Source code for

Clothing - Provides a typeclass and commands for wearable clothing,
which is appended to a character's description when worn.

Evennia contribution - Tim Ashley Jenkins 2017

Clothing items, when worn, are added to the character's description
in a list. For example, if wearing the following clothing items:

    a thin and delicate necklace
    a pair of regular ol' shoes
    one nice hat
    a very pretty dress

A character's description may look like this:

    This is User #1.

    Superuser is wearing one nice hat, a thin and delicate necklace,
    a very pretty dress and a pair of regular ol' shoes.

Characters can also specify the style of wear for their clothing - I.E.
to wear a scarf 'tied into a tight knot around the neck' or 'draped
loosely across the shoulders' - to add an easy avenue of customization.
For example, after entering:

    wear scarf draped loosely across the shoulders

The garment appears like so in the description:

    This is User #1.

    Superuser is wearing a fanciful-looking scarf draped loosely
    across the shoulders.

Items of clothing can be used to cover other items, and many options
are provided to define your own clothing types and their limits and
behaviors. For example, to have undergarments automatically covered
by outerwear, or to put a limit on the number of each type of item
that can be worn. The system as-is is fairly freeform - you
can cover any garment with almost any other, for example - but it
can easily be made more restrictive, and can even be tied into a
system for armor or other equipment.

To install, import this module and have your default character
inherit from ClothedCharacter in your game's file:

    from import ClothedCharacter

    class Character(ClothedCharacter):

And then add ClothedCharacterCmdSet in your character set in your
game's commands/

    from import ClothedCharacterCmdSet

    class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):

             self.add(ClothedCharacterCmdSet)    # <-- add this

From here, you can use the default builder commands to create clothes
with which to test the system:

    @create a pretty shirt :
    @set shirt/clothing_type = 'top'
    wear shirt


from collections import defaultdict

from django.conf import settings

from evennia import DefaultCharacter, DefaultObject, default_cmds
from evennia.commands.default.muxcommand import MuxCommand
from evennia.utils import (
from evennia.utils.ansi import raw as raw_ansi

# Options start here.
# Maximum character length of 'wear style' strings, or None for unlimited.

# The rest of these options have to do with clothing types. ContribClothing types are optional,
# but can be used to give better control over how different items of clothing behave. You
# can freely add, remove, or change clothing types to suit the needs of your game and use
# the options below to affect their behavior.

# The order in which clothing types appear on the description. Untyped clothing or clothing
# with a type not given in this list goes last.
# The maximum number of each type of clothes that can be worn. Unlimited if untyped or not specified.
    settings, "CLOTHING_TYPE_LIMIT", {"hat": 1, "gloves": 1, "socks": 1, "shoes": 1}
# The maximum number of clothing items that can be worn, or None for unlimited.
# What types of clothes will automatically cover what other types of clothes when worn.
# Note that clothing only gets auto-covered if it's already worn when you put something
# on that auto-covers it - for example, it's perfectly possible to have your underpants
# showing if you put them on after your pants!
        "top": ["undershirt"],
        "bottom": ["underpants"],
        "fullbody": ["undershirt", "underpants"],
        "shoes": ["socks"],
# Types of clothes that can't be used to cover other clothes.

[docs]def order_clothes_list(clothes_list): """ Orders a given clothes list by the order specified in CLOTHING_TYPE_ORDER. Args: clothes_list (list): List of clothing items to put in order Returns: ordered_clothes_list (list): The same list as passed, but re-ordered according to the hierarchy of clothing types specified in CLOTHING_TYPE_ORDER. """ ordered_clothes_list = clothes_list # For each type of clothing that exists... for current_type in reversed(CLOTHING_TYPE_ORDER): # Check each item in the given clothes list. for clothes in clothes_list: # If the item has a clothing type... if clothes.db.clothing_type: item_type = clothes.db.clothing_type # And the clothing type matches the current type... if item_type == current_type: # Move it to the front of the list! ordered_clothes_list.remove(clothes) ordered_clothes_list.insert(0, clothes) return ordered_clothes_list
[docs]def get_worn_clothes(character, exclude_covered=False): """ Get a list of clothes worn by a given character. Args: character (obj): The character to get a list of worn clothes from. Keyword Args: exclude_covered (bool): If True, excludes clothes covered by other clothing from the returned list. Returns: ordered_clothes_list (list): A list of clothing items worn by the given character, ordered according to the CLOTHING_TYPE_ORDER option specified in this module. """ clothes_list = [] for thing in character.contents: # If uncovered or not excluding covered items if not thing.db.covered_by or exclude_covered is False: # If 'worn' is True, add to the list if thing.db.worn: clothes_list.append(thing) # Might as well put them in order here too. ordered_clothes_list = order_clothes_list(clothes_list) return ordered_clothes_list
[docs]def clothing_type_count(clothes_list): """ Returns a dictionary of the number of each clothing type in a given list of clothing objects. Args: clothes_list (list): A list of clothing items from which to count the number of clothing types represented among them. Returns: types_count (dict): A dictionary of clothing types represented in the given list and the number of each clothing type represented. """ types_count = {} for garment in clothes_list: if garment.db.clothing_type: type = garment.db.clothing_type if type not in list(types_count.keys()): types_count[type] = 1 else: types_count[type] += 1 return types_count
[docs]def single_type_count(clothes_list, type): """ Returns an integer value of the number of a given type of clothing in a list. Args: clothes_list (list): List of clothing objects to count from type (str): Clothing type to count Returns: type_count (int): Number of garments of the specified type in the given list of clothing objects """ type_count = 0 for garment in clothes_list: if garment.db.clothing_type: if garment.db.clothing_type == type: type_count += 1 return type_count
[docs]class ContribClothing(DefaultObject):
[docs] def wear(self, wearer, wearstyle, quiet=False): """ Sets clothes to 'worn' and optionally echoes to the room. Args: wearer (obj): character object wearing this clothing object wearstyle (True or str): string describing the style of wear or True for none Keyword Args: quiet (bool): If false, does not message the room Notes: Optionally sets db.worn with a 'wearstyle' that appends a short passage to the end of the name of the clothing to describe how it's worn that shows up in the wearer's desc - I.E. 'around his neck' or 'tied loosely around her waist'. If db.worn is set to 'True' then just the name will be shown. """ # Set clothing as worn self.db.worn = wearstyle # Auto-cover appropriate clothing types to_cover = [] if clothing_type := self.db.clothing_type: if autocover_types := CLOTHING_TYPE_AUTOCOVER.get(clothing_type): to_cover.extend( [ garment for garment in get_worn_clothes(wearer) if garment.db.clothing_type in autocover_types ] ) for garment in to_cover: garment.db.covered_by = self # Echo a message to the room if not quiet: if type(wearstyle) is str: message = f"$You() $conj(wear) {} {wearstyle}" else: message = f"$You() $conj(put) on {}" if to_cover: message += f", covering {iter_to_str(to_cover)}" wearer.location.msg_contents(message + ".", from_obj=wearer)
[docs] def remove(self, wearer, quiet=False): """ Removes worn clothes and optionally echoes to the room. Args: wearer (obj): character object wearing this clothing object Keyword Args: quiet (bool): If false, does not message the room """ self.db.worn = False uncovered_list = [] # Check to see if any other clothes are covered by this object. for thing in wearer.contents: if thing.db.covered_by == self: thing.db.covered_by = False uncovered_list.append( # Echo a message to the room if not quiet: remove_message = f"$You() $conj(remove) {}" if len(uncovered_list) > 0: remove_message += f", revealing {iter_to_str(uncovered_list)}" wearer.location.msg_contents(remove_message + ".", from_obj=wearer)
[docs] def at_get(self, getter): """ Makes absolutely sure clothes aren't already set as 'worn' when they're picked up, in case they've somehow had their location changed without getting removed. """ self.db.worn = False
[docs] def at_pre_move(self, destination, **kwargs): """ Called just before starting to move this object to destination. Return False to abort move. Notes: If this method returns False/None, the move is cancelled before it is even started. """ # Covered clothing cannot be removed, dropped, or otherwise relocated if self.db.covered_by: return False return True
[docs]class ClothedCharacter(DefaultCharacter): """ Character that displays worn clothing when looked at. You can also just copy the return_appearance hook defined below to your own game's character typeclass. """
[docs] def get_display_desc(self, looker, **kwargs): """ Get the 'desc' component of the object description. Called by `return_appearance`. Args: looker (Object): Object doing the looking. **kwargs: Arbitrary data for use when overriding. Returns: str: The desc display string. """ desc = self.db.desc outfit_list = [] # Append worn, uncovered clothing to the description for garment in get_worn_clothes(self, exclude_covered=True): wearstyle = garment.db.worn if type(wearstyle) is str: outfit_list.append(f"{} {wearstyle}") else: outfit_list.append( # Create outfit string if outfit_list: outfit = ( f"{self.get_display_name(looker, **kwargs)} is wearing {iter_to_str(outfit_list)}." ) else: outfit = f"{self.get_display_name(looker, **kwargs)} is wearing nothing." # Add on to base description if desc: desc += f"\n\n{outfit}" else: desc = outfit return desc
[docs] def get_display_things(self, looker, **kwargs): """ Get the 'things' component of the object's contents. Called by `return_appearance`. Args: looker (Object): Object doing the looking. **kwargs: Arbitrary data for use when overriding. Returns: str: A string describing the things in object. """ def _filter_visible(obj_list): return ( obj for obj in obj_list if obj != looker and obj.access(looker, "view") and not obj.db.worn ) # sort and handle same-named things things = _filter_visible(self.contents_get(content_type="object")) grouped_things = defaultdict(list) for thing in things: grouped_things[thing.get_display_name(looker, **kwargs)].append(thing) thing_names = [] for thingname, thinglist in sorted(grouped_things.items()): nthings = len(thinglist) thing = thinglist[0] singular, plural = thing.get_numbered_name(nthings, looker, key=thingname) thing_names.append(singular if nthings == 1 else plural) thing_names = iter_to_str(thing_names) return ( f"\n{self.get_display_name(looker, **kwargs)} is carrying {thing_names}" if thing_names else "" )
[docs]class CmdWear(MuxCommand): """ Puts on an item of clothing you are holding. Usage: wear <obj> [=] [wear style] Examples: wear red shirt wear scarf wrapped loosely about the shoulders wear blue hat = at a jaunty angle All the clothes you are wearing are appended to your description. If you provide a 'wear style' after the command, the message you provide will be displayed after the clothing's name. """ key = "wear" help_category = "clothing"
[docs] def func(self): if not self.args: self.caller.msg("Usage: wear <obj> [=] [wear style]") return if not self.rhs: # check if the whole string is an object clothing =, candidates=self.caller.contents, quiet=True) if not clothing: # split out the first word as the object and the rest as the wearstyle argslist = self.lhs.split() self.lhs = argslist[0] self.rhs = " ".join(argslist[1:]) clothing =, candidates=self.caller.contents) else: # pass the result through the search-result hook clothing = at_search_result(clothing, self.caller, self.lhs) else: # it had an explicit separator - just do a normal search for the lhs clothing =, candidates=self.caller.contents) if not clothing: return if not inherits_from(clothing, ContribClothing): self.caller.msg(f"{} isn't something you can wear.") return if clothing.db.worn: if not self.rhs: # If no wearstyle was provided and the clothing is already being worn, do nothing self.caller.msg(f"You're already wearing your {}.") return elif len(self.rhs) > WEARSTYLE_MAXLENGTH: self.caller.msg( "Please keep your wear style message to less than" f" {WEARSTYLE_MAXLENGTH} characters." ) return else: # Adjust the wearstyle clothing.db.worn = self.rhs self.caller.location.msg_contents( f"$You() $conj(wear) {} {self.rhs}.", from_obj=self.caller ) return already_worn = get_worn_clothes(self.caller) # Enforce overall clothing limit. if CLOTHING_OVERALL_LIMIT and len(already_worn) >= CLOTHING_OVERALL_LIMIT: self.caller.msg("You can't wear any more clothes.") return # Apply individual clothing type limits. if clothing_type := clothing.db.clothing_type: if clothing_type in CLOTHING_TYPE_LIMIT: type_count = single_type_count(already_worn, clothing_type) if type_count >= CLOTHING_TYPE_LIMIT[clothing_type]: self.caller.msg( f"You can't wear any more clothes of the type '{clothing_type}'." ) return wearstyle = self.rhs or True clothing.wear(self.caller, wearstyle)
[docs]class CmdRemove(MuxCommand): """ Takes off an item of clothing. Usage: remove <obj> Removes an item of clothing you are wearing. You can't remove clothes that are covered up by something else - you must take off the covering item first. """ key = "remove" help_category = "clothing"
[docs] def func(self): if not self.args: self.caller.msg("Usage: remove <worn clothing object>") return clothing =, candidates=self.caller.contents) if not clothing: self.caller.msg("You don't have anything like that.") return if not clothing.db.worn: self.caller.msg("You're not wearing that!") return if covered := clothing.db.covered_by: self.caller.msg(f"You have to take off {covered} first.") return clothing.remove(self.caller)
[docs]class CmdCover(MuxCommand): """ Covers a worn item of clothing with another you're holding or wearing. Usage: cover <worn obj> with <obj> When you cover a clothing item, it is hidden and no longer appears in your description until it's uncovered or the item covering it is removed. You can't remove an item of clothing if it's covered. """ key = "cover" help_category = "clothing" rhs_split = (" with ", "=")
[docs] def func(self): if not len(self.args) or not self.rhs: self.caller.msg("Usage: cover <worn clothing> with <clothing object>") return to_cover =, candidates=get_worn_clothes(self.caller)) cover_with =, candidates=self.caller.contents) if not to_cover or not cover_with: return if to_cover == cover_with: self.caller.msg("You can't cover an item with itself!") return if not inherits_from(cover_with, ContribClothing): self.caller.msg(f"{} isn't something you can wear.") return if cover_with.db.clothing_type in CLOTHING_TYPE_CANT_COVER_WITH: self.caller.msg(f"You can't cover anything with {}.") return if covered_by := cover_with.db.covered_by: self.caller.msg(f"{} is already covered by {}.") return if covered_by := to_cover.db.covered_by: self.caller.msg(f"{} is already covered by {}.") return # Put on the item to cover with if it's not on already if not cover_with.db.worn: cover_with.wear(self.caller, True) to_cover.db.covered_by = cover_with self.caller.location.msg_contents( f"$You() $conj(cover) {} with {}.", from_obj=self.caller )
[docs]class CmdUncover(MuxCommand): """ Reveals a worn item of clothing that's currently covered up. Usage: uncover <obj> When you uncover an item of clothing, you allow it to appear in your description without having to take off the garment that's currently covering it. You can't uncover an item of clothing if the item covering it is also covered by something else. """ key = "uncover" help_category = "clothing"
[docs] def func(self): """ This performs the actual command. """ if not self.args: self.caller.msg("Usage: uncover <worn clothing object>") return clothing =, candidates=get_worn_clothes(self.caller)) if not clothing: return if covered_by := clothing.db.covered_by: if covered_by.db.covered_by: self.caller.msg(f"{} is under too many layers to uncover.") return clothing.db.covered_by = None self.caller.location.msg_contents( f"$You() $conj(uncover) {}.", from_obj=self.caller ) else: self.caller.msg(f"{} isn't covered by anything.") return
[docs]class CmdInventory(MuxCommand): """ view inventory Usage: inventory inv Shows your inventory. """ # Alternate version of the inventory command which separates # worn and carried items. key = "inventory" aliases = ["inv", "i"] locks = "cmd:all()" arg_regex = r"$"
[docs] def func(self): """check inventory""" if not self.caller.contents: self.caller.msg("You are not carrying or wearing anything.") return message_list = [] # all our items items = self.caller.contents # carried items carried = [obj for obj in items if not obj.db.worn] carry_table = self.styled_table(border="header") for key, desc, _ in group_objects_by_key_and_desc(carried, caller=self.caller): carry_table.add_row( f"{key}|n", "{}|n".format(crop(raw_ansi(desc or ""), width=50) or ""), ) message_list.extend( ["|wYou are carrying:|n", str(carry_table) if carry_table.nrows > 0 else " Nothing."] ) # worn items worn = [obj for obj in items if obj.db.worn] wear_table = self.styled_table(border="header") for key, desc, _ in group_objects_by_key_and_desc(worn, caller=self.caller): wear_table.add_row( f"{key}|n", "{}|n".format(crop(raw_ansi(desc or ""), width=50) or ""), ) message_list.extend( ["You are wearing:|n", str(wear_table) if wear_table.nrows > 0 else " Nothing."] ) # return the composite message self.caller.msg(text=("\n".join(message_list), {"type": "inventory"}))
[docs]class ClothedCharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet): """ Command set for clothing, including new versions of 'give' and 'drop' that take worn and covered clothing into account, as well as a new version of 'inventory' that differentiates between carried and worn items. """ key = "DefaultCharacter"
[docs] def at_cmdset_creation(self): """ Populates the cmdset """ super().at_cmdset_creation() # # any commands you add below will overload the default ones. # self.add(CmdWear()) self.add(CmdRemove()) self.add(CmdCover()) self.add(CmdUncover()) self.add(CmdInventory())