Source code for evennia.utils.text2html

ANSI -> html converter

Credit for original idea and implementation
goes to Muhammad Alkarouri and his
snippet #577349 on

(extensively modified by Griatch 2010)

import re
from html import escape as html_escape

from .ansi import *
from .hex_colors import HexColors

# All xterm256 RGB equivalents

XTERM256_FG = "\033[38;5;{}m"
XTERM256_BG = "\033[48;5;{}m"

hex_colors = HexColors()

[docs]class TextToHTMLparser(object): """ This class describes a parser for converting from ANSI to html. """ tabstop = 4 style_codes = [ # non-color style markers ANSI_NORMAL, ANSI_UNDERLINE, ANSI_HILITE, ANSI_UNHILITE, ANSI_INVERSE, ANSI_BLINK, ANSI_INV_HILITE, ANSI_BLINK_HILITE, ANSI_INV_BLINK, ANSI_INV_BLINK_HILITE, ] ansi_color_codes = [ # Foreground colors ANSI_BLACK, ANSI_RED, ANSI_GREEN, ANSI_YELLOW, ANSI_BLUE, ANSI_MAGENTA, ANSI_CYAN, ANSI_WHITE, ] xterm_fg_codes = [XTERM256_FG.format(i + 16) for i in range(240)] ansi_bg_codes = [ # Background colors ANSI_BACK_BLACK, ANSI_BACK_RED, ANSI_BACK_GREEN, ANSI_BACK_YELLOW, ANSI_BACK_BLUE, ANSI_BACK_MAGENTA, ANSI_BACK_CYAN, ANSI_BACK_WHITE, ] xterm_bg_codes = [XTERM256_BG.format(i + 16) for i in range(240)] re_style = re.compile( r"({}|{})".format( "|".join( style_codes + ansi_color_codes + xterm_fg_codes + ansi_bg_codes + xterm_bg_codes ).replace("[", r"\["), "|".join([HexColors.TRUECOLOR_FG, HexColors.TRUECOLOR_BG]), ) ) colorlist = ( [ANSI_UNHILITE + code for code in ansi_color_codes] + [ANSI_HILITE + code for code in ansi_color_codes] + xterm_fg_codes ) bglist = ansi_bg_codes + [ANSI_HILITE + code for code in ansi_bg_codes] + xterm_bg_codes re_string = re.compile( r"(?P<htmlchars>[<&>])|(?P<tab>[\t]+)|(?P<lineend>\r\n|\r|\n)", re.S | re.M | re.I, ) re_url = re.compile( r'(?<!=")(\b(?:ftp|www|https?)\W+(?:(?!\.(?:\s|$)|&\w+;)[^"\',;$*^\\(){}<>\[\]\s])+)(\.(?:\s|$)|&\w+;|)' ) re_protocol = re.compile(r"^(?:ftp|https?)://") re_valid_no_protocol = re.compile( r"^(?:www|ftp)\.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*" ) re_mxplink = re.compile(r"\|lc(.*?)\|lt(.*?)\|le", re.DOTALL) re_mxpurl = re.compile(r"\|lu(.*?)\|lt(.*?)\|le", re.DOTALL)
[docs] def remove_bells(self, text): """ Remove ansi specials Args: text (str): Text to process. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ return text.replace(ANSI_BEEP, "")
[docs] def remove_backspaces(self, text): """ Removes special escape sequences Args: text (str): Text to process. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ backspace_or_eol = r"(.\010)|(\033\[K)" n = 1 while n > 0: text, n = re.subn(backspace_or_eol, "", text, 1) return text
[docs] def convert_linebreaks(self, text): """ Extra method for cleaning linebreaks Args: text (str): Text to process. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ return text.replace("\n", r"<br>")
[docs] def convert_urls(self, text): """ Replace urls (http://...) by valid HTML. Args: text (str): Text to process. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ m = if m: href = label = href # if there is no protocol (i.e. starts with www or ftp) # prefix with http:// so the link isn't treated as relative if not self.re_protocol.match(href): if not self.re_valid_no_protocol.match(href): return text href = "http://" + href rest = # -> added target to output prevent the web browser from attempting to # change pages (and losing our webclient session). return ( text[: m.start()] + f'<a href="{href}" target="_blank">{label}</a>{rest}' + text[m.end() :] ) else: return text
[docs] def sub_mxp_urls(self, match): """ Helper method to be passed to re.sub, replaces MXP links with HTML code. Args: match (re.Matchobject): Match for substitution. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ url, text = [grp.replace('"', "\\&quot;") for grp in match.groups()] val = r"""<a id="mxplink" href="{url}" target="_blank">{text}</a>""".format( url=url, text=text ) return val
[docs] def sub_text(self, match): """ Helper method to be passed to re.sub, for handling all substitutions. Args: match (re.Matchobject): Match for substitution. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ cdict = match.groupdict() if cdict["htmlchars"]: return html_escape(cdict["htmlchars"]) elif cdict["lineend"]: return "<br>" elif cdict["tab"]: text = cdict["tab"].replace("\t", " " * (self.tabstop)) return text return None
[docs] def format_styles(self, text): """ Takes a string with parsed ANSI codes and replaces them with HTML spans and CSS classes. Args: text (str): The string to process. Returns: text (str): Processed text. """ # split out the ANSI codes and clean out any empty items str_list = [substr for substr in self.re_style.split(text) if substr] # initialize all the flags and classes classes = [] clean = True inverse = False # default color is light grey - unhilite + white hilight = ANSI_UNHILITE fg = ANSI_WHITE # default bg is black bg = ANSI_BACK_BLACK truecolor_fg = "" truecolor_bg = "" for i, substr in enumerate(str_list): # reset all current styling if substr == ANSI_NORMAL: # close any existing span if necessary str_list[i] = "</span>" if not clean else "" # reset to defaults classes = [] clean = True inverse = False hilight = ANSI_UNHILITE fg = ANSI_WHITE bg = ANSI_BACK_BLACK truecolor_fg = "" truecolor_bg = "" # change color elif substr in self.ansi_color_codes + self.xterm_fg_codes: # erase ANSI code from output str_list[i] = "" # set new color fg = substr # change bg color elif substr in self.ansi_bg_codes + self.xterm_bg_codes: # erase ANSI code from output str_list[i] = "" # set new bg bg = substr elif re.match(hex_colors.TRUECOLOR_FG, substr): str_list[i] = "" truecolor_fg = substr elif re.match(hex_colors.TRUECOLOR_BG, substr): str_list[i] = "" truecolor_bg = substr # non-color codes elif substr in self.style_codes: # erase ANSI code from output str_list[i] = "" # hilight codes if substr in (ANSI_HILITE, ANSI_UNHILITE, ANSI_INV_HILITE, ANSI_INV_BLINK_HILITE): # set new hilight status hilight = ANSI_UNHILITE if substr == ANSI_UNHILITE else ANSI_HILITE # inversion codes if substr in (ANSI_INVERSE, ANSI_INV_HILITE, ANSI_INV_BLINK_HILITE): inverse = True # blink codes if ( substr in (ANSI_BLINK, ANSI_BLINK_HILITE, ANSI_INV_BLINK_HILITE) and "blink" not in classes ): classes.append("blink") # underline if substr == ANSI_UNDERLINE and "underline" not in classes: classes.append("underline") else: # normal text, add text back to list if not str_list[i - 1]: # prior entry was cleared, which means style change # get indices for the fg and bg codes bg_index = self.bglist.index(bg) try: color_index = self.colorlist.index(hilight + fg) except ValueError: # xterm256 colors don't have the hilight codes color_index = self.colorlist.index(fg) if inverse: if truecolor_fg != "" and truecolor_bg != "": # True startcolor only truecolor_fg, truecolor_bg = truecolor_bg, truecolor_fg elif truecolor_fg != "" and truecolor_bg == "": # Truecolor fg, class based bg truecolor_bg = truecolor_fg truecolor_fg = "" color_class = "color-{}".format(str(bg_index).rjust(3, "0")) elif truecolor_fg == "" and truecolor_bg != "": # Truecolor bg, class based fg truecolor_fg = truecolor_bg truecolor_bg = "" bg_class = "bgcolor-{}".format(str(color_index).rjust(3, "0")) else: # inverse means swap fg and bg indices bg_class = "bgcolor-{}".format(str(color_index).rjust(3, "0")) color_class = "color-{}".format(str(bg_index).rjust(3, "0")) else: # use fg and bg indices for classes bg_class = "bgcolor-{}".format(str(bg_index).rjust(3, "0")) color_class = "color-{}".format(str(color_index).rjust(3, "0")) # black bg is the default, don't explicitly style if bg_class != "bgcolor-000": classes.append(bg_class) # light grey text is the default, don't explicitly style if color_class != "color-007": classes.append(color_class) # define the new style span if truecolor_fg == "" and truecolor_bg == "": prefix = f'<span class="{" ".join(classes)}">' else: # Classes can't be used for truecolor--but they can be extras such as 'blink' prefix = ( f"<span " f'class="{" ".join(classes)}" ' f"{hex_colors.xterm_truecolor_to_html_style(fg=truecolor_fg, bg=truecolor_bg)}>" ) # close any prior span if not clean: prefix = "</span>" + prefix # add span to output str_list[i - 1] = prefix # clean out color classes to easily update next time classes = [cls for cls in classes if "color" not in cls] # flag as currently being styled clean = False # close span if necessary if not clean: str_list.append("</span>") # recombine back into string return "".join(str_list)
[docs] def parse(self, text, strip_ansi=False): """ Main access function, converts a text containing ANSI codes into html statements. Args: text (str): Text to process. strip_ansi (bool, optional): Returns: text (str): Parsed text. """ # parse everything to ansi first text = parse_ansi(text, strip_ansi=strip_ansi, xterm256=True, mxp=True, truecolor=True) # convert all ansi to html result = re.sub(self.re_string, self.sub_text, text) result = re.sub(self.re_mxplink, self.sub_mxp_links, result) result = re.sub(self.re_mxpurl, self.sub_mxp_urls, result) result = self.remove_bells(result) result = self.format_styles(result) result = self.convert_linebreaks(result) result = self.remove_backspaces(result) result = self.convert_urls(result) # clean out eventual ansi that was missed ## result = parse_ansi(result, strip_ansi=True) return result
HTML_PARSER = TextToHTMLparser() # # Access function #
[docs]def parse_html(string, strip_ansi=False, parser=HTML_PARSER): """ Parses a string, replace ANSI markup with html """ return parser.parse(string, strip_ansi=strip_ansi)