Source code for evennia.commands.default.system


System commands


import code
import datetime
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback

import django
import evennia
import subprocess
import twisted
from django.conf import settings
from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB
from evennia.scripts.taskhandler import TaskHandlerTask
from evennia.utils import gametime, logger, search, utils
from evennia.utils.eveditor import EvEditor
from evennia.utils.evmenu import ask_yes_no
from evennia.utils.evtable import EvTable
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module, iter_to_str


# delayed imports

# limit symbol import for API
__all__ = (

class PrintRecursionError(RecursionError):
    # custom error for recursion in print

[docs]class CmdReload(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ reload the server Usage: reload [reason] This restarts the server. The Portal is not affected. Non-persistent scripts will survive a reload (use reset to purge) and at_reload() hooks will be called. """ key = "@reload" aliases = ["@restart"] locks = "cmd:perm(reload) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """ Reload the system. """ reason = "" if self.args: reason = "(Reason: %s) " % self.args.rstrip(".") if _BROADCAST_SERVER_RESTART_MESSAGES: evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.announce_all(f" Server restart initiated {reason}...") evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.portal_restart_server()
[docs]class CmdReset(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ reset and reboot the server Usage: reset Notes: For normal updating you are recommended to use reload rather than this command. Use shutdown for a complete stop of everything. This emulates a cold reboot of the Server component of Evennia. The difference to shutdown is that the Server will auto-reboot and that it does not affect the Portal, so no users will be disconnected. Contrary to reload however, all shutdown hooks will be called and any non-database saved scripts, ndb-attributes, cmdsets etc will be wiped. """ key = "@reset" locks = "cmd:perm(reload) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """ Reload the system. """ evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.announce_all(" Server resetting/restarting ...") evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.portal_reset_server()
[docs]class CmdShutdown(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ stop the server completely Usage: shutdown [announcement] Gracefully shut down both Server and Portal. """ key = "@shutdown" locks = "cmd:perm(shutdown) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """Define function""" # Only allow shutdown if caller has session if not self.caller.sessions.get(): return self.msg("Shutting down server ...") announcement = "\nServer is being SHUT DOWN!\n" if self.args: announcement += "%s\n" % self.args logger.log_info(f"Server shutdown by {}.") evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.announce_all(announcement) evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.portal_shutdown()
def _py_load(caller): return "" def _py_code(caller, buf): """ Execute the buffer. """ measure_time = caller.db._py_measure_time client_raw = caller.db._py_clientraw string = "Executing code%s ..." % (" (measure timing)" if measure_time else "") caller.msg(string) _run_code_snippet( caller, buf, mode="exec", measure_time=measure_time, client_raw=client_raw, show_input=False ) return True def _py_quit(caller): del caller.db._py_measure_time caller.msg("Exited the code editor.") def _run_code_snippet( caller, pycode, mode="eval", measure_time=False, client_raw=False, show_input=True ): """ Run code and try to display information to the caller. Args: caller (Object): The caller. pycode (str): The Python code to run. measure_time (bool, optional): Should we measure the time of execution? client_raw (bool, optional): Should we turn off all client-specific escaping? show_input (bookl, optional): Should we display the input? """ # Try to retrieve the session if hasattr(caller, "sessions"): sessions = caller.sessions.all() available_vars = evennia_local_vars(caller) if show_input: for session in sessions: data = { # TODO: 'highlight' is not used yet "text": (f">>> {pycode}", {"type": "py_input"}), "options": {"raw": True, "highlight": True}, } try: caller.msg(session=session, **data) except TypeError: caller.msg(**data) try: # reroute standard output to game client console old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr class FakeStd: def __init__(self, caller): self.caller = caller def write(self, string): try: self.caller.msg(text=(string.rstrip("\n"), {"type": "py_output"})) except RecursionError: tb = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) if any("print(" in frame.line for frame in tb): # We are in a print loop (likely because msg() contains a print), # exit the stdout reroute prematurely raise PrintRecursionError fake_std = FakeStd(caller) sys.stdout = fake_std sys.stderr = fake_std try: pycode_compiled = compile(pycode, "", mode) except Exception: mode = "exec" pycode_compiled = compile(pycode, "", mode) duration = "" if measure_time: t0 = time.time() ret = eval(pycode_compiled, {}, available_vars) t1 = time.time() duration = f" (runtime ~ {(t1 - t0) * 1000:.4f} ms)" caller.msg(duration) else: ret = eval(pycode_compiled, {}, available_vars) except PrintRecursionError: ret = ( "<<< Error: Recursive print() found (probably in custom msg()). " "Since `py` reroutes `print` to `msg()`, this causes a loop. Remove `print()` " "from msg-related code to resolve." ) except Exception: errlist = traceback.format_exc().split("\n") if len(errlist) > 4: errlist = errlist[4:] ret = "\n".join("%s" % line for line in errlist if line) finally: # return to old stdout sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr if ret is None: return if not client_raw: ret = str(ret) if isinstance(ret, tuple): # we must convert here to allow msg to pass it (a tuple is confused # with a outputfunc structure) ret = str(ret) for session in sessions: try: caller.msg( (ret, {"type": "py_output"}), session=session, options={"raw": True, "client_raw": client_raw, "highlight": True}, ) except TypeError: caller.msg( (ret, {"type": "py_output"}), options={"raw": True, "client_raw": client_raw, "highlight": True}, ) def evennia_local_vars(caller): """Return Evennia local variables usable in the py command as a dictionary.""" import evennia return { "self": caller, "me": caller, "here": getattr(caller, "location", None), "evennia": evennia, "ev": evennia, "inherits_from": utils.inherits_from, } class EvenniaPythonConsole(code.InteractiveConsole): """Evennia wrapper around a Python interactive console.""" def __init__(self, caller): super().__init__(evennia_local_vars(caller)) self.caller = caller def write(self, string): """Don't send to stderr, send to self.caller.""" self.caller.msg(string) def push(self, line): """Push some code, whether complete or not.""" old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr class FakeStd: def __init__(self, caller): self.caller = caller def write(self, string): self.caller.msg(string.split("\n", 1)[0]) fake_std = FakeStd(self.caller) sys.stdout = fake_std sys.stderr = fake_std result = None try: result = super().push(line) finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr return result
[docs]class CmdPy(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ execute a snippet of python code Usage: py [cmd] py/edit py/time <cmd> py/clientraw <cmd> py/noecho Switches: time - output an approximate execution time for <cmd> edit - open a code editor for multi-line code experimentation clientraw - turn off all client-specific escaping. Note that this may lead to different output depending on prototocol (such as angular brackets being parsed as HTML in the webclient but not in telnet clients) noecho - in Python console mode, turn off the input echo (e.g. if your client does this for you already) Without argument, open a Python console in-game. This is a full console, accepting multi-line Python code for testing and debugging. Type `exit()` to return to the game. If Evennia is reloaded, the console will be closed. Enter a line of instruction after the 'py' command to execute it immediately. Separate multiple commands by ';' or open the code editor using the /edit switch (all lines added in editor will be executed immediately when closing or using the execute command in the editor). A few variables are made available for convenience in order to offer access to the system (you can import more at execution time). Available variables in py environment: self, me : caller here : caller.location evennia : the evennia API inherits_from(obj, parent) : check object inheritance You can explore The evennia API from inside the game by calling the `__doc__` property on entities: py evennia.__doc__ py evennia.managers.__doc__ |rNote: In the wrong hands this command is a severe security risk. It should only be accessible by trusted server admins/superusers.|n """ key = "@py" aliases = ["@!"] switch_options = ("time", "edit", "clientraw", "noecho") locks = "cmd:perm(py) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "System" arg_regex = ""
[docs] def func(self): """hook function""" caller = self.caller pycode = self.args noecho = "noecho" in self.switches if "edit" in self.switches: caller.db._py_measure_time = "time" in self.switches caller.db._py_clientraw = "clientraw" in self.switches EvEditor( self.caller, loadfunc=_py_load, savefunc=_py_code, quitfunc=_py_quit, key="Python exec: :w or :!", persistent=True, codefunc=_py_code, ) return if not pycode: # Run in interactive mode console = EvenniaPythonConsole(self.caller) banner = ( "|gEvennia Interactive Python mode{echomode}\n" "Python {version} on {platform}".format( echomode=" (no echoing of prompts)" if noecho else "", version=sys.version, platform=sys.platform, ) ) self.msg(banner) line = "" main_prompt = "|x[py mode - quit() to exit]|n" prompt = main_prompt while line.lower() not in ("exit", "exit()"): try: line = yield (prompt) if noecho: prompt = "..." if console.push(line) else main_prompt else: if line: self.caller.msg(f">>> {line}") prompt = line if console.push(line) else main_prompt except SystemExit: break self.msg("|gClosing the Python console.|n") return _run_code_snippet( caller, self.args, measure_time="time" in self.switches, client_raw="clientraw" in self.switches, )
[docs]class CmdAccounts(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Manage registered accounts Usage: accounts [nr] accounts/delete <name or #id> [: reason] Switches: delete - delete an account from the server By default, lists statistics about the Accounts registered with the game. It will list the <nr> amount of latest registered accounts If not given, <nr> defaults to 10. """ key = "@accounts" aliases = ["@account"] switch_options = ("delete",) locks = "cmd:perm(listaccounts) or perm(Admin)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """List the accounts""" caller = self.caller args = self.args if "delete" in self.switches: account = getattr(caller, "account") if not account or not account.check_permstring("Developer"): caller.msg("You are not allowed to delete accounts.") return if not args: caller.msg("Usage: accounts/delete <name or #id> [: reason]") return reason = "" if ":" in args: args, reason = [arg.strip() for arg in args.split(":", 1)] # We use account_search since we want to be sure to find also accounts # that lack characters. accounts = search.account_search(args) if not accounts: self.msg("Could not find an account by that name.") return if len(accounts) > 1: string = "There were multiple matches:\n" string += "\n".join(" %s %s" % (, account.key) for account in accounts) self.msg(string) return account = accounts.first() if not account.access(caller, "delete"): self.msg("You don't have the permissions to delete that account.") return username = account.username # ask for confirmation confirm = ( "It is often better to block access to an account rather than to delete it. " "|yAre you sure you want to permanently delete " "account '|n{}|y'|n yes/[no]?".format(username) ) answer = yield (confirm) if answer.lower() not in ("y", "yes"): caller.msg("Canceled deletion.") return # Boot the account then delete it. self.msg("Informing and disconnecting account ...") string = f"\nYour account '{username}' is being *permanently* deleted.\n" if reason: string += " Reason given:\n '%s'" % reason account.msg(string) logger.log_sec( f"Account Deleted: {account} (Reason: {reason}, Caller: {caller}, IP:" f" {self.session.address})." ) account.delete() self.msg("Account %s was successfully deleted." % username) return # No switches, default to displaying a list of accounts. if self.args and self.args.isdigit(): nlim = int(self.args) else: nlim = 10 naccounts = AccountDB.objects.count() # typeclass table dbtotals = AccountDB.objects.object_totals() typetable = self.styled_table( "|wtypeclass|n", "|wcount|n", "|w%%|n", border="cells", align="l" ) for path, count in dbtotals.items(): typetable.add_row(path, count, "%.2f" % ((float(count) / naccounts) * 100)) # last N table plyrs = AccountDB.objects.all().order_by("db_date_created")[max(0, naccounts - nlim) :] latesttable = self.styled_table( "|wcreated|n", "|wdbref|n", "|wname|n", "|wtypeclass|n", border="cells", align="l" ) for ply in plyrs: latesttable.add_row( utils.datetime_format(ply.date_created), ply.dbref, ply.key, ply.path ) string = f"\n|wAccount typeclass distribution:|n\n{typetable}" string += f"\n|wLast {min(naccounts, nlim)} Accounts created:|n\n{latesttable}" caller.msg(string)
[docs]class CmdService(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ manage system services Usage: service[/switch] <service> Switches: list - shows all available services (default) start - activates or reactivate a service stop - stops/inactivate a service (can often be restarted) delete - tries to permanently remove a service Service management system. Allows for the listing, starting, and stopping of services. If no switches are given, services will be listed. Note that to operate on the service you have to supply the full (green or red) name as given in the list. """ key = "@service" aliases = ["@services"] switch_options = ("list", "start", "stop", "delete") locks = "cmd:perm(service) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """Implement command""" caller = self.caller switches = self.switches if switches and switches[0] not in ("list", "start", "stop", "delete"): caller.msg("Usage: service/<list|start|stop|delete> [servicename]") return # get all services service_collection = evennia.EVENNIA_SERVER_SERVICE if not switches or switches[0] == "list": # Just display the list of installed services and their # status, then exit. table = self.styled_table( "|wService|n (use services/start|stop|delete)", "|wstatus", align="l" ) for service in table.add_row(, service.running and "|gRunning" or "|rNot Running") caller.msg(str(table)) return # Get the service to start / stop try: service = service_collection.getServiceNamed(self.args) except Exception: string = "Invalid service name. This command is case-sensitive. " string += "See service/list for valid service name (enter the full name exactly)." caller.msg(string) return if switches[0] in ("stop", "delete"): # Stopping/killing a service gracefully closes it and disconnects # any connections (if applicable). delmode = switches[0] == "delete" if not service.running: caller.msg("That service is not currently running.") return if[:7] == "Evennia": if delmode: caller.msg("You cannot remove a core Evennia service (named 'Evennia*').") return string = ( "|RYou seem to be shutting down a core Evennia " "service (named 'Evennia*').\nNote that stopping " "some TCP port services will *not* disconnect users " "*already* connected on those ports, but *may* " "instead cause spurious errors for them.\nTo safely " "and permanently remove ports, change settings file " "and restart the server.|n\n" ) caller.msg(string) if delmode: service.stopService() service_collection.removeService(service) caller.msg(f"|gStopped and removed service '{self.args}'.|n") else: caller.msg(f"Stopping service '{self.args}'...") try: service.stopService() except Exception as err: caller.msg( f"|rErrors were reported when stopping this service{err}.\n" "If there are remaining problems, try reloading " "or rebooting the server." ) caller.msg(f"|g... Stopped service '{self.args}'.|n") return if switches[0] == "start": # Attempt to start a service. if service.running: caller.msg("That service is already running.") return caller.msg(f"Starting service '{self.args}' ...") try: service.startService() except Exception as err: caller.msg( f"|rErrors were reported when starting this service{err}.\n" "If there are remaining problems, try reloading the server, changing the " "settings if it's a non-standard service.|n" ) caller.msg("|gService started.|n")
[docs]class CmdAbout(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ show Evennia info Usage: about Display info about the game engine. """ key = "@about" aliases = "@version" locks = "cmd:all()" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """Display information about server or target""" string = """ |cEvennia|n MU* development system |wEvennia version|n: {version} |wOS|n: {os} |wPython|n: {python} |wTwisted|n: {twisted} |wDjango|n: {django} |wHomepage|n |wCode|n |wGame listing|n |wChat|n |wForum|n |wLicence|n |wMaintainer|n (2010-) Griatch (griatch AT gmail DOT com) |wMaintainer|n (2006-10) Greg Taylor """.format( version=utils.get_evennia_version(),, python=sys.version.split()[0], twisted=twisted.version.short(), django=django.get_version(), ) self.msg(string)
[docs]class CmdTime(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ show server time statistics Usage: time List Server time statistics such as uptime and the current time stamp. """ key = "@time" aliases = "@uptime" locks = "cmd:perm(time) or perm(Player)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """Show server time data in a table.""" table1 = self.styled_table("|wServer time", "", align="l", width=78) table1.add_row("Current uptime", utils.time_format(gametime.uptime(), 3)) table1.add_row("Portal uptime", utils.time_format(gametime.portal_uptime(), 3)) table1.add_row("Total runtime", utils.time_format(gametime.runtime(), 2)) table1.add_row("First start", datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gametime.server_epoch())) table1.add_row("Current time", table1.reformat_column(0, width=30) table2 = self.styled_table( "|wIn-Game time", "|wReal time x %g" % gametime.TIMEFACTOR, align="l", width=78, border_top=0, ) epochtxt = "Epoch (%s)" % ("from settings" if settings.TIME_GAME_EPOCH else "server start") table2.add_row(epochtxt, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gametime.game_epoch())) table2.add_row("Total time passed:", utils.time_format(gametime.gametime(), 2)) table2.add_row( "Current time ", datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gametime.gametime(absolute=True)) ) table2.reformat_column(0, width=30) self.msg(str(table1) + "\n" + str(table2))
[docs]class CmdServerLoad(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ show server load and memory statistics Usage: server[/mem] Switches: mem - return only a string of the current memory usage flushmem - flush the idmapper cache This command shows server load statistics and dynamic memory usage. It also allows to flush the cache of accessed database objects. Some Important statistics in the table: |wServer load|n is an average of processor usage. It's usually between 0 (no usage) and 1 (100% usage), but may also be temporarily higher if your computer has multiple CPU cores. The |wResident/Virtual memory|n displays the total memory used by the server process. Evennia |wcaches|n all retrieved database entities when they are loaded by use of the idmapper functionality. This allows Evennia to maintain the same instances of an entity and allowing non-persistent storage schemes. The total amount of cached objects are displayed plus a breakdown of database object types. The |wflushmem|n switch allows to flush the object cache. Please note that due to how Python's memory management works, releasing caches may not show you a lower Residual/Virtual memory footprint, the released memory will instead be re-used by the program. """ key = "@server" aliases = ["@serverload"] switch_options = ("mem", "flushmem") locks = "cmd:perm(list) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "System"
[docs] def func(self): """Show list.""" global _IDMAPPER if not _IDMAPPER: from evennia.utils.idmapper import models as _IDMAPPER if "flushmem" in self.switches: # flush the cache prev, _ = _IDMAPPER.cache_size() nflushed = _IDMAPPER.flush_cache() now, _ = _IDMAPPER.cache_size() string = ( "The Idmapper cache freed |w{idmapper}|n database objects.\n" "The Python garbage collector freed |w{gc}|n Python instances total." ) self.msg(string.format(idmapper=(prev - now), gc=nflushed)) return # display active processes os_windows = == "nt" pid = os.getpid() if os_windows: # Windows requires the psutil module to even get paltry # statistics like this (it's pretty much worthless, # unfortunately, since it's not specific to the process) /rant try: import psutil has_psutil = True except ImportError: has_psutil = False if has_psutil: loadavg = psutil.cpu_percent() _mem = psutil.virtual_memory() rmem = _mem.used / (1000.0 * 1000) pmem = _mem.percent if "mem" in self.switches: string = "Total computer memory usage: |w%g|n MB (%g%%)" self.msg(string % (rmem, pmem)) return # Display table loadtable = self.styled_table("property", "statistic", align="l") loadtable.add_row("Total CPU load", "%g %%" % loadavg) loadtable.add_row("Total computer memory usage", "%g MB (%g%%)" % (rmem, pmem)) loadtable.add_row("Process ID", "%g" % pid), else: loadtable = ( "Not available on Windows without 'psutil' library " "(install with |wpip install psutil|n)." ) else: # Linux / BSD (OSX) - proper pid-based statistics global _RESOURCE if not _RESOURCE: import resource as _RESOURCE env = os.environ.copy() env["LC_NUMERIC"] = "C" # use default locale instead of system locale loadavg = os.getloadavg()[0] # Helper function to run the ps command with a modified environment def run_ps_command(command): result = command, shell=True, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) return result.stdout.strip() # Resident memory rmem = float(run_ps_command(f"ps -p {pid} -o rss | tail -1")) / 1000.0 # Virtual memory vmem = float(run_ps_command(f"ps -p {pid} -o vsz | tail -1")) / 1000.0 # Percentage of resident memory to total pmem = float(run_ps_command(f"ps -p {pid} -o %mem | tail -1")) rusage = _RESOURCE.getrusage(_RESOURCE.RUSAGE_SELF) if "mem" in self.switches: string = "Memory usage: RMEM: |w%g|n MB (%g%%), VMEM (res+swap+cache): |w%g|n MB." self.msg(string % (rmem, pmem, vmem)) return loadtable = self.styled_table("property", "statistic", align="l") loadtable.add_row("Server load (1 min)", "%g" % loadavg) loadtable.add_row("Process ID", "%g" % pid), loadtable.add_row("Memory usage", "%g MB (%g%%)" % (rmem, pmem)) loadtable.add_row("Virtual address space", "") loadtable.add_row("|x(resident+swap+caching)|n", "%g MB" % vmem) loadtable.add_row( "CPU time used (total)", "%s (%gs)" % (utils.time_format(rusage.ru_utime), rusage.ru_utime), ) loadtable.add_row( "CPU time used (user)", "%s (%gs)" % (utils.time_format(rusage.ru_stime), rusage.ru_stime), ) loadtable.add_row( "Page faults", "%g hard, %g soft, %g swapouts" % (rusage.ru_majflt, rusage.ru_minflt, rusage.ru_nswap), ) loadtable.add_row( "Disk I/O", "%g reads, %g writes" % (rusage.ru_inblock, rusage.ru_oublock) ) loadtable.add_row("Network I/O", "%g in, %g out" % (rusage.ru_msgrcv, rusage.ru_msgsnd)) loadtable.add_row( "Context switching", "%g vol, %g forced, %g signals" % (rusage.ru_nvcsw, rusage.ru_nivcsw, rusage.ru_nsignals), ) # os-generic string = "|wServer CPU and Memory load:|n\n%s" % loadtable # object cache count (note that sys.getsiseof is not called so this works for pypy too. total_num, cachedict = _IDMAPPER.cache_size() sorted_cache = sorted( [(key, num) for key, num in cachedict.items() if num > 0], key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True, ) memtable = self.styled_table("entity name", "number", "idmapper %", align="l") for tup in sorted_cache: memtable.add_row(tup[0], "%i" % tup[1], "%.2f" % (float(tup[1]) / total_num * 100)) string += "\n|w Entity idmapper cache:|n %i items\n%s" % (total_num, memtable) # return to caller self.msg(string)
[docs]class CmdTickers(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ View running tickers Usage: tickers Note: Tickers are created, stopped and manipulated in Python code using the TickerHandler. This is merely a convenience function for inspecting the current status. """ key = "@tickers" help_category = "System" locks = "cmd:perm(tickers) or perm(Builder)"
[docs] def func(self): from evennia.scripts.tickerhandler import TICKER_HANDLER all_subs = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display() if not all_subs: self.msg("No tickers are currently active.") return table = self.styled_table("interval (s)", "object", "path/methodname", "idstring", "db") for sub in all_subs: table.add_row( sub[3], "%s%s" % ( sub[0] or "[None]", sub[0] and " (#%s)" % (sub[0].id if hasattr(sub[0], "id") else "") or "", ), sub[1] if sub[1] else sub[2], sub[4] or "[Unset]", "*" if sub[5] else "-", ) self.msg("|wActive tickers|n:\n" + str(table))
[docs]class CmdTasks(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Display or terminate active tasks (delays). Usage: tasks[/switch] [task_id or function_name] Switches: pause - Pause the callback of a task. unpause - Process all callbacks made since pause() was called. do_task - Execute the task (call its callback). call - Call the callback of this task. remove - Remove a task without executing it. cancel - Stop a task from automatically executing. Notes: A task is a single use method of delaying the call of a function. Calls are created in code, using `evennia.utils.delay`. See |lu|ltthe docs|le for help. By default, tasks that are canceled and never called are cleaned up after one minute. Examples: - `tasks/cancel move_callback` - Cancels all movement delays from the slow_exit contrib. In this example slow exits creates it's tasks with `utils.delay(move_delay, move_callback)` - `tasks/cancel 2` - Cancel task id 2. """ key = "@tasks" aliases = ["@delays", "@task"] switch_options = ("pause", "unpause", "do_task", "call", "remove", "cancel") locks = "perm(Developer)" help_category = "System"
[docs] @staticmethod def coll_date_func(task): """Replace regex characters in date string and collect deferred function name.""" t_comp_date = str(task[0]).replace("-", "/") t_func_name = str(task[1]).split(" ") t_func_mem_ref = t_func_name[3] if len(t_func_name) >= 4 else None return t_comp_date, t_func_mem_ref
[docs] def do_task_action(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Process the action of a tasks command. This exists to gain support with yes or no function from EvMenu. """ task_id = self.task_id # get a reference of the global task handler global _TASK_HANDLER if _TASK_HANDLER is None: from evennia.scripts.taskhandler import TASK_HANDLER as _TASK_HANDLER # verify manipulating the correct task task_args = _TASK_HANDLER.tasks.get(task_id, False) if not task_args: # check if the task is still active self.msg("Task completed while waiting for input.") return else: # make certain a task with matching IDs has not been created t_comp_date, t_func_mem_ref = self.coll_date_func(task_args) if self.t_comp_date != t_comp_date or self.t_func_mem_ref != t_func_mem_ref: self.msg("Task completed while waiting for input.") return # Do the action requested by command caller action_return = self.task_action() self.msg(f"{self.action_request} request completed.") self.msg(f"The task function {self.action_request} returned: {action_return}")
[docs] def func(self): # get a reference of the global task handler global _TASK_HANDLER if _TASK_HANDLER is None: from evennia.scripts.taskhandler import TASK_HANDLER as _TASK_HANDLER # handle no tasks active. if not _TASK_HANDLER.tasks: self.msg("There are no active tasks.") if self.switches or self.args: self.msg("Likely the task has completed and been removed.") return # handle caller's request to manipulate a task(s) if self.switches and self.lhs: # find if the argument is a task id or function name action_request = self.switches[0] try: arg_is_id = int(self.lhslist[0]) except ValueError: arg_is_id = False # if the argument is a task id, proccess the action on a single task if arg_is_id: err_arg_msg = "Switch and task ID are required when manipulating a task." task_comp_msg = "Task completed while processing request." # handle missing arguments or switches if not self.switches and self.lhs: self.msg(err_arg_msg) return # create a handle for the task task_id = arg_is_id task = TaskHandlerTask(task_id) # handle task no longer existing if not task.exists(): self.msg(f"Task {task_id} does not exist.") return # get a reference of the function caller requested switch_action = getattr(task, action_request, False) if not switch_action: self.msg( f"{self.switches[0]}, is not an acceptable task action or " f"{task_comp_msg.lower()}" ) # verify manipulating the correct task if task_id in _TASK_HANDLER.tasks: task_args = _TASK_HANDLER.tasks.get(task_id, False) if not task_args: # check if the task is still active self.msg(task_comp_msg) return else: t_comp_date, t_func_mem_ref = self.coll_date_func(task_args) t_func_name = str(task_args[1]).split(" ") t_func_name = t_func_name[1] if len(t_func_name) >= 2 else None if task.exists(): # make certain the task has not been called yet. prompt = ( f"{action_request.capitalize()} task {task_id} with completion date " f"{t_comp_date} ({t_func_name}) {{options}}?" ) no_msg = f"No {action_request} processed." # record variables for use in do_task_action method self.task_id = task_id self.t_comp_date = t_comp_date self.t_func_mem_ref = t_func_mem_ref self.task_action = switch_action self.action_request = action_request ask_yes_no( self.caller, prompt=prompt, yes_action=self.do_task_action, no_action=no_msg, default="Y", allow_abort=True, ) return True else: self.msg(task_comp_msg) return # the argument is not a task id, process the action on all task deferring the function # specified as an argument else: name_match_found = False arg_func_name = self.lhslist[0].lower() # repack tasks into a new dictionary current_tasks = {} for task_id, task_args in _TASK_HANDLER.tasks.items(): current_tasks.update({task_id: task_args}) # call requested action on all tasks with the function name for task_id, task_args in current_tasks.items(): t_func_name = str(task_args[1]).split(" ") t_func_name = t_func_name[1] if len(t_func_name) >= 2 else None # skip this task if it is not for the function desired if arg_func_name != t_func_name: continue name_match_found = True task = TaskHandlerTask(task_id) switch_action = getattr(task, action_request, False) if switch_action: action_return = switch_action() self.msg(f"Task action {action_request} completed on task ID {task_id}.") self.msg(f"The task function {action_request} returned: {action_return}") # provide a message if not tasks of the function name was found if not name_match_found: self.msg(f"No tasks deferring function name {arg_func_name} found.") return return True # check if an maleformed request was created elif self.switches or self.lhs: self.msg("Task command misformed.") self.msg("Proper format tasks[/switch] [function name or task id]") return # No task manupilation requested, build a table of tasks and display it # get the width of screen in characters width = self.client_width() # create table header and list to hold tasks data and actions tasks_header = ( "Task ID", "Completion Date", "Function", "Arguments", "KWARGS", "persistent", ) # empty list of lists, the size of the header tasks_list = [list() for i in range(len(tasks_header))] for task_id, task in _TASK_HANDLER.tasks.items(): # collect data from the task t_comp_date, t_func_mem_ref = self.coll_date_func(task) t_func_name = str(task[1]).split(" ") t_func_name = t_func_name[1] if len(t_func_name) >= 2 else None t_args = str(task[2]) t_kwargs = str(task[3]) t_pers = str(task[4]) # add task data to the tasks list task_data = (task_id, t_comp_date, t_func_name, t_args, t_kwargs, t_pers) for i in range(len(tasks_header)): tasks_list[i].append(task_data[i]) # create and display the table tasks_table = EvTable( *tasks_header, table=tasks_list, maxwidth=width, border="cells", align="c" ) actions = (f"/{switch}" for switch in self.switch_options) helptxt = f"\nActions: {iter_to_str(actions)}" self.msg(str(tasks_table) + helptxt)