This is an advanced ASCII table creator. It was inspired by
[prettytable](https://code.google.com/p/prettytable/) but shares no code.
Example usage:
from evennia.utils import evtable
table = evtable.EvTable("Heading1", "Heading2",
table=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], border="cells")
table.add_column("This is long data", "This is even longer data")
table.add_row("This is a single row")
print table
| Heading1 | Heading2 | | |
| 1 | 4 | 7 | This is long data |
| 2 | 5 | 8 | This is even longer data |
| 3 | 6 | 9 | |
| This is a single row | | | |
As seen, the table will automatically expand with empty cells to make
the table symmetric. Tables can be restricted to a given width:
table.reformat(width=50, align="l")
(We could just have added these keywords to the table creation call)
This yields the following result:
| Heading1 | Heading2 | | |
| 1 | 4 | 7 | This is |
| | | | long data |
| | | | This is |
| 2 | 5 | 8 | even |
| | | | longer |
| | | | data |
| 3 | 6 | 9 | |
| This is a | | | |
| single | | | |
| row | | | |
Table-columns can be individually formatted. Note that if an
individual column is set with a specific width, table auto-balancing
will not affect this column (this may lead to the full table being too
wide, so be careful mixing fixed-width columns with auto- balancing).
Here we change the width and alignment of the column at index 3
(Python starts from 0):
table.reformat_column(3, width=30, align="r")
print table
| Heading1 | Headi | | | |
| | ng2 | | | |
| 1 | 4 | 7 | This is long data | Test1 |
| 2 | 5 | 8 | This is even longer data | Test3 |
| 3 | 6 | 9 | | Test4 |
| This is a | | | | |
| single | | | | |
| row | | | | |
When adding new rows/columns their data can have its own alignments
(left/center/right, top/center/bottom).
If the height is restricted, cells will be restricted from expanding
vertically. This will lead to text contents being cropped. Each cell
can only shrink to a minimum width and height of 1.
`EvTable` is intended to be used with [ANSIString](evennia.utils.ansi#ansistring)
for supporting ANSI-coloured string types.
When a cell is auto-wrapped across multiple lines, ANSI-reset
sequences will be put at the end of each wrapped line. This means that
the colour of a wrapped cell will not "bleed", but it also means that
eventual colour outside the table will not transfer "across" a table,
you need to re-set the color to have it appear on both sides of the
table string.
from django.conf import settings
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from evennia.utils.utils import is_iter, display_len as d_len
from evennia.utils.ansi import ANSIString
def _to_ansi(obj):
convert to ANSIString.
obj (str): Convert incoming text to
be ANSI aware ANSIStrings.
if is_iter(obj):
return [_to_ansi(o) for o in obj]
return ANSIString(obj)
_whitespace = "\t\n\x0b\x0c\r "
[docs]class ANSITextWrapper(TextWrapper):
This is a wrapper work class for handling strings with ANSI tags
in it. It overloads the standard library `TextWrapper` class and
is used internally in `EvTable` and has no public methods.
def _munge_whitespace(self, text):
"""_munge_whitespace(text : string) -> string
Munge whitespace in text: expand tabs and convert all other
whitespace characters to spaces. Eg. " foo\tbar\n\nbaz"
becomes " foo bar baz".
return text
# TODO: Ignore expand_tabs/replace_whitespace until ANSIString handles them.
# - don't remove this code. /Griatch
# if self.expand_tabs:
# text = text.expandtabs()
# if self.replace_whitespace:
# if isinstance(text, str):
# text = text.translate(self.whitespace_trans)
# return text
def _split(self, text):
"""_split(text : string) -> [string]
Split the text to wrap into indivisible chunks. Chunks are
not quite the same as words; see _wrap_chunks() for full
details. As an example, the text
Look, goof-ball -- use the -b option!
breaks into the following chunks:
'Look,', ' ', 'goof-', 'ball', ' ', '--', ' ',
'use', ' ', 'the', ' ', '-b', ' ', 'option!'
if break_on_hyphens is True, or in:
'Look,', ' ', 'goof-ball', ' ', '--', ' ',
'use', ' ', 'the', ' ', '-b', ' ', option!'
# NOTE-PYTHON3: The following code only roughly approximates what this
# function used to do. Regex splitting on ANSIStrings is
# dropping ANSI codes, so we're using ANSIString.split
# for the time being.
# A less hackier solution would be appreciated.
chunks = _to_ansi(text).split()
chunks = [chunk + " " for chunk in chunks if chunk] # remove empty chunks
if len(chunks) > 1:
chunks[-1] = chunks[-1][0:-1]
return chunks
def _wrap_chunks(self, chunks):
"""_wrap_chunks(chunks : [string]) -> [string]
Wrap a sequence of text chunks and return a list of lines of
length 'self.width' or less. (If 'break_long_words' is false,
some lines may be longer than this.) Chunks correspond roughly
to words and the whitespace between them: each chunk is
indivisible (modulo 'break_long_words'), but a line break can
come between any two chunks. Chunks should not have internal
whitespace; ie. a chunk is either all whitespace or a "word".
Whitespace chunks will be removed from the beginning and end of
lines, but apart from that whitespace is preserved.
lines = []
if self.width <= 0:
raise ValueError("invalid width %r (must be > 0)" % self.width)
# Arrange in reverse order so items can be efficiently popped
# from a stack of chucks.
while chunks:
# Start the list of chunks that will make up the current line.
# cur_len is just the length of all the chunks in cur_line.
cur_line = []
cur_len = 0
# Figure out which static string will prefix this line.
if lines:
indent = self.subsequent_indent
indent = self.initial_indent
# Maximum width for this line.
width = self.width - d_len(indent)
# First chunk on line is whitespace -- drop it, unless this
# is the very beginning of the text (ie. no lines started yet).
if self.drop_whitespace and chunks[-1].strip() == "" and lines:
del chunks[-1]
while chunks:
l = d_len(chunks[-1])
# Can at least squeeze this chunk onto the current line.
if cur_len + l <= width:
cur_len += l
# Nope, this line is full.
# The current line is full, and the next chunk is too big to
# fit on *any* line (not just this one).
if chunks and d_len(chunks[-1]) > width:
self._handle_long_word(chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width)
# If the last chunk on this line is all whitespace, drop it.
if self.drop_whitespace and cur_line and cur_line[-1].strip() == "":
del cur_line[-1]
# Convert current line back to a string and store it in list
# of all lines (return value).
if cur_line:
l = ""
for w in cur_line: # ANSI fix
l += w #
lines.append(indent + l)
return lines
# -- Convenience interface ---------------------------------------------
[docs]def wrap(text, width=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, **kwargs):
Wrap a single paragraph of text, returning a list of wrapped lines.
Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' so it fits in lines of no
more than 'width' columns, and return a list of wrapped lines. By
default, tabs in 'text' are expanded with string.expandtabs(), and
all other whitespace characters (including newline) are converted to
text (str): Text to wrap.
width (int, optional): Width to wrap `text` to.
Keyword Args:
See TextWrapper class for available keyword args to customize
wrapping behaviour.
w = ANSITextWrapper(width=width, **kwargs)
return w.wrap(text)
[docs]def fill(text, width=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, **kwargs):
"""Fill a single paragraph of text, returning a new string.
Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' to fit in lines of no more
than 'width' columns, and return a new string containing the entire
wrapped paragraph. As with wrap(), tabs are expanded and other
whitespace characters converted to space.
text (str): Text to fill.
width (int, optional): Width of fill area.
Keyword Args:
See TextWrapper class for available keyword args to customize
filling behaviour.
w = ANSITextWrapper(width=width, **kwargs)
return w.fill(text)
# EvCell class (see further down for the EvTable itself)
[docs]class EvCell:
Holds a single data cell for the table. A cell has a certain width
and height and contains one or more lines of data. It can shrink
and resize as needed.
[docs] def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
data (str): The un-padded data of the entry.
Keyword Args:
width (int): Desired width of cell. It will pad
to this size.
height (int): Desired height of cell. it will pad
to this size.
pad_width (int): General padding width. This can be overruled
by individual settings below.
pad_left (int): Number of extra pad characters on the left.
pad_right (int): Number of extra pad characters on the right.
pad_top (int): Number of extra pad lines top (will pad with `vpad_char`).
pad_bottom (int): Number of extra pad lines bottom (will pad with `vpad_char`).
pad_char (str)- pad character to use for padding. This is overruled
by individual settings below (default `" "`).
hpad_char (str): Pad character to use both for extra horizontal
padding (default `" "`).
vpad_char (str): Pad character to use for extra vertical padding
and for vertical fill (default `" "`).
fill_char (str): Character used to filling (expanding cells to
desired size). This can be overruled by individual settings below.
hfill_char (str): Character used for horizontal fill (default `" "`).
vfill_char (str): Character used for vertical fill (default `" "`).
align (str): Should be one of "l", "r" or "c" for left-, right- or center
horizontal alignment respectively. Default is left-aligned.
valign (str): Should be one of "t", "b" or "c" for top-, bottom and center
vertical alignment respectively. Default is centered.
border_width (int): General border width. This is overruled
by individual settings below.
border_left (int): Left border width.
border_right (int): Right border width.
border_top (int): Top border width.
border_bottom (int): Bottom border width.
border_char (str): This will use a single border char for all borders.
overruled by individual settings below.
border_left_char (str): Char used for left border.
border_right_char (str): Char used for right border.
border_top_char (str): Char used for top border.
border_bottom_char (str): Char user for bottom border.
corner_char (str): Character used when two borders cross. (default is "").
This is overruled by individual settings below.
corner_top_left_char (str): Char used for "nw" corner.
corner_top_right_char (str): Char used for "ne" corner.
corner_bottom_left_char (str): Char used for "sw" corner.
corner_bottom_right_char (str): Char used for "se" corner.
crop_string (str): String to use when cropping sideways, default is `'[...]'`.
crop (bool): Crop contentof cell rather than expand vertically, default=`False`.
enforce_size (bool): If true, the width/height of the cell is
strictly enforced and extra text will be cropped rather than the
cell growing vertically.
Exception: for impossible cell size requirements where the
border width or height cannot fit, or the content is too
self.formatted = None
padwidth = kwargs.get("pad_width", None)
padwidth = int(padwidth) if padwidth is not None else None
self.pad_left = int(kwargs.get("pad_left", padwidth if padwidth is not None else 1))
self.pad_right = int(kwargs.get("pad_right", padwidth if padwidth is not None else 1))
self.pad_top = int(kwargs.get("pad_top", padwidth if padwidth is not None else 0))
self.pad_bottom = int(kwargs.get("pad_bottom", padwidth if padwidth is not None else 0))
self.enforce_size = kwargs.get("enforce_size", False)
# avoid multi-char pad_chars messing up counting
pad_char = kwargs.get("pad_char", " ")
pad_char = pad_char[0] if pad_char else " "
hpad_char = kwargs.get("hpad_char", pad_char)
self.hpad_char = hpad_char[0] if hpad_char else pad_char
vpad_char = kwargs.get("vpad_char", pad_char)
self.vpad_char = vpad_char[0] if vpad_char else pad_char
fill_char = kwargs.get("fill_char", " ")
fill_char = fill_char[0] if fill_char else " "
hfill_char = kwargs.get("hfill_char", fill_char)
self.hfill_char = hfill_char[0] if hfill_char else " "
vfill_char = kwargs.get("vfill_char", fill_char)
self.vfill_char = vfill_char[0] if vfill_char else " "
self.crop_string = kwargs.get("crop_string", "[...]")
# borders and corners
borderwidth = kwargs.get("border_width", 0)
self.border_left = kwargs.get("border_left", borderwidth)
self.border_right = kwargs.get("border_right", borderwidth)
self.border_top = kwargs.get("border_top", borderwidth)
self.border_bottom = kwargs.get("border_bottom", borderwidth)
borderchar = kwargs.get("border_char", None)
self.border_left_char = kwargs.get("border_left_char", borderchar if borderchar else "|")
self.border_right_char = kwargs.get(
"border_right_char", borderchar if borderchar else self.border_left_char
self.border_top_char = kwargs.get("border_top_char", borderchar if borderchar else "-")
self.border_bottom_char = kwargs.get(
"border_bottom_char", borderchar if borderchar else self.border_top_char
corner_char = kwargs.get("corner_char", "+")
self.corner_top_left_char = kwargs.get("corner_top_left_char", corner_char)
self.corner_top_right_char = kwargs.get("corner_top_right_char", corner_char)
self.corner_bottom_left_char = kwargs.get("corner_bottom_left_char", corner_char)
self.corner_bottom_right_char = kwargs.get("corner_bottom_right_char", corner_char)
# alignments
self.align = kwargs.get("align", "l")
self.valign = kwargs.get("valign", "c")
self.data = self._split_lines(_to_ansi(data))
self.raw_width = max(d_len(line) for line in self.data)
self.raw_height = len(self.data)
# this is extra trimming required for cels in the middle of a table only
self.trim_horizontal = 0
self.trim_vertical = 0
# width/height is given without left/right or top/bottom padding
if "width" in kwargs:
width = kwargs.pop("width")
self.width = (
width - self.pad_left - self.pad_right - self.border_left - self.border_right
if self.width <= 0 < self.raw_width:
raise Exception("Cell width too small - no space for data.")
self.width = self.raw_width
if "height" in kwargs:
height = kwargs.pop("height")
self.height = (
height - self.pad_top - self.pad_bottom - self.border_top - self.border_bottom
if self.height <= 0 < self.raw_height:
raise Exception("Cell height too small - no space for data.")
self.height = self.raw_height
# prepare data
# self.formatted = self._reformat()
def _crop(self, text, width):
Apply cropping of text.
text (str): The text to crop.
width (int): The width to crop `text` to.
if d_len(text) > width:
crop_string = self.crop_string
return text[: width - d_len(crop_string)] + crop_string
return text
def _reformat(self):
Apply all EvCells' formatting operations.
data = self._border(self._pad(self._valign(self._align(self._fit_width(self.data)))))
return data
def _split_lines(self, text):
Simply split by linebreaks
text (str): text to split.
split (list): split text.
return text.split("\n")
def _fit_width(self, data):
Split too-long lines to fit the desired width of the Cell.
data (str): Text to adjust to the cell's width.
adjusted data (str): The adjusted text.
This also updates `raw_width`.
width = self.width
adjusted_data = []
for line in data:
if 0 < width < d_len(line):
# replace_whitespace=False, expand_tabs=False is a
# fix for ANSIString not supporting expand_tabs/translate
ANSIString(part + ANSIString("|n"))
for part in wrap(line, width=width, drop_whitespace=False)
if self.enforce_size:
# don't allow too high cells
excess = len(adjusted_data) - self.height
if excess > 0:
# too many lines. Crop and mark last line with crop_string
crop_string = self.crop_string
adjusted_data = adjusted_data[:-excess]
crop_string_length = len(crop_string)
if len(adjusted_data[-1]) > crop_string_length:
adjusted_data[-1] = adjusted_data[-1][:-crop_string_length] + crop_string
adjusted_data[-1] += crop_string
elif excess < 0:
# too few lines. Fill to height.
adjusted_data.extend(["" for _ in range(excess)])
return adjusted_data
def _center(self, text, width, pad_char):
Horizontally center text on line of certain width, using padding.
text (str): The text to center.
width (int): How wide the area is (in characters) where `text`
should be centered.
pad_char (str): Which padding character to use.
text (str): Centered text.
excess = width - d_len(text)
if excess <= 0:
return text
if excess % 2:
# uneven padding
narrowside = (excess // 2) * pad_char
widerside = narrowside + pad_char
if width % 2:
return narrowside + text + widerside
return widerside + text + narrowside
# even padding - same on both sides
side = (excess // 2) * pad_char
return side + text + side
def _align(self, data):
Align list of rows of cell. Whitespace characters will be stripped
if there is only one whitespace character - otherwise, it's assumed
the caller may be trying some manual formatting in the text.
data (str): Text to align.
text (str): Aligned result.
align = self.align
hfill_char = self.hfill_char
width = self.width
if align == "l":
lines = [
line.lstrip(" ") + " "
if line.startswith(" ") and not line.startswith(" ")
else line
+ hfill_char * (width - d_len(line))
for line in data
return lines
elif align == "r":
return [
hfill_char * (width - d_len(line))
+ (
" " + line.rstrip(" ")
if line.endswith(" ") and not line.endswith(" ")
else line
for line in data
else: # center, 'c'
return [self._center(line, self.width, self.hfill_char) for line in data]
def _valign(self, data):
Align cell vertically
data (str): Text to align.
text (str): Vertically aligned text.
valign = self.valign
height = self.height
cheight = len(data)
excess = height - cheight
padline = self.vfill_char * self.width
if excess <= 0:
return data
# only care if we need to add new lines
if valign == "t":
return data + [padline for _ in range(excess)]
elif valign == "b":
return [padline for _ in range(excess)] + data
else: # center
narrowside = [padline for _ in range(excess // 2)]
widerside = narrowside + [padline]
if excess % 2:
# uneven padding
if height % 2:
return widerside + data + narrowside
return narrowside + data + widerside
# even padding, same on both sides
return narrowside + data + narrowside
def _pad(self, data):
Pad data with extra characters on all sides.
data (str): Text to pad.
text (str): Padded text.
left = self.hpad_char * self.pad_left
right = self.hpad_char * self.pad_right
vfill = (self.width + self.pad_left + self.pad_right) * self.vpad_char
top = [vfill for _ in range(self.pad_top)]
bottom = [vfill for _ in range(self.pad_bottom)]
return top + [left + line + right for line in data] + bottom
def _border(self, data):
Add borders to the cell.
data (str): Text to surround with borders.
text (str): Text with borders.
left = self.border_left_char * self.border_left + ANSIString("|n")
right = ANSIString("|n") + self.border_right_char * self.border_right
cwidth = (
+ self.pad_left
+ self.pad_right
+ max(0, self.border_left - 1)
+ max(0, self.border_right - 1)
vfill = self.corner_top_left_char if left else ""
vfill += cwidth * self.border_top_char
vfill += self.corner_top_right_char if right else ""
top = [vfill for _ in range(self.border_top)]
vfill = self.corner_bottom_left_char if left else ""
vfill += cwidth * self.border_bottom_char
vfill += self.corner_bottom_right_char if right else ""
bottom = [vfill for _ in range(self.border_bottom)]
return top + [left + line + right for line in data] + bottom
[docs] def get_min_height(self):
Get the minimum possible height of cell, including at least
one line for data.
min_height (int): The mininum height of cell.
return self.pad_top + self.pad_bottom + self.border_bottom + self.border_top + 1
[docs] def get_min_width(self):
Get the minimum possible width of cell, including at least one
character-width for data.
min_width (int): The minimum width of cell.
return self.pad_left + self.pad_right + self.border_left + self.border_right + 1
[docs] def get_height(self):
Get natural height of cell, including padding.
natural_height (int): Height of cell.
return len(self.formatted) # if self.formatted else 0
[docs] def get_width(self):
Get natural width of cell, including padding.
natural_width (int): Width of cell.
return d_len(self.formatted[0]) # if self.formatted else 0
[docs] def replace_data(self, data, **kwargs):
Replace cell data. This causes a full reformat of the cell.
data (str): Cell data.
The available keyword arguments are the same as for
self.data = self._split_lines(_to_ansi(data))
self.raw_width = max(d_len(line) for line in self.data)
self.raw_height = len(self.data)
[docs] def get(self):
Get data, padded and aligned in the form of a list of lines.
self.formatted = self._reformat()
return self.formatted
def __repr__(self):
self.formatted = self._reformat()
return str(ANSIString("<EvCel %s>" % self.formatted))
def __str__(self):
"returns cell contents on string form"
self.formatted = self._reformat()
return str(ANSIString("\n").join(self.formatted))
# EvColumn class
[docs]class EvColumn(object):
This class holds a list of Cells to represent a column of a table.
It holds operations and settings that affect *all* cells in the
Columns are not intended to be used stand-alone; they should be
incorporated into an EvTable (like EvCells)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Text for each row in the column
Keyword Args:
All `EvCell.__init_` keywords are available, these
settings will be persistently applied to every Cell in the
self.options = kwargs # column-specific options
self.column = [EvCell(data, **kwargs) for data in args]
def _balance(self, **kwargs):
Make sure to adjust the width of all cells so we form a
coherent and lined-up column. Will enforce column-specific
options to cells.
Keyword Args:
Extra keywords to modify the column setting. Same keywords
as in `EvCell.__init__`.
col = self.column
# fixed options for the column will override those requested in the call!
# this is particularly relevant to things like width/height, to avoid
# fixed-widths columns from being auto-balanced
# use fixed width or adjust to the largest cell
if "width" not in kwargs:
cell.reformat() for cell in col
] # this is necessary to get initial widths of all cells
kwargs["width"] = max(cell.get_width() for cell in col) if col else 0
[cell.reformat(**kwargs) for cell in col]
[docs] def add_rows(self, *args, **kwargs):
Add new cells to column. They will be inserted as
a series of rows. It will inherit the options
of the rest of the column's cells (use update to change
Texts for the new cells
ypos (int, optional): Index position in table before which to insert the
new column. Uses Python indexing, so to insert at the top,
use `ypos=0`. If not given, data will be inserted at the end
of the column.
Keyword Args:
Available keywods as per `EvCell.__init__`.
# column-level options override those in kwargs
options = {**kwargs, **self.options}
ypos = kwargs.get("ypos", None)
if ypos is None or ypos > len(self.column):
# add to the end
self.column.extend([EvCell(data, **options) for data in args])
# insert cells before given index
ypos = min(len(self.column) - 1, max(0, int(ypos)))
new_cells = [EvCell(data, **options) for data in args]
self.column = self.column[:ypos] + new_cells + self.column[ypos:]
# self._balance(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<EvColumn\n %s>" % ("\n ".join([repr(cell) for cell in self.column]))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.column)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.column)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.column[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self.column[index] = value
def __delitem__(self, index):
del self.column[index]
# Main Evtable class
[docs]class EvTable(object):
The table class holds a list of EvColumns, each consisting of EvCells so
that the result is a 2D matrix.
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Header texts for the table.
Keyword Args:
table (list of lists or list of `EvColumns`, optional):
This is used to build the table in a quick way. If not
given, the table will start out empty and `add_` methods
need to be used to add rows/columns.
header (bool, optional): `True`/`False` - turn off the
header texts (`*args`) being treated as a header (such as
not adding extra underlining)
pad_width (int, optional): How much empty space to pad your cells with
(default is 1)
border (str, optional)): The border style to use. This is one of
- `None` - No border drawing at all.
- "table" - only a border around the whole table.
- "tablecols" - table and column borders. (default)
- "header" - only border under header.
- "cols" - only vertical borders.
- "incols" - vertical borders, no outer edges.
- "rows" - only borders between rows.
- "cells" - border around all cells.
border_width (int, optional): Width of table borders, if border is active.
Note that widths wider than 1 may give artifacts in the corners. Default is 1.
corner_char (str, optional): Character to use in corners when border is active.
Default is `+`.
corner_top_left_char (str, optional): Character used for "nw" corner of table.
Defaults to `corner_char`.
corner_top_right_char (str, optional): Character used for "ne" corner of table.
Defaults to `corner_char`.
corner_bottom_left_char (str, optional): Character used for "sw" corner of table.
Defaults to `corner_char`.
corner_bottom_right_char (str, optional): Character used for "se" corner of table.
Defaults to `corner_char`.
pretty_corners (bool, optional): Use custom characters to
make the table corners look "rounded". Uses UTF-8
characters. Defaults to `False` for maximum compatibility with various displays
that may occationally have issues with UTF-8 characters.
header_line_char (str, optional): Character to use for underlining
the header row (default is '~'). Requires `border` to not be `None`.
width (int, optional): Fixed width of table. If not set,
width is set by the total width of each column. This will
resize individual columns in the vertical direction to fit.
height (int, optional): Fixed height of table. Defaults to being unset. Width is
still given precedence. If given, table cells will crop text rather
than expand vertically.
evenwidth (bool, optional): Used with the `width` keyword. Adjusts columns to have as even width as
possible. This often looks best also for mixed-length tables. Default is `False`.
maxwidth (int, optional): This will set a maximum width
of the table while allowing it to be smaller. Only if it grows wider than this
size will it be resized by expanding horizontally (or crop `height` is given).
This keyword has no meaning if `width` is set.
Exception: If given erroneous input or width settings for the data.
Beyond those table-specific keywords, the non-overlapping keywords
of `EvCell.__init__` are also available. These will be passed down
to every cell in the table.
# at this point table is a 2D grid - a list of columns
# x is the column position, y the row
table = kwargs.pop("table", [])
# header is a list of texts. We merge it to the table's top
header = [_to_ansi(head) for head in args]
self.header = header != []
if self.header:
if table:
excess = len(header) - len(table)
if excess > 0:
# header bigger than table
table.extend([] for _ in range(excess))
elif excess < 0:
# too short header
header.extend(_to_ansi(["" for _ in range(abs(excess))]))
for ix, heading in enumerate(header):
table[ix].insert(0, heading)
table = [[heading] for heading in header]
# even though we inserted the header, we can still turn off
# header border underling etc. We only allow this if a header
# was actually set
self.header = kwargs.pop("header", self.header) if self.header else False
hchar = kwargs.pop("header_line_char", "~")
self.header_line_char = hchar[0] if hchar else "~"
border = kwargs.pop("border", "tablecols")
if border is None:
border = "none"
if border not in (
raise Exception("Unsupported border type: '%s'" % border)
self.border = border
# border settings are passed into Cell as well (so kwargs.get and not pop)
self.border_width = kwargs.get("border_width", 1)
self.corner_char = kwargs.get("corner_char", "+")
pcorners = kwargs.pop("pretty_corners", False)
self.corner_top_left_char = _to_ansi(
kwargs.pop("corner_top_left_char", "." if pcorners else self.corner_char)
self.corner_top_right_char = _to_ansi(
kwargs.pop("corner_top_right_char", "." if pcorners else self.corner_char)
self.corner_bottom_left_char = _to_ansi(
kwargs.pop("corner_bottom_left_char", " " if pcorners else self.corner_char)
self.corner_bottom_right_char = _to_ansi(
kwargs.pop("corner_bottom_right_char", " " if pcorners else self.corner_char)
self.width = kwargs.pop("width", None)
self.height = kwargs.pop("height", None)
self.evenwidth = kwargs.pop("evenwidth", False)
self.maxwidth = kwargs.pop("maxwidth", None)
if self.maxwidth and self.width and self.maxwidth < self.width:
raise Exception("table maxwidth < table width!")
# size in cell cols/rows
self.ncols = len(table)
self.nrows = max(len(col) for col in table) if table else 0
# size in characters (gets set when _balance is called)
self.nwidth = 0
self.nheight = 0
# save options
self.options = kwargs
# use the temporary table to generate the table on the fly, as a list of EvColumns
self.table = [EvColumn(*col, **kwargs) for col in table]
# this is the actual working table
self.worktable = None
# balance the table
# self._balance()
def _cellborders(self, ix, iy, nx, ny, **kwargs):
Adds borders to the table by adjusting the input kwarg to
instruct cells to build a border in the right positions.
ix (int): x index positions in table.
iy (int): y index positions in table.
nx (int): x size of table.
ny (int): y size of table.
Keyword Args:
Keywords as per `EvTable.__init__`.
table (str): string with the correct borders.
A copy of the kwarg is returned to the cell. This is method
is called by self._borders.
ret = kwargs.copy()
# handle the various border modes
border = self.border
header = self.header
bwidth = self.border_width
headchar = self.header_line_char
def corners(ret):
"""Handle corners of table"""
if ix == 0 and iy == 0:
ret["corner_top_left_char"] = self.corner_top_left_char
if ix == nx and iy == 0:
ret["corner_top_right_char"] = self.corner_top_right_char
if ix == 0 and iy == ny:
ret["corner_bottom_left_char"] = self.corner_bottom_left_char
if ix == nx and iy == ny:
ret["corner_bottom_right_char"] = self.corner_bottom_right_char
return ret
def left_edge(ret):
"""add vertical border along left table edge"""
if ix == 0:
ret["border_left"] = bwidth
# ret["trim_horizontal"] = bwidth
return ret
def top_edge(ret):
"""add border along top table edge"""
if iy == 0:
ret["border_top"] = bwidth
# ret["trim_vertical"] = bwidth
return ret
def right_edge(ret):
"""add vertical border along right table edge"""
if ix == nx: # and 0 < iy < ny:
ret["border_right"] = bwidth
# ret["trim_horizontal"] = 0
return ret
def bottom_edge(ret):
"""add border along bottom table edge"""
if iy == ny:
ret["border_bottom"] = bwidth
# ret["trim_vertical"] = bwidth
return ret
def cols(ret):
"""Adding vertical borders inside the table"""
if 0 <= ix < nx:
ret["border_right"] = bwidth
return ret
def rows(ret):
"""Adding horizontal borders inside the table"""
if 0 <= iy < ny:
ret["border_bottom"] = bwidth
return ret
def head(ret):
"""Add header underline"""
if iy == 0:
# put different bottom line for header
ret["border_bottom"] = bwidth
ret["border_bottom_char"] = headchar
return ret
# use the helper functions to define various
# table "styles"
if border in ("table", "tablecols", "cells"):
ret = bottom_edge(right_edge(top_edge(left_edge(corners(ret)))))
if border in ("cols", "tablecols", "cells"):
ret = cols(right_edge(left_edge(ret)))
if border in "incols":
ret = cols(ret)
if border in ("rows", "cells"):
ret = rows(bottom_edge(top_edge(ret)))
if header and border not in ("none", None):
ret = head(ret)
return ret
def _borders(self):
Add borders to table. This is called from self._balance.
nx, ny = self.ncols - 1, self.nrows - 1
options = self.options
for ix, col in enumerate(self.worktable):
for iy, cell in enumerate(col):
col.reformat_cell(iy, **self._cellborders(ix, iy, nx, ny, **options))
def _balance(self):
Balance the table. This means to make sure
all cells on the same row have the same height,
that all columns have the same number of rows
and that the table fits within the given width.
# we make all modifications on a working copy of the
# actual table. This allows us to add columns/rows
# and re-balance over and over without issue.
self.worktable = deepcopy(self.table)
# self._borders()
# return
options = copy(self.options)
# balance number of rows to make a rectangular table
# column by column
ncols = len(self.worktable)
nrows = [len(col) for col in self.worktable]
nrowmax = max(nrows) if nrows else 0
for icol, nrow in enumerate(nrows):
if nrow < nrowmax:
# add more rows to too-short columns
empty_rows = ["" for _ in range(nrowmax - nrow)]
self.ncols = ncols
self.nrows = nrowmax
# add borders - these add to the width/height, so we must do this before calculating width/height
# equalize widths within each column
cwidths = [max(cell.get_width() for cell in col) for col in self.worktable]
if self.width or self.maxwidth and self.maxwidth < sum(cwidths):
# we set a table width. Horizontal cells will be evenly distributed and
# expand vertically as needed (unless self.height is set, see below)
# use fixed width, or set to maxwidth
width = self.width if self.width else self.maxwidth
if ncols:
# get minimum possible cell widths for each row
cwidths_min = [max(cell.get_min_width() for cell in col) for col in self.worktable]
cwmin = sum(cwidths_min)
# get which cols have separately set widths - these should be locked
# note that we need to remove cwidths_min for each lock to avoid counting
# it twice (in cwmin and in locked_cols)
locked_cols = {
icol: col.options["width"] - cwidths_min[icol]
for icol, col in enumerate(self.worktable)
if "width" in col.options
locked_width = sum(locked_cols.values())
excess = width - cwmin - locked_width
if len(locked_cols) >= ncols and excess:
# we can't adjust the width at all - all columns are locked
raise Exception(
"Cannot balance table to width %s - "
"all columns have a set, fixed width summing to %s!"
% (self.width, sum(cwidths))
if excess < 0:
# the locked cols makes it impossible
raise Exception(
"Cannot shrink table width to %s. "
"Minimum size (and/or fixed-width columns) "
"sets minimum at %s." % (self.width, cwmin + locked_width)
if self.evenwidth:
# make each column of equal width
# use cwidths as a work-array to track weights
cwidths = copy(cwidths_min)
correction = 0
while correction < excess:
# flood-fill the minimum table starting with the smallest columns
ci = cwidths.index(min(cwidths))
if ci in locked_cols:
# locked column, make sure it's not picked again
cwidths[ci] += 9999
cwidths_min[ci] = locked_cols[ci]
cwidths_min[ci] += 1
correction += 1
cwidths = cwidths_min
# make each column expand more proportional to their data size
# we use cwidth as a work-array to track weights
correction = 0
while correction < excess:
# fill wider columns first
ci = cwidths.index(max(cwidths))
if ci in locked_cols:
# locked column, make sure it's not picked again
cwidths[ci] -= 9999
cwidths_min[ci] = locked_cols[ci]
cwidths_min[ci] += 1
correction += 1
# give a just changed col less prio next run
cwidths[ci] -= 3
cwidths = cwidths_min
# reformat worktable (for width align)
for ix, col in enumerate(self.worktable):
col.reformat(width=cwidths[ix], **options)
except Exception:
# equalize heights for each row (we must do this here, since it may have changed to fit new widths)
cheights = [
max(cell.get_height() for cell in (col[iy] for col in self.worktable))
for iy in range(nrowmax)
if self.height:
# if we are fixing the table height, it means cells must crop text instead of resizing.
if nrowmax:
# get minimum possible cell heights for each column
cheights_min = [
max(cell.get_min_height() for cell in (col[iy] for col in self.worktable))
for iy in range(nrowmax)
chmin = sum(cheights_min)
# get which cols have separately set heights - these should be locked
# note that we need to remove cheights_min for each lock to avoid counting
# it twice (in chmin and in locked_cols)
locked_cols = {
icol: col.options["height"] - cheights_min[icol]
for icol, col in enumerate(self.worktable)
if "height" in col.options
locked_height = sum(locked_cols.values())
excess = self.height - chmin - locked_height
if chmin > self.height:
# we cannot shrink any more
raise Exception(
"Cannot shrink table height to %s. Minimum "
"size (and/or fixed-height rows) sets minimum at %s."
% (self.height, chmin + locked_height)
# now we add all the extra height up to the desired table-height.
# We do this so that the tallest cells gets expanded first (and
# thus avoid getting cropped)
even = self.height % 2 == 0
correction = 0
while correction < excess:
# expand the cells with the most rows first
if 0 <= correction < nrowmax and nrowmax > 1:
# avoid adding to header first round (looks bad on very small tables)
ci = cheights[1:].index(max(cheights[1:])) + 1
ci = cheights.index(max(cheights))
if ci in locked_cols:
# locked row, make sure it's not picked again
cheights[ci] -= 9999
cheights_min[ci] = locked_cols[ci]
cheights_min[ci] += 1
# change balance
if ci == 0 and self.header:
# it doesn't look very good if header expands too fast
cheights[ci] -= 2 if even else 3
cheights[ci] -= 2 if even else 1
correction += 1
cheights = cheights_min
# we must tell cells to crop instead of expanding
options["enforce_size"] = True
# reformat table (for vertical align)
for ix, col in enumerate(self.worktable):
for iy, cell in enumerate(col):
col.reformat_cell(iy, height=cheights[iy], **options)
except Exception as e:
msg = "ix=%s, iy=%s, height=%s: %s" % (ix, iy, cheights[iy], e.message)
raise Exception("Error in vertical align:\n %s" % msg)
# calculate actual table width/height in characters
self.cwidth = sum(cwidths)
self.cheight = sum(cheights)
def _generate_lines(self):
Generates lines across all columns
(each cell may contain multiple lines)
This will also balance the table.
for iy in range(self.nrows):
cell_row = [col[iy] for col in self.worktable]
# this produces a list of lists, each of equal length
cell_data = [cell.get() for cell in cell_row]
cell_height = min(len(lines) for lines in cell_data)
for iline in range(cell_height):
yield ANSIString("").join(_to_ansi(celldata[iline] for celldata in cell_data))
[docs] def add_column(self, *args, **kwargs):
Add a column to table. If there are more rows in new column
than there are rows in the current table, the table will
expand with empty rows in the other columns. If too few, the
new column with get new empty rows. All filling rows are added
to the end.
args (`EvColumn` or multiple strings): Either a single EvColumn instance or
a number of data string arguments to be used to create a new column.
header (str, optional): The header text for the column
xpos (int, optional): Index position in table *before* which
to input new column. If not given, column will be added to the end
of the table. Uses Python indexing (so first column is `xpos=0`)
Keyword Args:
Other keywords as per `Cell.__init__`.
# this will replace default options with new ones without changing default
options = dict(list(self.options.items()) + list(kwargs.items()))
xpos = kwargs.get("xpos", None)
column = EvColumn(*args, **options)
wtable = self.ncols
htable = self.nrows
header = kwargs.get("header", None)
if header:
column.add_rows(str(header), ypos=0, **options)
self.header = True
elif self.header:
# we have a header already. Offset
column.add_rows("", ypos=0, **options)
# Calculate whether the new column needs to expand to the
# current table size, or if the table needs to expand to
# the column size.
# This needs to happen after the header rows have already been
# added to the column in order for the size calculations to match.
excess = len(column) - htable
if excess > 0:
# we need to add new rows to table
for col in self.table:
empty_rows = ["" for _ in range(excess)]
col.add_rows(*empty_rows, **options)
self.nrows += excess
elif excess < 0:
# we need to add new rows to new column
empty_rows = ["" for _ in range(abs(excess))]
column.add_rows(*empty_rows, **options)
self.nrows -= excess
if xpos is None or xpos > wtable - 1:
# add to the end
# insert column
xpos = min(wtable - 1, max(0, int(xpos)))
self.table.insert(xpos, column)
self.ncols += 1
# self._balance()
[docs] def add_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
Add a row to table (not a header). If there are more cells in
the given row than there are cells in the current table the
table will be expanded with empty columns to match. These will
be added to the end of the table. In the same way, adding a
line with too few cells will lead to the last ones getting
args (str): Any number of string argumnets to use as the
data in the row (one cell per argument).
ypos (int, optional): Index position in table before which to
input new row. If not given, will be added to the end of the table.
Uses Python indexing (so first row is `ypos=0`)
Keyword Args:
Other keywords are as per `EvCell.__init__`.
# this will replace default options with new ones without changing default
row = list(args)
options = dict(list(self.options.items()) + list(kwargs.items()))
ypos = kwargs.get("ypos", None)
wtable = self.ncols
htable = self.nrows
excess = len(row) - wtable
if excess > 0:
# we need to add new empty columns to table
empty_rows = ["" for _ in range(htable)]
self.table.extend([EvColumn(*empty_rows, **options) for _ in range(excess)])
self.ncols += excess
elif excess < 0:
# we need to add more cells to row
row.extend(["" for _ in range(abs(excess))])
self.ncols -= excess
if ypos is None or ypos > htable - 1:
# add new row to the end
for icol, col in enumerate(self.table):
col.add_rows(row[icol], **options)
# insert row elsewhere
ypos = min(htable - 1, max(0, int(ypos)))
for icol, col in enumerate(self.table):
col.add_rows(row[icol], ypos=ypos, **options)
self.nrows += 1
# self._balance()
[docs] def get(self):
Return lines of table as a list.
table_lines (list): The lines of the table, in order.
return [line for line in self._generate_lines()]
def __str__(self):
"""print table (this also balances it)"""
# h = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
return str(str(ANSIString("\n").join([line for line in self._generate_lines()])))
def _test():
table = EvTable(
table=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
table.add_column("|rThis is long data|n", "|bThis is even longer data|n")
table.add_row("This is a single row")
table.reformat_column(3, width=30, align="r")
return table
def _test2():
table = EvTable("|yHeading1|n", "|B|[GHeading2|n", "Heading3")
for i in range(100):
"This is col 0, row %i" % i,
"|gThis is col 1, row |w%i|n|g.|n" % i,
"This is col 2, row %i" % i,
return table