Custom Evennia launcher command option for maintaining the grid in a separate process than the main
server (since this can be slow).
To use, add to the settings:
EXTRA_LAUNCHER_COMMANDS.update({'xyzgrid': 'evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.launchcmd.xyzcommand'})
You should now be able to do
evennia xyzgrid <options>
Use `evennia xyzgrid help` for usage help.
from os.path import join as pathjoin
from django.conf import settings
import evennia
from evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.xyzgrid import get_xyzgrid
from evennia.utils import ansi
evennia xyzgrid help | list | init | add | spawn | initpath | delete [<options>]
Manages the XYZ grid. Use 'xyzgrid help <option>' for documentation.
_HELP_HELP = """
evennia xyzgrid <command> [<options>]
Manages the XYZ grid.
help <command> - get help about each command:
list - show list
init - initialize grid (only one time)
add - add new maps to grid
spawn - spawn added maps into actual db-rooms/exits
initpath - (re)creates pathfinder matrices
delete - delete part or all of grid
_HELP_LIST = """
Lists the map grid structure and any loaded maps.
list <Z|mapname>
Display the given XYmap in more detail. Also 'show' works. Use quotes around
map-names with spaces.
evennia xyzgrid list
evennia xyzgrid list mymap
evennia xyzgrid list "the small cave"
_HELP_INIT = """
First start of the grid. This will create the XYZGrid global script. No maps are loaded yet!
It's safe to run this command multiple times; the grid will only be initialized once.
evennia xyzgrid init
_HELP_ADD = """
add <path.to.xymap.module> [<path> <path>,...]
Add path(s) to one or more modules containing XYMap definitions. The module will be parsed
- a XYMAP_DATA - a dict on this form:
{"map": mapstring, "zcoord": mapname/zcoord, "legend": dict, "prototypes": dict}
describing one single XYmap, or
- a XYMAP_DATA_LIST - a list of multiple dicts on the XYMAP_DATA form. This allows for
embedding multiple maps in the same module. See evennia/contrib/grid/xyzgrid/example.py
for an example of how this looks.
Note that adding a map does *not* spawn it. If maps are linked to one another, you should
add all linked maps before running 'spawn', or you'll get errors when creating transitional
exits between maps.
evennia xyzgrid add evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.example
evennia xyzgrid add world.mymap1 world.mymap2 world.mymap3
spawns/updates the entire database grid based on the added maps. For a new grid, this will
spawn all new rooms/exits (and may take a good while!). For updating, rooms may be
removed/spawned if a map changed since the last spawn.
spawn "(X,Y,Z|mapname)"
spawns/updates only a part of the grid. Remember the quotes around the coordinate (this
is mostly because shells don't like them)! Use '*' as a wild card for XY coordinates.
This should usually only be used if the full grid has already been built once - otherwise
inter-map transitions may fail! Z is the name/z-coordinate of the map to spawn.
evennia xyzgrid spawn - spawn all
evennia xyzgrid "(*, *, mymap1)" - spawn everything of map/zcoord mymap1
evennia xyzgrid "(12, 5, mymap1)" - spawn only coordinate (12, 5) on map/zcoord mymap1
Recreates the pathfinder matrices for the entire grid. These are used for all shortest-path
calculations. The result will be cached to disk (in mygame/server/.cache/). If not run, each
map will run this automatically first time it's used. Running this will always force to
respawn the cache.
initpath Z|mapname
recreate the pathfinder matrix for a specific map only. Z is the name/z-coordinate of the
map. If the map name has spaces in it, use quotes.
evennia xyzgrid initpath
evennia xyzgrid initpath mymap1
evennia xyzgrid initpath "the small cave"
WARNING: This will delete the entire xyz-grid (all maps), and *all* rooms/exits built to
match it (they serve no purpose without the grid). You will be asked to confirm before
continuing with this operation.
delete Z|mapname
Remove a previously added XYmap with the name/z-coordinate Z. If the map was built, this
will also wipe all its spawned rooms/exits. You will be asked to confirm before continuing
with this operation. Use quotes if the Z/mapname contains spaces.
evennia xyzgrid delete
evennia xyzgrid delete mymap1
evennia xyzgrid delete "the small cave"
"list": _HELP_LIST,
"init": _HELP_INIT,
"add": _HELP_ADD,
"spawn": _HELP_SPAWN,
"initpath": _HELP_INITPATH,
"delete": _HELP_DELETE,
def _option_help(*suboptions):
Show help <command> aid.
if not suboptions:
topic = _HELP_HELP
topic = _TOPICS_MAP.get(suboptions[0], _HELP_HELP)
def _option_list(*suboptions):
List/view grid.
xyzgrid = get_xyzgrid()
# override grid's logger to echo directly to console
def _log(msg):
xyzgrid.log = _log
xymap_data = xyzgrid.grid
if not xymap_data:
if xyzgrid.db.map_data:
print("Grid could not load due to errors.")
print("The XYZgrid is currently empty. Use 'add' to add paths to your map data.")
if not suboptions:
print("XYMaps stored in grid:")
for zcoord, xymap in sorted(xymap_data.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0]):
print("\n" + str(repr(xymap)) + ":\n")
zcoord = " ".join(suboptions)
xymap = xyzgrid.get_map(zcoord)
if not xymap:
print(f"No XYMap with Z='{zcoord}' was found on grid.")
nrooms = xyzgrid.get_room(("*", "*", zcoord)).count()
nnodes = len(xymap.node_index_map)
print("\n" + str(repr(xymap)) + ":\n")
checkwarning = True
if not nrooms:
print(f"{nrooms} / {nnodes} rooms are spawned.")
checkwarning = False
elif nrooms < nnodes:
f"{nrooms} / {nnodes} rooms are spawned\n"
"Note: Transitional nodes are *not* spawned (they just point \n"
"to another map), so the 'missing room(s)' may just be from such nodes."
elif nrooms > nnodes:
f"{nrooms} / {nnodes} rooms are spawned\n"
"Note: Maybe some rooms were removed from map. Run 'spawn' to re-sync."
print(f"{nrooms} / {nnodes} rooms are spawned\n")
if checkwarning:
"Note: This check is not complete; it does not consider changed map "
"topology\nlike relocated nodes/rooms and new/removed links/exits - this "
"is calculated only during a spawn."
print("\nDisplayed map (as appearing in-game):\n\n" + ansi.parse_ansi(str(xymap)))
"\nRaw map string (including axes and invisible nodes/links):\n" + str(xymap.mapstring)
print(f"\nCustom map options: {xymap.options}\n")
legend = []
for key, node_or_link in xymap.legend.items():
legend.append(f"{key} - {node_or_link.__doc__.strip()}")
print("Legend (all elements may not be present on map):\n " + "\n ".join(legend))
def _option_init(*suboptions):
Initialize a new grid. Will fail if a Grid already exists.
grid = get_xyzgrid()
print(f"The grid is initalized as the Script '{grid.key}'({grid.dbref})")
def _option_add(*suboptions):
Add one or more map to the grid. Supports `add path,path,path,...`
grid = get_xyzgrid()
# override grid's logger to echo directly to console
def _log(msg):
grid.log = _log
xymap_data_list = []
for path in suboptions:
maps = grid.maps_from_module(path)
if not maps:
print(f"No maps found with the path {path}.\nSeparate multiple paths with spaces. ")
mapnames = "\n ".join(f"'{m['zcoord']}'" for m in maps)
print(f" XYMaps from {path}:\n {mapnames}")
except Exception as err:
print(f"Added (or readded) {len(xymap_data_list)} XYMaps to grid.")
def _option_spawn(*suboptions):
spawn the grid or part of it.
grid = get_xyzgrid()
# override grid's logger to echo directly to console
def _log(msg):
grid.log = _log
if suboptions:
opts = "".join(suboptions).strip("()")
# coordinate tuple
x, y, z = (part.strip() for part in opts.split(","))
except ValueError:
"spawn coordinate must be given as (X, Y, Z) tuple, where '*' act "
"wild cards and Z is the mapname/z-coord of the map to load."
x, y, z = "*", "*", "*"
if x == y == z == "*":
inp = input(
"This will (re)spawn the entire grid. If it was built before, it may spawn \n"
"new rooms or delete rooms that no longer matches the grid.\nDo you want to "
"continue? [Y]/N? "
inp = input(
"This will spawn/delete objects in the database matching grid coordinates \n"
f"({x},{y},{z}) (where '*' is a wildcard).\nDo you want to continue? [Y]/N? "
if inp.lower() in ("no", "n"):
print("Starting spawn ...")
grid.spawn(xyz=(x, y, z))
"... spawn complete!\nIt's recommended to reload the server to refresh caches if this "
"modified an existing grid."
def _option_initpath(*suboptions):
(Re)Initialize the pathfinding matrices for grid or part of it.
grid = get_xyzgrid()
# override grid's logger to echo directly to console
def _log(msg):
grid.log = _log
xymaps = grid.all_maps()
nmaps = len(xymaps)
for inum, xymap in enumerate(xymaps):
print(f"(Re)building pathfinding matrix for xymap Z={xymap.Z} ({inum+1}/{nmaps}) ...")
cachepath = pathjoin(settings.GAME_DIR, "server", ".cache")
print(f"... done. Data cached to {cachepath}.")
def _option_delete(*suboptions):
Delete the grid or parts of it. Allows mapname,mapname, ...
grid = get_xyzgrid()
# override grid's logger to echo directly to console
def _log(msg):
grid.log = _log
if not suboptions:
repl = input(
"WARNING: This will delete the ENTIRE Grid and wipe all rooms/exits!"
"\nObjects/Chars inside deleted rooms will be moved to their home locations."
"\nThis can't be undone. Are you sure you want to continue? Y/[N]? "
if repl.lower() not in ("yes", "y"):
print("Deleting grid ...")
"... done.\nPlease reload the server now; otherwise removed rooms may linger in cache."
zcoords = (part.strip() for part in suboptions)
err = False
for zcoord in zcoords:
if not grid.get_map(zcoord):
print(f"Mapname/zcoord {zcoord} is not a part of the grid.")
err = True
if err:
print("Valid mapnames/zcoords are\n:", "\n ".join(xymap.Z for xymap in grid.all_maps()))
repl = input(
"This will delete map(s) {', '.join(zcoords)} and wipe all corresponding\n"
"\nObjects/Chars inside deleted rooms will be moved to their home locations."
"\nThis can't be undone. Are you sure you want to continue? Y/[N]? "
if repl.lower() not in ("yes", "y"):
print("Deleting selected xymaps ...")
grid.remove_map(*zcoords, remove_objects=True)
"... done.\nPlease reload the server to refresh room caches."
"\nAlso remember to remove any links from remaining maps pointing to deleted maps."
[docs]def xyzcommand(*args):
Evennia launcher command. This is made available as `evennia xyzgrid` on the command line,
once added to `settings.EXTRA_LAUNCHER_COMMANDS`.
if not args:
option, *suboptions = args
if option in ("help", "h"):
elif option in ("list", "show"):
elif option == "init":
elif option == "add":
elif option == "spawn":
elif option == "initpath":
elif option == "delete":
print(f"Unknown option '{option}'. Use 'evennia xyzgrid help' for valid arguments.")