Custom manager for Objects.
import re
from itertools import chain
from django.db.models import Q
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models.fields import exceptions
from evennia.typeclasses.managers import TypedObjectManager, TypeclassManager
from evennia.utils.utils import is_iter, make_iter, string_partial_matching
__all__ = ("ObjectManager", "ObjectDBManager")
_GA = object.__getattribute__
# delayed import
_ATTR = None
_MULTIMATCH_REGEX = re.compile(settings.SEARCH_MULTIMATCH_REGEX, re.I + re.U)
# Try to use a custom way to parse id-tagged multimatches.
[docs]class ObjectDBManager(TypedObjectManager):
This ObjectManager implements methods for searching
and manipulating Objects directly from the database.
Evennia-specific search methods (will return Typeclasses or
lists of Typeclasses, whereas Django-general methods will return
Querysets or database objects).
dbref (converter)
get_id (alias: dbref_search)
object_search (interface to many of the above methods,
equivalent to evennia.search_object)
# ObjectManager Get methods
# account related
[docs] def get_object_with_account(self, ostring, exact=True, candidates=None):
Search for an object based on its account's name or dbref.
ostring (str or int): Search criterion or dbref. Searching
for an account is sometimes initiated by appending an `*` to
the beginning of the search criterion (e.g. in
local_and_global_search). This is stripped here.
exact (bool, optional): Require an exact account match.
candidates (list, optional): Only search among this list of possible
object candidates.
match (query): Matching query.
ostring = str(ostring).lstrip("*")
# simplest case - search by dbref
dbref = self.dbref(ostring)
if dbref:
return self.get(db_account__id=dbref)
except self.model.DoesNotExist:
# not a dbref. Search by name.
cand_restriction = (
candidates is not None
and Q(pk__in=[_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(candidates) if obj])
or Q()
if exact:
return self.filter(cand_restriction & Q(db_account__username__iexact=ostring)).order_by(
else: # fuzzy matching
obj_cands = self.select_related().filter(
cand_restriction & Q(db_account__username__istartswith=ostring)
acct_cands = [obj.account for obj in obj_cands]
if obj_cands:
index_matches = string_partial_matching(
[acct.key for acct in acct_cands], ostring, ret_index=True
acct_cands = [acct_cands[i].id for i in index_matches]
return obj_cands.filter(db_account__id__in=acct_cands).order_by("id")
[docs] def get_objs_with_key_and_typeclass(self, oname, otypeclass_path, candidates=None):
Returns objects based on simultaneous key and typeclass match.
oname (str): Object key to search for
otypeclass_path (str): Full Python path to tyepclass to search for
candidates (list, optional): Only match among the given list of candidates.
matches (query): The matching objects.
cand_restriction = (
candidates is not None
and Q(pk__in=[_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(candidates) if obj])
or Q()
return self.filter(
cand_restriction & Q(db_key__iexact=oname, db_typeclass_path__exact=otypeclass_path)
# attr/property related
[docs] def get_objs_with_attr(self, attribute_name, candidates=None):
Get objects based on having a certain Attribute defined.
attribute_name (str): Attribute name to search for.
candidates (list, optional): Only match among the given list of object
matches (query): All objects having the given attribute_name defined at all.
cand_restriction = (
candidates is not None and Q(id__in=[obj.id for obj in candidates]) or Q()
return self.filter(cand_restriction & Q(db_attributes__db_key=attribute_name)).order_by(
[docs] def get_objs_with_attr_value(
self, attribute_name, attribute_value, candidates=None, typeclasses=None
Get all objects having the given attrname set to the given value.
attribute_name (str): Attribute key to search for.
attribute_value (any): Attribute value to search for. This can also be database objects.
candidates (list, optional): Candidate objects to limit search to.
typeclasses (list, optional): Python pats to restrict matches with.
matches (query): Objects fullfilling both the `attribute_name` and
`attribute_value` criterions.
This uses the Attribute's PickledField to transparently search the database by matching
the internal representation. This is reasonably effective but since Attribute values
cannot be indexed, searching by Attribute key is to be preferred whenever possible.
cand_restriction = (
candidates is not None
and Q(pk__in=[_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(candidates) if obj])
or Q()
type_restriction = typeclasses and Q(db_typeclass_path__in=make_iter(typeclasses)) or Q()
results = self.filter(
& type_restriction
& Q(db_attributes__db_key=attribute_name)
& Q(db_attributes__db_value=attribute_value)
return results
[docs] def get_objs_with_db_property(self, property_name, candidates=None):
Get all objects having a given db field property.
property_name (str): The name of the field to match for.
candidates (list, optional): Only search among th egiven candidates.
matches (list): The found matches.
property_name = "db_%s" % property_name.lstrip("db_")
cand_restriction = (
candidates is not None
and Q(pk__in=[_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(candidates) if obj])
or Q()
querykwargs = {property_name: None}
return list(self.filter(cand_restriction).exclude(Q(**querykwargs)).order_by("id"))
except exceptions.FieldError:
return []
[docs] def get_objs_with_db_property_value(
self, property_name, property_value, candidates=None, typeclasses=None
Get objects with a specific field name and value.
property_name (str): Field name to search for.
property_value (any): Value required for field with `property_name` to have.
candidates (list, optional): List of objects to limit search to.
typeclasses (list, optional): List of typeclass-path strings to restrict matches with
if isinstance(property_name, str):
if not property_name.startswith("db_"):
property_name = "db_%s" % property_name
querykwargs = {property_name: property_value}
cand_restriction = (
candidates is not None
and Q(pk__in=[_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(candidates) if obj])
or Q()
type_restriction = typeclasses and Q(db_typeclass_path__in=make_iter(typeclasses)) or Q()
return list(
self.filter(cand_restriction & type_restriction & Q(**querykwargs)).order_by("id")
except exceptions.FieldError:
return []
except ValueError:
from evennia.utils import logger
"The property '%s' does not support search criteria of the type %s."
% (property_name, type(property_value))
return []
[docs] def get_contents(self, location, excludeobj=None):
Get all objects that has a location set to this one.
location (Object): Where to get contents from.
excludeobj (Object or list, optional): One or more objects
to exclude from the match.
contents (query): Matching contents, without excludeobj, if given.
exclude_restriction = (
Q(pk__in=[_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(excludeobj)]) if excludeobj else Q()
return self.filter(db_location=location).exclude(exclude_restriction).order_by("id")
[docs] def get_objs_with_key_or_alias(self, ostring, exact=True, candidates=None, typeclasses=None):
ostring (str): A search criterion.
exact (bool, optional): Require exact match of ostring
(still case-insensitive). If `False`, will do fuzzy matching
using `evennia.utils.utils.string_partial_matching` algorithm.
candidates (list): Only match among these candidates.
typeclasses (list): Only match objects with typeclasses having thess path strings.
matches (query): A list of matches of length 0, 1 or more.
if not isinstance(ostring, str):
if hasattr(ostring, "key"):
ostring = ostring.key
return []
if is_iter(candidates) and not len(candidates):
# if candidates is an empty iterable there can be no matches
# Exit early.
return []
# build query objects
candidates_id = [_GA(obj, "id") for obj in make_iter(candidates) if obj]
cand_restriction = candidates is not None and Q(pk__in=candidates_id) or Q()
type_restriction = typeclasses and Q(db_typeclass_path__in=make_iter(typeclasses)) or Q()
if exact:
# exact match - do direct search
return (
& type_restriction
& (
| Q(db_tags__db_key__iexact=ostring)
& Q(db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact="alias")
elif candidates:
# fuzzy with candidates
search_candidates = (
self.filter(cand_restriction & type_restriction).distinct().order_by("id")
# fuzzy without supplied candidates - we select our own candidates
search_candidates = (
& (Q(db_key__istartswith=ostring) | Q(db_tags__db_key__istartswith=ostring))
# fuzzy matching
key_strings = search_candidates.values_list("db_key", flat=True).order_by("id")
index_matches = string_partial_matching(key_strings, ostring, ret_index=True)
if index_matches:
# a match by key
return [obj for ind, obj in enumerate(search_candidates) if ind in index_matches]
# match by alias rather than by key
search_candidates = search_candidates.filter(
db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact="alias", db_tags__db_key__icontains=ostring
alias_strings = []
alias_candidates = []
# TODO create the alias_strings and alias_candidates lists more efficiently?
for candidate in search_candidates:
for alias in candidate.aliases.all():
index_matches = string_partial_matching(alias_strings, ostring, ret_index=True)
if index_matches:
# it's possible to have multiple matches to the same Object, we must weed those out
return list({alias_candidates[ind] for ind in index_matches})
return []
# main search methods and helper functions
[docs] def search_object(
Search as an object globally or in a list of candidates and
return results. The result is always an Object. Always returns
a list.
searchdata (str or Object): The entity to match for. This is
usually a key string but may also be an object itself.
By default (if no `attribute_name` is set), this will
search `object.key` and `object.aliases` in order.
Can also be on the form #dbref, which will (if
`exact=True`) be matched against primary key.
attribute_name (str): Use this named Attribute to
match searchdata against, instead of the defaults. If
this is the name of a database field (with or without
the `db_` prefix), that will be matched too.
typeclass (str or TypeClass): restrict matches to objects
having this typeclass. This will help speed up global
candidates (list): If supplied, search will
only be performed among the candidates in this list. A
common list of candidates is the contents of the
current location searched.
exact (bool): Match names/aliases exactly or partially.
Partial matching matches the beginning of words in the
names/aliases, using a matching routine to separate
multiple matches in names with multiple components (so
"bi sw" will match "Big sword"). Since this is more
expensive than exact matching, it is recommended to be
used together with the `candidates` keyword to limit the
number of possibilities. This value has no meaning if
searching for attributes/properties.
use_dbref (bool): If False, bypass direct lookup of a string
on the form #dbref and treat it like any string.
matches (list): Matching objects
def _searcher(searchdata, candidates, typeclass, exact=False):
Helper method for searching objects. `typeclass` is only used
for global searching (no candidates)
if attribute_name:
# attribute/property search (always exact).
matches = self.get_objs_with_db_property_value(
attribute_name, searchdata, candidates=candidates, typeclasses=typeclass
if matches:
return matches
return self.get_objs_with_attr_value(
attribute_name, searchdata, candidates=candidates, typeclasses=typeclass
# normal key/alias search
return self.get_objs_with_key_or_alias(
searchdata, exact=exact, candidates=candidates, typeclasses=typeclass
if not searchdata and searchdata != 0:
return []
if typeclass:
# typeclass may also be a list
typeclasses = make_iter(typeclass)
for i, typeclass in enumerate(make_iter(typeclasses)):
if callable(typeclass):
typeclasses[i] = "%s.%s" % (typeclass.__module__, typeclass.__name__)
typeclasses[i] = "%s" % typeclass
typeclass = typeclasses
if candidates is not None:
if not candidates:
# candidates is the empty list. This should mean no matches can ever be acquired.
return []
# Convenience check to make sure candidates are really dbobjs
candidates = [cand for cand in make_iter(candidates) if cand]
if typeclass:
candidates = [
cand for cand in candidates if _GA(cand, "db_typeclass_path") in typeclass
dbref = not attribute_name and exact and use_dbref and self.dbref(searchdata)
if dbref:
# Easiest case - dbref matching (always exact)
dbref_match = self.dbref_search(dbref)
if dbref_match:
if not candidates or dbref_match in candidates:
return [dbref_match]
return []
# Search through all possibilities.
match_number = None
# always run first check exact - we don't want partial matches
# if on the form of 1-keyword etc.
matches = _searcher(searchdata, candidates, typeclass, exact=True)
if not matches:
# no matches found - check if we are dealing with N-keyword
# query - if so, strip it.
match = _MULTIMATCH_REGEX.match(str(searchdata))
match_number = None
if match:
# strips the number
match_number, searchdata = match.group("number"), match.group("name")
match_number = int(match_number) - 1
if match_number is not None or not exact:
# run search again, with the exactness set by call
matches = _searcher(searchdata, candidates, typeclass, exact=exact)
# deal with result
if len(matches) == 1 and match_number is not None and match_number != 0:
# this indicates trying to get a single match with a match-number
# targeting some higher-number match (like 2-box when there is only
# one box in the room). This leads to a no-match.
matches = []
elif len(matches) > 1 and match_number is not None:
# multiple matches, but a number was given to separate them
if 0 <= match_number < len(matches):
# limit to one match
matches = [matches[match_number]]
# a number was given outside of range. This means a no-match.
matches = []
# return a list (possibly empty)
return matches
# alias for backwards compatibility
object_search = search_object
search = search_object
# ObjectManager Copy method
[docs] def copy_object(
Create and return a new object as a copy of the original object. All
will be identical to the original except for the arguments given
specifically to this method. Object contents will not be copied.
original_object (Object): The object to make a copy from.
new_key (str, optional): Name of the copy, if different
from the original.
new_location (Object, optional): Alternate location.
new_home (Object, optional): Change the home location
new_aliases (list, optional): Give alternate object
aliases as a list of strings.
new_destination (Object, optional): Used only by exits.
copy (Object or None): The copy of `original_object`,
optionally modified as per the ingoing keyword
arguments. `None` if an error was encountered.
# get all the object's stats
typeclass_path = original_object.typeclass_path
if not new_key:
new_key = original_object.key
if not new_location:
new_location = original_object.location
if not new_home:
new_home = original_object.home
if not new_aliases:
new_aliases = original_object.aliases.all()
if not new_locks:
new_locks = original_object.db_lock_storage
if not new_permissions:
new_permissions = original_object.permissions.all()
if not new_destination:
new_destination = original_object.destination
# create new object
from evennia.utils import create
from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB
new_object = create.create_object(
if not new_object:
return None
# copy over all attributes from old to new.
attrs = (
(a.key, a.value, a.category, a.lock_storage) for a in original_object.attributes.all()
# copy over all cmdsets, if any
for icmdset, cmdset in enumerate(original_object.cmdset.all()):
if icmdset == 0:
# copy over all scripts, if any
for script in original_object.scripts.all():
ScriptDB.objects.copy_script(script, new_obj=new_object)
# copy over all tags, if any
tags = (
(t.db_key, t.db_category, t.db_data) for t in original_object.tags.all(return_objs=True)
return new_object
[docs] def clear_all_sessids(self):
Clear the db_sessid field of all objects having also the
db_account field set.
[docs]class ObjectManager(ObjectDBManager, TypeclassManager):