Source code for evennia.server.session

This module defines a generic session class. All connection instances
(both on Portal and Server side) should inherit from this class.


import time

from django.conf import settings

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Server Session
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[docs]class Session: """ This class represents a player's session and is a template for both portal- and server-side sessions. Each connection will see two session instances created: 1. A Portal session. This is customized for the respective connection protocols that Evennia supports, like Telnet, SSH etc. The Portal session must call init_session() as part of its initialization. The respective hook methods should be connected to the methods unique for the respective protocol so that there is a unified interface to Evennia. 2. A Server session. This is the same for all connected accounts, regardless of how they connect. The Portal and Server have their own respective sessionhandlers. These are synced whenever new connections happen or the Server restarts etc, which means much of the same information must be stored in both places e.g. the portal can re-sync with the server when the server reboots. """
[docs] def init_session(self, protocol_key, address, sessionhandler): """ Initialize the Session. This should be called by the protocol when a new session is established. Args: protocol_key (str): By default, one of 'telnet', 'telnet/ssl', 'ssh', 'webclient/websocket' or 'webclient/ajax'. address (str): Client address. sessionhandler (SessionHandler): Reference to the main sessionhandler instance. """ # This is currently 'telnet', 'ssh', 'ssl' or 'web' self.protocol_key = protocol_key # Protocol address tied to this session self.address = address # suid is used by some protocols, it's a hex key. self.suid = None # unique id for this session self.sessid = 0 # no sessid yet # client session id, if given by the client self.csessid = None # database id for the user connected to this session self.uid = None # user name, for easier tracking of sessions self.uname = None # if user has authenticated already or not self.logged_in = False # database id of puppeted object (if any) self.puid = None # session time statistics self.conn_time = time.time() self.cmd_last_visible = self.conn_time self.cmd_last = self.conn_time self.cmd_total = 0 self.protocol_flags = { "ENCODING": "utf-8", "SCREENREADER": False, "INPUTDEBUG": False, "RAW": False, "NOCOLOR": False, "LOCALECHO": False, } self.server_data = {} # map of input data to session methods self.datamap = {} # a back-reference to the relevant sessionhandler this # session is stored in. self.sessionhandler = sessionhandler
[docs] def get_sync_data(self): """ Get all data relevant to sync the session. Args: syncdata (dict): All syncdata values, based on the keys given by self._attrs_to_sync. """ return { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in settings.SESSION_SYNC_ATTRS if hasattr(self, attr) }
[docs] def load_sync_data(self, sessdata): """ Takes a session dictionary, as created by get_sync_data, and loads it into the correct properties of the session. Args: sessdata (dict): Session data dictionary. """ for propname, value in sessdata.items(): if ( propname == "protocol_flags" and isinstance(value, dict) and hasattr(self, "protocol_flags") and isinstance(self.protocol_flags, dict) ): # special handling to allow partial update of protocol flags self.protocol_flags.update(value) else: setattr(self, propname, value)
[docs] def at_sync(self): """ Called after a session has been fully synced (including secondary operations such as setting self.account based on uid etc). """ if self.account: self.protocol_flags.update( self.account.attributes.get("_saved_protocol_flags", None) or {} )
# access hooks
[docs] def disconnect(self, reason=None): """ generic hook called from the outside to disconnect this session should be connected to the protocols actual disconnect mechanism. Args: reason (str): Eventual text motivating the disconnect. """ pass
[docs] def data_out(self, **kwargs): """ Generic hook for sending data out through the protocol. Server protocols can use this right away. Portal sessions should overload this to format/handle the outgoing data as needed. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Other data to the protocol. """ pass
[docs] def data_in(self, **kwargs): """ Hook for protocols to send incoming data to the engine. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Other data from the protocol. """ pass