Django ID mapper
Modified for Evennia by making sure that no model references
leave caching unexpectedly (no use of WeakRefs).
Also adds `cache_size()` for monitoring the size of the cache.
import os
import threading
import gc
import time
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
from twisted.internet.reactor import callFromThread
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, FieldError
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.db.models.base import Model, ModelBase
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete, post_migrate
from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
from evennia.utils import logger
from evennia.utils.utils import dbref, get_evennia_pids, to_str
from .manager import SharedMemoryManager
AUTO_FLUSH_MIN_INTERVAL = 60.0 * 5 # at least 5 mins between cache flushes
_GA = object.__getattribute__
_SA = object.__setattr__
_DA = object.__delattr__
# References to db-updated objects are stored here so the
# main process can be informed to re-cache itself.
PROC_MODIFIED_OBJS = WeakValueDictionary()
# get info about the current process and thread; determine if our
# current pid is different from the server PID (i.e. # if we are in a
# subprocess or not)
_SELF_PID = os.getpid()
_SERVER_PID, _PORTAL_PID = get_evennia_pids()
_IS_MAIN_THREAD = threading.currentThread().getName() == "MainThread"
[docs]class SharedMemoryModelBase(ModelBase):
# CL: upstream had a __new__ method that skipped ModelBase's __new__ if
# SharedMemoryModelBase was not in the model class's ancestors. It's not
# clear what was the intended purpose, but skipping ModelBase.__new__
# broke things; in particular, default manager inheritance.
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
this method will either create an instance (by calling the default implementation)
or try to retrieve one from the class-wide cache by inferring the pk value from
`args` and `kwargs`. If instance caching is enabled for this class, the cache is
populated whenever possible (ie when it is possible to infer the pk value).
def new_instance():
return super(SharedMemoryModelBase, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
instance_key = cls._get_cache_key(args, kwargs)
# depending on the arguments, we might not be able to infer the PK, so in that case we create a new instance
if instance_key is None:
return new_instance()
cached_instance = cls.get_cached_instance(instance_key)
if cached_instance is None:
cached_instance = new_instance()
cls.cache_instance(cached_instance, new=True)
return cached_instance
def _prepare(cls):
Prepare the cache, making sure that proxies of the same db base
share the same cache.
# the dbmodel is either the proxy base or ourselves
dbmodel = cls._meta.concrete_model if cls._meta.proxy else cls
cls.__dbclass__ = dbmodel
if not hasattr(dbmodel, "__instance_cache__"):
# we store __instance_cache__ only on the dbmodel base
dbmodel.__instance_cache__ = {}
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
Field shortcut creation:
Takes field names `db_*` and creates property wrappers named
without the `db_` prefix. So db_key -> key
This wrapper happens on the class level, so there is no
overhead when creating objects. If a class already has a
wrapper of the given name, the automatic creation is skipped.
Remember to document this auto-wrapping in the class
header, this could seem very much like magic to the user
attrs["typename"] = cls.__name__
attrs["path"] = "%s.%s" % (attrs["__module__"], name)
attrs["_is_deleted"] = False
# set up the typeclass handling only if a variable _is_typeclass is set on the class
def create_wrapper(cls, fieldname, wrappername, editable=True, foreignkey=False):
"Helper method to create property wrappers with unique names (must be in separate call)"
def _get(cls, fname):
"Wrapper for getting database field"
if _GA(cls, "_is_deleted"):
raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
"Cannot access %s: Hosting object was already deleted." % fname
return _GA(cls, fieldname)
def _get_foreign(cls, fname):
"Wrapper for returning foreignkey fields"
if _GA(cls, "_is_deleted"):
raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
"Cannot access %s: Hosting object was already deleted." % fname
return _GA(cls, fieldname)
def _set_nonedit(cls, fname, value):
"Wrapper for blocking editing of field"
raise FieldError("Field %s cannot be edited." % fname)
def _set(cls, fname, value):
"Wrapper for setting database field"
if _GA(cls, "_is_deleted"):
raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
"Cannot set %s to %s: Hosting object was already deleted!" % (fname, value)
_SA(cls, fname, value)
# only use explicit update_fields in save if we actually have a
# primary key assigned already (won't be set when first creating object)
update_fields = (
[fname] if _GA(cls, "_get_pk_val")(_GA(cls, "_meta")) is not None else None
_GA(cls, "save")(update_fields=update_fields)
def _set_foreign(cls, fname, value):
"Setter only used on foreign key relations, allows setting with #dbref"
if _GA(cls, "_is_deleted"):
raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
"Cannot set %s to %s: Hosting object was already deleted!" % (fname, value)
if isinstance(value, (str, int)):
value = to_str(value)
if value.isdigit() or value.startswith("#"):
# we also allow setting using dbrefs, if so we try to load the matching object.
# (we assume the object is of the same type as the class holding the field, if
# not a custom handler must be used for that field)
dbid = dbref(value, reqhash=False)
if dbid:
model = _GA(cls, "_meta").get_field(fname).model
value = model._default_manager.get(id=dbid)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# maybe it is just a name that happens to look like a dbid
_SA(cls, fname, value)
# only use explicit update_fields in save if we actually have a
# primary key assigned already (won't be set when first creating object)
update_fields = (
[fname] if _GA(cls, "_get_pk_val")(_GA(cls, "_meta")) is not None else None
_GA(cls, "save")(update_fields=update_fields)
def _del_nonedit(cls, fname):
"wrapper for not allowing deletion"
raise FieldError("Field %s cannot be edited." % fname)
def _del(cls, fname):
"Wrapper for clearing database field - sets it to None"
_SA(cls, fname, None)
update_fields = (
[fname] if _GA(cls, "_get_pk_val")(_GA(cls, "_meta")) is not None else None
_GA(cls, "save")(update_fields=update_fields)
# wrapper factories
if not editable:
def fget(cls):
return _get(cls, fieldname)
def fset(cls, val):
return _set_nonedit(cls, fieldname, val)
elif foreignkey:
def fget(cls):
return _get_foreign(cls, fieldname)
def fset(cls, val):
return _set_foreign(cls, fieldname, val)
def fget(cls):
return _get(cls, fieldname)
def fset(cls, val):
return _set(cls, fieldname, val)
def fdel(cls):
return _del(cls, fieldname) if editable else _del_nonedit(cls, fieldname)
# set docstrings for auto-doc
fget.__doc__ = "A wrapper for getting database field `%s`." % fieldname
fset.__doc__ = "A wrapper for setting (and saving) database field `%s`." % fieldname
fdel.__doc__ = "A wrapper for deleting database field `%s`." % fieldname
# assigning
attrs[wrappername] = property(fget, fset, fdel)
# type(cls).__setattr__(cls, wrappername, property(fget, fset, fdel))#, doc))
# exclude some models that should not auto-create wrapper fields
if cls.__name__ in ("ServerConfig", "TypeNick"):
# dynamically create the wrapper properties for all fields not already handled
# (manytomanyfields are always handlers)
for fieldname, field in (
(fname, field)
for fname, field in list(attrs.items())
if fname.startswith("db_") and type(field).__name__ != "ManyToManyField"
foreignkey = type(field).__name__ == "ForeignKey"
wrappername = "dbid" if fieldname == "id" else fieldname.replace("db_", "", 1)
if wrappername not in attrs:
# makes sure not to overload manually created wrappers on the model
cls, fieldname, wrappername, editable=field.editable, foreignkey=foreignkey
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class SharedMemoryModel(Model, metaclass=SharedMemoryModelBase):
Base class for idmapped objects. Inherit from `this`.
objects = SharedMemoryManager()
def _get_cache_key(cls, args, kwargs):
This method is used by the caching subsystem to infer the PK
value from the constructor arguments. It is used to decide if
an instance has to be built or is already in the cache.
result = None
# Quick hack for my composites work for now.
if hasattr(cls._meta, "pks"):
pk = cls._meta.pks[0]
pk = cls._meta.pk
# get the index of the pk in the class fields. this should be calculated *once*, but isn't atm
pk_position = cls._meta.fields.index(pk)
if len(args) > pk_position:
# if it's in the args, we can get it easily by index
result = args[pk_position]
elif pk.attname in kwargs:
# retrieve the pk value. Note that we use attname instead of name, to handle the case where the pk is a
# a ForeignKey.
result = kwargs[pk.attname]
elif pk.name != pk.attname and pk.name in kwargs:
# ok we couldn't find the value, but maybe it's a FK and we can find the corresponding object instead
result = kwargs[pk.name]
if result is not None and isinstance(result, Model):
# if the pk value happens to be a model instance (which can happen wich a FK), we'd rather use its own pk as the key
result = result._get_pk_val()
return result
[docs] @classmethod
def get_cached_instance(cls, id):
Method to retrieve a cached instance by pk value. Returns None
when not found (which will always be the case when caching is
disabled for this class). Please note that the lookup will be
done even when instance caching is disabled.
return cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__.get(id)
[docs] @classmethod
def cache_instance(cls, instance, new=False):
Method to store an instance in the cache.
instance (Class instance): the instance to cache.
new (bool, optional): this is the first time this instance is
cached (i.e. this is not an update operation like after a
db save).
pk = instance._get_pk_val()
if pk is not None:
cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__[pk] = instance
if new:
# trigger the at_init hook only
# at first initialization
except AttributeError:
# The at_init hook is not assigned to all entities
[docs] @classmethod
def get_all_cached_instances(cls):
Return the objects so far cached by idmapper for this class.
return list(cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__.values())
def _flush_cached_by_key(cls, key, force=True):
Remove the cached reference.
if force or cls.at_idmapper_flush():
del cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__[key]
except KeyError:
# No need to remove if cache doesn't contain it already
[docs] @classmethod
def flush_cached_instance(cls, instance, force=True):
Method to flush an instance from the cache. The instance will
always be flushed from the cache, since this is most likely
called from delete(), and we want to make sure we don't cache
dead objects.
cls._flush_cached_by_key(instance._get_pk_val(), force=force)
# flush_cached_instance = classmethod(flush_cached_instance)
[docs] @classmethod
def flush_instance_cache(cls, force=False):
This will clean safe objects from the cache. Use `force`
keyword to remove all objects, safe or not.
if force:
cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__ = {}
cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__ = dict(
(key, obj)
for key, obj in cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__.items()
if not obj.at_idmapper_flush()
# flush_instance_cache = classmethod(flush_instance_cache)
# per-instance methods
def __eq__(self, other):
return super().__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
# this is required to maintain hashing
return super().__hash__()
[docs] def at_idmapper_flush(self):
This is called when the idmapper cache is flushed and
allows customized actions when this happens.
do_flush (bool): If True, flush this object as normal. If
False, don't flush and expect this object to handle
the flushing on its own.
return True
[docs] def flush_from_cache(self, force=False):
Flush this instance from the instance cache. Use
`force` to override the result of at_idmapper_flush() for the object.
pk = self._get_pk_val()
if pk:
if force or self.at_idmapper_flush():
self.__class__.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__.pop(pk, None)
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
Delete the object, clearing cache.
self._is_deleted = True
super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
Central database save operation.
Arguments as per Django documentation.
Calls `self.at_<fieldname>_postsave(new)`
(this is a wrapper set by oobhandler:
from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER as _MONITOR_HANDLER
# we keep a store of objects modified in subprocesses so
# we know to update their caches in the central process
# in main thread - normal operation
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
except DatabaseError:
# we handle the 'update_fields did not update any rows' error that
# may happen due to timing issues with attributes
ufields_removed = kwargs.pop("update_fields", None)
if ufields_removed:
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
# in another thread; make sure to save in reactor thread
def _save_callback(cls, *args, **kwargs):
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
callFromThread(_save_callback, self, *args, **kwargs)
if not self.pk:
# this can happen if some of the startup methods immediately
# delete the object (an example are Scripts that start and die immediately)
# update field-update hooks and eventual OOB watchers
new = False
if "update_fields" in kwargs and kwargs["update_fields"]:
# get field objects from their names
update_fields = (
self._meta.get_field(fieldname) for fieldname in kwargs.get("update_fields")
# meta.fields are already field objects; get them all
new = True
update_fields = self._meta.fields
for field in update_fields:
fieldname = field.name
# trigger eventual monitors
_MONITOR_HANDLER.at_update(self, fieldname)
# if a hook is defined it must be named exactly on this form
hookname = "at_%s_postsave" % fieldname
if hasattr(self, hookname) and callable(_GA(self, hookname)):
_GA(self, hookname)(new)
# # if a trackerhandler is set on this object, update it with the
# # fieldname and the new value
# fieldtracker = "_oob_at_%s_postsave" % fieldname
# if hasattr(self, fieldtracker):
# _GA(self, fieldtracker)(fieldname)
[docs]class WeakSharedMemoryModelBase(SharedMemoryModelBase):
Uses a WeakValue dictionary for caching instead of a regular one.
def _prepare(cls):
cls.__dbclass__.__instance_cache__ = WeakValueDictionary()
[docs]class WeakSharedMemoryModel(SharedMemoryModel, metaclass=WeakSharedMemoryModelBase):
Uses a WeakValue dictionary for caching instead of a regular one
[docs]def flush_cache(**kwargs):
Flush idmapper cache. When doing so the cache will fire the
at_idmapper_flush hook to allow the object to optionally handle
its own flushing.
Uses a signal so we make sure to catch cascades.
def class_hierarchy(clslist):
"""Recursively yield a class hierarchy"""
for cls in clslist:
subclass_list = cls.__subclasses__()
if subclass_list:
for subcls in class_hierarchy(subclass_list):
yield subcls
yield cls
for cls in class_hierarchy([SharedMemoryModel]):
# run the python garbage collector
return gc.collect()
# request_finished.connect(flush_cache)
[docs]def flush_cached_instance(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Flush the idmapper cache only for a given instance.
# XXX: Is this the best way to make sure we can flush?
if not hasattr(instance, "flush_cached_instance"):
sender.flush_cached_instance(instance, force=True)
[docs]def update_cached_instance(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Re-cache the given instance in the idmapper cache.
if not hasattr(instance, "cache_instance"):
[docs]def conditional_flush(max_rmem, force=False):
Flush the cache if the estimated memory usage exceeds `max_rmem`.
The flusher has a timeout to avoid flushing over and over
in particular situations (this means that for some setups
the memory usage will exceed the requirement and a server with
more memory is probably required for the given game).
max_rmem (int): memory-usage estimation-treshold after which
cache is flushed.
force (bool, optional): forces a flush, regardless of timeout.
Defaults to `False`.
def mem2cachesize(desired_rmem):
Estimate the size of the idmapper cache based on the memory
desired. This is used to optionally cap the cache size.
desired_rmem - memory in MB (minimum 50MB)
The formula is empirically estimated from usage tests (Linux)
and is
Ncache = RMEM - 35.0 / 0.0157
where RMEM is given in MB and Ncache is the size of the cache
for this memory usage. VMEM tends to be about 100MB higher
than RMEM for large memory usage.
vmem = max(desired_rmem, 50.0)
Ncache = int(abs(float(vmem) - 35.0) / 0.0157)
return Ncache
if not max_rmem:
# auto-flush is disabled
now = time.time()
if not LAST_FLUSH:
# server is just starting
if ((now - LAST_FLUSH) < AUTO_FLUSH_MIN_INTERVAL) and not force:
# too soon after last flush.
"Warning: Idmapper flush called more than "
"once in %s min interval. Check memory usage." % (AUTO_FLUSH_MIN_INTERVAL / 60.0)
if os.name == "nt":
# we can't look for mem info in Windows at the moment
# check actual memory usage
Ncache_max = mem2cachesize(max_rmem)
Ncache, _ = cache_size()
actual_rmem = (
float(os.popen("ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1" % (os.getpid(), "rss")).read()) / 1000.0
) # resident memory
if Ncache >= Ncache_max and actual_rmem > max_rmem * 0.9:
# flush cache when number of objects in cache is big enough and our
# actual memory use is within 10% of our set max
[docs]def cache_size(mb=True):
Calculate statistics about the cache.
Note: we cannot get reliable memory statistics from the cache -
whereas we could do `getsizof` each object in cache, the result is
highly imprecise and for a large number of objects the result is
many times larger than the actual memory usage of the entire server;
Python is clearly reusing memory behind the scenes that we cannot
catch in an easy way here. Ideas are appreciated. /Griatch
total_num, {objclass:total_num, ...}
numtotal = [0] # use mutable to keep reference through recursion
classdict = {}
def get_recurse(submodels):
for submodel in submodels:
subclasses = submodel.__subclasses__()
if not subclasses:
num = len(submodel.get_all_cached_instances())
numtotal[0] += num
classdict[submodel.__dbclass__.__name__] = num
return numtotal[0], classdict