Source code for evennia.utils.evmore

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
EvMore - pager mechanism

This is a pager for displaying long texts and allows stepping up and
down in the text (the name comes from the traditional 'more' unix

To use, simply pass the text through the EvMore object:

    from evennia.utils.evmore import EvMore

    text = some_long_text_output()
    EvMore(caller, text, always_page=False, session=None, justify_kwargs=None, **kwargs)

One can also use the convenience function msg from this module:

    from evennia.utils import evmore

    text = some_long_text_output()
    evmore.msg(caller, text, always_page=False, session=None, justify_kwargs=None, **kwargs)

Where always_page decides if the pager is used also if the text is not long
enough to need to scroll, session is used to determine which session to relay
to and `justify_kwargs` are kwargs to pass to `utils.utils.justify` in order to
change the formatting of the text. The remaining `**kwargs` will be passed on to
the `caller.msg()` construct every time the page is updated.


from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from evennia import Command, CmdSet
from evennia.commands import cmdhandler
from evennia.utils.utils import make_iter, inherits_from, justify


# we need to use NAWS for this


# text

_DISPLAY = """{text}
(|wmore|n [{pageno}/{pagemax}] retur|wn|n|||wb|nack|||wt|nop|||we|nnd|||wq|nuit)"""

[docs]class CmdMore(Command): """ Manipulate the text paging """ key = _CMD_NOINPUT aliases = ["quit", "q", "abort", "a", "next", "n", "back", "b", "top", "t", "end", "e"] auto_help = False
[docs] def func(self): """ Implement the command """ more = self.caller.ndb._more if not more and hasattr(self.caller, "account"): more = self.caller.account.ndb._more if not more: self.caller.msg("Error in loading the pager. Contact an admin.") return cmd = self.cmdstring if cmd in ("abort", "a", "q"): more.page_quit() elif cmd in ("back", "b"): more.page_back() elif cmd in ("top", "t", "look", "l"): more.page_top() elif cmd in ("end", "e"): more.page_end() else: # return or n, next more.page_next()
[docs]class CmdMoreLook(Command): """ Override look to display window and prevent OOCLook from firing """ key = "look" aliases = ["l"] auto_help = False
[docs] def func(self): """ Implement the command """ more = self.caller.ndb._more if not more and hasattr(self.caller, "account"): more = self.caller.account.ndb._more if not more: self.caller.msg("Error in loading the pager. Contact an admin.") return more.display()
[docs]class CmdSetMore(CmdSet): """ Stores the more command """ key = "more_commands" priority = 110
[docs] def at_cmdset_creation(self): self.add(CmdMore()) self.add(CmdMoreLook())
# resources for handling queryset inputs
[docs]def queryset_maxsize(qs): return qs.count()
[docs]class EvMore: """ The main pager object. """
[docs] def __init__( self, caller, inp, always_page=False, session=None, justify=False, justify_kwargs=None, exit_on_lastpage=False, exit_cmd=None, page_formatter=str, **kwargs, ): """ Initialization of the Evmore input handler. Args: caller (Object or Account): Entity reading the text. inp (str, EvTable, Paginator or iterator): The text or data to put under paging. - If a string, paginage normally. If this text contains one or more \\\\f (backslash + f) format symbols, automatic pagination and justification are force-disabled and page-breaks will only happen after each \\\\f. - If `EvTable`, the EvTable will be paginated with the same setting on each page if it is too long. The table decorations will be considered in the size of the page. - Otherwise `inp` is converted to an iterator, where each step is expected to be a line in the final display. Each line will be run through `iter_callable`. always_page (bool, optional): If `False`, the pager will only kick in if `inp` is too big to fit the screen. session (Session, optional): If given, this session will be used to determine the screen width and will receive all output. justify (bool, optional): If set, auto-justify long lines. This must be turned off for fixed-width or formatted output, like tables. It's force-disabled if `inp` is an EvTable. justify_kwargs (dict, optional): Keywords for the justify function. Used only if `justify` is True. If this is not set, default arguments will be used. exit_on_lastpage (bool, optional): If reaching the last page without the page being completely filled, exit pager immediately. If unset, another move forward is required to exit. If set, the pager exit message will not be shown. exit_cmd (str, optional): If given, this command-string will be executed on the caller when the more page exits. Note that this will be using whatever cmdset the user had *before* the evmore pager was activated (so none of the evmore commands will be available when this is run). kwargs (any, any): These will be passed on to the `caller.msg` method. Examples: Basic use: :: super_long_text = " ... " EvMore(caller, super_long_text) Paginated query data - this is an optimization to avoid fetching database data until it's actually paged to. :: from django.core.paginator import Paginator query = ObjectDB.objects.all() pages = Paginator(query, 10) # 10 objs per page EvMore(caller, pages) Automatic split EvTable over multiple EvMore pages :: table = EvMore(*header, table=tabledata) EvMore(caller, table) Every page a separate EvTable (optimization for very large data sets) :: from evennia import EvTable, EvMore class TableEvMore(EvMore): def init_pages(self, data): pages = # depends on data type super().init_pages(pages) def page_formatter(self, page): table = EvTable() for line in page: cols = # split raw line into columns table.add_row(*cols) return str(table) TableEvMore(caller, pages) """ self._caller = caller self._always_page = always_page if not session: # if not supplied, use the first session to # determine screen size sessions = caller.sessions.get() if not sessions: return session = sessions[0] self._session = session self._justify = justify self._justify_kwargs = justify_kwargs self.exit_on_lastpage = exit_on_lastpage self.exit_cmd = exit_cmd self._exit_msg = "Exited |wmore|n pager." self._kwargs = kwargs self._data = None self._pages = [] self._npos = 0 self._npages = 1 self._paginator = self.paginator_index self._page_formatter = str # set up individual pages for different sessions height = max(4, session.protocol_flags.get("SCREENHEIGHT", {0: _SCREEN_HEIGHT})[0] - 4) self.width = session.protocol_flags.get("SCREENWIDTH", {0: _SCREEN_WIDTH})[0] # always limit number of chars to 10 000 per page self.height = min(10000 // max(1, self.width), height) # does initial parsing of input self.init_pages(inp) # kick things into gear self.start()
# EvMore functional methods
[docs] def display(self, show_footer=True): """ Pretty-print the page. """ pos = 0 text = "[no content]" if self._npages > 0: pos = self._npos text = self.page_formatter(self.paginator(pos)) if show_footer: page = _DISPLAY.format(text=text, pageno=pos + 1, pagemax=self._npages) else: page = text # check to make sure our session is still valid sessions = self._caller.sessions.get() if not sessions: self.page_quit() return # this must be an 'is', not == check if not any(ses for ses in sessions if self._session is ses): self._session = sessions[0] self._caller.msg(text=page, session=self._session, **self._kwargs)
[docs] def page_top(self): """ Display the top page """ self._npos = 0 self.display()
[docs] def page_end(self): """ Display the bottom page. """ self._npos = self._npages - 1 self.display()
[docs] def page_next(self): """ Scroll the text to the next page. Quit if already at the end of the page. """ if self._npos >= self._npages - 1: # exit if we are already at the end self.page_quit() else: self._npos += 1 if self.exit_on_lastpage and self._npos >= (self._npages - 1): self.display(show_footer=False) self.page_quit(quiet=True) else: self.display()
[docs] def page_back(self): """ Scroll the text back up, at the most to the top. """ self._npos = max(0, self._npos - 1) self.display()
[docs] def page_quit(self, quiet=False): """ Quit the pager """ del self._caller.ndb._more if not quiet: self._caller.msg(text=self._exit_msg, **self._kwargs) self._caller.cmdset.remove(CmdSetMore) if self.exit_cmd: self._caller.execute_cmd(self.exit_cmd, session=self._session)
[docs] def start(self): """ Starts the pagination """ if self._npages <= 1 and not self._always_page: # no need for paging; just pass-through. self.display(show_footer=False) else: # go into paging mode # first pass on the msg kwargs self._caller.ndb._more = self self._caller.cmdset.add(CmdSetMore) # goto top of the text self.page_top()
# default paginators - responsible for extracting a specific page number
[docs] def paginator_index(self, pageno): """Paginate to specific, known index""" return self._data[pageno]
[docs] def paginator_slice(self, pageno): """ Paginate by slice. This is done with an eye on memory efficiency (usually for querysets); to avoid fetching all objects at the same time. """ return self._data[pageno * self.height : pageno * self.height + self.height]
[docs] def paginator_django(self, pageno): """ Paginate using the django queryset Paginator API. Note that his is indexed from 1. """ return + 1)
# default helpers to set up particular input types
[docs] def init_evtable(self, table): """The input is an EvTable.""" if table.height: # enforced height of each paged table, plus space for evmore extras self.height = table.height - 4 # convert table to string text = str(table) self._justify = False self._justify_kwargs = None # enforce self.init_str(text)
[docs] def init_queryset(self, qs): """The input is a queryset""" nsize = qs.count() # we assume each will be a line self._npages = nsize // self.height + (0 if nsize % self.height == 0 else 1) self._data = qs
[docs] def init_django_paginator(self, pages): """ The input is a django Paginator object. """ self._npages = pages.num_pages self._data = pages
[docs] def init_iterable(self, inp): """The input is something other than a string - convert to iterable of strings""" inp = make_iter(inp) nsize = len(inp) self._npages = nsize // self.height + (0 if nsize % self.height == 0 else 1) self._data = inp
[docs] def init_f_str(self, text): """ The input contains \\\\f (backslash + f) markers. We use \\\\f to indicate the user wants to enforce their line breaks on their own. If so, we do no automatic line-breaking/justification at all. """ self._data = text.split("\f") self._npages = len(self._data)
[docs] def init_str(self, text): """The input is a string""" if self._justify: # we must break very long lines into multiple ones. Note that this # will also remove spurious whitespace. justify_kwargs = self._justify_kwargs or {} width = self._justify_kwargs.get("width", self.width) justify_kwargs["width"] = width justify_kwargs["align"] = self._justify_kwargs.get("align", "l") justify_kwargs["indent"] = self._justify_kwargs.get("indent", 0) lines = [] for line in text.split("\n"): if len(line) > width: lines.extend(justify(line, **justify_kwargs).split("\n")) else: lines.append(line) else: # no justification. Simple division by line lines = text.split("\n") self._data = [ "\n".join(lines[i : i + self.height]) for i in range(0, len(lines), self.height) ] self._npages = len(self._data)
# Hooks for customizing input handling and formatting (override in a child class)
[docs] def init_pages(self, inp): """ Initialize the pagination. By default, will analyze input type to determine how pagination automatically. Args: inp (any): Incoming data to be paginated. By default, handles pagination of strings, querysets, django.Paginator, EvTables and any iterables with strings. Notes: If overridden, this method must perform the following actions: - read and re-store `self._data` (the incoming data set) if needed for pagination to work. - set `self._npages` to the total number of pages. Default is 1. - set `self._paginator` to a callable that will take a page number 1...N and return the data to display on that page (not any decorations or next/prev buttons). If only wanting to change the paginator, override `self.paginator` instead. - set `self._page_formatter` to a callable that will receive the page from `self._paginator` and format it with one element per line. Default is `str`. Or override `self.page_formatter` directly instead. By default, helper methods are called that perform these actions depending on supported inputs. """ if inherits_from(inp, "evennia.utils.evtable.EvTable"): # an EvTable self.init_evtable(inp) self._paginator = self.paginator_index elif isinstance(inp, QuerySet): # a queryset self.init_queryset(inp) self._paginator = self.paginator_slice elif isinstance(inp, Paginator): self.init_django_paginator(inp) self._paginator = self.paginator_django elif not isinstance(inp, str): # anything else not a str self.init_iterable(inp) self._paginator = self.paginator_slice elif "\f" in inp: # string with \f line-break markers in it self.init_f_str(inp) self._paginator = self.paginator_index else: # a string self.init_str(inp) self._paginator = self.paginator_index
[docs] def paginator(self, pageno): """ Paginator. The data operated upon is in `self._data`. Args: pageno (int): The page number to view, from 0...N-1 Returns: str: The page to display (without any decorations, those are added by EvMore). """ return self._paginator(pageno)
[docs] def page_formatter(self, page): """ Page formatter. Every page passes through this method. Override it to customize behavior per-page. A common use is to generate a new EvTable for every page (this is more efficient than to generate one huge EvTable across many pages and feed it into EvMore all at once). Args: page (any): A piece of data representing one page to display. This must Returns: str: A ready-formatted page to display. Extra footer with help about switching to the next/prev page will be added automatically """ return self._page_formatter(page)
# helper function
[docs]def msg( caller, text="", always_page=False, session=None, justify=False, justify_kwargs=None, exit_on_lastpage=True, **kwargs, ): """ EvMore-supported version of msg, mimicking the normal msg method. Args: caller (Object or Account): Entity reading the text. text (str, EvTable or iterator): The text or data to put under paging. - If a string, paginage normally. If this text contains one or more \\\\f (backslash + f) format symbol, automatic pagination is disabled and page-breaks will only happen after each \\\\f. - If `EvTable`, the EvTable will be paginated with the same setting on each page if it is too long. The table decorations will be considered in the size of the page. - Otherwise `text` is converted to an iterator, where each step is is expected to be a line in the final display, and each line will be run through repr(). always_page (bool, optional): If `False`, the pager will only kick in if `text` is too big to fit the screen. session (Session, optional): If given, this session will be used to determine the screen width and will receive all output. justify (bool, optional): If set, justify long lines in output. Disable for fixed-format output, like tables. justify_kwargs (dict, bool or None, optional): If given, this should be valid keyword arguments to the utils.justify() function. If False, no justification will be done. exit_on_lastpage (bool, optional): Immediately exit pager when reaching the last page. use_evtable (bool, optional): If True, each page will be rendered as an EvTable. For this to work, `text` must be an iterable, where each element is the table (list of list) to render on that page. evtable_args (tuple, optional): The args to use for EvTable on each page. evtable_kwargs (dict, optional): The kwargs to use for EvTable on each page (except `table`, which is supplied by EvMore per-page). kwargs (any, optional): These will be passed on to the `caller.msg` method. """ EvMore( caller, text, always_page=always_page, session=session, justify=justify, justify_kwargs=justify_kwargs, exit_on_lastpage=exit_on_lastpage, **kwargs, )