Source code for evennia.typeclasses.managers

This implements the common managers that are used by the
abstract models in (and which are thus shared by
all Attributes and TypedObjects).


import shlex

from django.db.models import Count, ExpressionWrapper, F, FloatField, Q
from django.db.models.functions import Cast

from evennia.typeclasses.attributes import Attribute
from evennia.typeclasses.tags import Tag
from evennia.utils import idmapper
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module, make_iter, variable_from_module

__all__ = ("TypedObjectManager",)
_GA = object.__getattribute__
_Tag = None

# Managers

[docs]class TypedObjectManager(idmapper.manager.SharedMemoryManager): """ Common ObjectManager for all dbobjects. """ # common methods for all typed managers. These are used # in other methods. Returns querysets. # Attribute manager methods
[docs] def get_attribute( self, key=None, category=None, value=None, strvalue=None, obj=None, attrtype=None, **kwargs ): """ Return Attribute objects by key, by category, by value, by strvalue, by object (it is stored on) or with a combination of those criteria. Args: key (str, optional): The attribute's key to search for category (str, optional): The category of the attribute(s) to search for. value (str, optional): The attribute value to search for. Note that this is not a very efficient operation since it will query for a pickled entity. Mutually exclusive to `strvalue`. strvalue (str, optional): The str-value to search for. Most Attributes will not have strvalue set. This is mutually exclusive to the `value` keyword and will take precedence if given. obj (Object, optional): On which object the Attribute to search for is. attrype (str, optional): An attribute-type to search for. By default this is either `None` (normal Attributes) or `"nick"`. **kwargs (any): Currently unused. Reserved for future use. Returns: list: The matching Attributes. """ dbmodel = self.model.__dbclass__.__name__.lower() query = [("attribute__db_attrtype", attrtype), ("attribute__db_model", dbmodel)] if obj: query.append(("%s__id" % self.model.__dbclass__.__name__.lower(), if key: query.append(("attribute__db_key", key)) if category: query.append(("attribute__db_category", category)) if strvalue: query.append(("attribute__db_strvalue", strvalue)) if value: # no reason to make strvalue/value mutually exclusive at this level query.append(("attribute__db_value", value)) return Attribute.objects.filter( pk__in=self.model.db_attributes.through.objects.filter(**dict(query)).values_list( "attribute_id", flat=True ) )
[docs] def get_nick(self, key=None, category=None, value=None, strvalue=None, obj=None): """ Get a nick, in parallel to `get_attribute`. Args: key (str, optional): The nicks's key to search for category (str, optional): The category of the nicks(s) to search for. value (str, optional): The attribute value to search for. Note that this is not a very efficient operation since it will query for a pickled entity. Mutually exclusive to `strvalue`. strvalue (str, optional): The str-value to search for. Most Attributes will not have strvalue set. This is mutually exclusive to the `value` keyword and will take precedence if given. obj (Object, optional): On which object the Attribute to search for is. Returns: nicks (list): The matching Nicks. """ return self.get_attribute( key=key, category=category, value=value, strvalue=strvalue, obj=obj )
[docs] def get_by_attribute( self, key=None, category=None, value=None, strvalue=None, attrtype=None, **kwargs ): """ Return objects having attributes with the given key, category, value, strvalue or combination of those criteria. Args: key (str, optional): The attribute's key to search for category (str, optional): The category of the attribute to search for. value (str, optional): The attribute value to search for. Note that this is not a very efficient operation since it will query for a pickled entity. Mutually exclusive to `strvalue`. strvalue (str, optional): The str-value to search for. Most Attributes will not have strvalue set. This is mutually exclusive to the `value` keyword and will take precedence if given. attrype (str, optional): An attribute-type to search for. By default this is either `None` (normal Attributes) or `"nick"`. kwargs (any): Currently unused. Reserved for future use. Returns: obj (list): Objects having the matching Attributes. """ dbmodel = self.model.__dbclass__.__name__.lower() query = [ ("db_attributes__db_attrtype", attrtype), ("db_attributes__db_model", dbmodel), ] if key: query.append(("db_attributes__db_key", key)) if category: query.append(("db_attributes__db_category", category)) if strvalue: query.append(("db_attributes__db_strvalue", strvalue)) elif value: # strvalue and value are mutually exclusive query.append(("db_attributes__db_value", value)) return self.filter(**dict(query))
[docs] def get_by_nick(self, key=None, nick=None, category="inputline"): """ Get object based on its key or nick. Args: key (str, optional): The attribute's key to search for nick (str, optional): The nickname to search for category (str, optional): The category of the nick to search for. Returns: obj (list): Objects having the matching Nicks. """ return self.get_by_attribute(key=key, category=category, strvalue=nick, attrtype="nick")
# Tag manager methods
[docs] def get_tag(self, key=None, category=None, obj=None, tagtype=None, global_search=False): """ Return Tag objects by key, by category, by object (it is stored on) or with a combination of those criteria. Args: key (str, optional): The Tag's key to search for category (str, optional): The Tag of the attribute(s) to search for. obj (Object, optional): On which object the Tag to search for is. tagtype (str, optional): One of `None` (normal tags), "alias" or "permission" global_search (bool, optional): Include all possible tags, not just tags on this object Returns: tag (list): The matching Tags. """ global _Tag if not _Tag: from evennia.typeclasses.models import Tag as _Tag dbmodel = self.model.__dbclass__.__name__.lower() if global_search: # search all tags using the Tag model query = [("db_tagtype", tagtype), ("db_model", dbmodel)] if obj: query.append(("id", if key: query.append(("db_key", key)) if category: query.append(("db_category", category)) else: query.append(("db_category", None)) return _Tag.objects.filter(**dict(query)) else: # search only among tags stored on on this model query = [("tag__db_tagtype", tagtype), ("tag__db_model", dbmodel)] if obj: query.append(("%s__id" % self.model.__name__.lower(), if key: query.append(("tag__db_key", key)) if category: query.append(("tag__db_category", category)) return Tag.objects.filter( pk__in=self.model.db_tags.through.objects.filter(**dict(query)).values_list( "tag_id", flat=True ) )
[docs] def get_permission(self, key=None, category=None, obj=None): """ Get a permission from the database. Args: key (str, optional): The permission's identifier. category (str, optional): The permission's category. obj (object, optional): The object on which this Tag is set. Returns: permission (list): Permission objects. """ return self.get_tag(key=key, category=category, obj=obj, tagtype="permission")
[docs] def get_alias(self, key=None, category=None, obj=None): """ Get an alias from the database. Args: key (str, optional): The permission's identifier. category (str, optional): The permission's category. obj (object, optional): The object on which this Tag is set. Returns: alias (list): Alias objects. """ return self.get_tag(key=key, category=category, obj=obj, tagtype="alias")
[docs] def get_by_tag(self, key=None, category=None, tagtype=None, **kwargs): """ Return objects having tags with a given key or category or combination of the two. Also accepts multiple tags/category/tagtype Args: key (str or list, optional): Tag key or list of keys. Not case sensitive. category (str or list, optional): Tag category. Not case sensitive. If `key` is a list, a single category can either apply to all keys in that list or this must be a list matching the `key` list element by element. If no `key` is given, all objects with tags of this category are returned. tagtype (str, optional): 'type' of Tag, by default this is either `None` (a normal Tag), `alias` or `permission`. This always apply to all queried tags. Keyword Args: match (str): "all" (default) or "any"; determines whether the target object must be tagged with ALL of the provided tags/categories or ANY single one. ANY will perform a weighted sort, so objects with more tag matches will outrank those with fewer tag matches. Returns: objects (list): Objects with matching tag. Raises: IndexError: If `key` and `category` are both lists and `category` is shorter than `key`. """ if not (key or category): return [] global _Tag if not _Tag: from evennia.typeclasses.models import Tag as _Tag anymatch = "any" == kwargs.get("match", "all").lower().strip() keys = make_iter(key) if key else [] categories = make_iter(category) if category else [] n_keys = len(keys) n_categories = len(categories) unique_categories = set(categories) n_unique_categories = len(unique_categories) dbmodel = self.model.__dbclass__.__name__.lower() query = ( self.filter(db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact=tagtype, db_tags__db_model__iexact=dbmodel) .distinct() .order_by("id") ) if n_keys > 0: # keys and/or categories given if n_categories == 0: categories = [None for _ in range(n_keys)] elif n_categories == 1 and n_keys > 1: cat = categories[0] categories = [cat for _ in range(n_keys)] elif 1 < n_categories < n_keys: raise IndexError( "get_by_tag needs a single category or a list of categories " "the same length as the list of tags." ) clauses = Q() for ikey, key in enumerate(keys): # ANY mode; must match any one of the given tags/categories clauses |= Q(db_key__iexact=key, db_category__iexact=categories[ikey]) else: # only one or more categories given clauses = Q() # ANY mode; must match any one of them for category in unique_categories: clauses |= Q(db_category__iexact=category) tags = _Tag.objects.filter(clauses) query = query.filter(db_tags__in=tags).annotate( matches=Count("db_tags__pk", filter=Q(db_tags__in=tags), distinct=True) ) if anymatch: # ANY: Match any single tag, ordered by weight query = query.order_by("-matches") else: # Default ALL: Match all of the tags and optionally more n_req_tags = n_keys if n_keys > 0 else n_unique_categories query = query.filter(matches__gte=n_req_tags) return query
[docs] def get_by_permission(self, key=None, category=None): """ Return objects having permissions with a given key or category or combination of the two. Args: key (str, optional): Permissions key. Not case sensitive. category (str, optional): Permission category. Not case sensitive. Returns: objects (list): Objects with matching permission. """ return self.get_by_tag(key=key, category=category, tagtype="permission")
[docs] def get_by_alias(self, key=None, category=None): """ Return objects having aliases with a given key or category or combination of the two. Args: key (str, optional): Alias key. Not case sensitive. category (str, optional): Alias category. Not case sensitive. Returns: objects (list): Objects with matching alias. """ return self.get_by_tag(key=key, category=category, tagtype="alias")
[docs] def create_tag(self, key=None, category=None, data=None, tagtype=None): """ Create a new Tag of the base type associated with this object. This makes sure to create case-insensitive tags. If the exact same tag configuration (key+category+tagtype+dbmodel) exists on the model, a new tag will not be created, but an old one returned. Args: key (str, optional): Tag key. Not case sensitive. category (str, optional): Tag category. Not case sensitive. data (str, optional): Extra information about the tag. tagtype (str or None, optional): 'type' of Tag, by default this is either `None` (a normal Tag), `alias` or `permission`. Notes: The `data` field is not part of the uniqueness of the tag: Setting `data` on an existing tag will overwrite the old data field. It is intended only as a way to carry information about the tag (like a help text), not to carry any information about the tagged objects themselves. """ data = str(data) if data is not None else None # try to get old tag dbmodel = self.model.__dbclass__.__name__.lower() tag = self.get_tag(key=key, category=category, tagtype=tagtype, global_search=True) if tag and data is not None: # get tag from list returned by get_tag tag = tag[0] # overload data on tag tag.db_data = data elif not tag: # create a new tag global _Tag if not _Tag: from evennia.typeclasses.models import Tag as _Tag tag = _Tag.objects.create( db_key=key.strip().lower() if key is not None else None, db_category=category.strip().lower() if category and key is not None else None, db_data=data, db_model=dbmodel, db_tagtype=tagtype.strip().lower() if tagtype is not None else None, ) return make_iter(tag)[0]
[docs] def dbref(self, dbref, reqhash=True): """ Determing if input is a valid dbref. Args: dbref (str or int): A possible dbref. reqhash (bool, optional): If the "#" is required for this to be considered a valid hash. Returns: dbref (int or None): The integer part of the dbref. Notes: Valid forms of dbref (database reference number) are either a string '#N' or an integer N. """ if reqhash and not (isinstance(dbref, str) and dbref.startswith("#")): return None if isinstance(dbref, str): dbref = dbref.lstrip("#") try: if int(dbref) < 0: return None except Exception: return None return dbref
[docs] def get_id(self, dbref): """ Find object with given dbref. Args: dbref (str or int): The id to search for. Returns: object (TypedObject): The matched object. """ dbref = self.dbref(dbref, reqhash=False) try: return self.get(id=dbref) except self.model.DoesNotExist: pass return None
search_dbref = dbref_search # alias
[docs] def get_dbref_range(self, min_dbref=None, max_dbref=None): """ Get objects within a certain range of dbrefs. Args: min_dbref (int): Start of dbref range. max_dbref (int): End of dbref range (inclusive) Returns: objects (list): TypedObjects with dbrefs within the given dbref ranges. """ retval = super().all() if min_dbref is not None: retval = retval.filter(id__gte=self.dbref(min_dbref, reqhash=False)) if max_dbref is not None: retval = retval.filter(id__lte=self.dbref(max_dbref, reqhash=False)) return retval
[docs] def get_typeclass_totals(self, *args, **kwargs) -> object: """ Returns a queryset of typeclass composition statistics. Returns: qs (Queryset): A queryset of dicts containing the typeclass (name), the count of objects with that typeclass and a float representing the percentage of objects associated with the typeclass. """ return ( self.values("db_typeclass_path") .distinct() .annotate( # Get count of how many objects for each typeclass exist count=Count("db_typeclass_path") ) .annotate( # Rename db_typeclass_path field to something more human typeclass=F("db_typeclass_path"), # Calculate this class' percentage of total composition percent=ExpressionWrapper( ((F("count") / float(self.count())) * 100.0), output_field=FloatField(), ), ) .values("typeclass", "count", "percent") )
[docs] def object_totals(self): """ Get info about database statistics. Returns: census (dict): A dictionary `{typeclass_path: number, ...}` with all the typeclasses active in-game as well as the number of such objects defined (i.e. the number of database object having that typeclass set on themselves). """ stats = self.get_typeclass_totals().order_by("typeclass") return {x.get("typeclass"): x.get("count") for x in stats}
class TypeclassManager(TypedObjectManager): """ Manager for the typeclasses. The main purpose of this manager is to limit database queries to the given typeclass despite all typeclasses technically being defined in the same core database model. """ # object-manager methods def smart_search(self, query): """ Search by supplying a string with optional extra search criteria to aid the query. Args: query (str): A search criteria that accepts extra search criteria on the following forms: [key|alias|#dbref...] [tag==<tagstr>[:category]...] [attr==<key>:<value>:category...] All three can be combined in the same query, separated by spaces. Returns: matches (queryset): A queryset result matching all queries exactly. If wanting to use spaces or ==, != in tags or attributes, enclose them in quotes. Example: house = smart_search("key=foo alias=bar tag=house:building tag=magic attr=color:red") Note: The flexibility of this method is limited by the input line format. Tag/attribute matching only works for matching primitives. For even more complex queries, such as 'in' operations or object field matching, use the full django query language. """ # shlex splits by spaces unless escaped by quotes querysplit = shlex.split(query) queries, plustags, plusattrs, negtags, negattrs = [], [], [], [], [] for ipart, part in enumerate(querysplit): key, rest = part, "" if ":" in part: key, rest = part.split(":", 1) # tags are on the form tag or tag:category if key.startswith("tag=="): plustags.append((key[5:], rest)) continue elif key.startswith("tag!="): negtags.append((key[5:], rest)) continue # attrs are on the form attr:value or attr:value:category elif rest: value, category = rest, "" if ":" in rest: value, category = rest.split(":", 1) if key.startswith("attr=="): plusattrs.append((key[7:], value, category)) continue elif key.startswith("attr!="): negattrs.append((key[7:], value, category)) continue # if we get here, we are entering a key search criterion which # we assume is one word. queries.append(part) # build query from components query = " ".join(queries) # TODO def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload the standard get. This will limit itself to only return the current typeclass. Args: args (any): These are passed on as arguments to the default django get method. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): These are passed on as normal arguments to the default django get method Returns: object (object): The object found. Raises: ObjectNotFound: The exact name of this exception depends on the model base used. """ kwargs.update({"db_typeclass_path": self.model.path}) return super().get(**kwargs) def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload of the standard filter function. This filter will limit itself to only the current typeclass. Args: args (any): These are passed on as arguments to the default django filter method. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): These are passed on as normal arguments to the default django filter method. Returns: objects (queryset): The objects found. """ kwargs.update({"db_typeclass_path": self.model.path}) return super().filter(*args, **kwargs) def all(self): """ Overload method to return all matches, filtering for typeclass. Returns: objects (queryset): The objects found. """ return super().all().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path) def first(self): """ Overload method to return first match, filtering for typeclass. Returns: object (object): The object found. Raises: ObjectNotFound: The exact name of this exception depends on the model base used. """ return super().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path).first() def last(self): """ Overload method to return last match, filtering for typeclass. Returns: object (object): The object found. Raises: ObjectNotFound: The exact name of this exception depends on the model base used. """ return super().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path).last() def count(self): """ Overload method to return number of matches, filtering for typeclass. Returns: integer : Number of objects found. """ return super().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path).count() def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload annotate method to filter on typeclass before annotating. Args: *args (any): Positional arguments passed along to queryset annotate method. **kwargs (any): Keyword arguments passed along to queryset annotate method. Returns: Annotated queryset. """ return super().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path).annotate(*args, **kwargs) def values(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload values method to filter on typeclass first. Args: *args (any): Positional arguments passed along to values method. **kwargs (any): Keyword arguments passed along to values method. Returns: Queryset of values dictionaries, just filtered by typeclass first. """ return super().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path).values(*args, **kwargs) def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload values method to filter on typeclass first. Args: *args (any): Positional arguments passed along to values_list method. **kwargs (any): Keyword arguments passed along to values_list method. Returns: Queryset of value_list tuples, just filtered by typeclass first. """ return super().filter(db_typeclass_path=self.model.path).values_list(*args, **kwargs) def _get_subclasses(self, cls): """ Recursively get all subclasses to a class. Args: cls (classoject): A class to get subclasses from. """ all_subclasses = cls.__subclasses__() for subclass in all_subclasses: all_subclasses.extend(self._get_subclasses(subclass)) return all_subclasses def get_family(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Variation of get that not only returns the current typeclass but also all subclasses of that typeclass. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): These are passed on as normal arguments to the default django get method. Returns: objects (list): The objects found. Raises: ObjectNotFound: The exact name of this exception depends on the model base used. """ paths = [self.model.path] + [ "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) for cls in self._get_subclasses(self.model) ] kwargs.update({"db_typeclass_path__in": paths}) return super().get(*args, **kwargs) def filter_family(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Variation of filter that allows results both from typeclass and from subclasses of typeclass Args: args (any): These are passed on as arguments to the default django filter method. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): These are passed on as normal arguments to the default django filter method. Returns: objects (list): The objects found. """ # query, including all subclasses paths = [self.model.path] + [ "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) for cls in self._get_subclasses(self.model) ] kwargs.update({"db_typeclass_path__in": paths}) return super().filter(*args, **kwargs) def all_family(self): """ Return all matches, allowing matches from all subclasses of the typeclass. Returns: objects (list): The objects found. """ paths = [self.model.path] + [ "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) for cls in self._get_subclasses(self.model) ] return super().all().filter(db_typeclass_path__in=paths)