Source code for evennia.comms.managers

These managers define helper methods for accessing the database from
Comm system components.


from django.db.models import Q
from evennia.typeclasses.managers import TypedObjectManager, TypeclassManager
from evennia.utils import logger
from evennia.utils.utils import dbref

_GA = object.__getattribute__
_AccountDB = None
_ObjectDB = None
_ChannelDB = None

# error class

[docs]class CommError(Exception): """ Raised by comm system, to allow feedback to player when caught. """ pass
# # helper functions #
[docs]def identify_object(inp): """ Helper function. Identifies if an object is an account or an object; return its database model Args: inp (any): Entity to be idtified. Returns: identified (tuple): This is a tuple with (`inp`, identifier) where `identifier` is one of "account", "object", "channel", "string", "dbref" or None. """ if hasattr(inp, "__dbclass__"): clsname = inp.__dbclass__.__name__ if clsname == "AccountDB": return inp, "account" elif clsname == "ObjectDB": return inp, "object" elif clsname == "ChannelDB": return inp, "channel" if isinstance(inp, str): return inp, "string" elif dbref(inp): return dbref(inp), "dbref" else: return inp, None
[docs]def to_object(inp, objtype="account"): """ Locates the object related to the given accountname or channel key. If input was already the correct object, return it. Args: inp (any): The input object/string objtype (str): Either 'account' or 'channel'. Returns: obj (object): The correct object related to `inp`. """ obj, typ = identify_object(inp) if typ == objtype: return obj if objtype == "account": if typ == "object": return obj.account if typ == "string": return _AccountDB.objects.get(user_username__iexact=obj) if typ == "dbref": return _AccountDB.objects.get(id=obj) logger.log_err("%s %s %s %s %s" % (objtype, inp, obj, typ, type(inp))) raise CommError() elif objtype == "object": if typ == "account": return obj.obj if typ == "string": return _ObjectDB.objects.get(db_key__iexact=obj) if typ == "dbref": return _ObjectDB.objects.get(id=obj) logger.log_err("%s %s %s %s %s" % (objtype, inp, obj, typ, type(inp))) raise CommError() elif objtype == "channel": if typ == "string": return _ChannelDB.objects.get(db_key__iexact=obj) if typ == "dbref": return _ChannelDB.objects.get(id=obj) logger.log_err("%s %s %s %s %s" % (objtype, inp, obj, typ, type(inp))) raise CommError() # an unknown return None
# # Msg manager #
[docs]class MsgManager(TypedObjectManager): """ This MsgManager implements methods for searching and manipulating Messages directly from the database. These methods will all return database objects (or QuerySets) directly. A Message represents one unit of communication, be it over a Channel or via some form of in-game mail system. Like an e-mail, it always has a sender and can have any number of receivers (some of which may be Channels). """
[docs] def identify_object(self, inp): """ Wrapper to identify_object if accessing via the manager directly. Args: inp (any): Entity to be idtified. Returns: identified (tuple): This is a tuple with (`inp`, identifier) where `identifier` is one of "account", "object", "channel", "string", "dbref" or None. """ return identify_object(inp)
[docs] def get_message_by_id(self, idnum): """ Retrieve message by its id. Args: idnum (int or str): The dbref to retrieve. Returns: message (Msg): The message. """ try: return self.get(id=self.dbref(idnum, reqhash=False)) except Exception: return None
[docs] def get_messages_by_sender(self, sender, exclude_channel_messages=False): """ Get all messages sent by one entity - this could be either a account or an object Args: sender (Account or Object): The sender of the message. exclude_channel_messages (bool, optional): Only return messages not aimed at a channel (that is, private tells for example) Returns: messages (list): List of matching messages Raises: CommError: For incorrect sender types. """ obj, typ = identify_object(sender) if exclude_channel_messages: # explicitly exclude channel recipients if typ == "account": return list( self.filter(db_sender_accounts=obj, db_receivers_channels__isnull=True).exclude( db_hide_from_accounts=obj ) ) elif typ == "object": return list( self.filter(db_sender_objects=obj, db_receivers_channels__isnull=True).exclude( db_hide_from_objects=obj ) ) else: raise CommError else: # get everything, channel or not if typ == "account": return list(self.filter(db_sender_accounts=obj).exclude(db_hide_from_accounts=obj)) elif typ == "object": return list(self.filter(db_sender_objects=obj).exclude(db_hide_from_objects=obj)) else: raise CommError
[docs] def get_messages_by_receiver(self, recipient): """ Get all messages sent to one given recipient. Args: recipient (Object, Account or Channel): The recipient of the messages to search for. Returns: messages (list): Matching messages. Raises: CommError: If the `recipient` is not of a valid type. """ obj, typ = identify_object(recipient) if typ == "account": return list(self.filter(db_receivers_accounts=obj).exclude(db_hide_from_accounts=obj)) elif typ == "object": return list(self.filter(db_receivers_objects=obj).exclude(db_hide_from_objects=obj)) elif typ == "channel": return list(self.filter(db_receivers_channels=obj).exclude(db_hide_from_channels=obj)) else: raise CommError
[docs] def get_messages_by_channel(self, channel): """ Get all persistent messages sent to one channel. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to find messages for. Returns: messages (list): Persistent Msg objects saved for this channel. """ return self.filter(db_receivers_channels=channel).exclude(db_hide_from_channels=channel)
[docs] def search_message(self, sender=None, receiver=None, freetext=None, dbref=None): """ Search the message database for particular messages. At least one of the arguments must be given to do a search. Args: sender (Object or Account, optional): Get messages sent by a particular account or object receiver (Object, Account or Channel, optional): Get messages received by a certain account,object or channel freetext (str): Search for a text string in a message. NOTE: This can potentially be slow, so make sure to supply one of the other arguments to limit the search. dbref (int): The exact database id of the message. This will override all other search criteria since it's unique and always gives only one match. Returns: messages (list or Msg): A list of message matches or a single match if `dbref` was given. """ # unique msg id if dbref: msg = self.objects.filter(id=dbref) if msg: return msg[0] # We use Q objects to gradually build up the query - this way we only # need to do one database lookup at the end rather than gradually # refining with multiple filter:s. Django Note: Q objects can be # combined with & and | (=AND,OR). ~ negates the queryset # filter by sender sender, styp = identify_object(sender) if styp == "account": sender_restrict = Q(db_sender_accounts=sender) & ~Q(db_hide_from_accounts=sender) elif styp == "object": sender_restrict = Q(db_sender_objects=sender) & ~Q(db_hide_from_objects=sender) else: sender_restrict = Q() # filter by receiver receiver, rtyp = identify_object(receiver) if rtyp == "account": receiver_restrict = Q(db_receivers_accounts=receiver) & ~Q( db_hide_from_accounts=receiver ) elif rtyp == "object": receiver_restrict = Q(db_receivers_objects=receiver) & ~Q(db_hide_from_objects=receiver) elif rtyp == "channel": receiver_restrict = Q(db_receivers_channels=receiver) & ~Q( db_hide_from_channels=receiver ) else: receiver_restrict = Q() # filter by full text if freetext: fulltext_restrict = Q(db_header__icontains=freetext) | Q(db_message__icontains=freetext) else: fulltext_restrict = Q() # execute the query return list(self.filter(sender_restrict & receiver_restrict & fulltext_restrict))
# back-compatibility alias message_search = search_message
# # Channel manager #
[docs]class ChannelDBManager(TypedObjectManager): """ This ChannelManager implements methods for searching and manipulating Channels directly from the database. These methods will all return database objects (or QuerySets) directly. A Channel is an in-game venue for communication. It's essentially representation of a re-sender: Users sends Messages to the Channel, and the Channel re-sends those messages to all users subscribed to the Channel. """
[docs] def get_all_channels(self): """ Get all channels. Returns: channels (list): All channels in game. """ return self.all()
[docs] def get_channel(self, channelkey): """ Return the channel object if given its key. Also searches its aliases. Args: channelkey (str): Channel key to search for. Returns: channel (Channel or None): A channel match. """ dbref = self.dbref(channelkey) if dbref: try: return self.get(id=dbref) except self.model.DoesNotExist: pass results = self.filter( Q(db_key__iexact=channelkey) | Q(db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact="alias", db_tags__db_key__iexact=channelkey) ).distinct() return results[0] if results else None
[docs] def get_subscriptions(self, subscriber): """ Return all channels a given entity is subscribed to. Args: subscriber (Object or Account): The one subscribing. Returns: subscriptions (list): Channel subscribed to. """ clsname = subscriber.__dbclass__.__name__ if clsname == "AccountDB": return subscriber.account_subscription_set.all() if clsname == "ObjectDB": return subscriber.object_subscription_set.all() return []
[docs] def search_channel(self, ostring, exact=True): """ Search the channel database for a particular channel. Args: ostring (str): The key or database id of the channel. exact (bool, optional): Require an exact (but not case sensitive) match. """ dbref = self.dbref(ostring) if dbref: try: return self.get(id=dbref) except self.model.DoesNotExist: pass if exact: channels = self.filter( Q(db_key__iexact=ostring) | Q(db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact="alias", db_tags__db_key__iexact=ostring) ).distinct() else: channels = self.filter( Q(db_key__icontains=ostring) | Q(db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact="alias", db_tags__db_key__icontains=ostring) ).distinct() return channels
# back-compatibility alias channel_search = search_channel
[docs]class ChannelManager(ChannelDBManager, TypeclassManager): """ Wrapper to group the typeclass manager to a consistent name. """ pass