(fallback) else: # even fallback fails raise ImportError(err) return cls
# alias object_from_module = class_from_module
[docs]def init_new_account(account): """ Deprecated. """ from evennia.utils import logger logger.log_dep("evennia.utils.utils.init_new_account is DEPRECATED and should not be used.")
[docs]def string_similarity(string1, string2): """ This implements a "cosine-similarity" algorithm as described for example in *Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computation Linguistics* (Coling 2008), pages 593-600, Manchester, August 2008. The measure-vectors used is simply a "bag of words" type histogram (but for letters). Args: string1 (str): String to compare (may contain any number of words). string2 (str): Second string to compare (any number of words). Returns: similarity (float): A value 0...1 rating how similar the two strings are. """ vocabulary = set(list(string1 + string2)) vec1 = [string1.count(v) for v in vocabulary] vec2 = [string2.count(v) for v in vocabulary] try: return float(sum(vec1[i] * vec2[i] for i in range(len(vocabulary)))) / ( math.sqrt(sum(v1 ** 2 for v1 in vec1)) * math.sqrt(sum(v2 ** 2 for v2 in vec2)) ) except ZeroDivisionError: # can happen if empty-string cmdnames appear for some reason. # This is a no-match. return 0
[docs]def string_suggestions(string, vocabulary, cutoff=0.6, maxnum=3): """ Given a `string` and a `vocabulary`, return a match or a list of suggestions based on string similarity. Args: string (str): A string to search for. vocabulary (iterable): A list of available strings. cutoff (int, 0-1): Limit the similarity matches (the higher the value, the more exact a match is required). maxnum (int): Maximum number of suggestions to return. Returns: suggestions (list): Suggestions from `vocabulary` with a similarity-rating that higher than or equal to `cutoff`. Could be empty if there are no matches. """ return [ tup[1] for tup in sorted( [(string_similarity(string, sugg), sugg) for sugg in vocabulary], key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True, ) if tup[0] >= cutoff ][:maxnum]
[docs]def string_partial_matching(alternatives, inp, ret_index=True): """ Partially matches a string based on a list of `alternatives`. Matching is made from the start of each subword in each alternative. Case is not important. So e.g. "bi sh sw" or just "big" or "shiny" or "sw" will match "Big shiny sword". Scoring is done to allow to separate by most common denominator. You will get multiple matches returned if appropriate. Args: alternatives (list of str): A list of possible strings to match. inp (str): Search criterion. ret_index (bool, optional): Return list of indices (from alternatives array) instead of strings. Returns: matches (list): String-matches or indices if `ret_index` is `True`. """ if not alternatives or not inp: return [] matches = defaultdict(list) inp_words = inp.lower().split() for altindex, alt in enumerate(alternatives): alt_words = alt.lower().split() last_index = 0 score = 0 for inp_word in inp_words: # loop over parts, making sure only to visit each part once # (this will invalidate input in the wrong word order) submatch = [ last_index + alt_num for alt_num, alt_word in enumerate(alt_words[last_index:]) if alt_word.startswith(inp_word) ] if submatch: last_index = min(submatch) + 1 score += 1 else: score = 0 break if score: if ret_index: matches[score].append(altindex) else: matches[score].append(alt) if matches: return matches[max(matches)] return []
[docs]def format_table(table, extra_space=1): """ Note: `evennia.utils.evtable` is more powerful than this, but this function can be useful when the number of columns and rows are unknown and must be calculated on the fly. Args. table (list): A list of lists to represent columns in the table: `[[val,val,val,...], [val,val,val,...], ...]`, where each val will be placed on a separate row in the column. All columns must have the same number of rows (some positions may be empty though). extra_space (int, optional): Sets how much *minimum* extra padding (in characters) should be left between columns. Returns: table (list): A list of lists representing the rows to print out one by one. Notes: The function formats the columns to be as wide as the widest member of each column. Example: :: ftable = format_table([[...], [...], ...]) for ir, row in enumerate(ftable): if ir == 0: # make first row white string += "\\\\n|w" + ""join(row) + "|n" else: string += "\\\\n" + "".join(row) print(string) """ if not table: return [[]] max_widths = [max([len(str(val)) for val in col]) for col in table] ftable = [] for irow in range(len(table[0])): ftable.append( [ str(col[irow]).ljust(max_widths[icol]) + " " * extra_space for icol, col in enumerate(table) ] ) return ftable
[docs]def get_evennia_pids(): """ Get the currently valid PIDs (Process IDs) of the Portal and Server by trying to access a PID file. Returns: server, portal (tuple): The PIDs of the respective processes, or two `None` values if not found. Examples: This can be used to determine if we are in a subprocess by something like: ```python self_pid = os.getpid() server_pid, portal_pid = get_evennia_pids() is_subprocess = self_pid not in (server_pid, portal_pid) ``` """ server_pidfile = os.path.join(settings.GAME_DIR, "") portal_pidfile = os.path.join(settings.GAME_DIR, "") server_pid, portal_pid = None, None if os.path.exists(server_pidfile): with open(server_pidfile, "r") as f: server_pid = if os.path.exists(portal_pidfile): with open(portal_pidfile, "r") as f: portal_pid = if server_pid and portal_pid: return int(server_pid), int(portal_pid) return None, None
[docs]def deepsize(obj, max_depth=4): """ Get not only size of the given object, but also the size of objects referenced by the object, down to `max_depth` distance from the object. Args: obj (object): the object to be measured. max_depth (int, optional): maximum referential distance from `obj` that `deepsize()` should cover for measuring objects referenced by `obj`. Returns: size (int): deepsize of `obj` in Bytes. Notes: This measure is necessarily approximate since some memory is shared between objects. The `max_depth` of 4 is roughly tested to give reasonable size information about database models and their handlers. """ def _recurse(o, dct, depth): if 0 <= max_depth < depth: return for ref in gc.get_referents(o): idr = id(ref) if idr not in dct: dct[idr] = (ref, sys.getsizeof(ref, default=0)) _recurse(ref, dct, depth + 1) sizedict = {} _recurse(obj, sizedict, 0) size = sys.getsizeof(obj) + sum([p[1] for p in sizedict.values()]) return size
# lazy load handler _missing = object()
[docs]class lazy_property(object): """ Delays loading of property until first access. Credit goes to the Implementation in the werkzeug suite: This should be used as a decorator in a class and in Evennia is mainly used to lazy-load handlers: ```python @lazy_property def attributes(self): return AttributeHandler(self) ``` Once initialized, the `AttributeHandler` will be available as a property "attributes" on the object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, name=None, doc=None): """Store all properties for now""" self.__name__ = name or func.__name__ self.__module__ = func.__module__ self.__doc__ = doc or func.__doc__ self.func = func
def __get__(self, obj, type=None): """Triggers initialization""" if obj is None: return self value = obj.__dict__.get(self.__name__, _missing) if value is _missing: value = self.func(obj) obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value return value
_STRIP_ANSI = None _RE_CONTROL_CHAR = re.compile( "[%s]" % re.escape("".join([chr(c) for c in range(0, 32)])) ) # + range(127,160)])))
[docs]def strip_control_sequences(string): """ Remove non-print text sequences. Args: string (str): Text to strip. Returns. text (str): Stripped text. """ global _STRIP_ANSI if not _STRIP_ANSI: from evennia.utils.ansi import strip_raw_ansi as _STRIP_ANSI return _RE_CONTROL_CHAR.sub("", _STRIP_ANSI(string))
[docs]def calledby(callerdepth=1): """ Only to be used for debug purposes. Insert this debug function in another function; it will print which function called it. Args: callerdepth (int): Must be larger than 0. When > 1, it will print the caller of the caller etc. Returns: calledby (str): A debug string detailing which routine called us. """ import inspect stack = inspect.stack() # we must step one extra level back in stack since we don't want # to include the call of this function itself. callerdepth = min(max(2, callerdepth + 1), len(stack) - 1) frame = inspect.stack()[callerdepth] path = os.path.sep.join(frame[1].rsplit(os.path.sep, 2)[-2:]) return "[called by '%s': %s:%s %s]" % (frame[3], path, frame[2], frame[4])
[docs]def m_len(target): """ Provides length checking for strings with MXP patterns, and falls back to normal len for other objects. Args: target (str): A string with potential MXP components to search. Returns: length (int): The length of `target`, ignoring MXP components. """ # Would create circular import if in module root. from evennia.utils.ansi import ANSI_PARSER if inherits_from(target, str) and "|lt" in target: return len(ANSI_PARSER.strip_mxp(target)) return len(target)
[docs]def display_len(target): """ Calculate the 'visible width' of text. This is not necessarily the same as the number of characters in the case of certain asian characters. This will also strip MXP patterns. Args: target (any): Something to measure the length of. If a string, it will be measured keeping asian-character and MXP links in mind. Return: int: The visible width of the target. """ # Would create circular import if in module root. from evennia.utils.ansi import ANSI_PARSER if inherits_from(target, str): # str or ANSIString target = ANSI_PARSER.strip_mxp(target) target = ANSI_PARSER.parse_ansi(target, strip_ansi=True) extra_wide = ("F", "W") return sum(2 if east_asian_width(char) in extra_wide else 1 for char in target) else: return len(target)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Search handler function # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Replace this hook function by changing settings.SEARCH_AT_RESULT.
[docs]def at_search_result(matches, caller, query="", quiet=False, **kwargs): """ This is a generic hook for handling all processing of a search result, including error reporting. This is also called by the cmdhandler to manage errors in command lookup. Args: matches (list): This is a list of 0, 1 or more typeclass instances or Command instances, the matched result of the search. If 0, a nomatch error should be echoed, and if >1, multimatch errors should be given. Only if a single match should the result pass through. caller (Object): The object performing the search and/or which should receive error messages. query (str, optional): The search query used to produce `matches`. quiet (bool, optional): If `True`, no messages will be echoed to caller on errors. Keyword Args: nofound_string (str): Replacement string to echo on a notfound error. multimatch_string (str): Replacement string to echo on a multimatch error. Returns: processed_result (Object or None): This is always a single result or `None`. If `None`, any error reporting/handling should already have happened. The returned object is of the type we are checking multimatches for (e.g. Objects or Commands) """ error = "" if not matches: # no results. error = kwargs.get("nofound_string") or _("Could not find '%s'." % query) matches = None elif len(matches) > 1: multimatch_string = kwargs.get("multimatch_string") if multimatch_string: error = "%s\n" % multimatch_string else: error = _("More than one match for '{query}' (please narrow target):\n").format( query=query ) for num, result in enumerate(matches): # we need to consider Commands, where .aliases is a list aliases = result.aliases.all() if hasattr(result.aliases, "all") else result.aliases # remove any pluralization aliases aliases = [ alias for alias in aliases if hasattr(alias, "category") and alias.category not in ("plural_key",) ] error += _MULTIMATCH_TEMPLATE.format( number=num + 1, name=result.get_display_name(caller) if hasattr(result, "get_display_name") else query, aliases=" [%s]" % ";".join(aliases) if aliases else "", info=result.get_extra_info(caller), ) matches = None else: # exactly one match matches = matches[0] if error and not quiet: caller.msg(error.strip()) return matches
[docs]class LimitedSizeOrderedDict(OrderedDict): """ This dictionary subclass is both ordered and limited to a maximum number of elements. Its main use is to hold a cache that can never grow out of bounds. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Limited-size ordered dict. Keyword Args: size_limit (int): Use this to limit the number of elements alloweds to be in this list. By default the overshooting elements will be removed in FIFO order. fifo (bool, optional): Defaults to `True`. Remove overshooting elements in FIFO order. If `False`, remove in FILO order. """ super().__init__() self.size_limit = kwargs.get("size_limit", None) self.filo = not kwargs.get("fifo", True) # FIFO inverse of FILO self._check_size()
def __eq__(self, other): ret = super().__eq__(other) if ret: return ( ret and hasattr(other, "size_limit") and self.size_limit == other.size_limit and hasattr(other, "fifo") and self.fifo == other.fifo ) return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _check_size(self): filo = self.filo if self.size_limit is not None: while self.size_limit < len(self): self.popitem(last=filo) def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__(key, value) self._check_size()
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): super().update(*args, **kwargs) self._check_size()
[docs]def get_game_dir_path(): """ This is called by settings_default in order to determine the path of the game directory. Returns: path (str): Full OS path to the game dir """ # current working directory, assumed to be somewhere inside gamedir. for _ in range(10): gpath = os.getcwd() if "server" in os.listdir(gpath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("server", "conf", "")): return gpath else: os.chdir(os.pardir) raise RuntimeError("server/conf/ not found: Must start from inside game dir.")
[docs]def get_all_typeclasses(parent=None): """ List available typeclasses from all available modules. Args: parent (str, optional): If given, only return typeclasses inheriting (at any distance) from this parent. Returns: typeclasses (dict): On the form {"typeclass.path": typeclass, ...} Notes: This will dynamically retrieve all abstract django models inheriting at any distance from the TypedObject base (aka a Typeclass) so it will work fine with any custom classes being added. """ from evennia.typeclasses.models import TypedObject typeclasses = { "{}.{}".format(model.__module__, model.__name__): model for model in apps.get_models() if TypedObject in getmro(model) } if parent: typeclasses = { name: typeclass for name, typeclass in typeclasses.items() if inherits_from(typeclass, parent) } return typeclasses
[docs]def interactive(func): """ Decorator to make a method pausable with yield(seconds) and able to ask for user-input with `response=yield(question)`. For the question-asking to work, 'caller' must the name of an argument or kwarg to the decorated function. Example: :: @interactive def myfunc(caller): caller.msg("This is a test") # wait five seconds yield(5) # ask user (caller) a question response = yield("Do you want to continue waiting?") if response == "yes": yield(5) else: # ... Notes: This turns the method into a generator! """ from evennia.utils.evmenu import get_input def _process_input(caller, prompt, result, generator): deferLater(reactor, 0, _iterate, generator, caller, response=result) return False def _iterate(generator, caller=None, response=None): try: if response is None: value = next(generator) else: value = generator.send(response) except StopIteration: pass else: if isinstance(value, (int, float)): delay(value, _iterate, generator, caller=caller) elif isinstance(value, str): if not caller: raise ValueError( "To retrieve input from a @pausable method, that method " "must be called with a 'caller' argument)" ) get_input(caller, value, _process_input, generator=generator) else: raise ValueError("yield(val) in a @pausable method must have an int/float as arg.") def decorator(*args, **kwargs): argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args caller = None if "caller" in argnames: # we assume this is an object caller = args[argnames.index("caller")] ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(ret, types.GeneratorType): _iterate(ret, caller) else: return ret return decorator