Inline functions (nested form).
This parser accepts nested inlinefunctions on the form
$funcname(arg, arg, ...)
embedded in any text where any arg can be another `$funcname{}` call.
This functionality is turned off by default - to activate,
`settings.INLINEFUNC_ENABLED` must be set to `True`.
Each token starts with `$funcname(` where there must be no space between the
$funcname and "(". It ends with a matched ending parentesis ")".
Inside the inlinefunc definition, one can use \\\\ to escape. This is
mainly needed for escaping commas in flowing text (which would
otherwise be interpreted as an argument separator), or to escape `}`
when not intended to close the function block. Enclosing text in
matched `\"\"\"` (triple quotes) or `'''` (triple single-quotes) will
also escape *everything* within without needing to escape individual
The available inlinefuncs are defined as global-level functions in
modules defined by `settings.INLINEFUNC_MODULES`. They are identified
by their function name (and ignored if this name starts with `_`). They
should be on the following form:
def funcname (*args, **kwargs):
# ...
Here, the arguments given to `$funcname(arg1,arg2)` will appear as the
`*args` tuple. This will be populated by the arguments given to the
inlinefunc in-game - the only part that will be available from
in-game. `**kwargs` are not supported from in-game but are only used
internally by Evennia to make details about the caller available to
the function. The kwarg passed to all functions is `session`, the
Sessionobject for the object seeing the string. This may be `None` if
the string is sent to a non-puppetable object. The inlinefunc should
never raise an exception.
There are two reserved function names:
- "nomatch": This is called if the user uses a functionname that is
not registered. The nomatch function will get the name of the
not-found function as its first argument followed by the normal
arguments to the given function. If not defined the default effect is
to print `<UNKNOWN>` to replace the unknown function.
- "stackfull": This is called when the maximum nested function stack is reached.
When this happens, the original parsed string is returned and the result of
the `stackfull` inlinefunc is appended to the end. By default this is an
error message.
Syntax errors, notably not completely closing all inlinefunc blocks, will lead
to the entire string remaining unparsed.
import re
import fnmatch
import random as base_random
from django.conf import settings
from evennia.utils import utils, logger
# The stack size is a security measure. Set to <=0 to disable.
# example/testing inline functions
[docs]def random(*args, **kwargs):
Inlinefunc. Returns a random number between
0 and 1, from 0 to a maximum value, or within a given range (inclusive).
minval (str, optional): Minimum value. If not given, assumed 0.
maxval (str, optional): Maximum value.
Keyword argumuents:
session (Session): Session getting the string.
If either of the min/maxvalue has a '.' in it, a floating-point random
value will be returned. Otherwise it will be an integer value in the
given range.
- `$random()`
- `$random(5)`
- `$random(5, 10)`
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 1:
# only maxval given
minval, maxval = "0", args[0]
elif nargs > 1:
minval, maxval = args[:2]
minval, maxval = ("0", "1")
if "." in minval or "." in maxval:
# float mode
minval, maxval = float(minval), float(maxval)
except ValueError:
minval, maxval = 0, 1
return "{:.2f}".format(minval + maxval * base_random.random())
# int mode
minval, maxval = int(minval), int(maxval)
except ValueError:
minval, maxval = 0, 1
return str(base_random.randint(minval, maxval))
[docs]def pad(*args, **kwargs):
Inlinefunc. Pads text to given width.
text (str, optional): Text to pad.
width (str, optional): Will be converted to integer. Width
of padding.
align (str, optional): Alignment of padding; one of 'c', 'l' or 'r'.
fillchar (str, optional): Character used for padding. Defaults to a
Keyword Args:
session (Session): Session performing the pad.
`$pad(text, width, align, fillchar)`
text, width, align, fillchar = "", 78, "c", " "
nargs = len(args)
if nargs > 0:
text = args[0]
if nargs > 1:
width = int(args[1]) if args[1].strip().isdigit() else 78
if nargs > 2:
align = args[2] if args[2] in ("c", "l", "r") else "c"
if nargs > 3:
fillchar = args[3]
return utils.pad(text, width=width, align=align, fillchar=fillchar)
[docs]def crop(*args, **kwargs):
Inlinefunc. Crops ingoing text to given widths.
text (str, optional): Text to crop.
width (str, optional): Will be converted to an integer. Width of
crop in characters.
suffix (str, optional): End string to mark the fact that a part
of the string was cropped. Defaults to `[...]`.
Keyword Args:
session (Session): Session performing the crop.
`$crop(text, width=78, suffix='[...]')`
text, width, suffix = "", 78, "[...]"
nargs = len(args)
if nargs > 0:
text = args[0]
if nargs > 1:
width = int(args[1]) if args[1].strip().isdigit() else 78
if nargs > 2:
suffix = args[2]
return utils.crop(text, width=width, suffix=suffix)
[docs]def space(*args, **kwargs):
Inlinefunc. Inserts an arbitrary number of spaces. Defaults to 4 spaces.
spaces (int, optional): The number of spaces to insert.
Keyword Args:
session (Session): Session performing the crop.
width = 4
if args:
width = abs(int(args[0])) if args[0].strip().isdigit() else 4
return " " * width
[docs]def clr(*args, **kwargs):
Inlinefunc. Colorizes nested text.
startclr (str, optional): An ANSI color abbreviation without the
prefix `|`, such as `r` (red foreground) or `[r` (red background).
text (str, optional): Text
endclr (str, optional): The color to use at the end of the string. Defaults
to `|n` (reset-color).
Keyword Args:
session (Session): Session object triggering inlinefunc.
`$clr(startclr, text, endclr)`
text = ""
nargs = len(args)
if nargs > 0:
color = args[0].strip()
if nargs > 1:
text = args[1]
text = "|" + color + text
if nargs > 2:
text += "|" + args[2].strip()
text += "|n"
return text
[docs]def null(*args, **kwargs):
return args[0] if args else ""
[docs]def nomatch(name, *args, **kwargs):
Default implementation of nomatch returns the function as-is as a string.
kwargs.pop("inlinefunc_stack_depth", None)
return "${name}({args}{kwargs})".format(
kwargs=",".join("{}={}".format(key, val) for key, val in kwargs.items()),
# we specify a default nomatch function to use if no matching func was
# found. This will be overloaded by any nomatch function defined in
# the imported modules.
"nomatch": lambda *args, **kwargs: "<UNKNOWN>",
"stackfull": lambda *args, **kwargs: "\n (not parsed: ",
# load custom inline func modules.
for module in utils.make_iter(settings.INLINEFUNC_MODULES):
except ImportError as err:
if module == "server.conf.inlinefuncs":
# a temporary warning since the default module changed name
raise ImportError(
"Error: %s\nPossible reason: mygame/server/conf/inlinefunc.py should "
"be renamed to mygame/server/conf/inlinefuncs.py (note "
"the S at the end)." % err
# regex definitions
_RE_STARTTOKEN = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\$(\w+)\(") # unescaped $funcname( (start of function call)
# note: this regex can be experimented with at https://regex101.com/r/kGR3vE/2
_RE_TOKEN = re.compile(
(?<!\\)\'\'\'(?P<singlequote>.*?)(?<!\\)\'\'\'| # single-triplets escape all inside
(?<!\\)\"\"\"(?P<doublequote>.*?)(?<!\\)\"\"\"| # double-triplets escape all inside
(?P<comma>(?<!\\)\,)| # , (argument sep)
(?P<end>(?<!\\)\))| # ) (possible end of func call)
(?P<leftparens>(?<!\\)\()| # ( (lone left-parens)
(?P<start>(?<!\\)\$\w+\()| # $funcname (start of func call)
(?P<escaped> # escaped tokens to re-insert sans backslash
(?P<rest> # everything else to re-insert verbatim
# Cache for function lookups.
_PARSING_CACHE = utils.LimitedSizeOrderedDict(size_limit=1000)
[docs]class ParseStack(list):
Custom stack that always concatenates strings together when the
strings are added next to one another. Tuples are stored
separately and None is used to mark that a string should be broken
up into a new chunk. Below is the resulting stack after separately
appending 3 strings, None, 2 strings, a tuple and finally 2
[string + string + string,
string + string,
string + string]
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# always start stack with the empty string
list.append(self, "")
# indicates if the top of the stack is a string or not
self._string_last = True
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
and hasattr(other, "_string_last")
and self._string_last == other._string_last
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def append(self, item):
The stack will merge strings, add other things as normal
if isinstance(item, str):
if self._string_last:
self[-1] += item
list.append(self, item)
self._string_last = True
# everything else is added as normal
list.append(self, item)
self._string_last = False
[docs]class InlinefuncError(RuntimeError):
[docs]def parse_inlinefunc(string, strip=False, available_funcs=None, stacktrace=False, **kwargs):
Parse the incoming string.
string (str): The incoming string to parse.
strip (bool, optional): Whether to strip function calls rather than
execute them.
available_funcs (dict, optional): Define an alternative source of functions to parse for.
If unset, use the functions found through `settings.INLINEFUNC_MODULES`.
stacktrace (bool, optional): If set, print the stacktrace to log.
Keyword Args:
session (Session): This is sent to this function by Evennia when triggering
it. It is passed to the inlinefunc.
kwargs (any): All other kwargs are also passed on to the inlinefunc.
usecache = False
if not available_funcs:
available_funcs = _INLINE_FUNCS
usecache = True
# make sure the default keys are available, but also allow overriding
tmp = _DEFAULT_FUNCS.copy()
available_funcs = tmp
if usecache and string in _PARSING_CACHE:
# stack is already cached
stack = _PARSING_CACHE[string]
elif not _RE_STARTTOKEN.search(string):
# if there are no unescaped start tokens at all, return immediately.
return string
# no cached stack; build a new stack and continue
stack = ParseStack()
# process string on stack
ncallable = 0
nlparens = 0
nvalid = 0
if stacktrace:
out = "STRING: {} =>".format(string)
for match in _RE_TOKEN.finditer(string):
gdict = match.groupdict()
if stacktrace:
out = " MATCH: {}".format({key: val for key, val in gdict.items() if val})
if gdict["singlequote"]:
elif gdict["doublequote"]:
elif gdict["leftparens"]:
# we have a left-parens inside a callable
if ncallable:
nlparens += 1
elif gdict["end"]:
if nlparens > 0:
nlparens -= 1
if ncallable <= 0:
args = []
while stack:
operation = stack.pop()
if callable(operation):
if not strip:
stack.append((operation, [arg for arg in reversed(args)]))
ncallable -= 1
elif gdict["start"]:
funcname = _RE_STARTTOKEN.match(gdict["start"]).group(1)
# try to fetch the matching inlinefunc from storage
nvalid += 1
except KeyError:
ncallable += 1
elif gdict["escaped"]:
# escaped tokens
token = gdict["escaped"].lstrip("\\")
elif gdict["comma"]:
if ncallable > 0:
# commas outside strings and inside a callable are
# used to mark argument separation - we use None
# in the stack to indicate such a separation.
# no callable active - just a string
# the rest
if ncallable > 0:
# this means not all inlinefuncs were complete
return string
if _STACK_MAXSIZE > 0 and _STACK_MAXSIZE < nvalid:
# if stack is larger than limit, throw away parsing
return string + available_funcs["stackfull"](*args, **kwargs)
elif usecache:
# cache the stack - we do this also if we don't check the cache above
_PARSING_CACHE[string] = stack
# run the stack recursively
def _run_stack(item, depth=0):
retval = item
if isinstance(item, tuple):
if strip:
return ""
func, arglist = item
args = [""]
for arg in arglist:
if arg is None:
# an argument-separating comma - start a new arg
# all other args should merge into one string
args[-1] += _run_stack(arg, depth=depth + 1)
# execute the inlinefunc at this point or strip it.
kwargs["inlinefunc_stack_depth"] = depth
retval = "" if strip else func(*args, **kwargs)
return utils.to_str(retval)
retval = "".join(_run_stack(item) for item in stack)
if stacktrace:
out = "STACK: \n{} => {}\n".format(stack, retval)
# execute the stack
return retval
[docs]def raw(string):
Escape all inlinefuncs in a string so they won't get parsed.
string (str): String with inlinefuncs to escape.
def _escape(match):
return "\\" + match.group(0)
return _RE_STARTTOKEN.sub(_escape, string)
# Nick templating
This supports the use of replacement templates in nicks:
This happens in two steps:
1) The user supplies a template that is converted to a regex according
to the unix-like templating language.
2) This regex is tested against nicks depending on which nick replacement
strategy is considered (most commonly inputline).
3) If there is a template match and there are templating markers,
these are replaced with the arguments actually given.
@desc $1 $2 $3
This will be converted to the following regex:
\@desc (?P<1>\w+) (?P<2>\w+) $(?P<3>\w+)
Supported template markers (through fnmatch)
* matches anything (non-greedy) -> .*?
? matches any single character ->
[seq] matches any entry in sequence
[!seq] matches entries not in sequence
Custom arg markers
$N argument position (1-99)
_RE_NICK_ARG = re.compile(r"\\(\$)([1-9][0-9]?)")
_RE_NICK_TEMPLATE_ARG = re.compile(r"(\$)([1-9][0-9]?)")
_RE_NICK_SPACE = re.compile(r"\\ ")
[docs]class NickTemplateInvalid(ValueError):
[docs]def initialize_nick_templates(in_template, out_template):
Initialize the nick templates for matching and remapping a string.
in_template (str): The template to be used for nick recognition.
out_template (str): The template to be used to replace the string
matched by the `in_template`.
regex, template (regex, str): Regex to match against strings and a
template with markers `{arg1}`, `{arg2}`, etc for replacement using the
standard `.format` method.
inlinefuncs.NickTemplateInvalid: If the in/out template does not have a matching
number of $args.
# create the regex for in_template
regex_string = fnmatch.translate(in_template)
n_inargs = len(_RE_NICK_ARG.findall(regex_string))
regex_string = _RE_NICK_SPACE.sub("\s+", regex_string)
regex_string = _RE_NICK_ARG.sub(lambda m: "(?P<arg%s>.+?)" % m.group(2), regex_string)
# create the out_template
template_string = _RE_NICK_TEMPLATE_ARG.sub(lambda m: "{arg%s}" % m.group(2), out_template)
# validate the tempaltes - they should at least have the same number of args
n_outargs = len(_RE_NICK_TEMPLATE_ARG.findall(out_template))
if n_inargs != n_outargs:
raise NickTemplateInvalid
return re.compile(regex_string), template_string
[docs]def parse_nick_template(string, template_regex, outtemplate):
Parse a text using a template and map it to another template
string (str): The input string to processj
template_regex (regex): A template regex created with
outtemplate (str): The template to which to map the matches
produced by the template_regex. This should have $1, $2,
etc to match the regex.
match = template_regex.match(string)
if match:
return outtemplate.format(**match.groupdict())
return string