Truecolor 24bit hex color support, on the form `|#00FF00`, `|[00FF00` or `|#0F0 or `|[#0F0`
import re
[docs]class HexColors:
This houses a method for converting hex codes to xterm truecolor codes
or falls back to evennia xterm256 codes to be handled by sub_xterm256
Based on code from @InspectorCaracal
_RE_FG = r"\|#"
_RE_BG = r"\|\[#"
_RE_FG_OR_BG = r"\|\[?#"
_RE_HEX_LONG = "[0-9a-fA-F]{6}"
_RE_HEX_SHORT = "[0-9a-fA-F]{3}"
_RE_BYTE = "[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]"
_RE_XTERM_TRUECOLOR = rf"\[([34])8;2;({_RE_BYTE});({_RE_BYTE});({_RE_BYTE})m"
# Used in hex_sub
# Used for greyscale
_GREYS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
TRUECOLOR_FG = rf"\x1b\[38;2;{_RE_BYTE};{_RE_BYTE};{_RE_BYTE}m"
TRUECOLOR_BG = rf"\x1b\[48;2;{_RE_BYTE};{_RE_BYTE};{_RE_BYTE}m"
# Our matchers for use with ANSIParser and ANSIString
hex_sub = re.compile(rf"{_RE_HEX_PATTERN}", re.DOTALL)
def _split_hex_to_bytes(self, tag: str) -> tuple[str, str, str]:
Splits hex string into separate bytes:
#00FF00 -> ('00', 'FF', '00')
#CF3 -> ('CC', 'FF', '33')
tag (str): the tag to convert
str: the text with converted tags
strip_leading = re.compile(rf"{self._RE_FG_OR_BG}")
tag = strip_leading.sub("", tag)
if len(tag) == 6:
# 6 digits
r, g, b = (tag[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, 6, 2))
# 3 digits
r, g, b = (tag[i : i + 1] * 2 for i in range(0, 3, 1))
return r, g, b
def _grey_int(self, num: int) -> int:
Returns a grey greyscale integer
return round(max((int(num) - 8), 0) / 10)
def _hue_int(self, num: int) -> int:
return round(max((int(num) - 45), 0) / 40)
def _hex_to_rgb_24_bit(self, hex_code: str) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
Converts a hex color code (#000 or #000000) into
a 3-int tuple (0, 255, 90)
hex_code (str): HTML hex color code
24-bit rgb tuple: (int, int, int)
# Strip the leading indicator if present
hex_code = re.sub(rf"{self._RE_FG_OR_BG}", "", hex_code)
r, g, b = self._split_hex_to_bytes(hex_code)
return int(r, 16), int(g, 16), int(b, 16)
def _rgb_24_bit_to_256(self, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
converts 0-255 hex color codes to 0-5
r (int): red
g (int): green
b (int): blue
256 color rgb tuple: (int, int, int)
return self._hue_int(r), self._hue_int(g), self._hue_int(b)
[docs] def sub_truecolor(self, match: re.Match, truecolor=False) -> str:
Converts a hex string to xterm truecolor code, greyscale, or
falls back to evennia xterm256 to be handled by sub_xterm256
match (re.match): first group is the leading indicator,
second is the tag
truecolor (bool): return xterm truecolor or fallback
Newly formatted indicator and tag (str)
indicator, tag = match.groups()
# Remove the # sign
indicator = indicator.replace("#", "")
r, g, b = self._hex_to_rgb_24_bit(tag)
if not truecolor:
# Fallback to xterm256 syntax
r, g, b = self._rgb_24_bit_to_256(r, g, b)
return f"{indicator}{r}{g}{b}"
xtag = f"\033["
if "[" in indicator:
# Background Color
xtag += "4"
xtag += "3"
xtag += f"8;2;{r};{g};{b}m"
return xtag
[docs] def xterm_truecolor_to_html_style(self, fg="", bg="") -> str:
Converts xterm truecolor to an html style property
fg: xterm truecolor
bg: xterm truecolor
Returns: style='color and or background-color'
prop = 'style="'
if fg != "":
res = re.search(self._RE_XTERM_TRUECOLOR, fg, re.DOTALL)
fg_bg, r, g, b = res.groups()
r = hex(int(r))[2:].zfill(2)
g = hex(int(g))[2:].zfill(2)
b = hex(int(b))[2:].zfill(2)
prop += f"color: #{r}{g}{b};"
if bg != "":
res = re.search(self._RE_XTERM_TRUECOLOR, bg, re.DOTALL)
fg_bg, r, g, b = res.groups()
r = hex(int(r))[2:].zfill(2)
g = hex(int(g))[2:].zfill(2)
b = hex(int(b))[2:].zfill(2)
prop += f"background-color: #{r}{g}{b};"
prop += f'"'
return prop