Source code for evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.xyzroom

XYZ-aware rooms and exits.

These are intended to be used with the XYZgrid - which interprets the `Z` 'coordinate' as
different (named) 2D XY  maps. But if not wanting to use the XYZgrid gridding, these can also be
used as stand-alone XYZ-coordinate-aware rooms.


from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q

from evennia.objects.manager import ObjectManager
from evennia.objects.objects import DefaultExit, DefaultRoom

# name of all tag categories. Note that the Z-coordinate is
# the `map_name` of the XYZgrid
MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY = "room_x_coordinate"
MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY = "room_y_coordinate"
MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY = "room_z_coordinate"

MAP_XDEST_TAG_CATEGORY = "exit_dest_x_coordinate"
MAP_YDEST_TAG_CATEGORY = "exit_dest_y_coordinate"
MAP_ZDEST_TAG_CATEGORY = "exit_dest_z_coordinate"



[docs]class XYZManager(ObjectManager): """ This is accessed as `.objects` on the coordinate-aware typeclasses (`XYZRoom`, `XYZExit`). It has all the normal Object/Room manager methods (filter/get etc) but also special helpers for efficiently querying the room in the database based on XY coordinates. """
[docs] def filter_xyz(self, xyz=("*", "*", "*"), **kwargs): """ Filter queryset based on XYZ position on the grid. The Z-position is the name of the XYMap Set a coordinate to `'*'` to act as a wildcard (setting all coords to `*` will thus find *all* XYZ rooms). This will also find children of XYZRooms on the given coordinates. Kwargs: xyz (tuple, optional): A coordinate tuple (X, Y, Z) where each element is either an `int` or `str`. The character `'*'` acts as a wild card. Note that the `Z`-coordinate is the name of the map (case-sensitive) in the XYZgrid contrib. **kwargs: All other kwargs are passed on to the query. Returns: django.db.queryset.Queryset: A queryset that can be combined with further filtering. """ x, y, z = xyz wildcard = "*" return ( self.filter_family(**kwargs) .filter( Q() if x == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key=str(x), db_tags__db_category=MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if y == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key=str(y), db_tags__db_category=MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if z == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key__iexact=str(z), db_tags__db_category=MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY) ) )
[docs] def get_xyz(self, xyz=(0, 0, "map"), **kwargs): """ Always return a single matched entity directly. This accepts no `*`-wildcards. This will also find children of XYZRooms on the given coordinates. Kwargs: xyz (tuple): A coordinate tuple of `int` or `str` (not `'*'`, no wildcards are allowed in get). The `Z`-coordinate acts as the name (case-sensitive) of the map in the XYZgrid contrib. **kwargs: All other kwargs are passed on to the query. Returns: XYRoom: A single room instance found at the combination of x, y and z given. Raises: XYZRoom.DoesNotExist: If no matching query was found. XYZRoom.MultipleObjectsReturned: If more than one match was found (which should not possible with a unique combination of x,y,z). """ # filter by tags, then figure out of we got a single match or not query = self.filter_xyz(xyz=xyz, **kwargs) ncount = query.count() if ncount == 1: return query.first() # error - mimic default get() behavior but with a little more info x, y, z = xyz inp = f"Query: xyz=({x},{y},{z}), " + ",".join( f"{key}={val}" for key, val in kwargs.items() ) if ncount > 1: raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned(inp) else: raise self.model.DoesNotExist(inp)
[docs]class XYZExitManager(XYZManager): """ Used by Exits. Manager that also allows searching for destinations based on XY coordinates. """
[docs] def filter_xyz_exit(self, xyz=("*", "*", "*"), xyz_destination=("*", "*", "*"), **kwargs): """ Used by exits (objects with a source and -destination property). Find all exits out of a source or to a particular destination. This will also find children of XYZExit on the given coords.. Kwargs: xyz (tuple, optional): A coordinate (X, Y, Z) for the source location. Each element is either an `int` or `str`. The character `'*'` is used as a wildcard - so setting all coordinates to the wildcard will return *all* XYZExits. the `Z`-coordinate is the name of the map (case-sensitive) in the XYZgrid contrib. xyz_destination (tuple, optional): Same as `xyz` but for the destination of the exit. **kwargs: All other kwargs are passed on to the query. Returns: django.db.queryset.Queryset: A queryset that can be combined with further filtering. Notes: Depending on what coordinates are set to `*`, this can be used to e.g. find all exits in a room, or leading to a room or even to rooms in a particular X/Y row/column. In the XYZgrid, `z_source != z_destination` means a _transit_ between different maps. """ x, y, z = xyz xdest, ydest, zdest = xyz_destination wildcard = "*" return ( self.filter_family(**kwargs) .filter( Q() if x == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key=str(x), db_tags__db_category=MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if y == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key=str(y), db_tags__db_category=MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if z == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key__iexact=str(z), db_tags__db_category=MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if xdest == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key=str(xdest), db_tags__db_category=MAP_XDEST_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if ydest == wildcard else Q(db_tags__db_key=str(ydest), db_tags__db_category=MAP_YDEST_TAG_CATEGORY) ) .filter( Q() if zdest == wildcard else Q( db_tags__db_key__iexact=str(zdest), db_tags__db_category=MAP_ZDEST_TAG_CATEGORY ) ) )
[docs] def get_xyz_exit(self, xyz=(0, 0, "map"), xyz_destination=(0, 0, "map"), **kwargs): """ Used by exits (objects with a source and -destination property). Get a single exit. All source/destination coordinates (as well as the map's name) are required. This will also find children of XYZExits on the given coords. Kwargs: xyz (tuple, optional): A coordinate (X, Y, Z) for the source location. Each element is either an `int` or `str` (not `*`, no wildcards are allowed for get). the `Z`-coordinate is the name of the map (case-sensitive) in the XYZgrid contrib. xyz_destination_coord (tuple, optional): Same as the `xyz` but for the destination of the exit. **kwargs: All other kwargs are passed on to the query. Returns: XYZExit: A single exit instance found at the combination of x, y and xgiven. Raises: XYZExit.DoesNotExist: If no matching query was found. XYZExit.MultipleObjectsReturned: If more than one match was found (which should not be possible with a unique combination of x,y,x). Notes: All coordinates are required. """ x, y, z = xyz xdest, ydest, zdest = xyz_destination # mimic get_family paths = [self.model.path] + [ "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) for cls in self._get_subclasses(self.model) ] kwargs["db_typeclass_path__in"] = paths try: return ( self.filter(db_tags__db_key__iexact=str(z), db_tags__db_category=MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY) .filter(db_tags__db_key=str(x), db_tags__db_category=MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY) .filter(db_tags__db_key=str(y), db_tags__db_category=MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY) .filter(db_tags__db_key=str(xdest), db_tags__db_category=MAP_XDEST_TAG_CATEGORY) .filter(db_tags__db_key=str(ydest), db_tags__db_category=MAP_YDEST_TAG_CATEGORY) .filter( db_tags__db_key__iexact=str(zdest), db_tags__db_category=MAP_ZDEST_TAG_CATEGORY ) .get(**kwargs) ) except self.model.DoesNotExist: inp = f"xyz=({x},{y},{z}),xyz_destination=({xdest},{ydest},{zdest})," + ",".join( f"{key}={val}" for key, val in kwargs.items() ) raise self.model.DoesNotExist( f"{self.model.__name__} matching query {inp} does not exist." )
[docs]class XYZRoom(DefaultRoom): """ A game location aware of its XYZ-position. Special properties: map_display (bool): If the return_appearance of the room should show the map or not. map_mode (str): One of 'nodes' or 'scan'. See `return_apperance` for examples of how they differ. map_visual_range (int): How far on the map one can see. This is a fixed value here, but could also be dynamic based on skills, light etc. map_character_symbol (str): The character symbol to use to show the character position. Can contain color info. Default is the @-character. map_area_client (bool): If True, map area will always fill the entire client width. If False, the map area's width will vary with the width of the currently displayed location description. map_fill_all (bool): I the map area should fill the client width or not. map_separator_char (str): The char to use to separate the map area from the room description. """ # makes the `room.objects.filter_xymap` available objects = XYZManager() # default settings for map visualization map_display = True map_mode = "nodes" # or 'scan' map_visual_range = 2 map_character_symbol = "|g@|n" map_align = "c" map_target_path_style = "|y{display_symbol}|n" map_fill_all = True map_separator_char = "|x~|n" def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): x, y, z = return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} '{self.db_key}', XYZ=({x},{y},{z})>" @property def xyz(self): if not hasattr(self, "_xyz"): x = self.tags.get(category=MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) y = self.tags.get(category=MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) z = self.tags.get(category=MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) if x is None or y is None or z is None: # don't cache unfinished coordinate (probably tags have not finished saving) return tuple( int(coord) if coord is not None and coord.lstrip("-").isdigit() else coord for coord in (x, y, z) ) # cache result, convert to correct types (tags are strings) self._xyz = tuple( int(coord) if coord.lstrip("-").isdigit() else coord for coord in (x, y, z) ) return self._xyz @property def xyzgrid(self): global GET_XYZGRID if not GET_XYZGRID: from evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.xyzgrid import get_xyzgrid as GET_XYZGRID return GET_XYZGRID() @property def xymap(self): if not hasattr(self, "_xymap"): xyzgrid = self.xyzgrid _, _, Z = self._xymap = xyzgrid.get_map(Z) return self._xymap
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, key, account=None, xyz=(0, 0, "map"), **kwargs): """ Creation method aware of XYZ coordinates. Args: key (str): New name of object to create. account (Account, optional): Any Account to tie to this entity (usually not used for rooms). xyz (tuple, optional): A 3D coordinate (X, Y, Z) for this room's location on a map grid. Each element can theoretically be either `int` or `str`, but for the XYZgrid, the X, Y are always integers while the `Z` coordinate is used for the map's name. **kwargs: Will be passed into the normal `DefaultRoom.create` method. Returns: room (Object): A newly created Room of the given typeclass. errors (list): A list of errors in string form, if any. Notes: The (X, Y, Z) coordinate must be unique across the game. If trying to create a room at a coordinate that already exists, an error will be returned. """ try: x, y, z = xyz except ValueError: return None, [ f"XYRroom.create got `xyz={xyz}` - needs a valid (X,Y,Z) " "coordinate of ints/strings." ] existing_query = cls.objects.filter_xyz(xyz=(x, y, z)) if existing_query.exists(): existing_room = existing_query.first() return None, [ f"XYRoom XYZ=({x},{y},{z}) already exists " f"(existing room is named '{existing_room.db_key}')!" ] tags = ( (str(x), MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY), (str(y), MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY), (str(z), MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY), ) return DefaultRoom.create(key, account=account, tags=tags, typeclass=cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_display_name(self, looker, **kwargs): """ Shows both the #dbref and the xyz coord to staff. Args: looker (TypedObject): The object or account that is looking at/getting inforamtion for this object. Returns: name (str): A string containing the name of the object, including the DBREF and XYZ coord if this user is privileged to control the room. """ if self.locks.check_lockstring(looker, "perm(Builder)"): x, y, z = return f"{}[#{}({x},{y},{z})]" return
[docs] def return_appearance(self, looker, **kwargs): """ Displays the map in addition to the room description Args: looker (Object): The one looking. Keyword Args: map_display (bool): Turn on/off map display. map_visual_range (int): How 'far' one can see on the map. For 'nodes' mode, this is how many connected nodes away, for 'scan' mode, this is number of characters away on the map. Default is a visual range of 2 (nodes). map_mode (str): One of 'node' (default) or 'scan'. map_character_symbol (str): The character symbol to use. Defaults to '@'. This can also be colored with standard color tags. Set to `None` to just show the current node. Examples: Assume this is the full map (where '@' is the character location): :: #----------------# | | | | # @------------#-# | | #----------------# This is how it will look in 'nodes' mode with `visual_range=2`: :: @------------#-# And in 'scan' mode with `visual_range=2`: :: | | # @-- | #---- Notes: The map kwargs default to values with the same names set on the XYZRoom class; these can be changed by overriding the room. We return the map display as a separate msg() call here, in order to make it easier to break this out into a client pane etc. The map is tagged with type='xymap'. """ # normal get_appearance of a room room_desc = super().return_appearance(looker, **kwargs) # get current xymap xyz = xymap = self.xyzgrid.get_map(xyz[2]) if xymap and kwargs.get("map_display", xymap.options.get("map_display", self.map_display)): # show the near-area map. map_character_symbol = kwargs.get( "map_character_symbol", xymap.options.get("map_character_symbol", self.map_character_symbol), ) map_visual_range = kwargs.get( "map_visual_range", xymap.options.get("map_visual_range", self.map_visual_range) ) map_mode = kwargs.get("map_mode", xymap.options.get("map_mode", self.map_mode)) map_align = kwargs.get("map_align", xymap.options.get("map_align", self.map_align)) map_target_path_style = kwargs.get( "map_target_path_style", xymap.options.get("map_target_path_style", self.map_target_path_style), ) map_area_client = kwargs.get( "map_fill_all", xymap.options.get("map_fill_all", self.map_fill_all) ) map_separator_char = kwargs.get( "map_separator_char", xymap.options.get("map_separator_char", self.map_separator_char), ) sessions = looker.sessions.get() if sessions: client_width, _ = sessions[0].get_client_size() else: client_width = CLIENT_DEFAULT_WIDTH map_width = xymap.max_x if map_area_client: display_width = client_width else: display_width = max(map_width, max(len(line) for line in room_desc.split("\n"))) # align map map_indent = 0 sep_width = display_width if map_align == "r": map_indent = max(0, display_width - map_width) elif map_align == "c": map_indent = max(0, (display_width - map_width) // 2) # data set by the goto/path-command, for displaying the shortest path path_data = looker.ndb.xy_path_data target_xy =[:2] if path_data else None # get visual range display from map map_display = xymap.get_visual_range( (xyz[0], xyz[1]), dist=map_visual_range, mode=map_mode, target=target_xy, target_path_style=map_target_path_style, character=map_character_symbol, max_size=(display_width, None), indent=map_indent, ) sep = map_separator_char * sep_width map_display = f"{sep}|n\n{map_display}\n{sep}" # echo directly to make easier to separate in client looker.msg(text=(map_display, {"type": "xymap"}), options=None) return room_desc
[docs]class XYZExit(DefaultExit): """ An exit that is aware of the XYZ coordinate system. """ objects = XYZExitManager() def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): x, y, z = xd, yd, zd = self.xyz_destination return f"<XYZExit '{self.db_key}', XYZ=({x},{y},{z})->({xd},{yd},{zd})>" @property def xyzgrid(self): global GET_XYZGRID if not GET_XYZGRID: from evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.xyzgrid import get_xyzgrid as GET_XYZGRID return GET_XYZGRID() @property def xyz(self): if not hasattr(self, "_xyz"): x = self.tags.get(category=MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) y = self.tags.get(category=MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) z = self.tags.get(category=MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) if x is None or y is None or z is None: # don't cache yet unfinished coordinate return (x, y, z) # cache result self._xyz = (x, y, z) return self._xyz @property def xyz_destination(self): if not hasattr(self, "_xyz_destination"): xd = self.tags.get(category=MAP_XDEST_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) yd = self.tags.get(category=MAP_YDEST_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) zd = self.tags.get(category=MAP_ZDEST_TAG_CATEGORY, return_list=False) if xd is None or yd is None or zd is None: # don't cache unfinished coordinate return (xd, yd, zd) # cache result self._xyz_destination = (xd, yd, zd) return self._xyz_destination
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, key, account=None, xyz=(0, 0, "map"), xyz_destination=(0, 0, "map"), location=None, destination=None, **kwargs, ): """ Creation method aware of coordinates. Args: key (str): New name of object to create. account (Account, optional): Any Account to tie to this entity (unused for exits). xyz (tuple or None, optional): A 3D coordinate (X, Y, Z) for this room's location on a map grid. Each element can theoretically be either `int` or `str`, but for the XYZgrid contrib, the X, Y are always integers while the `Z` coordinate is used for the map's name. Set to `None` if instead using a direct room reference with `location`. xyz_destination (tuple, optional): The XYZ coordinate of the place the exit leads to. Will be ignored if `destination` is given directly. location (Object, optional): If given, overrides `xyz` coordinate. This can be used to place this exit in any room, including non-XYRoom type rooms. destination (Object, optional): If given, overrides `xyz_destination`. This can be any room (including non-XYRooms) and is not checked for XYZ coordinates. **kwargs: Will be passed into the normal `DefaultRoom.create` method. Returns: tuple: A tuple `(exit, errors)`, where the errors is a list containing all found errors (in which case the returned exit will be `None`). """ tags = [] if location: source = location else: try: x, y, z = xyz except ValueError: return None, ["XYExit.create need either `xyz=(X,Y,Z)` coordinate or a `location`."] else: source = XYZRoom.objects.get_xyz(xyz=(x, y, z)) tags.extend( ( (str(x), MAP_X_TAG_CATEGORY), (str(y), MAP_Y_TAG_CATEGORY), (str(z), MAP_Z_TAG_CATEGORY), ) ) if destination: dest = destination else: try: xdest, ydest, zdest = xyz_destination except ValueError: return None, [ "XYExit.create need either `xyz_destination=(X,Y,Z)` coordinate " "or a `destination`." ] else: dest = XYZRoom.objects.get_xyz(xyz=(xdest, ydest, zdest)) tags.extend( ( (str(xdest), MAP_XDEST_TAG_CATEGORY), (str(ydest), MAP_YDEST_TAG_CATEGORY), (str(zdest), MAP_ZDEST_TAG_CATEGORY), ) ) return DefaultExit.create( key, source, dest, account=account, tags=tags, typeclass=cls, **kwargs )