The AMP (Asynchronous Message Protocol)-communication commands and constants used by Evennia.
This module acts as a central place for AMP-servers and -clients to get commands to use.
from functools import wraps
import time
from twisted.protocols import amp
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import count
import zlib # Used in Compressed class
import pickle
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList, Deferred
from evennia.utils.utils import to_str, variable_from_module
# delayed import
_LOGGER = None
# communication bits
# (chr(9) and chr(10) are \t and \n, so skipping them)
PCONN = chr(1) # portal session connect
PDISCONN = chr(2) # portal session disconnect
PSYNC = chr(3) # portal session sync
SLOGIN = chr(4) # server session login
SDISCONN = chr(5) # server session disconnect
SDISCONNALL = chr(6) # server session disconnect all
SSHUTD = chr(7) # server shutdown
SSYNC = chr(8) # server session sync
SCONN = chr(11) # server creating new connection (for irc bots and etc)
PCONNSYNC = chr(12) # portal post-syncing a session
PDISCONNALL = chr(13) # portal session disconnect all
SRELOAD = chr(14) # server shutdown in reload mode
SSTART = chr(15) # server start (portal must already be running anyway)
PSHUTD = chr(16) # portal (+server) shutdown
SSHUTD = chr(17) # server shutdown
PSTATUS = chr(18) # ping server or portal status
SRESET = chr(19) # server shutdown in reset mode
NUL = b"\x00"
NULNUL = b"\x00\x00"
AMP_MAXLEN = amp.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH # max allowed data length in AMP protocol (cannot be changed)
# amp internal
ASK = b'_ask'
ANSWER = b'_answer'
ERROR = b'_error'
ERROR_CODE = b'_error_code'
ERROR_DESCRIPTION = b'_error_description'
# buffers
_SENDBATCH = defaultdict(list)
_MSGBUFFER = defaultdict(list)
# resources
DUMMYSESSION = namedtuple("DummySession", ["sessid"])(0)
_HTTP_WARNING = bytes(
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
This is Evennia's internal AMP port. It handles communication
between Evennia's different processes.
<h3>This port should NOT be publicly visible.</h3>
# Helper functions for pickling.
[docs]def dumps(data):
return pickle.dumps(data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def loads(data):
return pickle.loads(data)
def _get_logger():
"Delay import of logger until absolutely necessary"
global _LOGGER
if not _LOGGER:
from evennia.utils import logger as _LOGGER
return _LOGGER
def catch_traceback(func):
"Helper decorator"
def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as err:
raise # make sure the error is visible on the other side of the connection too
return decorator
# AMP Communication Command types
[docs]class Compressed(amp.String):
This is a custom AMP command Argument that both handles too-long
sends as well as uses zlib for compression across the wire. The
batch-grouping of too-long sends is borrowed from the "mediumbox"
recipy at twisted-hacks's ~glyph/+junk/amphacks/mediumbox.
[docs] def fromBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto):
Converts from box string representation to python. We read back too-long batched data and
put it back together here.
value = BytesIO()
value.write(self.fromStringProto(strings.get(name), proto))
for counter in count(2):
# count from 2 upwards
chunk = strings.get(b"%s.%d" % (name, counter))
if chunk is None:
value.write(self.fromStringProto(chunk, proto))
objects[str(name, "utf-8")] = value.getvalue()
[docs] def toBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto):
Convert from python object to string box representation.
we break up too-long data snippets into multiple batches here.
# print("toBox: name={}, strings={}, objects={}, proto{}".format(name, strings, objects, proto))
value = BytesIO(objects[str(name, "utf-8")])
strings[name] = self.toStringProto(value.read(AMP_MAXLEN), proto)
# print("toBox strings[name] = {}".format(strings[name]))
for counter in count(2):
chunk = value.read(AMP_MAXLEN)
if not chunk:
strings[b"%s.%d" % (name, counter)] = self.toStringProto(chunk, proto)
[docs] def toString(self, inObject):
Convert to send as a bytestring on the wire, with compression.
Note: In Py3 this is really a byte stream.
return zlib.compress(super(Compressed, self).toString(inObject), 9)
[docs] def fromString(self, inString):
Convert (decompress) from the string-representation on the wire to Python.
return super(Compressed, self).fromString(zlib.decompress(inString))
[docs]class MsgLauncher2Portal(amp.Command):
Message Launcher -> Portal
key = "MsgLauncher2Portal"
arguments = [(b"operation", amp.String()), (b"arguments", amp.String())]
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = []
[docs]class MsgPortal2Server(amp.Command):
Message Portal -> Server
key = b"MsgPortal2Server"
arguments = [(b"packed_data", Compressed())]
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = []
[docs]class MsgServer2Portal(amp.Command):
Message Server -> Portal
key = "MsgServer2Portal"
arguments = [(b"packed_data", Compressed())]
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = []
[docs]class AdminPortal2Server(amp.Command):
Administration Portal -> Server
Sent when the portal needs to perform admin operations on the
server, such as when a new session connects or resyncs
key = "AdminPortal2Server"
arguments = [(b"packed_data", Compressed())]
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = []
[docs]class AdminServer2Portal(amp.Command):
Administration Server -> Portal
Sent when the server needs to perform admin operations on the
key = "AdminServer2Portal"
arguments = [(b"packed_data", Compressed())]
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = []
[docs]class MsgStatus(amp.Command):
Check Status between AMP services
key = "MsgStatus"
arguments = [(b"status", amp.String())]
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = [(b"status", amp.String())]
[docs]class FunctionCall(amp.Command):
Bidirectional Server <-> Portal
Sent when either process needs to call an arbitrary function in
the other. This does not use the batch-send functionality.
key = "FunctionCall"
arguments = [
(b"module", amp.String()),
(b"function", amp.String()),
(b"args", amp.String()),
(b"kwargs", amp.String()),
errors = {Exception: b"EXCEPTION"}
response = [(b"result", amp.String())]
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Core AMP protocol for communication Server <-> Portal
# -------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class AMPMultiConnectionProtocol(amp.AMP):
AMP protocol that safely handle multiple connections to the same
server without dropping old ones - new clients will receive
all server returns (broadcast). Will also correctly handle
erroneous HTTP requests on the port and return a HTTP error response.
# helper methods
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize protocol with some things that need to be in place
already before connecting both on portal and server.
self.send_batch_counter = 0
self.send_reset_time = time.time()
self.send_mode = True
self.send_task = None
self.multibatches = 0
# later twisted amp has its own __init__
super(AMPMultiConnectionProtocol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _commandReceived(self, box):
This overrides the default Twisted AMP error handling which is not
passing enough of the traceback through to the other side. Instead we
add a specific log of the problem on the erroring side.
def formatAnswer(answerBox):
answerBox[ANSWER] = box[ASK]
return answerBox
def formatError(error):
if error.check(amp.RemoteAmpError):
code = error.value.errorCode
desc = error.value.description
# Evennia extra logging
desc += " (error logged on other side)"
_get_logger().log_err(f"AMP caught exception ({desc}):\n{error.value}")
if isinstance(desc, str):
desc = desc.encode("utf-8", "replace")
if error.value.fatal:
errorBox = amp.QuitBox()
errorBox = amp.AmpBox()
errorBox = amp.QuitBox()
_get_logger().log_err(error) # server-side logging if unhandled error
desc = b"Unknown Error"
errorBox[ERROR] = box[ASK]
errorBox[ERROR_DESCRIPTION] = desc
errorBox[ERROR_CODE] = code
return errorBox
deferred = self.dispatchCommand(box)
if ASK in box:
deferred.addCallbacks(formatAnswer, formatError)
[docs] def dataReceived(self, data):
Handle non-AMP messages, such as HTTP communication.
# print("dataReceived: {}".format(data))
if data[:1] == NUL:
# an AMP communication
if data[-2:] != NULNUL:
# an incomplete AMP box means more batches are forthcoming.
self.multibatches += 1
super(AMPMultiConnectionProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
except KeyError:
"Discarded incoming partial (packed) data (len {})".format(len(data))
elif self.multibatches:
# invalid AMP, but we have a pending multi-batch that is not yet complete
if data[-2:] == NULNUL:
# end of existing multibatch
self.multibatches = max(0, self.multibatches - 1)
super(AMPMultiConnectionProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
except KeyError:
"Discarded incoming multi-batch (packed) data (len {})".format(len(data))
# not an AMP communication, return warning
print("HTTP received (the AMP port should not receive http, only AMP!) %s" % data)
[docs] def makeConnection(self, transport):
Swallow connection log message here. Copied from original
in the amp protocol.
# copied from original, removing the log message
if not self._ampInitialized:
self._transportPeer = transport.getPeer()
self._transportHost = transport.getHost()
amp.BinaryBoxProtocol.makeConnection(self, transport)
[docs] def connectionMade(self):
This is called when an AMP connection is (re-)established. AMP calls it on both sides.
# print("connectionMade: {}".format(self))
[docs] def connectionLost(self, reason):
We swallow connection errors here. The reason is that during a
normal reload/shutdown there will almost always be cases where
either the portal or server shuts down before a message has
returned its (empty) return, triggering a connectionLost error
that is irrelevant. If a true connection error happens, the
portal will continuously try to reconnect, showing the problem
that way.
# print("ConnectionLost: {}: {}".format(self, reason))
except ValueError:
# Error handling
[docs] def errback(self, e, info):
Error callback.
Handles errors to avoid dropping connections on server tracebacks.
e (Failure): Deferred error instance.
info (str): Error string.
"AMP Error from {info}: {trcbck} {err}".format(
info=info, trcbck=e.getTraceback(), err=e.getErrorMessage()
[docs] def data_in(self, packed_data):
Process incoming packed data.
packed_data (bytes): Pickled data.
unpaced_data (any): Unpickled package
msg = loads(packed_data)
return msg
[docs] def broadcast(self, command, sessid, **kwargs):
Send data across the wire to all connections.
command (AMP Command): A protocol send command.
sessid (int): A unique Session id.
deferred (deferred or None): A deferred with an errback.
Data will be sent across the wire pickled as a tuple
(sessid, kwargs).
deferreds = []
# print("broadcast: {} {}: {}".format(command, sessid, kwargs))
for protcl in self.factory.broadcasts:
protcl.callRemote(command, **kwargs).addErrback(self.errback, command.key)
return DeferredList(deferreds)
# generic function send/recvs
[docs] def send_FunctionCall(self, modulepath, functionname, *args, **kwargs):
Access method called by either process. This will call an arbitrary
function on the other process (On Portal if calling from Server and
vice versa).
modulepath (str) - python path to module holding function to call
functionname (str) - name of function in given module
*args, **kwargs will be used as arguments/keyword args for the
remote function call
A deferred that fires with the return value of the remote
function call
return (
.addCallback(lambda r: loads(r["result"]))
.addErrback(self.errback, "FunctionCall")
[docs] @FunctionCall.responder
def receive_functioncall(self, module, function, func_args, func_kwargs):
This allows Portal- and Server-process to call an arbitrary
function in the other process. It is intended for use by
plugin modules.
module (str or module): The module containing the
`function` to call.
function (str): The name of the function to call in
func_args (str): Pickled args tuple for use in `function` call.
func_kwargs (str): Pickled kwargs dict for use in `function` call.
args = loads(func_args)
kwargs = loads(func_kwargs)
# call the function (don't catch tracebacks here)
result = variable_from_module(module, function)(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(result, Deferred):
# if result is a deferred, attach handler to properly
# wrap the return value
result.addCallback(lambda r: {"result": dumps(r)})
return result
return {"result": dumps(result)}