Whitenoise 2014, Ainneve contributors,
Griatch 2020
A `Trait` represents a modifiable property on (usually) a Character. They can
be used to represent everything from attributes (str, agi etc) to skills
(hunting 10, swords 14 etc) and dynamically changing things like HP, XP etc.
Traits use Evennia Attributes under the hood, making them persistent (they survive
a server reload/reboot).
## Installation
Traits are always added to a typeclass, such as the Character class.
There are two ways to set up Traits on a typeclass. The first sets up the `TraitHandler`
as a property `.traits` on your class and you then access traits as e.g. `.traits.strength`.
The other alternative uses a `TraitProperty`, which makes the trait available directly
as e.g. `.strength`. This solution also uses the `TraitHandler`, but you don't need to
define it explicitly. You can combine both styles if you like.
### Traits with TraitHandler
Here's an example for adding the TraitHandler to the Character class:
# mygame/typeclasses/objects.py
from evennia import DefaultCharacter
from evennia.utils import lazy_property
from evennia.contrib.rpg.traits import TraitHandler
# ...
class Character(DefaultCharacter):
def traits(self):
# this adds the handler as .traits
return TraitHandler(self)
def at_object_creation(self):
# (or wherever you want)
self.traits.add("str", "Strength", trait_type="static", base=10, mod=2, mult=2.0)
self.traits.add("hp", "Health", trait_type="gauge", min=0, max=100)
self.traits.add("hunting", "Hunting Skill", trait_type="counter",
base=10, mod=1, min=0, max=100)
When adding the trait, you supply the name of the property (`hunting`) along
with a more human-friendly name ("Hunting Skill"). The latter will show if you
print the trait etc. The `trait_type` is important, this specifies which type
of trait this is (see below).
### TraitProperties
Using `TraitProperties` makes the trait available directly on the class, much like Django model
fields. The drawback is that you must make sure that the name of your Traits don't collide with any
other properties/methods on your class.
# mygame/typeclasses/objects.py
from evennia import DefaultObject
from evennia.utils import lazy_property
from evennia.contrib.rpg.traits import TraitProperty
# ...
class Object(DefaultObject):
strength = TraitProperty("Strength", trait_type="static", base=10, mod=2, mult=1.5)
health = TraitProperty("Health", trait_type="gauge", min=0, base=100, mod=2)
hunting = TraitProperty("Hunting Skill", trait_type="counter", base=10, mod=1, mult=2.0, min=0, max=100)
> Note that the property-name will become the name of the trait and you don't supply `trait_key`
> separately.
> The `.traits` TraitHandler will still be created (it's used under the
> hood. But it will only be created when the TraitProperty has been accessed at least once,
> so be careful if mixing the two styles. If you want to make sure `.traits` is always available,
> add the `TraitHandler` manually like shown earlier - the `TraitProperty` will by default use
> the same handler (`.traits`).
## Using traits
A trait is added to the traithandler (if you use `TraitProperty` the handler is just created under
the hood) after which one can access it as a property on the handler (similarly to how you can do
.db.attrname for Attributes in Evennia).
All traits have a _read-only_ field `.value`. This is only used to read out results, you never
manipulate it directly (if you try, it will just remain unchanged). The `.value` is calculated based
on combining fields, like `.base` and `.mod` - which fields are available and how they relate to
each other depends on the trait type.
> obj.traits.strength.value
18 # (base + mod) * mult
> obj.traits.strength.base += 6
> obj.traits.hp.value
102 # (base + mod) * mult
> obj.traits.hp.base -= 200
> obj.traits.hp.value
0 # min of 0
> obj.traits.hp.reset()
> obj.traits.hp.value
# you can also access properties like a dict
> obj.traits.hp["value"]
# you can store arbitrary data persistently for easy reference
> obj.traits.hp.effect = "poisoned!"
> obj.traits.hp.effect
# with TraitProperties:
> obj.hunting.value
> obj.strength.value += 5
> obj.strength.value
## Trait types
All default traits have a read-only `.value` property that shows the relevant or
'current' value of the trait. Exactly what this means depends on the type of trait.
Traits can also be combined to do arithmetic with their .value, if both have a
compatible type.
> trait1 + trait2
> trait1.value
> trait1 + 2
> trait1.value
Two numerical traits can also be compared (bigger-than etc), which is useful in
all sorts of rule-resolution.
if trait1 > trait2:
# do stuff
## Static trait
`value = (base + mod) * mult`
The static trait has a `base` value and an optional `mod`-ifier and 'mult'-iplier.
The modifier defaults to 0, and the multiplier to 1.0, for no change in value.
A typical use of a static trait would be a Strength stat or Skill value. That is,
somethingthat varies slowly or not at all, and which may be modified in-place.
> obj.traits.add("str", "Strength", trait_type="static", base=10, mod=2)
> obj.traits.mytrait.value
12 # base + mod
> obj.traits.mytrait.base += 2
> obj.traits.mytrait.mod += 1
> obj.traits.mytrait.value
> obj.traits.mytrait.mod = 0
> obj.traits.mytrait.mult = 2.0
> obj.traits.mytrait.value
### Counter
min/unset base base+mod max/unset
current value
= (current
+ mod)
* mult
A counter describes a value that can move from a base. The `.current` property
is the thing usually modified. It starts at the `.base`. One can also add a
modifier, which is added to both the base and to current. '.value' is then formed
by multiplying by the multiplier, which defaults to 1.0 for no change. The min/max
of the range are optional, a boundary set to None will remove it. A suggested use
for a Counter Trait would be to track skill values.
> obj.traits.add("hunting", "Hunting Skill", trait_type="counter",
base=10, mod=1, mult=1.0, min=0, max=100)
> obj.traits.hunting.value
11 # current starts at base + mod
> obj.traits.hunting.current += 10
> obj.traits.hunting.value
# reset back to base+mod by deleting current
> del obj.traits.hunting.current
> obj.traits.hunting.value
> obj.traits.hunting.max = None # removing upper bound
> obj.traits.hunting.mult = 100.0
# for TraitProperties, pass the args/kwargs of traits.add() to the
# TraitProperty constructor instead.
Counters have some extra properties:
#### .descs
The `descs` property is a dict {upper_bound:text_description}. This allows for easily
storing a more human-friendly description of the current value in the
interval. Here is an example for skill values between 0 and 10:
{0: "unskilled", 1: "neophyte", 5: "trained", 7: "expert", 9: "master"}
The keys must be supplied from smallest to largest. Any values below the lowest and above the
highest description will be considered to be included in the closest description slot.
By calling `.desc()` on the Counter, you will get the text matching the current `value`.
# (could also have passed descs= to traits.add())
> obj.traits.hunting.descs = {
0: "unskilled", 10: "neophyte", 50: "trained", 70: "expert", 90: "master"}
> obj.traits.hunting.value
> obj.traits.hunting.desc()
> obj.traits.hunting.current += 60
> obj.traits.hunting.value
> obj.traits.hunting.desc()
#### .rate
The `rate` property defaults to 0. If set to a value different from 0, it
allows the trait to change value dynamically. This could be used for example
for an attribute that was temporarily lowered but will gradually (or abruptly)
recover after a certain time. The rate is given as change of the current
`.value` per-second, and this will still be restrained by min/max boundaries,
if those are set.
It is also possible to set a `.ratetarget`, for the auto-change to stop at
(rather than at the min/max boundaries). This allows the value to return to
a previous value.
> obj.traits.hunting.value
> obj.traits.hunting.ratetarget = 71
# debuff hunting for some reason
> obj.traits.hunting.current -= 30
> obj.traits.hunting.value
> obj.traits.hunting.rate = 1 # 1/s increase
# Waiting 5s
> obj.traits.hunting.value
# Waiting 8s
> obj.traits.hunting.value
# Waiting 100s
> obj.traits.hunting.value
71 # we have stopped at the ratetarget
> obj.traits.hunting.rate = 0 # disable auto-change
Note that when retrieving the `current`, the result will always be of the same
type as the `.base` even `rate` is a non-integer value. So if `base` is an `int`
(default)`, the `current` value will also be rounded the closest full integer.
If you want to see the exact `current` value, set `base` to a float - you
will then need to use `round()` yourself on the result if you want integers.
#### .percent()
If both min and max are defined, the `.percent()` method of the trait will
return the value as a percentage.
> obj.traits.hunting.percent()
> obj.traits.hunting.percent(formatting=None)
### Gauge
This emulates a [fuel-] gauge that empties from a base+mod value.
min/0 max=base+mod
= current
The `.current` value will start from a full gauge. The .max property is
read-only and is set by `.base` + `.mod`. So contrary to a `Counter`, the
`.mod` modifier only applies to the max value of the gauge and not the current
value. The minimum bound defaults to 0 if not set explicitly.
This trait is useful for showing commonly depletable resources like health,
stamina and the like.
> obj.traits.add("hp", "Health", trait_type="gauge", base=100)
> obj.traits.hp.value # (or .current)
> obj.traits.hp.mod = 10
> obj.traits.hp.value
> obj.traits.hp.current -= 30
> obj.traits.hp.value
The Gauge trait is subclass of the Counter, so you have access to the same
methods and properties where they make sense. So gauges can also have a
`.descs` dict to describe the intervals in text, and can use `.percent()` to
get how filled it is as a percentage etc.
The `.rate` is particularly relevant for gauges - useful for everything
from poison slowly draining your health, to resting gradually increasing it.
### Trait
A single value of any type.
This is the 'base' Trait, meant to inherit from if you want to invent
trait-types from scratch (most of the time you'll probably inherit from some of
the more advanced trait-type classes though).
Unlike other Trait-types, the single `.value` property of the base `Trait` can
be editied. The value can hold any data that can be stored in an Attribute. If
it's an integer/float you can do arithmetic with it, but otherwise this acts just
like a glorified Attribute.
> obj.traits.add("mytrait", "My Trait", trait_type="trait", value=30)
> obj.traits.mytrait.value
> obj.traits.mytrait.value = "stringvalue"
> obj.traits.mytrait.value
## Expanding with your own Traits
A Trait is a class inhering from `evennia.contrib.rpg.traits.Trait` (or from one of
the existing Trait classes).
# in a file, say, 'mygame/world/traits.py'
from evennia.contrib.rpg.traits import StaticTrait
class RageTrait(StaticTrait):
trait_type = "rage"
default_keys = {
"rage": 0
def berserk(self):
self.mod = 100
def sedate(self):
self.mod = 0
Above is an example custom-trait-class "rage" that stores a property "rage" on
itself, with a default value of 0. This has all the functionality of a Trait -
for example, if you do del on the `rage` property, it will be set back to its
default (0). Above we also added some helper methods.
To add your custom RageTrait to Evennia, add the following to your settings file
(assuming your class is in mygame/world/traits.py):
TRAIT_CLASS_PATHS = ["world.traits.RageTrait"]
Reload the server and you should now be able to use your trait:
> obj.traits.add("mood", "A dark mood", rage=30, trait_type='rage')
> obj.traits.mood.rage
# as TraitProperty
class Character(DefaultCharacter):
rage = TraitProperty("A dark mood", rage=30, trait_type='rage')
from functools import total_ordering
from time import time
from django.conf import settings
from evennia.utils import logger
from evennia.utils.dbserialize import _SaverDict
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module, inherits_from, list_to_string, percent
# Available Trait classes.
# This way the user can easily supply their own. Each
# class should have a class-property `trait_type` to
# identify the Trait class. The default ones are "static",
# "counter" and "gauge".
if hasattr(settings, "TRAIT_CLASS_PATHS"):
# delay trait-class import to avoid circular import
def _delayed_import_trait_classes():
Import classes based on the given paths. Note that
imports from settings are last in the list, so if they
have the same trait_type set, they will replace the
if _TRAIT_CLASSES is None:
for classpath in _TRAIT_CLASS_PATHS:
cls = class_from_module(classpath)
except ImportError:
logger.log_trace(f"Could not import Trait from {classpath}.")
if hasattr(cls, "trait_type"):
trait_type = cls.trait_type
trait_type = str(cls.__name___).lower()
_TRAIT_CLASSES[trait_type] = cls
_GA = object.__getattribute__
_SA = object.__setattr__
_DA = object.__delattr__
# this is the default we offer in TraitHandler.add
[docs]class TraitException(RuntimeError):
Base exception class raised by `Trait` objects.
msg (str): informative error message
[docs] def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
[docs]class MandatoryTraitKey:
This represents a required key that must be
supplied when a Trait is initialized. It's used
by Trait classes when defining their required keys.
[docs]class TraitHandler:
Factory class that instantiates Trait objects. Must be assigned as a property
on the class, usually with `lazy_property`.
class Object(DefaultObject):
def traits(self):
# this adds the handler as .traits
return TraitHandler(self)
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, db_attribute_key="traits", db_attribute_category="traits"):
Initialize the handler and set up its internal Attribute-based storage.
obj (Object): Parent Object typeclass for this TraitHandler
db_attribute_key (str): Name of the DB attribute for trait data storage.
db_attribute_category (str): Name of DB attribute's category to trait data storage.
# load the available classes, if necessary
# initialize any
# Note that .trait_data retains the connection to the database, meaning every
# update we do to .trait_data automatically syncs with database.
self.trait_data = obj.attributes.get(db_attribute_key, category=db_attribute_category)
if self.trait_data is None:
# no existing storage; initialize it, we then have to fetch it again
# to retain the db connection
obj.attributes.add(db_attribute_key, {}, category=db_attribute_category)
self.trait_data = obj.attributes.get(db_attribute_key, category=db_attribute_category)
self._cache = {}
def __len__(self):
"""Return number of Traits registered with the handler"""
return len(self.trait_data)
def __setattr__(self, trait_key, value):
Returns error message if trait objects are assigned directly.
trait_key (str): The Trait-key, like "hp".
value (any): Data to store.
if trait_key in ("trait_data", "_cache"):
_SA(self, trait_key, value)
trait_cls = self._get_trait_class(trait_key=trait_key)
valid_keys = list_to_string(list(trait_cls.default_keys.keys()), endsep="or")
raise TraitException(
f"Trait object not settable directly. Assign to {trait_key}.{valid_keys}."
def __setitem__(self, trait_key, value):
"""Returns error message if trait objects are assigned directly."""
return self.__setattr__(trait_key, value)
def __getattr__(self, trait_key):
"""Returns Trait instances accessed as attributes."""
return self.get(trait_key)
def __getitem__(self, trait_key):
"""Returns `Trait` instances accessed as dict keys."""
return self.get(trait_key)
def __repr__(self):
return "TraitHandler ({num} Trait(s) stored): {keys}".format(
num=len(self), keys=", ".join(self.all())
def _get_trait_class(self, trait_type=None, trait_key=None):
Helper to retrieve Trait class based on type (like "static")
or trait-key (like "hp").
if not trait_type and trait_key:
trait_type = self.trait_data[trait_key]["trait_type"]
except KeyError:
raise TraitException(f"Trait class for Trait {trait_key} could not be found.")
return _TRAIT_CLASSES[trait_type]
except KeyError:
raise TraitException(f"Trait class for {trait_type} could not be found.")
[docs] def all(self):
Get all trait keys in this handler.
list: All Trait keys.
return list(self.trait_data.keys())
[docs] def get(self, trait_key):
trait_key (str): key from the traits dict containing config data.
(`Trait` or `None`): named Trait class or None if trait key
is not found in traits collection.
trait = self._cache.get(trait_key)
if trait is None and trait_key in self.trait_data:
trait_type = self.trait_data[trait_key]["trait_type"]
trait_cls = self._get_trait_class(trait_type)
trait = self._cache[trait_key] = trait_cls(
_GA(self, "trait_data")[trait_key], handler=self
return trait
[docs] def add(
Create a new Trait and add it to the handler.
trait_key (str): This is the name of the property that will be made
available on this handler (example 'hp').
name (str, optional): Name of the Trait, like "Health". If
not given, will use `trait_key` starting with a capital letter.
trait_type (str, optional): One of 'static', 'counter' or 'gauge'.
force (bool): If set, create a new Trait even if a Trait with
the same `trait_key` already exists.
trait_properties (dict): These will all be use to initialize
the new trait. See the `properties` class variable on each
Trait class to see which are required.
TraitException: If specifying invalid values for the given Trait,
the `trait_type` is not recognized, or an existing trait
already exists (and `force` is unset).
# from evennia import set_trace;set_trace()
if trait_key in self.trait_data:
if force:
raise TraitException(f"Trait '{trait_key}' already exists.")
trait_class = _TRAIT_CLASSES.get(trait_type)
if not trait_class:
raise TraitException(f"Trait-type '{trait_type}' is invalid.")
trait_properties["name"] = trait_key.title() if not name else name
trait_properties["trait_type"] = trait_type
# this will raise exception if input is insufficient
trait_properties = trait_class.validate_input(trait_class, trait_properties)
self.trait_data[trait_key] = trait_properties
[docs] def remove(self, trait_key):
Remove a Trait from the handler's parent object.
trait_key (str): The name of the trait to remove.
if trait_key not in self.trait_data:
raise TraitException(f"Trait '{trait_key}' not found.")
if trait_key in self._cache:
del self._cache[trait_key]
del self.trait_data[trait_key]
[docs] def clear(self):
Remove all Traits from the handler's parent object.
for trait_key in self.all():
[docs]class TraitProperty:
Optional extra: Allows for applying traits as individual properties directly on the parent class
instead for properties on the `.traits` handler. So with this you could access data e.g. as
`character.hp.value` instead of `character.traits.hp.value`. This still uses the traitshandler
under the hood.
from evennia.utils import lazy_property
from evennia.contrib.rpg.traits import TraitProperty
class Character(DefaultCharacter):
strength = TraitProperty(name="STR", trait_type="static", base=10, mod=2)
hunting = TraitProperty("Hunting Skill", trait_type="counter",
base=10, mod=1, max=100)
health = TraitProperty(trait_type="gauge", min=0, base=100)
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, trait_type=DEFAULT_TRAIT_TYPE, force=True, **trait_properties):
Initialize a TraitField. Mimics TraitHandler.add input except no `trait_key`.
name (str, optional): Name of the Trait, like "Health". If
not given, will use `trait_key` starting with a capital letter.
trait_type (str, optional): One of 'static', 'counter' or 'gauge'.
force (bool): If set, create a new Trait even if a Trait with
the same `trait_key` already exists.
traithandler_name (str): If given, this is used as the name of the TraitHandler created
behind the scenes. If not set, this will be a property `traits` on the class.
any: All other trait_properties are the same as for adding a new trait of the given type
using the normal TraitHandler.
self._traithandler_name = trait_properties.pop("traithandler_name", "traits")
trait_properties.update({"name": name, "trait_type": trait_type, "force": force})
self._trait_properties = trait_properties
self._cache = {}
def __set_name__(self, instance, name):
This is called the very first time the Descriptor is assigned to the
class; we store it so we can create new instances with this later.
self._trait_key = name
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
Descriptor definition. This is called when the trait-name is aqcuired on the
instance and reroutes to fetching the actual Trait from the connected
TraitHandler (the connection is set up on-demand).
Trait: The trait this property represents.
We have one descriptor on the class, but we don't want each instance to share the
state (self) of that descriptor. So we must make sure to cache the trait per-instance
or we would end up with cross-use between instances.
if instance not in self._cache:
traithandler = getattr(instance, self._traithandler_name)
except AttributeError:
# traithandler not found; create a new on-demand
traithandler = TraitHandler(instance)
setattr(instance, self._traithandler_name, traithandler)
# this will either get the trait from attribute or make a new one
trait = traithandler.get(self._trait_key)
if trait is None:
# initialize the trait
traithandler.add(self._trait_key, **self._trait_properties)
trait = traithandler.get(self._trait_key) # caches it in the traithandler
self._cache[instance] = trait
return self._cache[instance]
def __set__(self, instance, value):
We don't set data directly, it's all rerouted to the trait.
# Parent Trait class
class Trait:
"""Represents an object or Character trait. This simple base is just
storing anything in it's 'value' property, so it's pretty much just a
different wrapper to an Attribute. It does no type-checking of what is
See module docstring for configuration details.
# this is the name used to refer to this trait when adding
# a new trait in the TraitHandler
trait_type = "trait"
# Property kwargs settable when creating a Trait of this type. This is a
# dict of key: default. To indicate a mandatory kwarg and raise an error if
# not given, set the default value to the `traits.MandatoryTraitKey` class.
# Apart from the keys given here, "name" and "trait_type" will also always
# have to be a apart of the data.
default_keys = {"value": None}
# enable to set/retrieve other arbitrary properties on the Trait
# and have them treated like data to store.
allow_extra_properties = True
[docs] def __init__(self, trait_data, handler=None):
This both initializes and validates the Trait on creation. It must
raise exception if validation fails. The TraitHandler will call this
when the trait is furst added, to make sure it validates before
trait_data (any): Any pickle-able values to store with this trait.
This must contain any cls.default_keys that do not have a default
value in cls.data_default_values. Any extra kwargs will be made
available as extra properties on the Trait, assuming the class
variable `allow_extra_properties` is set.
handler (TraitHandler): The handler that this Trait is connected to.
This is for referencing other traits.
TraitException: If input-validation failed.
self._data = self.__class__.validate_input(self.__class__, trait_data)
self.traithandler = handler
if not isinstance(trait_data, _SaverDict):
f"Non-persistent Trait data (type(trait_data)) loaded for {type(self).__name__}."
# Grant access to properties on this Trait.
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Access extra parameters as dict keys."""
return self.__getattr__(key)
except AttributeError:
raise KeyError(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Set extra parameters as dict keys."""
self.__setattr__(key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
"""Delete extra parameters as dict keys."""
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Access extra parameters as attributes."""
if key in (
return _GA(self, key)
return self._data[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(
"{!r} {} ({}) has no property {!r}.".format(
self._data["name"], type(self).__name__, self.trait_type, key
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
"""Set extra parameters as attributes.
Arbitrary attributes set on a Trait object will be
stored as extra keys in the Trait's data.
This behavior is enabled by setting the instance variable `allow_extra_properties`.
propobj = getattr(self.__class__, key, None)
if isinstance(propobj, property):
# we have a custom property named as this key, find and use its setter
if propobj.fset:
propobj.fset(self, value)
# this is some other value
if key in ("_data", "traithandler"):
_SA(self, key, value)
if _GA(self, "allow_extra_properties"):
_GA(self, "_data")[key] = value
raise AttributeError(f"Can't set attribute {key} on {self.trait_type} Trait.")
def __delattr__(self, key):
Delete or reset parameters.
key (str): property-key to delete.
TraitException: If trying to delete a data-key
without a default value to reset to.
This will outright delete extra keys (if allow_extra_properties is
set). Keys in self.default_keys with a default value will be
reset to default. A data_key with a default of MandatoryDefaultKey
will raise a TraitException. Unfound matches will be silently ignored.
if key in self.default_keys:
if self.default_keys[key] == MandatoryTraitKey:
raise TraitException(
"Trait-Key {key} cannot be deleted: It's a mandatory property "
"with no default value to fall back to."
# set to default
self._data[key] = self.default_keys[key]
elif key in self._data:
# check if we have a custom deleter
_DA(self, key)
except AttributeError:
# delete normally
del self._data[key]
# check if we have custom deleter, otherwise ignore
_DA(self, key)
except AttributeError:
def __repr__(self):
"""Debug-friendly representation of this Trait."""
return "{}({{{}}})".format(
", ".join(
"'{}': {!r}".format(k, self._data[k])
for k in self.default_keys
if k in self._data
def __str__(self):
return f"<Trait {self.name}: {self._data['value']}>"
# access properties
def name(self):
"""Display name for the trait."""
return self._data["name"]
[docs] def get_trait(self, trait_key):
"""Get another Trait from the handler. Not used by default, but can be used
for custom traits that are affected by other traits on the same handler."""
return self.traithandler.get(trait_key)
key = name
# Numeric operations
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Support equality comparison between Traits or Trait and numeric.
This class uses the @functools.total_ordering() decorator to
complete the rich comparison implementation, therefore only
`__eq__` and `__lt__` are implemented.
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return self.value == other.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return self.value == other
return NotImplemented
def __lt__(self, other):
"""Support less than comparison between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric."""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return self.value < other.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return self.value < other
return NotImplemented
def __pos__(self):
"""Access `value` property through unary `+` operator."""
return self.value
def __add__(self, other):
"""Support addition between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric"""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return self.value + other.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return self.value + other
return NotImplemented
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Support subtraction between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric"""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return self.value - other.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return self.value - other
return NotImplemented
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Support multiplication between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric"""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return self.value * other.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return self.value * other
return NotImplemented
def __floordiv__(self, other):
"""Support floor division between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric"""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return self.value // other.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return self.value // other
return NotImplemented
# commutative property
__radd__ = __add__
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __rsub__(self, other):
"""Support subtraction between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric"""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return other.value - self.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return other - self.value
return NotImplemented
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
"""Support floor division between `Trait`s or `Trait` and numeric"""
if inherits_from(other, Trait):
return other.value // self.value
elif type(other) in (float, int):
return other // self.value
return NotImplemented
# Public members
def value(self):
"""Store a value"""
return self._data["value"]
def value(self, value):
"""Get value"""
self._data["value"] = value
# Implementation of the respective Trait types
[docs]class StaticTrait(Trait):
Static Trait. This is a single value with a modifier,
multiplier, and no concept of a 'current' value or min/max etc.
value = (base + mod) * mult
trait_type = "static"
default_keys = {"base": 0, "mod": 0, "mult": 1.0}
def __str__(self):
status = "{value:11}".format(value=self.value)
return "{name:12} {status} ({mod:+3}) (* {mult:.2f})".format(
name=self.name, status=status, mod=self.mod, mult=self.mult
# Helpers
def base(self):
return self._data["base"]
def base(self, value):
if value is None:
self._data["base"] = self.default_keys["base"]
if type(value) in (int, float):
self._data["base"] = value
def mod(self):
"""The trait's modifier."""
return self._data["mod"]
def mod(self, amount):
if type(amount) in (int, float):
self._data["mod"] = amount
def mult(self):
"""The trait's multiplier."""
return self._data["mult"]
def mult(self, amount):
if type(amount) in (int, float):
self._data["mult"] = amount
def mult(self):
self._data["mult"] = 1.0
def value(self):
"The value of the Trait."
return (self.base + self.mod) * self.mult
[docs]class CounterTrait(Trait):
Counter Trait.
This includes modifications and min/max limits as well as the notion of a
current value. The value can also be reset to the base value.
min/unset base (base+mod)*mult max/unset
current value
= (current
+ mod)
* mult
- value = (current + mod) * mult, starts at (base + mod) * mult
- if min or max is None, there is no upper/lower bound (default)
- if max is set to "base", max will be equal ot base+mod
- descs are used to optionally describe each value interval.
The desc of the current `value` value can then be retrieved
with .desc(). The property is set as {lower_bound_inclusive:desc}
and should be given smallest-to-biggest. For example, for
a skill rating between 0 and 10:
{0: "unskilled",
1: "neophyte",
5: "traited",
7: "expert",
9: "master"}
- rate/ratetarget are optional settings to include a rate-of-change
of the current value. This is calculated on-demand and allows for
describing a value that is gradually growing smaller/bigger. The
increase will stop when either reaching a boundary (if set) or
ratetarget. Setting the rate to 0 (default) stops any change.
trait_type = "counter"
# current starts equal to base.
default_keys = {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0,
"mult": 1.0,
"min": None,
"max": None,
"descs": None,
"rate": 0,
"ratetarget": None,
def __str__(self):
status = "{current:4} / {base:4}".format(current=self.current, base=self.base)
return "{name:12} {status} ({mod:+3}) (* {mult:.2f})".format(
name=self.name, status=status, mod=self.mod, mult=self.mult
# Helpers
def _within_boundaries(self, value):
"""Check if given value is within boundaries"""
return not (
(self.min is not None and value <= self.min)
or (self.max is not None and value >= self.max)
def _enforce_boundaries(self, value):
"""Ensures that incoming value falls within boundaries"""
if self.min is not None and value <= self.min:
return self.min
if self.max is not None and value >= self.max:
return self.max
return value
# timer component
def _passed_ratetarget(self, value):
"""Check if we passed the ratetarget in either direction."""
ratetarget = self._data["ratetarget"]
return ratetarget is not None and (
(self.rate < 0 and value <= ratetarget) or (self.rate > 0 and value >= ratetarget)
def _stop_timer(self):
"""Stop rate-timer component."""
if self.rate != 0 and self._data["last_update"] is not None:
self._data["last_update"] = None
def _check_and_start_timer(self, value):
"""Start timer if we are not at a boundary."""
if self.rate != 0 and self._data["last_update"] is None:
if self._within_boundaries(value) and not self._passed_ratetarget(value):
# we are not at a boundary [anymore].
self._data["last_update"] = time()
return value
def _update_current(self, current):
"""Update current value by scaling with rate and time passed."""
rate = self.rate
if rate != 0 and self._data["last_update"] is not None:
now = time()
tdiff = now - self._data["last_update"]
current += rate * tdiff
value = current + self.mod
# we must make sure so we don't overstep our bounds
# even if .mod is included
if self._passed_ratetarget(value):
current = self._data["ratetarget"] - self.mod
elif not self._within_boundaries(value):
current = self._enforce_boundaries(value) - self.mod
self._data["last_update"] = now
self._data["current"] = current
if self.base is not None and isinstance(self.base, int):
return round(current)
return current
# properties
def base(self):
return self._data["base"]
def base(self, value):
if value is None:
self._data["base"] = self.default_keys["base"]
if type(value) in (int, float):
if self.min is not None and value + self.mod < self.min:
value = self.min - self.mod
if self.max is not None and value + self.mod > self.max:
value = self.max - self.mod
self._data["base"] = value
def mod(self):
return self._data["mod"]
def mod(self, value):
if value is None:
# unsetting the boundary to default
self._data["mod"] = self.default_keys["mod"]
elif type(value) in (int, float):
if self.min is not None and value + self.base < self.min:
value = self.min - self.base
if self.max is not None and value + self.base > self.max:
value = self.max - self.base
self._data["mod"] = value
def mult(self):
return self._data["mult"]
def mult(self, amount):
if type(amount) in (int, float):
self._data["mult"] = amount
def mult(self):
self._data["mult"] = 1.0
def min(self):
return self._data["min"]
def min(self, value):
if value is None:
# unsetting the boundary
self._data["min"] = value
elif type(value) in (int, float):
if self.max is not None:
value = min(self.max, value)
self._data["min"] = min(value, self.base + self.mod)
def max(self):
return self._data["max"]
def max(self, value):
if value is None:
# unsetting the boundary
self._data["max"] = value
elif type(value) in (int, float):
if self.min is not None:
value = max(self.min, value)
self._data["max"] = max(value, self.base + self.mod)
def current(self):
"""The `current` value of the `Trait`. This does not have .mod added and is not .mult-iplied."""
return self._update_current(self._data.get("current", self.base))
def current(self, value):
if type(value) in (int, float):
self._data["current"] = self._check_and_start_timer(self._enforce_boundaries(value))
def current(self):
"""reset back to base"""
self._data["current"] = self.base
def value(self):
"The value of the Trait. (current + mod) * mult"
return self._enforce_boundaries((self.current + self.mod) * self.mult)
def ratetarget(self):
return self._data["ratetarget"]
def ratetarget(self, value):
self._data["ratetarget"] = self._enforce_boundaries(value)
[docs] def percent(self, formatting="{:3.1f}%"):
Return the current value as a percentage.
formatting (str, optional): Should contain a
format-tag which will receive the value. If
this is set to None, the raw float will be
float or str: Depending of if a `formatting` string
is supplied or not.
return percent(self.value, self.min, self.max, formatting=formatting)
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Resets `current` property equal to `base` value."""
del self.current
[docs] def desc(self):
Retrieve descriptions of the current value, if available.
This must be a mapping {upper_bound_inclusive: text},
ordered from small to big. Any value above the highest
upper bound will be included as being in the highest bound.
rely on Python3.7+ dicts retaining ordering to let this
describe the interval.
str: The description describing the `value` value.
If not found, returns the empty string.
descs = self._data["descs"]
if descs is None:
return ""
value = self.value
# we rely on Python3.7+ dicts retaining ordering
highest = ""
for bound, txt in descs.items():
highest = txt
if value <= bound:
return txt
# if we get here we are above the highest bound so
# we return the latest bound specified.
return highest
[docs]class GaugeTrait(CounterTrait):
Gauge Trait.
This emulates a gauge-meter that empties from a (base+mod) * mult value.
min/0 max=(base+mod)*mult
= current
- min defaults to 0
- max value is always (base + mod) * mult
- .max is an alias of .base
- value = current and varies from min to max.
- descs is a mapping {upper_bound_inclusive: desc}. These
are checked with .desc() and can be retrieve a text
description for a given current value.
For example, this could be used to describe health
values between 0 and 100:
{0: "Dead"
10: "Badly hurt",
30: "Bleeding",
50: "Hurting",
90: "Healthy"}
trait_type = "gauge"
# same as Counter, here for easy reference
# current starts out equal to base
default_keys = {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0,
"mult": 1.0,
"min": 0,
"descs": None,
"rate": 0,
"ratetarget": None,
def _update_current(self, current):
"""Update current value by scaling with rate and time passed."""
rate = self.rate
if rate != 0 and self._data["last_update"] is not None:
now = time()
tdiff = now - self._data["last_update"]
current += rate * tdiff
value = current
# we don't worry about .mod for gauges
if self._passed_ratetarget(value):
current = self._data["ratetarget"]
elif not self._within_boundaries(value):
current = self._enforce_boundaries(value)
self._data["last_update"] = now
self._data["current"] = current
if self.base is not None and isinstance(self.base, int):
return round(current)
return current
def _enforce_boundaries(self, value):
"""Ensures that incoming value falls within trait's range."""
if self.min is not None and value <= self.min:
return self.min
return min((self.mod + self.base) * self.mult, value)
def __str__(self):
status = "{value:4} / {base:4}".format(value=self.value, base=self.base)
return "{name:12} {status} ({mod:+3}) (* {mult:.2f})".format(
name=self.name, status=status, mod=self.mod, mult=self.mult
def base(self):
return self._data["base"]
def base(self, value):
"""Limit so base+mod can never go below min."""
if type(value) in (int, float):
if value + self.mod < self.min:
value = self.min - self.mod
self._data["base"] = value
def mod(self):
return self._data["mod"]
def mod(self, value):
"""Limit so base+mod can never go below min."""
if type(value) in (int, float):
if value + self.base < self.min:
value = self.min - self.base
self._data["mod"] = value
def mult(self):
return self._data["mult"]
def mult(self, amount):
if type(amount) in (int, float):
self._data["mult"] = amount
def mult(self):
self._data["mult"] = 1.0
def min(self):
val = self._data["min"]
return self.default_keys["min"] if val is None else val
def min(self, value):
"""Limit so min can never be greater than (base+mod)*mult."""
if value is None:
self._data["min"] = self.default_keys["min"]
elif type(value) in (int, float):
self._data["min"] = min(value, (self.base + self.mod) * self.mult)
def max(self):
"The max is always (base + mod) * mult."
return (self.base + self.mod) * self.mult
def max(self, value):
raise TraitException(
"The .max property is not settable on GaugeTraits. Set .mod and .base instead."
def max(self):
raise TraitException(
"The .max property cannot be reset on GaugeTraits. Reset .mod and .base instead."
def current(self):
"""The `current` value of the gauge."""
return self._update_current(
self._enforce_boundaries(self._data.get("current", (self.base + self.mod) * self.mult))
def current(self, value):
if type(value) in (int, float):
self._data["current"] = self._check_and_start_timer(self._enforce_boundaries(value))
def current(self):
"Resets current back to 'full'"
self._data["current"] = (self.base + self.mod) * self.mult
def value(self):
"The value of the trait"
return self.current
[docs] def percent(self, formatting="{:3.1f}%"):
Return the current value as a percentage.
formatting (str, optional): Should contain a
format-tag which will receive the value. If
this is set to None, the raw float will be
float or str: Depending of if a `formatting` string
is supplied or not.
return percent(self.current, self.min, self.max, formatting=formatting)
[docs] def reset(self):
Fills the gauge to its maximum allowed by base + mod
del self.current