Source code for evennia.utils.containers


Containers are storage classes usually initialized from a setting. They
represent Singletons and acts as a convenient place to find resources (
available as properties on the singleton)



from pickle import dumps

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.utils import OperationalError, ProgrammingError
from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB
from evennia.utils import logger
from evennia.utils.utils import callables_from_module, class_from_module


[docs]class Container: """ Base container class. A container is simply a storage object whose properties can be acquired as a property on it. This is generally considered a read-only affair. The container is initialized by a list of modules containing callables. """ storage_modules = []
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Read data from module. """ self.loaded_data = None
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Delayed import to avoid eventual circular imports from inside the storage modules. """ if self.loaded_data is None: self.loaded_data = {} for module in self.storage_modules: self.loaded_data.update(callables_from_module(module))
def __getattr__(self, key): return self.get(key)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Retrive data by key (in case of not knowing it beforehand). Args: key (str): The name of the script. default (any, optional): Value to return if key is not found. Returns: any (any): The data loaded on this container. """ self.load_data() return self.loaded_data.get(key, default)
[docs] def all(self): """ Get all stored data Returns: scripts (list): All global script objects stored on the container. """ self.load_data() return list(self.loaded_data.values())
[docs]class OptionContainer(Container): """ Loads and stores the final list of OPTION CLASSES. Can access these as properties or dictionary-contents. """ storage_modules = settings.OPTION_CLASS_MODULES
[docs]class GlobalScriptContainer(Container): """ Simple Handler object loaded by the Evennia API to contain and manage a game's Global Scripts. This will list global Scripts created on their own but will also auto-(re)create scripts defined in `settings.GLOBAL_SCRIPTS`. Example: import evennia evennia.GLOBAL_SCRIPTS.scriptname Note: This does not use much of the BaseContainer since it's not loading callables from settings but a custom dict of tuples. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Note: We must delay loading of typeclasses since this module may get initialized before Scripts are actually initialized. """ self.typeclass_storage = dict() self.loaded_data = { key: {} if data is None else data for key, data in settings.GLOBAL_SCRIPTS.items() } self.loaded = False
def _load_script(self, key): typeclass = self.typeclass_storage[key] script = typeclass.objects.filter( db_key=key, db_account__isnull=True, db_obj__isnull=True ).first() kwargs = {**self.loaded_data[key]} kwargs["key"] = key kwargs["persistent"] = kwargs.get("persistent", True) compare_hash = str(dumps(kwargs, protocol=4)) if script: script_hash = script.attributes.get("global_script_settings", category="settings_hash") if script_hash is None: # legacy - store the hash anew and assume no change script.attributes.add( "global_script_settings", compare_hash, category="settings_hash" ) elif script_hash != compare_hash: # wipe the old version and create anew logger.log_info(f"GLOBAL_SCRIPTS: Settings changed for {key} ({typeclass}).") script.stop() script.delete() script = None if not script: logger.log_info(f"GLOBAL_SCRIPTS: (Re)creating {key} ({typeclass}).") script, errors = typeclass.create(**kwargs) if errors: logger.log_err("\n".join(errors)) return None # store a hash representation of the setup script.attributes.add("global_script_settings", compare_hash, category="settings_hash") return script
[docs] def start(self): """ Called last in evennia.__init__ to initialize the container late (after script typeclasses have finished loading). We include all global scripts in the handler and make sure to auto-load time-based scripts. """ # populate self.typeclass_storage if not self.loaded: self.load_data() # make sure settings-defined scripts are loaded scripts_to_run = [] for key in self.loaded_data: script = self._load_script(key) if script: scripts_to_run.append(script) # start all global scripts try: for script in scripts_to_run: script.start() except (OperationalError, ProgrammingError): # this can happen if db is not loaded yet (such as when building docs) pass
[docs] def load_data(self): """ This delayed import avoids trying to load Scripts before they are initialized. """ if self.loaded: return if not self.typeclass_storage: for key, data in list(self.loaded_data.items()): typeclass = data.get("typeclass", settings.BASE_SCRIPT_TYPECLASS) self.typeclass_storage[key] = class_from_module( typeclass, fallback=settings.BASE_SCRIPT_TYPECLASS ) self.loaded = True
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Retrive data by key (in case of not knowing it beforehand). Any scripts that are in settings.GLOBAL_SCRIPTS that are not found will be recreated on-demand. Args: key (str): The name of the script. default (any, optional): Value to return if key is not found at all on this container (i.e it cannot be loaded at all). Returns: any (any): The data loaded on this container. """ if not self.loaded: self.load_data() script_found = None if key in self.loaded_data: if key not in self.typeclass_storage: # this means we are trying to load in a loop raise RuntimeError( f"Trying to access `GLOBAL_SCRIPTS.{key}` before scripts have finished " "initializing. This can happen if accessing GLOBAL_SCRIPTS from the same " "module the script is defined in." ) # recreate if we have the info script_found = self._load_script(key) if script_found: out_value = script_found else: # script not found in settings, see if one exists in database (not # auto-started/recreated) script_found = ScriptDB.objects.filter(db_key__iexact=key, db_obj__isnull=True).first() return script_found if script_found is not None else default
[docs] def all(self): """ Get all global scripts. Note that this will not auto-start scripts defined in settings. Returns: list: All global script objects in game (both managed and unmanaged), sorted alphabetically. """ if not self.loaded: self.load_data() managed_scripts = list(self.loaded_data.values()) unmanaged_scripts = list( ScriptDB.objects.filter(db_obj__isnull=True).exclude( id__in=[ for scr in managed_scripts] ) ) return list(sorted(managed_scripts + unmanaged_scripts, key=lambda scr: scr.db_key))
# Create all singletons GLOBAL_SCRIPTS = GlobalScriptContainer() OPTION_CLASSES = OptionContainer()