Source code for evennia.typeclasses.admin
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from django.contrib import admin
from evennia.typeclasses.models import Tag
from django import forms
from evennia.utils.picklefield import PickledFormField
from evennia.utils.dbserialize import from_pickle, _SaverSet
[docs]class TagAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
A django Admin wrapper for Tags.
search_fields = ("db_key", "db_category", "db_tagtype")
list_display = ("db_key", "db_category", "db_tagtype", "db_data")
fields = ("db_key", "db_category", "db_tagtype", "db_data")
list_filter = ("db_tagtype",)
[docs]class TagForm(forms.ModelForm):
This form overrides the base behavior of the ModelForm that would be used for a
Tag-through-model. Since the through-models only have access to the foreignkeys of the Tag and
the Object that they're attached to, we need to spoof the behavior of it being a form that would
correspond to its tag, or the creation of a tag. Instead of being saved, we'll call to the
Object's handler, which will handle the creation, change, or deletion of a tag for us, as well
as updating the handler's cache so that all changes are instantly updated in-game.
tag_key = forms.CharField(
label="Tag Name", required=True, help_text="This is the main key identifier"
tag_category = forms.CharField(
help_text="Used for grouping tags. Unset (default) gives a category of None",
tag_type = forms.CharField(
help_text='Internal use. Either unset, "alias" or "permission"',
tag_data = forms.CharField(
help_text="Usually unused. Intended for eventual info about the tag itself",
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
If we have a tag, then we'll prepopulate our instance with the fields we'd expect it
to have based on the tag. tag_key, tag_category, tag_type, and tag_data all refer to
the corresponding tag fields. The initial data of the form fields will similarly be
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
tagkey = None
tagcategory = None
tagtype = None
tagdata = None
if hasattr(self.instance, "tag"):
tagkey = self.instance.tag.db_key
tagcategory = self.instance.tag.db_category
tagtype = self.instance.tag.db_tagtype
tagdata = self.instance.tag.db_data
self.fields["tag_key"].initial = tagkey
self.fields["tag_category"].initial = tagcategory
self.fields["tag_type"].initial = tagtype
self.fields["tag_data"].initial = tagdata
self.instance.tag_key = tagkey
self.instance.tag_category = tagcategory
self.instance.tag_type = tagtype
self.instance.tag_data = tagdata
[docs] def save(self, commit=True):
One thing we want to do here is the or None checks, because forms are saved with an empty
string rather than null from forms, usually, and the Handlers may handle empty strings
differently than None objects. So for consistency with how things are handled in game,
we'll try to make sure that empty form fields will be None, rather than ''.
# we are spoofing a tag for the Handler that will be called
# instance = super().save(commit=False)
instance = self.instance
instance.tag_key = self.cleaned_data["tag_key"]
instance.tag_category = self.cleaned_data["tag_category"] or None
instance.tag_type = self.cleaned_data["tag_type"] or None
instance.tag_data = self.cleaned_data["tag_data"] or None
return instance
[docs]class TagFormSet(forms.BaseInlineFormSet):
The Formset handles all the inline forms that are grouped together on the change page of the
corresponding object. All the tags will appear here, and we'll save them by overriding the
formset's save method. The forms will similarly spoof their save methods to return an instance
which hasn't been saved to the database, but have the relevant fields filled out based on the
contents of the cleaned form. We'll then use that to call to the handler of the corresponding
Object, where the handler is an AliasHandler, PermissionsHandler, or TagHandler, based on the
type of tag.
[docs] def save(self, commit=True):
def get_handler(finished_object):
related = getattr(finished_object, self.related_field)
tagtype = finished_object.tag_type
except AttributeError:
tagtype = finished_object.tag.db_tagtype
if tagtype == "alias":
handler_name = "aliases"
elif tagtype == "permission":
handler_name = "permissions"
handler_name = "tags"
return getattr(related, handler_name)
instances = super().save(commit=False)
# self.deleted_objects is a list created when super of save is called, we'll remove those
for obj in self.deleted_objects:
handler = get_handler(obj)
handler.remove(obj.tag_key, category=obj.tag_category)
for instance in instances:
handler = get_handler(instance)
handler.add(instance.tag_key, category=instance.tag_category, data=instance.tag_data)
[docs]class TagInline(admin.TabularInline):
A handler for inline Tags. This class should be subclassed in the admin of your models,
and the 'model' and 'related_field' class attributes must be set. model should be the
through model (ObjectDB_db_tag', for example), while related field should be the name
of the field on that through model which points to the model being used: 'objectdb',
'msg', 'accountdb', etc.
# Set this to the through model of your desired M2M when subclassing.
model = None
form = TagForm
formset = TagFormSet
related_field = None # Must be 'objectdb', 'accountdb', 'msg', etc. Set when subclassing
# raw_id_fields = ('tag',)
# readonly_fields = ('tag',)
extra = 0
[docs] def get_formset(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
get_formset has to return a class, but we need to make the class that we return
know about the related_field that we'll use. Returning the class itself rather than
a proxy isn't threadsafe, since it'd be the base class and would change if multiple
people used the admin at the same time
formset = super().get_formset(request, obj, **kwargs)
class ProxyFormset(formset):
ProxyFormset.related_field = self.related_field
return ProxyFormset
[docs]class AttributeForm(forms.ModelForm):
This form overrides the base behavior of the ModelForm that would be used for a Attribute-through-model.
Since the through-models only have access to the foreignkeys of the Attribute and the Object that they're
attached to, we need to spoof the behavior of it being a form that would correspond to its Attribute,
or the creation of an Attribute. Instead of being saved, we'll call to the Object's handler, which will handle
the creation, change, or deletion of an Attribute for us, as well as updating the handler's cache so that all
changes are instantly updated in-game.
attr_key = forms.CharField(
label="Attribute Name", required=False, initial="Enter Attribute Name Here"
attr_category = forms.CharField(
label="Category", help_text="type of attribute, for sorting", required=False, max_length=128
attr_value = PickledFormField(label="Value", help_text="Value to pickle/save", required=False)
attr_type = forms.CharField(
help_text='Internal use. Either unset (normal Attribute) or "nick"',
attr_lockstring = forms.CharField(
help_text="Lock string on the form locktype:lockdef;lockfunc:lockdef;...",
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={"rows": 1, "cols": 8}),
[docs] class Meta:
fields = ("attr_key", "attr_value", "attr_category", "attr_lockstring", "attr_type")
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
If we have an Attribute, then we'll prepopulate our instance with the fields we'd expect it
to have based on the Attribute. attr_key, attr_category, attr_value, attr_type,
and attr_lockstring all refer to the corresponding Attribute fields. The initial data of the form fields will
similarly be populated.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
attr_key = None
attr_category = None
attr_value = None
attr_type = None
attr_lockstring = None
if hasattr(self.instance, "attribute"):
attr_key = self.instance.attribute.db_key
attr_category = self.instance.attribute.db_category
attr_value = self.instance.attribute.db_value
attr_type = self.instance.attribute.db_attrtype
attr_lockstring = self.instance.attribute.db_lock_storage
self.fields["attr_key"].initial = attr_key
self.fields["attr_category"].initial = attr_category
self.fields["attr_type"].initial = attr_type
self.fields["attr_value"].initial = attr_value
self.fields["attr_lockstring"].initial = attr_lockstring
self.instance.attr_key = attr_key
self.instance.attr_category = attr_category
self.instance.attr_value = attr_value
# prevent from being transformed to str
if isinstance(attr_value, (set, _SaverSet)):
self.fields["attr_value"].disabled = True
self.instance.deserialized_value = from_pickle(attr_value)
self.instance.attr_type = attr_type
self.instance.attr_lockstring = attr_lockstring
[docs] def save(self, commit=True):
One thing we want to do here is the or None checks, because forms are saved with an empty
string rather than null from forms, usually, and the Handlers may handle empty strings
differently than None objects. So for consistency with how things are handled in game,
we'll try to make sure that empty form fields will be None, rather than ''.
# we are spoofing an Attribute for the Handler that will be called
instance = self.instance
instance.attr_key = self.cleaned_data["attr_key"] or "no_name_entered_for_attribute"
instance.attr_category = self.cleaned_data["attr_category"] or None
instance.attr_value = self.cleaned_data["attr_value"]
# convert the serialized string value into an object, if necessary, for AttributeHandler
instance.attr_value = from_pickle(instance.attr_value)
instance.attr_type = self.cleaned_data["attr_type"] or None
instance.attr_lockstring = self.cleaned_data["attr_lockstring"]
return instance
[docs] def clean_attr_value(self):
Prevent certain data-types from being cleaned due to literal_eval
failing on them. Otherwise they will be turned into str.
data = self.cleaned_data["attr_value"]
initial = self.instance.attr_value
if isinstance(initial, (set, _SaverSet, datetime)):
return initial
return data
[docs]class AttributeFormSet(forms.BaseInlineFormSet):
Attribute version of TagFormSet, as above.
[docs] def save(self, commit=True):
def get_handler(finished_object):
related = getattr(finished_object, self.related_field)
attrtype = finished_object.attr_type
except AttributeError:
attrtype = finished_object.attribute.db_attrtype
if attrtype == "nick":
handler_name = "nicks"
handler_name = "attributes"
return getattr(related, handler_name)
instances = super().save(commit=False)
for obj in self.deleted_objects:
# self.deleted_objects is a list created when super of save is called, we'll remove those
handler = get_handler(obj)
handler.remove(obj.attr_key, category=obj.attr_category)
for instance in instances:
handler = get_handler(instance)
value = instance.attr_value
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# catch errors in nick templates and continue
[docs]class AttributeInline(admin.TabularInline):
A handler for inline Attributes. This class should be subclassed in the admin of your models,
and the 'model' and 'related_field' class attributes must be set. model should be the
through model (ObjectDB_db_tag', for example), while related field should be the name
of the field on that through model which points to the model being used: 'objectdb',
'msg', 'accountdb', etc.
# Set this to the through model of your desired M2M when subclassing.
model = None
form = AttributeForm
formset = AttributeFormSet
related_field = None # Must be 'objectdb', 'accountdb', 'msg', etc. Set when subclassing
# raw_id_fields = ('attribute',)
# readonly_fields = ('attribute',)
extra = 0
[docs] def get_formset(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
get_formset has to return a class, but we need to make the class that we return
know about the related_field that we'll use. Returning the class itself rather than
a proxy isn't threadsafe, since it'd be the base class and would change if multiple
people used the admin at the same time
formset = super().get_formset(request, obj, **kwargs)
class ProxyFormset(formset):
ProxyFormset.related_field = self.related_field
return ProxyFormset, TagAdmin)