Source code for evennia.contrib.game_systems.crafting.tests

Unit tests for the crafting system contrib.


from unittest import mock

from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.test import override_settings

from evennia.commands.default.tests import BaseEvenniaCommandTest
from evennia.utils.create import create_object
from evennia.utils.test_resources import BaseEvenniaTestCase

from . import crafting, example_recipes

[docs]class TestCraftUtils(BaseEvenniaTestCase): """ Test helper utils for crafting. """ maxDiff = None
[docs] @override_settings(CRAFT_RECIPE_MODULES=[]) def test_load_recipes(self): """This should only load the example module now""" crafting._load_recipes() self.assertEqual( crafting._RECIPE_CLASSES, { "crucible steel": example_recipes.CrucibleSteelRecipe, "leather": example_recipes.LeatherRecipe, "fireball": example_recipes.FireballRecipe, "heal": example_recipes.HealingRecipe, "oak bark": example_recipes.OakBarkRecipe, "pig iron": example_recipes.PigIronRecipe, "rawhide": example_recipes.RawhideRecipe, "sword": example_recipes.SwordRecipe, "sword blade": example_recipes.SwordBladeRecipe, "sword guard": example_recipes.SwordGuardRecipe, "sword handle": example_recipes.SwordHandleRecipe, "sword pommel": example_recipes.SwordPommelRecipe, }, )
class _TestMaterial: def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return
[docs]class TestCraftingRecipeBase(BaseEvenniaTestCase): """ Test the parent recipe class. """
[docs] def setUp(self): self.crafter = mock.MagicMock() self.crafter.msg = mock.MagicMock() self.inp1 = _TestMaterial("test1") self.inp2 = _TestMaterial("test2") self.inp3 = _TestMaterial("test3") self.kwargs = {"kw1": 1, "kw2": 2} self.recipe = crafting.CraftingRecipeBase( self.crafter, self.inp1, self.inp2, self.inp3, **self.kwargs )
[docs] def test_msg(self): """Test messaging to crafter""" self.recipe.msg("message") self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with(text=("message", {"type": "crafting"}))
[docs] def test_pre_craft(self): """Test validating hook""" self.recipe.pre_craft() self.assertEqual(self.recipe.validated_inputs, (self.inp1, self.inp2, self.inp3))
[docs] def test_pre_craft_fail(self): """Should rase error if validation fails""" self.recipe.allow_craft = False with self.assertRaises(crafting.CraftingValidationError): self.recipe.pre_craft()
[docs] def test_craft_hook__succeed(self): """Test craft hook, the main access method.""" expected_result = _TestMaterial("test_result") self.recipe.do_craft = mock.MagicMock(return_value=expected_result) self.assertTrue(self.recipe.allow_craft) result = self.recipe.craft() # check result self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) self.recipe.do_craft.assert_called_with(kw1=1, kw2=2) # since allow_reuse is False, this usage should now be turned off self.assertFalse(self.recipe.allow_craft) # trying to re-run again should fail since rerun is False with self.assertRaises(crafting.CraftingError): self.recipe.craft()
[docs] def test_craft_hook__fail(self): """Test failing the call""" self.recipe.do_craft = mock.MagicMock(return_value=None) # trigger exception with self.assertRaises(crafting.CraftingError): self.recipe.craft(raise_exception=True) # reset and try again without exception self.recipe.allow_craft = True result = self.recipe.craft() self.assertEqual(result, None)
class _MockRecipe(crafting.CraftingRecipe): name = "testrecipe" tool_tags = ["tool1", "tool2"] consumable_tags = ["cons1", "cons2", "cons3"] output_prototypes = [ { "key": "Result1", "prototype_key": "resultprot", "tags": [("result1", "crafting_material")], } ]
[docs]@override_settings(CRAFT_RECIPE_MODULES=[]) class TestCraftingRecipe(BaseEvenniaTestCase): """ Test the CraftingRecipe class with one recipe """ maxDiff = None
[docs] def setUp(self): self.crafter = mock.MagicMock() self.crafter.msg = mock.MagicMock() self.tool1 = create_object(key="tool1", tags=[("tool1", "crafting_tool")], nohome=True) self.tool2 = create_object(key="tool2", tags=[("tool2", "crafting_tool")], nohome=True) self.cons1 = create_object(key="cons1", tags=[("cons1", "crafting_material")], nohome=True) self.cons2 = create_object(key="cons2", tags=[("cons2", "crafting_material")], nohome=True) self.cons3 = create_object(key="cons3", tags=[("cons3", "crafting_material")], nohome=True)
[docs] def tearDown(self): try: self.tool1.delete() self.tool2.delete() self.cons1.delete() self.cons2.delete() self.cons3.delete() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
[docs] def test_error_format(self): """Test the automatic error formatter""" recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3 ) msg = "{missing},{tools},{consumables},{inputs},{outputs}" "{i0},{i1},{o0}" kwargs = { "missing": "foo", "tools": ["bar", "bar2", "bar3"], "consumables": ["cons1", "cons2"], } expected = { "missing": "foo", "i0": "cons1", "i1": "cons2", "i2": "cons3", "o0": "Result1", "tools": "bar, bar2, and bar3", "consumables": "cons1 and cons2", "inputs": "cons1, cons2, and cons3", "outputs": "Result1", } result = recipe._format_message(msg, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(result, msg.format_map(expected))
[docs] def test_craft__success(self): """Test to create a result from the recipe""" recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3 ) result = recipe.craft() self.assertEqual(result[0].key, "Result1") self.assertEqual(result[0].tags.all(), ["result1", "resultprot"]) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=(recipe.success_message.format(outputs="Result1"), {"type": "crafting"}) ) # make sure consumables are gone self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_seed__success(self): """Test seed helper classmethod""" # needed for other dbs to pass seed homeroom = create_object(key="HomeRoom", nohome=True) # call classmethod directly with override_settings(DEFAULT_HOME=f"#{}"): tools, consumables = _MockRecipe.seed() # this should be a normal successful crafting recipe = _MockRecipe(self.crafter, *(tools + consumables)) result = recipe.craft() self.assertEqual(result[0].key, "Result1") self.assertEqual(result[0].tags.all(), ["result1", "resultprot"]) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=(recipe.success_message.format(outputs="Result1"), {"type": "crafting"}) ) # make sure consumables are gone for cons in consumables: self.assertIsNone( # make sure tools remain for tool in tools: self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_missing_tool__fail(self): """Fail craft by missing tool2""" recipe = _MockRecipe(self.crafter, self.tool1, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3) result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_tool_missing_message.format(outputs="Result1", missing="tool2"), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_missing_cons__fail(self): """Fail craft by missing cons3""" recipe = _MockRecipe(self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2) result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_consumable_missing_message.format(outputs="Result1", missing="cons3"), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_missing_cons__always_consume__fail(self): """Fail craft by missing cons3, with always-consume flag""" cons4 = create_object(key="cons4", tags=[("cons4", "crafting_material")], nohome=True) recipe = _MockRecipe(self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, cons4) recipe.consume_on_fail = True result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_consumable_missing_message.format(outputs="Result1", missing="cons3"), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are deleted even though we failed self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( # the extra should also be gone self.assertIsNone( # but cons3 should be fine since it was not included self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain as normal self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_wrong_tool__fail(self): """Fail craft by including a wrong tool""" wrong = create_object(key="wrong", tags=[("wrongtool", "crafting_tool")], nohome=True) recipe = _MockRecipe(self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, wrong) result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_tool_excess_message.format( outputs="Result1", excess=wrong.get_display_name(looker=self.crafter) ), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_tool_excess__fail(self): """Fail by too many consumables""" # note that this is a valid tag! tool3 = create_object(key="tool3", tags=[("tool2", "crafting_tool")], nohome=True) recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3, tool3 ) result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_tool_excess_message.format( outputs="Result1", excess=tool3.get_display_name(looker=self.crafter) ), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_cons_excess__fail(self): """Fail by too many consumables""" # note that this is a valid tag! cons4 = create_object(key="cons4", tags=[("cons3", "crafting_material")], nohome=True) recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3, cons4 ) result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_consumable_excess_message.format( outputs="Result1", excess=cons4.get_display_name(looker=self.crafter) ), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_tool_excess__sucess(self): """Allow too many consumables""" tool3 = create_object(key="tool3", tags=[("tool2", "crafting_tool")], nohome=True) recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3, tool3 ) recipe.exact_tools = False result = recipe.craft() self.assertTrue(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=(recipe.success_message.format(outputs="Result1"), {"type": "crafting"}) ) # make sure consumables are gone self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_cons_excess__sucess(self): """Allow too many consumables""" cons4 = create_object(key="cons4", tags=[("cons3", "crafting_material")], nohome=True) recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3, cons4 ) recipe.exact_consumables = False result = recipe.craft() self.assertTrue(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=(recipe.success_message.format(outputs="Result1"), {"type": "crafting"}) ) # make sure consumables are gone self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_tool_order__fail(self): """Strict tool-order recipe fail""" recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool2, self.tool1, self.cons1, self.cons2, self.cons3 ) recipe.exact_tool_order = True result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_tool_order_message.format( outputs="Result1", missing=self.tool2.get_display_name(looker=self.crafter) ), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs] def test_craft_cons_order__fail(self): """Strict tool-order recipe fail""" recipe = _MockRecipe( self.crafter, self.tool1, self.tool2, self.cons3, self.cons2, self.cons1 ) recipe.exact_consumable_order = True result = recipe.craft() self.assertFalse(result) self.crafter.msg.assert_called_with( text=( recipe.error_consumable_order_message.format( outputs="Result1", missing=self.cons3.get_display_name(looker=self.crafter) ), {"type": "crafting"}, ) ) # make sure consumables are still there self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone( # make sure tools remain self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertIsNotNone(
[docs]class TestCraftSword(BaseEvenniaTestCase): """ Test the `craft` function by crafting the example sword. """
[docs] def setUp(self): self.crafter = mock.MagicMock() self.crafter.msg = mock.MagicMock()
[docs] @override_settings(CRAFT_RECIPE_MODULES=[], DEFAULT_HOME="#999999") @mock.patch("evennia.contrib.game_systems.crafting.example_recipes.random") def test_craft_sword(self, mockrandom): """ Craft example sword. For the test, every crafting works. """ # make sure every craft succeeds mockrandom.random = mock.MagicMock(return_value=0.2) def _co(key, tagkey, is_tool=False): tagcat = "crafting_tool" if is_tool else "crafting_material" return create_object(key=key, tags=[(tagkey, tagcat)], nohome=True) def _craft(recipe_name, *inputs): """shortcut to shorten and return only one element""" result = crafting.craft(self.crafter, recipe_name, *inputs, raise_exception=True) return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result # generate base materials iron_ore1 = _co("Iron ore ingot", "iron ore") iron_ore2 = _co("Iron ore ingot", "iron ore") iron_ore3 = _co("Iron ore ingot", "iron ore") ash1 = _co("Pile of Ash", "ash") ash2 = _co("Pile of Ash", "ash") ash3 = _co("Pile of Ash", "ash") sand1 = _co("Pile of sand", "sand") sand2 = _co("Pile of sand", "sand") sand3 = _co("Pile of sand", "sand") coal01 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal02 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal03 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal04 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal05 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal06 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal07 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal08 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal09 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal10 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal11 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") coal12 = _co("Pile of coal", "coal") oak_wood = _co("Pile of oak wood", "oak wood") water = _co("Bucket of water", "water") fur = _co("Bundle of Animal fur", "fur") # tools blast_furnace = _co("Blast furnace", "blast furnace", is_tool=True) furnace = _co("Smithing furnace", "furnace", is_tool=True) crucible = _co("Smelting crucible", "crucible", is_tool=True) anvil = _co("Smithing anvil", "anvil", is_tool=True) hammer = _co("Smithing hammer", "hammer", is_tool=True) knife = _co("Working knife", "knife", is_tool=True) cauldron = _co("Cauldron", "cauldron", is_tool=True) # making pig iron inputs = [iron_ore1, coal01, coal02, blast_furnace] pig_iron1 = _craft("pig iron", *inputs) inputs = [iron_ore2, coal03, coal04, blast_furnace] pig_iron2 = _craft("pig iron", *inputs) inputs = [iron_ore3, coal05, coal06, blast_furnace] pig_iron3 = _craft("pig iron", *inputs) # making crucible steel inputs = [pig_iron1, ash1, sand1, coal07, coal08, crucible] crucible_steel1 = _craft("crucible steel", *inputs) inputs = [pig_iron2, ash2, sand2, coal09, coal10, crucible] crucible_steel2 = _craft("crucible steel", *inputs) inputs = [pig_iron3, ash3, sand3, coal11, coal12, crucible] crucible_steel3 = _craft("crucible steel", *inputs) # smithing inputs = [crucible_steel1, hammer, anvil, furnace] sword_blade = _craft("sword blade", *inputs) inputs = [crucible_steel2, hammer, anvil, furnace] sword_pommel = _craft("sword pommel", *inputs) inputs = [crucible_steel3, hammer, anvil, furnace] sword_guard = _craft("sword guard", *inputs) # stripping fur inputs = [fur, knife] rawhide = _craft("rawhide", *inputs) # making bark (tannin) and cleaned wood inputs = [oak_wood, knife] oak_bark, cleaned_oak_wood = _craft("oak bark", *inputs) # leathermaking inputs = [rawhide, oak_bark, water, cauldron] leather = _craft("leather", *inputs) # sword handle inputs = [cleaned_oak_wood, knife] sword_handle = _craft("sword handle", *inputs) # sword (order matters) inputs = [ sword_blade, sword_guard, sword_pommel, sword_handle, leather, knife, hammer, furnace, ] sword = _craft("sword", *inputs) self.assertEqual(sword.key, "Sword") # make sure all materials and intermediaries are deleted self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( self.assertIsNone( # make sure all tools remain self.assertIsNotNone(blast_furnace) self.assertIsNotNone(furnace) self.assertIsNotNone(crucible) self.assertIsNotNone(anvil) self.assertIsNotNone(hammer) self.assertIsNotNone(knife) self.assertIsNotNone(cauldron)
[docs]@mock.patch("evennia.contrib.game_systems.crafting.crafting._load_recipes", new=mock.MagicMock()) @mock.patch( "evennia.contrib.game_systems.crafting.crafting._RECIPE_CLASSES", new={"testrecipe": _MockRecipe}, ) @override_settings(CRAFT_RECIPE_MODULES=[]) class TestCraftCommand(BaseEvenniaCommandTest): """Test the crafting command"""
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() tools, consumables = _MockRecipe.seed( tool_kwargs={"location": self.char1}, consumable_kwargs={"location": self.char1} )
[docs] def test_craft__success(self): "Successfully craft using command" crafting.CmdCraft(), "testrecipe from cons1, cons2, cons3 using tool1, tool2", _MockRecipe.success_message.format(outputs="Result1"), )
[docs] def test_craft__notools__failure(self): "Craft fail no tools" crafting.CmdCraft(), "testrecipe from cons1, cons2, cons3", _MockRecipe.error_tool_missing_message.format(outputs="Result1", missing="tool1"), )
[docs] def test_craft__nocons__failure(self): crafting.CmdCraft(), "testrecipe using tool1, tool2", _MockRecipe.error_consumable_missing_message.format(outputs="Result1", missing="cons1"), )
[docs] def test_craft__unknown_recipe__failure(self): crafting.CmdCraft(), "nonexistent from cons1, cons2, cons3 using tool1, tool2", "Unknown recipe 'nonexistent'", )