This is the outdated v0.9.5 documentation for Evennia, originally converted from the old evennia wiki at 2020-10-11 18:06:03.062022. This version of the docs is no longer maintained. Unless you still use Evennia 0.9.5 (and maybe even then), you are recommended to use a later version of the documentation.
Evennia Documentation¶
This is the manual of Evennia, the open source Python MU*
You can Search the documentation on the left. If you have trouble with unclear documentation, please
let us know on our mailing list, over IRC or by making a new documentation issue.
There is a lengthier introduction to read. You might also want to read about how to get and give help.
The Getting Started page helps installing and starting Evennia for the first time.
The Admin Docs covers running and maintaining an Evennia server.
The Builder Docs helps for starting to build a game world using Evennia.
The Developer Central describes how Evennia works and is used by coders.
The Tutorials & Examples contains help pages on a step-by-step or tutorial format.
The Documentation-Contributing page helps with how to write and contribute to these docs.
The API documentation is created from the latest source code.
The TOC lists all regular documentation pages.