
Commands that are available from the connect screen.

class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedConnect(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

connect to the game

Usage (at login screen):

connect accountname password connect “account name” “pass word”

Use the create command to first create an account before logging in.

If you have spaces in your name, enclose it in double quotes.

key = 'connect'
aliases = ['conn', 'con', 'co']
locks = 'cmd:all()'
arg_regex = re.compile('\\s.*?|$', re.IGNORECASE)

Uses the Django admin api. Note that unlogged-in commands have a unique position in that their func() receives a session object instead of a source_object like all other types of logged-in commands (this is because there is no object yet before the account has logged in)

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedCreate(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

create a new account account

Usage (at login screen):

create <accountname> <password> create “account name” “pass word”

This creates a new account account.

If you have spaces in your name, enclose it in double quotes.

key = 'create'
aliases = ['cre', 'cr']
locks = 'cmd:all()'
arg_regex = re.compile('\\s.*?|$', re.IGNORECASE)

Do checks and create account

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedQuit(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

quit when in unlogged-in state



We maintain a different version of the quit command here for unconnected accounts for the sake of simplicity. The logged in version is a bit more complicated.

key = 'quit'
aliases = ['qu', 'q']
locks = 'cmd:all()'

Simply close the connection.

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedLook(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

look when in unlogged-in state



This is an unconnected version of the look command for simplicity.

This is called by the server and kicks everything in gear. All it does is display the connect screen.

key = '__unloggedin_look_command'
aliases = ['look', 'l']
locks = 'cmd:all()'

Show the connect screen.

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedHelp(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

get help when in unconnected-in state



This is an unconnected version of the help command, for simplicity. It shows a pane of info.

key = 'help'
aliases = ['?', 'h']
locks = 'cmd:all()'

Shows help

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedEncoding(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

set which text encoding to use in unconnected-in state


encoding/switches [<encoding>]


clear - clear your custom encoding

This sets the text encoding for communicating with Evennia. This is mostly an issue only if you want to use non-ASCII characters (i.e. letters/symbols not found in English). If you see that your characters look strange (or you get encoding errors), you should use this command to set the server encoding to be the same used in your client program.

Common encodings are utf-8 (default), latin-1, ISO-8859-1 etc.

If you don’t submit an encoding, the current encoding will be displayed instead.

key = 'encoding'
aliases = ['encode']
locks = 'cmd:all()'

Sets the encoding.

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedInfo(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

Provides MUDINFO output, so that Evennia games can be added to Mudconnector and Mudstats. Sadly, the MUDINFO specification seems to have dropped off the face of the net, but it is still used by some crawlers. This implementation was created by looking at the MUDINFO implementation in MUX2, TinyMUSH, Rhost, and PennMUSH.

key = 'info'
locks = 'cmd:all()'

This is the hook function that actually does all the work. It is called by the cmdhandler right after self.parser() finishes, and so has access to all the variables defined therein.

aliases = []
help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
class evennia.commands.default.unloggedin.CmdUnconnectedScreenreader(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

Activate screenreader mode.



Used to flip screenreader mode on and off before logging in (when logged in, use option screenreader on).

key = 'screenreader'

Flips screenreader setting.

aliases = []
help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all();'