Source code for evennia.contrib.chargen
Contribution - Griatch 2011
> Note - with the advent of MULTISESSION_MODE=2, this is not really as
necessary anymore - the ooclook and @charcreate commands in that mode
replaces this module with better functionality. This remains here for
This is a simple character creation commandset for the Account level.
It shows some more info and gives the Account the option to create a
character without any more customizations than their name (further
options are unique for each game anyway).
In MULTISESSION_MODEs 0 and 1, you will automatically log into an
existing Character. When using `@ooc` you will then end up in this
Import this module to `mygame/commands/` and
add `chargen.OOCCMdSetCharGen` to the `AccountCmdSet` class
(it says where to add it). Reload.
from django.conf import settings
from evennia import Command, create_object, utils
from evennia import default_cmds, managers
[docs]class CmdOOCLook(default_cmds.CmdLook):
ooc look
look <character>
This is an OOC version of the look command. Since an Account doesn't
have an in-game existence, there is no concept of location or
If any characters are available for you to control, you may look
at them with this command.
key = "look"
aliases = ["l", "ls"]
locks = "cmd:all()"
help_category = "General"
[docs] def func(self):
Implements the ooc look command
We use an attribute _character_dbrefs on the account in order
to figure out which characters are "theirs". A drawback of this
is that only the CmdCharacterCreate command adds this attribute,
and thus e.g. account #1 will not be listed (although it will work).
Existence in this list does not depend on puppeting rights though,
that is checked by the @ic command directly.
# making sure caller is really an account
self.character = None
if utils.inherits_from(self.caller, "evennia.objects.objects.Object"):
# An object of some type is calling. Convert to account.
self.character = self.caller
if hasattr(self.caller, "account"):
self.caller = self.caller.account
if not self.character:
# ooc mode, we are accounts
avail_chars = self.caller.db._character_dbrefs
if self.args:
# Maybe the caller wants to look at a character
if not avail_chars:
self.caller.msg("You have no characters to look at. Why not create one?")
objs = managers.objects.get_objs_with_key_and_typeclass(
self.args.strip(), CHARACTER_TYPECLASS
objs = [obj for obj in objs if in avail_chars]
if not objs:
self.caller.msg("You cannot see this Character.")
# not inspecting a character. Show the OOC info.
charnames = []
if self.caller.db._character_dbrefs:
dbrefs = self.caller.db._character_dbrefs
charobjs = [managers.objects.get_id(dbref) for dbref in dbrefs]
charnames = [charobj.key for charobj in charobjs if charobj]
if charnames:
charlist = "The following Character(s) are available:\n\n"
charlist += "\n\r".join(["|w %s|n" % charname for charname in charnames])
charlist += "\n\n Use |w@ic <character name>|n to switch to that Character."
charlist = "You have no Characters."
string = """ You, %s, are an |wOOC ghost|n without form. The world is hidden
from you and besides chatting on channels your options are limited.
You need to have a Character in order to interact with the world.
Use |wcreate <name>|n to create a new character and |whelp|n for a
list of available commands.""" % (
# not ooc mode - leave back to normal look
# we have to put this back for normal look to work.
self.caller = self.character
[docs]class CmdOOCCharacterCreate(Command):
creates a character
create <character name>
This will create a new character, assuming
the given character name does not already exist.
key = "create"
locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self):
Tries to create the Character object. We also put an
attribute on ourselves to remember it.
# making sure caller is really an account
self.character = None
if utils.inherits_from(self.caller, "evennia.objects.objects.Object"):
# An object of some type is calling. Convert to account.
self.character = self.caller
if hasattr(self.caller, "account"):
self.caller = self.caller.account
if not self.args:
self.caller.msg("Usage: create <character name>")
charname = self.args.strip()
old_char = managers.objects.get_objs_with_key_and_typeclass(charname, CHARACTER_TYPECLASS)
if old_char:
self.caller.msg("Character |c%s|n already exists." % charname)
# create the character
new_character = create_object(CHARACTER_TYPECLASS, key=charname)
if not new_character:
"|rThe Character couldn't be created. This is a bug. Please contact an admin."
# make sure to lock the character to only be puppeted by this account
"puppet:id(%i) or pid(%i) or perm(Developer) or pperm(Developer)"
% (,
# save dbref
avail_chars = self.caller.db._character_dbrefs
if avail_chars:
avail_chars = []
self.caller.db._character_dbrefs = avail_chars
self.caller.msg("|gThe character |c%s|g was successfully created!" % charname)
[docs]class OOCCmdSetCharGen(default_cmds.AccountCmdSet):
Extends the default OOC cmdset.
[docs] def at_cmdset_creation(self):
"""Install everything from the default set, then overload"""