Source code for evennia.server.server

This module implements the main Evennia server process, the core of
the game engine.

This module should be started with the 'twistd' executable since it
sets up all the networking features.  (this is done automatically
by evennia/server/

import time
import sys
import os

from twisted.web import static
from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.python.log import ILogObserver

import django


import evennia


from django.db import connection
from django.db.utils import OperationalError
from django.conf import settings

from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB
from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB
from evennia.server.models import ServerConfig
from evennia.server import initial_setup

from evennia.utils.utils import get_evennia_version, mod_import, make_iter
from evennia.utils import logger
from evennia.comms import channelhandler
from evennia.server.sessionhandler import SESSIONS

from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

_SA = object.__setattr__

# a file with a flag telling the server to restart after shutdown or not.
SERVER_RESTART = os.path.join(settings.GAME_DIR, "server", "server.restart")

# module containing hook methods called during start_stop

# modules containing plugin services

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Evennia Server settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------

VERSION = get_evennia_version()

AMP_HOST = settings.AMP_HOST
AMP_PORT = settings.AMP_PORT



# server-channel mappings

    "servername": SERVERNAME,
    "version": VERSION,
    "amp": "",
    "errors": "",
    "info": "",
    "webserver": "",
    "irc_rss": "",

    WEB_PLUGINS_MODULE = mod_import(settings.WEB_PLUGINS_MODULE)
except ImportError:
    INFO_DICT["errors"] = (
        "WARNING: settings.WEB_PLUGINS_MODULE not found - "
        "copy 'evennia/game_template/server/conf/ to mygame/server/conf."

# Maintenance function - this is called repeatedly by the server



def _server_maintenance():
    This maintenance function handles repeated checks and updates that
    the server needs to do. It is called every minute.

    if not _FLUSH_CACHE:
        from evennia.utils.idmapper.models import conditional_flush as _FLUSH_CACHE
    if not _GAMETIME_MODULE:
        from evennia.utils import gametime as _GAMETIME_MODULE


    now = time.time()
        # first call after a reload
        _GAMETIME_MODULE.SERVER_RUNTIME = ServerConfig.objects.conf("runtime", default=0.0)
        # adjust the runtime not with 60s but with the actual elapsed time
        # in case this may varies slightly from 60s.

    # update game time and save it across reloads
    ServerConfig.objects.conf("runtime", _GAMETIME_MODULE.SERVER_RUNTIME)

    if _MAINTENANCE_COUNT % 5 == 0:
        # check cache size every 5 minutes
    if _MAINTENANCE_COUNT % 60 == 0:
        # validate scripts every hour
    if _MAINTENANCE_COUNT % 61 == 0:
        # validate channels off-sync with scripts
    if _MAINTENANCE_COUNT % (60 * 7) == 0:
        # drop database connection every 7 hrs to avoid default timeouts on MySQL
        # (see

    # handle idle timeouts
    if _IDLE_TIMEOUT > 0:
        reason = _("idle timeout exceeded")
        to_disconnect = []
        for session in (
            sess for sess in SESSIONS.values() if (now - sess.cmd_last) > _IDLE_TIMEOUT
            if not session.account or not session.account.access(
                session.account, "noidletimeout", default=False

        for session in to_disconnect:
            SESSIONS.disconnect(session, reason=reason)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Evennia Main Server object
# ------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Evennia(object): """ The main Evennia server handler. This object sets up the database and tracks and interlinks all the twisted network services that make up evennia. """
[docs] def __init__(self, application): """ Setup the server. application - an instantiated Twisted application """ sys.path.insert(1, ".") # create a store of services = service.MultiService() self.amp_protocol = None # set by amp factory self.sessions = SESSIONS self.sessions.server = self self.process_id = os.getpid() # Database-specific startup optimizations. self.sqlite3_prep() self.start_time = time.time() # initialize channelhandler try: channelhandler.CHANNELHANDLER.update() except OperationalError: print("channelhandler couldn't update - db not set up") # wrap the SIGINT handler to make sure we empty the threadpool # even when we reload and we have long-running requests in queue. # this is necessary over using Twisted's signal handler. # (see def _wrap_sigint_handler(*args): from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred if hasattr(self, "web_root"): d = self.web_root.empty_threadpool() d.addCallback(lambda _: self.shutdown("reload", _reactor_stopping=True)) else: d = Deferred(lambda _: self.shutdown("reload", _reactor_stopping=True)) d.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop()) reactor.callLater(1, d.callback, None) reactor.sigInt = _wrap_sigint_handler
# Server startup methods
[docs] def sqlite3_prep(self): """ Optimize some SQLite stuff at startup since we can't save it to the database. """ if ( ".".join(str(i) for i in django.VERSION) < "1.2" and settings.DATABASES.get("default", {}).get("ENGINE") == "sqlite3" ) or ( hasattr(settings, "DATABASES") and settings.DATABASES.get("default", {}).get("ENGINE", None) == "django.db.backends.sqlite3" ): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA cache_size=10000") cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF") cursor.execute("PRAGMA count_changes=OFF") cursor.execute("PRAGMA temp_store=2")
[docs] def update_defaults(self): """ We make sure to store the most important object defaults here, so we can catch if they change and update them on-objects automatically. This allows for changing default cmdset locations and default typeclasses in the settings file and have them auto-update all already existing objects. """ global INFO_DICT # setting names settings_names = ( "CMDSET_CHARACTER", "CMDSET_ACCOUNT", "BASE_ACCOUNT_TYPECLASS", "BASE_OBJECT_TYPECLASS", "BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS", "BASE_ROOM_TYPECLASS", "BASE_EXIT_TYPECLASS", "BASE_SCRIPT_TYPECLASS", "BASE_CHANNEL_TYPECLASS", ) # get previous and current settings so they can be compared settings_compare = list( zip( [ServerConfig.objects.conf(name) for name in settings_names], [settings.__getattr__(name) for name in settings_names], ) ) mismatches = [ i for i, tup in enumerate(settings_compare) if tup[0] and tup[1] and tup[0] != tup[1] ] if len( mismatches ): # can't use any() since mismatches may be [0] which reads as False for any() # we have a changed default. Import relevant objects and # run the update from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB from evennia.comms.models import ChannelDB # from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB for i, prev, curr in ( (i, tup[0], tup[1]) for i, tup in enumerate(settings_compare) if i in mismatches ): # update the database INFO_DICT["info"] = ( " %s:\n '%s' changed to '%s'. Updating unchanged entries in database ..." % (settings_names[i], prev, curr) ) if i == 0: ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_cmdset_storage__exact=prev).update( db_cmdset_storage=curr ) if i == 1: AccountDB.objects.filter(db_cmdset_storage__exact=prev).update( db_cmdset_storage=curr ) if i == 2: AccountDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path__exact=prev).update( db_typeclass_path=curr ) if i in (3, 4, 5, 6): ObjectDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path__exact=prev).update( db_typeclass_path=curr ) if i == 7: ScriptDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path__exact=prev).update( db_typeclass_path=curr ) if i == 8: ChannelDB.objects.filter(db_typeclass_path__exact=prev).update( db_typeclass_path=curr ) # store the new default and clean caches ServerConfig.objects.conf(settings_names[i], curr) ObjectDB.flush_instance_cache() AccountDB.flush_instance_cache() ScriptDB.flush_instance_cache() ChannelDB.flush_instance_cache() # if this is the first start we might not have a "previous" # setup saved. Store it now. [ ServerConfig.objects.conf(settings_names[i], tup[1]) for i, tup in enumerate(settings_compare) if not tup[0] ]
[docs] def run_initial_setup(self): """ This is triggered by the amp protocol when the connection to the portal has been established. This attempts to run the initial_setup script of the server. It returns if this is not the first time the server starts. Once finished the last_initial_setup_step is set to -1. """ global INFO_DICT last_initial_setup_step = ServerConfig.objects.conf("last_initial_setup_step") if not last_initial_setup_step: # None is only returned if the config does not exist, # i.e. this is an empty DB that needs populating. INFO_DICT["info"] = " Server started for the first time. Setting defaults." initial_setup.handle_setup(0) elif int(last_initial_setup_step) >= 0: # a positive value means the setup crashed on one of its # modules and setup will resume from this step, retrying # the last failed module. When all are finished, the step # is set to -1 to show it does not need to be run again. INFO_DICT["info"] = " Resuming initial setup from step {last}.".format( last=last_initial_setup_step ) initial_setup.handle_setup(int(last_initial_setup_step))
[docs] def run_init_hooks(self, mode): """ Called by the amp client once receiving sync back from Portal Args: mode (str): One of shutdown, reload or reset """ from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB # start server time and maintenance task self.maintenance_task = LoopingCall(_server_maintenance) self.maintenance_task.start(60, now=True) # call every minute # update eventual changed defaults self.update_defaults() [o.at_init() for o in ObjectDB.get_all_cached_instances()] [p.at_init() for p in AccountDB.get_all_cached_instances()] # call correct server hook based on start file value if mode == "reload": logger.log_msg("Server successfully reloaded.") self.at_server_reload_start() elif mode == "reset": # only run hook, don't purge sessions self.at_server_cold_start() logger.log_msg("Evennia Server successfully restarted in 'reset' mode.") elif mode == "shutdown": self.at_server_cold_start() # clear eventual lingering session storages ObjectDB.objects.clear_all_sessids() logger.log_msg("Evennia Server successfully started.") # always call this regardless of start type self.at_server_start()
[docs] @defer.inlineCallbacks def shutdown(self, mode="reload", _reactor_stopping=False): """ Shuts down the server from inside it. Keyword Args: mode (str): Sets the server restart mode: - 'reload': server restarts, no "persistent" scripts are stopped, at_reload hooks called. - 'reset' - server restarts, non-persistent scripts stopped, at_shutdown hooks called but sessions will not be disconnected. -'shutdown' - like reset, but server will not auto-restart. _reactor_stopping: This is set if server is stopped by a kill command OR this method was already called once - in both cases the reactor is dead/stopping already. """ if _reactor_stopping and hasattr(self, "shutdown_complete"): # this means we have already passed through this method # once; we don't need to run the shutdown procedure again. defer.returnValue(None) from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB from evennia.server.models import ServerConfig from evennia.utils import gametime as _GAMETIME_MODULE if mode == "reload": # call restart hooks ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_restart_mode", "reload") yield [o.at_server_reload() for o in ObjectDB.get_all_cached_instances()] yield [p.at_server_reload() for p in AccountDB.get_all_cached_instances()] yield [ (s.pause(manual_pause=False), s.at_server_reload()) for s in ScriptDB.get_all_cached_instances() if and (s.is_active or s.attributes.has("_manual_pause")) ] yield self.sessions.all_sessions_portal_sync() self.at_server_reload_stop() # only save monitor state on reload, not on shutdown/reset from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER else: if mode == "reset": # like shutdown but don't unset the is_connected flag and don't disconnect sessions yield [o.at_server_shutdown() for o in ObjectDB.get_all_cached_instances()] yield [p.at_server_shutdown() for p in AccountDB.get_all_cached_instances()] if self.amp_protocol: yield self.sessions.all_sessions_portal_sync() else: # shutdown yield [_SA(p, "is_connected", False) for p in AccountDB.get_all_cached_instances()] yield [o.at_server_shutdown() for o in ObjectDB.get_all_cached_instances()] yield [ (p.unpuppet_all(), p.at_server_shutdown()) for p in AccountDB.get_all_cached_instances() ] yield ObjectDB.objects.clear_all_sessids() yield [ ( s.pause(manual_pause=s.attributes.get("_manual_pause", False)), s.at_server_shutdown(), ) for s in ScriptDB.get_all_cached_instances() ] ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_restart_mode", "reset") self.at_server_cold_stop() # tickerhandler state should always be saved. from evennia.scripts.tickerhandler import TICKER_HANDLER # always called, also for a reload self.at_server_stop() if hasattr(self, "web_root"): # not set very first start yield self.web_root.empty_threadpool() if not _reactor_stopping: # kill the server self.shutdown_complete = True reactor.callLater(1, reactor.stop) # we make sure the proper gametime is saved as late as possible ServerConfig.objects.conf("runtime", _GAMETIME_MODULE.runtime())
[docs] def get_info_dict(self): "Return the server info, for display." return INFO_DICT
# server start/stop hooks
[docs] def at_server_start(self): """ This is called every time the server starts up, regardless of how it was shut down. """ if SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE: SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE.at_server_start()
[docs] def at_server_stop(self): """ This is called just before a server is shut down, regardless of it is fore a reload, reset or shutdown. """ if SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE: SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE.at_server_stop()
[docs] def at_server_reload_start(self): """ This is called only when server starts back up after a reload. """ if SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE: SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE.at_server_reload_start()
[docs] def at_post_portal_sync(self, mode): """ This is called just after the portal has finished syncing back data to the server after reconnecting. Args: mode (str): One of reload, reset or shutdown. """ from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER MONITOR_HANDLER.restore(mode == "reload") from evennia.scripts.tickerhandler import TICKER_HANDLER TICKER_HANDLER.restore(mode == "reload") # after sync is complete we force-validate all scripts # (this also starts any that didn't yet start) ScriptDB.objects.validate(init_mode=mode) # start the task handler from evennia.scripts.taskhandler import TASK_HANDLER TASK_HANDLER.load() TASK_HANDLER.create_delays() # check so default channels exist from evennia.comms.models import ChannelDB from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB from evennia.utils.create import create_channel god_account = AccountDB.objects.get(id=1) # mudinfo mudinfo_chan = settings.CHANNEL_MUDINFO if not mudinfo_chan: raise RuntimeError("settings.CHANNEL_MUDINFO must be defined.") if not ChannelDB.objects.filter(db_key=mudinfo_chan["key"]): channel = create_channel(**mudinfo_chan) channel.connect(god_account) # connectinfo connectinfo_chan = settings.CHANNEL_MUDINFO if connectinfo_chan: if not ChannelDB.objects.filter(db_key=mudinfo_chan["key"]): channel = create_channel(**connectinfo_chan) # default channels for chan_info in settings.DEFAULT_CHANNELS: if not ChannelDB.objects.filter(db_key=chan_info["key"]): channel = create_channel(**chan_info) channel.connect(god_account) # delete the temporary setting ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_restart_mode", delete=True)
[docs] def at_server_reload_stop(self): """ This is called only time the server stops before a reload. """ if SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE: SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE.at_server_reload_stop()
[docs] def at_server_cold_start(self): """ This is called only when the server starts "cold", i.e. after a shutdown or a reset. """ # We need to do this just in case the server was killed in a way where # the normal cleanup operations did not have time to run. from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB ObjectDB.objects.clear_all_sessids() # Remove non-persistent scripts from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB for script in ScriptDB.objects.filter(db_persistent=False): script.stop() if GUEST_ENABLED: for guest in AccountDB.objects.all().filter( db_typeclass_path=settings.BASE_GUEST_TYPECLASS ): for character in guest.db._playable_characters: if character: character.delete() guest.delete() if SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE: SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE.at_server_cold_start()
[docs] def at_server_cold_stop(self): """ This is called only when the server goes down due to a shutdown or reset. """ if SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE: SERVER_STARTSTOP_MODULE.at_server_cold_stop()
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # # Start the Evennia game server and add all active services # # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Tell the system the server is starting up; some things are not available yet try: ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_starting_mode", True) except OperationalError: print("Server server_starting_mode couldn't be set - database not set up.") # twistd requires us to define the variable 'application' so it knows # what to execute from. application = service.Application("Evennia") if "--nodaemon" not in sys.argv: # custom logging, but only if we are not running in interactive mode logfile = logger.WeeklyLogFile( os.path.basename(settings.SERVER_LOG_FILE), os.path.dirname(settings.SERVER_LOG_FILE), day_rotation=settings.SERVER_LOG_DAY_ROTATION, max_size=settings.SERVER_LOG_MAX_SIZE, ) application.setComponent(ILogObserver, logger.ServerLogObserver(logfile).emit) # The main evennia server program. This sets up the database # and is where we store all the other services. EVENNIA = Evennia(application) if AMP_ENABLED: # The AMP protocol handles the communication between # the portal and the mud server. Only reason to ever deactivate # it would be during testing and debugging. ifacestr = "" if AMP_INTERFACE != "": ifacestr = "-%s" % AMP_INTERFACE INFO_DICT["amp"] = "amp %s: %s" % (ifacestr, AMP_PORT) from evennia.server import amp_client factory = amp_client.AMPClientFactory(EVENNIA) amp_service = internet.TCPClient(AMP_HOST, AMP_PORT, factory) amp_service.setName("ServerAMPClient") if WEBSERVER_ENABLED: # Start a django-compatible webserver. from evennia.server.webserver import ( DjangoWebRoot, WSGIWebServer, Website, LockableThreadPool, PrivateStaticRoot, ) # start a thread pool and define the root url (/) as a wsgi resource # recognized by Django threads = LockableThreadPool( minthreads=max(1, settings.WEBSERVER_THREADPOOL_LIMITS[0]), maxthreads=max(1, settings.WEBSERVER_THREADPOOL_LIMITS[1]), ) web_root = DjangoWebRoot(threads) # point our media resources to url /media web_root.putChild(b"media", PrivateStaticRoot(settings.MEDIA_ROOT)) # point our static resources to url /static web_root.putChild(b"static", PrivateStaticRoot(settings.STATIC_ROOT)) EVENNIA.web_root = web_root if WEB_PLUGINS_MODULE: # custom overloads web_root = WEB_PLUGINS_MODULE.at_webserver_root_creation(web_root) web_site = Website(web_root, logPath=settings.HTTP_LOG_FILE) web_site.is_portal = False INFO_DICT["webserver"] = "" for proxyport, serverport in WEBSERVER_PORTS: # create the webserver (we only need the port for this) webserver = WSGIWebServer(threads, serverport, web_site, interface="") webserver.setName("EvenniaWebServer%s" % serverport) INFO_DICT["webserver"] += "webserver: %s" % serverport ENABLED = [] if IRC_ENABLED: # IRC channel connections ENABLED.append("irc") if RSS_ENABLED: # RSS feed channel connections ENABLED.append("rss") if GRAPEVINE_ENABLED: # Grapevine channel connections ENABLED.append("grapevine") if GAME_INDEX_ENABLED: from evennia.server.game_index_client.service import EvenniaGameIndexService egi_service = EvenniaGameIndexService() if ENABLED: INFO_DICT["irc_rss"] = ", ".join(ENABLED) + " enabled." for plugin_module in SERVER_SERVICES_PLUGIN_MODULES: # external plugin protocols - load here plugin_module = mod_import(plugin_module) if plugin_module: plugin_module.start_plugin_services(EVENNIA) else: print(f"Could not load plugin module {plugin_module}") # clear server startup mode try: ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_starting_mode", delete=True) except OperationalError: print("Server server_starting_mode couldn't unset - db not set up.")