Source code for evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds

Legacy Comms-commands

Griatch 2021

In Evennia 1.0, the old Channel commands (originally inspired by MUX) were
replaced by the single `channel` command that performs all these function.
That command is still required to talk on channels. This contrib (extracted
from Evennia 0.9.5) reuses the channel-management of the base Channel command
but breaks out its functionality into separate Commands with MUX-familiar names.

- `allcom` - `channel/all` and `channel`
- `addcom` - `channel/alias`, `channel/sub` and `channel/unmute`
- `delcom` - `channel/unalias`, `alias/unsub` and `channel/mute`
- `cboot` - `channel/boot` (`channel/ban` and `/unban` not supported)
- `cwho` - `channel/who`
- `ccreate` - `channel/create`
- `cdestroy` - `channel/destroy`
- `clock` - `channel/lock`
- `cdesc` - `channel/desc`


- Import the `CmdSetLegacyComms` cmdset from this module into `mygame/commands/`
- Add it to the CharacterCmdSet's `at_cmdset_creation` method.
- Reload the server.


# in mygame/commands/

# ..
from evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds import CmdSetLegacyComms   # <----

class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
    # ...
    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        # ...
        self.add(CmdSetLegacyComms)   # <----


from django.conf import settings

from evennia.commands.cmdset import CmdSet
from evennia.commands.default.comms import CmdChannel
from evennia.utils import logger


[docs]class CmdAddCom(CmdChannel): """ Add a channel alias and/or subscribe to a channel Usage: addcom [alias=] <channel> Joins a given channel. If alias is given, this will allow you to refer to the channel by this alias rather than the full channel name. Subsequent calls of this command can be used to add multiple aliases to an already joined channel. """ key = "addcom" aliases = ["aliaschan", "chanalias"] help_category = "Comms" locks = "cmd:not pperm(channel_banned)" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Implement the command""" caller = self.caller args = self.args if not args: self.msg("Usage: addcom [alias =] channelname.") return if self.rhs: # rhs holds the channelname channelname = self.rhs alias = self.lhs else: channelname = self.args alias = None channel = self.search_channel(channelname) if not channel: return string = "" if not channel.has_connection(caller): # we want to connect as well. success, err = self.sub_to_channel(channel) if success: # if this would have returned True, the account is connected self.msg(f"You now listen to the channel {channel.key}") else: self.msg(f"{channel.key}: You are not allowed to join this channel.") return if channel.unmute(caller): self.msg(f"You unmute channel {channel.key}.") else: self.msg(f"You are already connected to channel {channel.key}.") if alias: # create a nick and add it to the caller. self.add_alias(channel, alias) self.msg(f" You can now refer to the channel {channel} with the alias '{alias}'.") else: string += " No alias added." self.msg(string)
[docs]class CmdDelCom(CmdChannel): """ remove a channel alias and/or unsubscribe from channel Usage: delcom <alias or channel> delcom/all <channel> If the full channel name is given, unsubscribe from the channel. If an alias is given, remove the alias but don't unsubscribe. If the 'all' switch is used, remove all aliases for that channel. """ key = "delcom" aliases = ["delaliaschan", "delchanalias"] help_category = "Comms" locks = "cmd:not perm(channel_banned)" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Implementing the command.""" caller = self.caller if not self.args: self.msg("Usage: delcom <alias or channel>") return ostring = self.args.lower().strip() channel = self.search_channel(ostring) if not channel: return if not channel.has_connection(caller): self.msg("You are not listening to that channel.") return if ostring == channel.key.lower(): # an exact channel name - unsubscribe delnicks = "all" in self.switches # find all nicks linked to this channel and delete them if delnicks: aliases = self.get_channel_aliases(channel) for alias in aliases: self.remove_alias(alias) success, err = self.unsub_from_channel(channel) if success: wipednicks = " Eventual aliases were removed." if delnicks else "" self.msg(f"You stop listening to channel '{channel.key}'.{wipednicks}") else: self.msg(err) return else: # we are removing a channel nick self.remove_alias(ostring) self.msg(f"Any alias '{ostring}' for channel {channel.key} was cleared.")
[docs]class CmdAllCom(CmdChannel): """ perform admin operations on all channels Usage: allcom [on | off | who | destroy] Allows the user to universally turn off or on all channels they are on, as well as perform a 'who' for all channels they are on. Destroy deletes all channels that you control. Without argument, works like comlist. """ key = "allcom" aliases = [] # important to not inherit parent's aliases locks = "cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Runs the function""" caller = self.caller args = self.args if not args: subscribed, available = self.list_channels() self.msg("\n|wAvailable channels:\n{table}") return return if args == "on": # get names of all channels available to listen to # and activate them all channels = [ chan for chan in CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS.objects.get_all_channels() if chan.access(caller, "listen") ] for channel in channels: self.execute_cmd("addcom %s" % channel.key) elif args == "off": # get names all subscribed channels and disconnect from them all channels = CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS.objects.get_subscriptions(caller) for channel in channels: self.execute_cmd("delcom %s" % channel.key) elif args == "destroy": # destroy all channels you control channels = [ chan for chan in CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS.objects.get_all_channels() if chan.access(caller, "control") ] for channel in channels: self.execute_cmd("cdestroy %s" % channel.key) elif args == "who": # run a who, listing the subscribers on visible channels. string = "\n|CChannel subscriptions|n" channels = [ chan for chan in CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS.objects.get_all_channels() if chan.access(caller, "listen") ] if not channels: string += "No channels." for channel in channels: string += "\n|w%s:|n\n %s" % (channel.key, channel.wholist) self.msg(string.strip()) else: # wrong input self.msg("Usage: allcom on | off | who | clear")
[docs]class CmdCdestroy(CmdChannel): """ destroy a channel you created Usage: cdestroy <channel> Destroys a channel that you control. """ key = "cdestroy" aliases = [] help_category = "Comms" locks = "cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Destroy objects cleanly.""" caller = self.caller if not self.args: self.msg("Usage: cdestroy <channelname>") return channel = self.search_channel(self.args) if not channel: self.msg("Could not find channel %s." % self.args) return if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg("You are not allowed to do that.") return channel_key = channel.key message = f"{channel.key} is being destroyed. Make sure to change your aliases." self.destroy_channel(channel, message) self.msg("Channel '%s' was destroyed." % channel_key) logger.log_sec( "Channel Deleted: %s (Caller: %s, IP: %s)." % (channel_key, caller, self.session.address) )
[docs]class CmdCBoot(CmdChannel): """ kick an account from a channel you control Usage: cboot[/quiet] <channel> = <account> [:reason] Switch: quiet - don't notify the channel Kicks an account or object from a channel you control. """ key = "cboot" aliases = [] switch_options = ("quiet",) locks = "cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """implement the function""" if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: cboot[/quiet] <channel> = <account> [:reason]" self.msg(string) return channel = self.search_channel(self.lhs) if not channel: return reason = "" if ":" in self.rhs: target, reason = self.rhs.rsplit(":", 1) is_account = target.strip().startswith("*") searchstring = target.lstrip("*") else: is_account = target.strip().startswith("*") searchstring = self.rhs.lstrip("*") target =, account=is_account) if not target: return if reason: reason = " (reason: %s)" % reason if not channel.access(self.caller, "control"): string = "You don't control this channel." self.msg(string) return success, err = self.boot_user(target, quiet="quiet" in self.switches) if success: self.msg(f"Booted {target.key} from {channel.key}") logger.log_sec( "Channel Boot: %s (Channel: %s, Reason: %s, Caller: %s, IP: %s)." % (self.caller, channel, reason, self.caller, self.session.address) ) else: self.msg(err)
[docs]class CmdCWho(CmdChannel): """ show who is listening to a channel Usage: cwho <channel> List who is connected to a given channel you have access to. """ key = "cwho" aliases = [] locks = "cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """implement function""" if not self.args: string = "Usage: cwho <channel>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.search_channel(self.lhs) if not channel: return if not channel.access(self.caller, "listen"): string = "You can't access this channel." self.msg(string) return string = "\n|CChannel subscriptions|n" string += "\n|w%s:|n\n %s" % (channel.key, channel.wholist) self.msg(string.strip())
[docs]class CmdChannelCreate(CmdChannel): """ create a new channel Usage: ccreate <new channel>[;alias;alias...] = description Creates a new channel owned by you. """ key = "ccreate" aliases = "channelcreate" locks = "cmd:not pperm(channel_banned) and pperm(Player)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Implement the command""" if not self.args: self.msg("Usage ccreate <channelname>[;alias;alias..] = description") return description = "" if self.rhs: description = self.rhs lhs = self.lhs channame = lhs aliases = None if ";" in lhs: channame, aliases = lhs.split(";", 1) aliases = [alias.strip().lower() for alias in aliases.split(";")] new_chan, err = self.create_channel(channame, description, aliases=aliases) if new_chan: self.msg(f"Created channel {new_chan.key} and connected to it.") else: self.msg(err)
[docs]class CmdClock(CmdChannel): """ change channel locks of a channel you control Usage: clock <channel> [= <lockstring>] Changes the lock access restrictions of a channel. If no lockstring was given, view the current lock definitions. """ key = "clock" aliases = ["clock"] locks = "cmd:not pperm(channel_banned) and perm(Admin)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """run the function""" if not self.args: string = "Usage: clock channel [= lockstring]" self.msg(string) return channel = self.search_channel(self.lhs) if not channel: return if not self.rhs: # no =, so just view the current locks self.msg(f"Current locks on {channel.key}\n{channel.locks}") return # we want to add/change a lock. if not channel.access(self.caller, "control"): string = "You don't control this channel." self.msg(string) return # Try to add the lock success, err = self.set_lock(channel, self.rhs) if success: self.msg(f"Lock(s) applied. Current locks on {channel.key}:\n{channel.locks}") else: self.msg(err)
[docs]class CmdCdesc(CmdChannel): """ describe a channel you control Usage: cdesc <channel> = <description> Changes the description of the channel as shown in channel lists. """ key = "cdesc" aliases = [] locks = "cmd:not pperm(channel_banned)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Implement command""" caller = self.caller if not self.rhs: self.msg("Usage: cdesc <channel> = <description>") return channel = self.search_channel(self.lhs) if not channel: return # check permissions if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg("You cannot admin this channel.") return self.set_desc(channel, self.rhs) self.msg(f"Description of channel '{channel.key}' set to '{self.rhs}'.")
[docs]class CmdSetLegacyComms(CmdSet):
[docs] def at_cmdset_createion(self): self.add(CmdAddCom()) self.add(CmdAllCom()) self.add(CmdDelCom()) self.add(CmdCdestroy()) self.add(CmdCBoot()) self.add(CmdCWho()) self.add(CmdChannelCreate()) self.add(CmdClock()) self.add(CmdCdesc())