Functions for processing input commands.
All global functions in this module whose name does not start with "_"
is considered an inputfunc. Each function must have the following
callsign (where inputfunc name is always lower-case, no matter what the
OOB input name looked like):
inputfunc(session, *args, **kwargs)
Where "options" is always one of the kwargs, containing eventual
There is one special function, the "default" function, which is called
on a no-match. It has this callsign:
default(session, cmdname, *args, **kwargs)
Evennia knows which modules to use for inputfuncs by
import importlib
from codecs import lookup as codecs_lookup
from django.conf import settings
from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB
from evennia.commands.cmdhandler import cmdhandler
from evennia.utils.logger import log_err
from evennia.utils.utils import to_str
BrowserSessionStore = importlib.import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE).SessionStore
# always let "idle" work since we use this in the webclient
_IDLE_COMMAND = (_IDLE_COMMAND,) if _IDLE_COMMAND == "idle" else (_IDLE_COMMAND, "idle")
_GA = object.__getattribute__
_SA = object.__setattr__
def _NA(o):
return "N/A"
def _maybe_strip_incoming_mxp(txt):
global _STRIP_MXP
if not _STRIP_MXP:
from evennia.utils.ansi import strip_mxp as _STRIP_MXP
return _STRIP_MXP(txt)
return txt
_ERROR_INPUT = "Inputfunc {name}({session}): Wrong/unrecognized input: {inp}"
# All global functions are inputfuncs available to process inputs
[docs]def text(session, *args, **kwargs):
Main text input from the client. This will execute a command
string on the server.
session (Session): The active Session to receive the input.
text (str): First arg is used as text-command input. Other
arguments are ignored.
# from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
# text = timetrace(text, "ServerSession.data_in")
txt = args[0] if args else None
# explicitly check for None since text can be an empty string, which is
# also valid
if txt is None:
# this is treated as a command input
# handle the 'idle' command
if txt.strip() in _IDLE_COMMAND:
txt = _maybe_strip_incoming_mxp(txt)
if session.account:
# nick replacement
puppet = session.puppet
if puppet:
txt = puppet.nicks.nickreplace(txt, categories=("inputline"), include_account=True)
txt = session.account.nicks.nickreplace(
txt, categories=("inputline"), include_account=False
kwargs.pop("options", None)
cmdhandler(session, txt, callertype="session", session=session, **kwargs)
[docs]def bot_data_in(session, *args, **kwargs):
Text input from the IRC and RSS bots.
This will trigger the execute_cmd method on the bots in-game counterpart.
session (Session): The active Session to receive the input.
text (str): First arg is text input. Other arguments are ignored.
txt = args[0] if args else None
# Explicitly check for None since text can be an empty string, which is
# also valid
if txt is None:
# this is treated as a command input
# handle the 'idle' command
if txt.strip() in _IDLE_COMMAND:
txt = _maybe_strip_incoming_mxp(txt)
kwargs.pop("options", None)
# Trigger the execute_cmd method of the corresponding bot.
session.account.execute_cmd(session=session, txt=txt, **kwargs)
[docs]def echo(session, *args, **kwargs):
Echo test function
txt = strip_mxp(txt)
session.data_out(text="Echo returns: %s" % args)
[docs]def default(session, cmdname, *args, **kwargs):
Default catch-function. This is like all other input functions except
it will get `cmdname` as the first argument.
err = (
"Session {sessid}: Input command not recognized:\n"
" name: '{cmdname}'\n"
" args, kwargs: {args}, {kwargs}".format(
sessid=session.sessid, cmdname=cmdname, args=args, kwargs=kwargs
if session.protocol_flags.get("INPUTDEBUG", False):
[docs]def client_options(session, *args, **kwargs):
This allows the client an OOB way to inform us about its name and capabilities.
This will be integrated into the session settings
Keyword Args:
get (bool): If this is true, return the settings as a dict
(ignore all other kwargs).
client (str): A client identifier, like "mushclient".
version (str): A client version
ansi (bool): Supports ansi colors
xterm256 (bool): Supports xterm256 colors or not
mxp (bool): Supports MXP or not
utf-8 (bool): Supports UTF-8 or not
screenreader (bool): Screen-reader mode on/off
mccp (bool): MCCP compression on/off
screenheight (int): Screen height in lines
screenwidth (int): Screen width in characters
autoresize (bool): Use NAWS updates to dynamically adjust format
inputdebug (bool): Debug input functions
nocolor (bool): Strip color
raw (bool): Turn off parsing
localecho (bool): Turn on server-side echo (for clients not supporting it)
old_flags = session.protocol_flags
if not kwargs or kwargs.get("get", False):
# return current settings
options = dict((key, old_flags[key]) for key in old_flags if key.upper() in _CLIENT_OPTIONS)
def validate_encoding(val):
# helper: change encoding
except LookupError:
raise RuntimeError("The encoding '|w%s|n' is invalid. " % val)
return val
def validate_size(val):
return {0: int(val)}
def validate_bool(val):
if isinstance(val, str):
return True if val.lower() in ("true", "on", "1") else False
return bool(val)
flags = {}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = key.lower()
if key == "client":
flags["CLIENTNAME"] = to_str(value)
elif key == "version":
if "CLIENTNAME" in flags:
flags["CLIENTNAME"] = "%s %s" % (flags["CLIENTNAME"], to_str(value))
elif key == "ENCODING":
flags["ENCODING"] = validate_encoding(value)
elif key == "ansi":
flags["ANSI"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "xterm256":
flags["XTERM256"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "mxp":
flags["MXP"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "utf-8":
flags["UTF-8"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "screenreader":
flags["SCREENREADER"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "mccp":
flags["MCCP"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "screenheight":
flags["SCREENHEIGHT"] = validate_size(value)
elif key == "screenwidth":
flags["SCREENWIDTH"] = validate_size(value)
elif key == "autoresize":
flags["AUTORESIZE"] = validate_size(value)
elif key == "inputdebug":
flags["INPUTDEBUG"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "nocolor":
flags["NOCOLOR"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "raw":
flags["RAW"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "nogoahead":
flags["NOGOAHEAD"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key == "localecho":
flags["LOCALECHO"] = validate_bool(value)
elif key in (
"Char 1",
"Char.Skills 1",
"Char.Items 1",
"Room 1",
"IRE.Rift 1",
"IRE.Composer 1",
# ignore mudlet's default send (aimed at IRE games)
elif key not in ("options", "cmdid"):
err = _ERROR_INPUT.format(name="client_settings", session=session, inp=key)
# we must update the protocol flags on the portal session copy as well
session.sessionhandler.session_portal_partial_sync({session.sessid: {"protocol_flags": flags}})
[docs]def get_client_options(session, *args, **kwargs):
Alias wrapper for getting options.
client_options(session, get=True)
[docs]def login(session, *args, **kwargs):
Peform a login. This only works if session is currently not logged
in. This will also automatically throttle too quick attempts.
Keyword Args:
name (str): Account name
password (str): Plain-text password
if not session.logged_in and "name" in kwargs and "password" in kwargs:
from evennia.commands.default.unloggedin import create_normal_account
account = create_normal_account(session, kwargs["name"], kwargs["password"])
if account:
session.sessionhandler.login(session, account)
_gettable = {
"name": lambda obj: obj.key,
"key": lambda obj: obj.key,
"location": lambda obj: obj.location.key if obj.location else "None",
"servername": lambda obj: settings.SERVERNAME,
[docs]def get_value(session, *args, **kwargs):
Return the value of a given attribute or db_property on the
session's current account or character.
Keyword Args:
name (str): Name of info value to return. Only names
in the _gettable dictionary earlier in this module
are accepted.
name = kwargs.get("name", "")
obj = session.puppet or session.account
if name in _gettable:
session.msg(get_value={"name": name, "value": _gettable[name](obj)})
def _testrepeat(**kwargs):
This is a test function for using with the repeat
Keyword Args:
session (Session): Session to return to.
import time
kwargs["session"].msg(repeat="Repeat called: %s" % time.time())
_repeatable = {"test1": _testrepeat, "test2": _testrepeat} # example only # "
[docs]def repeat(session, *args, **kwargs):
Call a named function repeatedly. Note that
this is meant as an example of limiting the number of
possible call functions.
Keyword Args:
callback (str): The function to call. Only functions
from the _repeatable dictionary earlier in this
module are available.
interval (int): How often to call function (s).
Defaults to once every 60 seconds with a minimum
of 5 seconds.
stop (bool): Stop a previously assigned ticker with
the above settings.
from evennia.scripts.tickerhandler import TICKER_HANDLER
name = kwargs.get("callback", "")
interval = max(5, int(kwargs.get("interval", 60)))
if name in _repeatable:
if kwargs.get("stop", False):
interval, _repeatable[name], idstring=session.sessid, persistent=False
session.msg("Allowed repeating functions are: %s" % (", ".join(_repeatable)))
[docs]def unrepeat(session, *args, **kwargs):
"Wrapper for OOB use"
kwargs["stop"] = True
repeat(session, *args, **kwargs)
_monitorable = {"name": "db_key", "location": "db_location", "desc": "desc"}
def _on_monitor_change(**kwargs):
fieldname = kwargs["fieldname"]
obj = kwargs["obj"]
name = kwargs["name"]
session = kwargs["session"]
outputfunc_name = kwargs["outputfunc_name"]
category = None
# Attributes stored in the MonitorHandler with categories are
# stored as fieldname "db_value[category_name]", but we need to
# separate [category_name] because the actual attribute is stored on
# the object as "db_value" with a separate "category" field.
if hasattr(obj, "db_category") and obj.db_category != None:
category = obj.db_category
fieldname = fieldname.replace("[{}]".format(obj.db_category), "")
# the session may be None if the char quits and someone
# else then edits the object
if session:
callsign = {
outputfunc_name: {
"name": name,
**({"category": category} if category is not None else {}),
"value": _GA(obj, fieldname),
[docs]def monitor(session, *args, **kwargs):
Adds monitoring to a given property or Attribute.
Keyword Args:
name (str): The name of the property or Attribute
to report. No db_* prefix is needed. Only names
in the _monitorable dict earlier in this module
are accepted.
stop (bool): Stop monitoring the above name.
outputfunc_name (str, optional): Change the name of
the outputfunc name. This is used e.g. by MSDP which
has its own specific output format.
from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER
name = kwargs.get("name", None)
outputfunc_name = kwargs.get("outputfunc_name", "monitor")
category = kwargs.get("category", None)
if name and name in _monitorable and session.puppet:
field_name = _monitorable[name]
obj = session.puppet
if kwargs.get("stop", False):
MONITOR_HANDLER.remove(obj, field_name, idstring=session.sessid)
# the handler will add fieldname and obj to the kwargs automatically
[docs]def unmonitor(session, *args, **kwargs):
Wrapper for turning off monitoring
kwargs["stop"] = True
monitor(session, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def monitored(session, *args, **kwargs):
Report on what is being monitored
from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER
obj = session.puppet
monitors = MONITOR_HANDLER.all(obj=obj)
session.msg(monitored=(monitors, {}))
def _on_webclient_options_change(**kwargs):
Called when the webclient options stored on the account changes.
Inform the interested clients of this change.
session = kwargs["session"]
obj = kwargs["obj"]
fieldname = kwargs["fieldname"]
clientoptions = _GA(obj, fieldname)
# the session may be None if the char quits and someone
# else then edits the object
if session:
[docs]def webclient_options(session, *args, **kwargs):
Handles retrieving and changing of options related to the webclient.
If kwargs is empty (or contains just a "cmdid"), the saved options will be
sent back to the session.
A monitor handler will be created to inform the client of any future options
that changes.
If kwargs is not empty, the key/values stored in there will be persisted
to the account object.
Keyword Args:
<option name>: an option to save
account = session.account
clientoptions = account.db._saved_webclient_options
if not clientoptions:
# No saved options for this account, copy and save the default.
account.db._saved_webclient_options = settings.WEBCLIENT_OPTIONS.copy()
# Get the _SaverDict created by the database.
clientoptions = account.db._saved_webclient_options
# The webclient adds a cmdid to every kwargs, but we don't need it.
del kwargs["cmdid"]
except KeyError:
if not kwargs:
# No kwargs: we are getting the stored options
# Convert clientoptions to regular dict for sending.
# Create a monitor. If a monitor already exists then it will replace
# the previous one since it would use the same idstring
from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER
# kwargs provided: persist them to the account object.
# OOB protocol-specific aliases and wrappers
# GMCP aliases
hello = client_options
supports_set = client_options
# MSDP aliases (some of the the generic MSDP commands defined in the MSDP spec are prefixed
# by msdp_ at the protocol level)
# See https://tintin.sourceforge.io/protocols/msdp/
[docs]def msdp_list(session, *args, **kwargs):
MSDP LIST command
from evennia.scripts.monitorhandler import MONITOR_HANDLER
args_lower = [arg.lower() for arg in args]
if "commands" in args_lower:
inputfuncs = [
key[5:] if key.startswith("msdp_") else key
for key in session.sessionhandler.get_inputfuncs().keys()
session.msg(commands=(inputfuncs, {}))
if "lists" in args_lower:
if "configurable_variables" in args_lower:
session.msg(configurable_variables=(_CLIENT_OPTIONS, {}))
if "reportable_variables" in args_lower:
session.msg(reportable_variables=(_monitorable, {}))
if "reported_variables" in args_lower:
obj = session.puppet
monitor_infos = MONITOR_HANDLER.all(obj=obj)
fieldnames = [tup[1] for tup in monitor_infos]
session.msg(reported_variables=(fieldnames, {}))
if "sendable_variables" in args_lower:
session.msg(sendable_variables=(_monitorable, {}))
[docs]def msdp_report(session, *args, **kwargs):
monitor(session, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def msdp_unreport(session, *args, **kwargs):
unmonitor(session, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def msdp_send(session, *args, **kwargs):
MSDP SEND command
out = {}
for varname in args:
if varname.lower() in _monitorable:
out[varname] = _monitorable[varname.lower()]
session.msg(send=((), out))
# client specific
def _not_implemented(session, *args, **kwargs):
Dummy used to swallow missing-inputfunc errors for
common clients.
# GMCP External.Discord.Hello is sent by Mudlet as a greeting
# (see https://wiki.mudlet.org/w/Manual:Technical_Manual)
external_discord_hello = _not_implemented
# GMCP Client.Gui is sent by Mudlet for gui setup.
client_gui = _not_implemented