Source code for evennia.commands.default.comms

Communication commands:

- channel
- page
- irc/rss/grapevine/discord linking


from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q

from evennia.accounts import bots
from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB
from evennia.comms.comms import DefaultChannel
from evennia.comms.models import Msg
from evennia.locks.lockhandler import LockException
from evennia.utils import create, logger, search, utils
from evennia.utils.evmenu import ask_yes_no
from evennia.utils.logger import tail_log_file
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module, strip_unsafe_input

CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS = class_from_module(

# limit symbol import for API
__all__ = (

# helper functions to make it easier to override the main CmdChannel
# command and to keep the legacy addcom etc commands around.

[docs]class CmdChannel(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Use and manage in-game channels. Usage: channel channelname <msg> channel channel name = <msg> channel (show all subscription) channel/all (show available channels) channel/alias channelname = alias[;alias...] channel/unalias alias channel/who channelname channel/history channelname [= index] channel/sub channelname [= alias[;alias...]] channel/unsub channelname[,channelname, ...] channel/mute channelname[,channelname,...] channel/unmute channelname[,channelname,...] channel/create channelname[;alias;alias[:typeclass]] [= description] channel/destroy channelname [= reason] channel/desc channelname = description channel/lock channelname = lockstring channel/unlock channelname = lockstring channel/ban channelname (list bans) channel/ban[/quiet] channelname[, channelname, ...] = subscribername [: reason] channel/unban[/quiet] channelname[, channelname, ...] = subscribername channel/boot[/quiet] channelname[,channelname,...] = subscribername [: reason] # subtopics ## sending Usage: channel channelname msg channel channel name = msg (with space in channel name) This sends a message to the channel. Note that you will rarely use this command like this; instead you can use the alias channelname <msg> channelalias <msg> For example public Hello World pub Hello World (this shortcut doesn't work for aliases containing spaces) See channel/alias for help on setting channel aliases. ## alias and unalias Usage: channel/alias channel = alias[;alias[;alias...]] channel/unalias alias channel - this will list your subs and aliases to each channel Set one or more personal aliases for referencing a channel. For example: channel/alias warrior's guild = warrior;wguild;warchannel;warrior guild You can now send to the channel using all of these: warrior's guild Hello warrior Hello wguild Hello warchannel Hello Note that this will not work if the alias has a space in it. So the 'warrior guild' alias must be used with the `channel` command: channel warrior guild = Hello Channel-aliases can be removed one at a time, using the '/unalias' switch. ## who Usage: channel/who channelname List the channel's subscribers. Shows who are currently offline or are muting the channel. Subscribers who are 'muting' will not see messages sent to the channel (use channel/mute to mute a channel). ## history Usage: channel/history channel [= index] This will display the last |c20|n lines of channel history. By supplying an index number, you will step that many lines back before viewing those 20 lines. For example: channel/history public = 35 will go back 35 lines and show the previous 20 lines from that point (so lines -35 to -55). ## sub and unsub Usage: channel/sub channel [=alias[;alias;...]] channel/unsub channel This subscribes you to a channel and optionally assigns personal shortcuts for you to use to send to that channel (see aliases). When you unsub, all your personal aliases will also be removed. ## mute and unmute Usage: channel/mute channelname channel/unmute channelname Muting silences all output from the channel without actually un-subscribing. Other channel members will see that you are muted in the /who list. Sending a message to the channel will automatically unmute you. ## create and destroy Usage: channel/create channelname[;alias;alias[:typeclass]] [= description] channel/destroy channelname [= reason] Creates a new channel (or destroys one you control). You will automatically join the channel you create and everyone will be kicked and loose all aliases to a destroyed channel. ## lock and unlock Usage: channel/lock channelname = lockstring channel/unlock channelname = lockstring Note: this is an admin command. A lockstring is on the form locktype:lockfunc(). Channels understand three locktypes: listen - who may listen or join the channel. send - who may send messages to the channel control - who controls the channel. This is usually the one creating the channel. Common lockfuncs are all() and perm(). To make a channel everyone can listen to but only builders can talk on, use this: listen:all() send: perm(Builders) ## boot and ban Usage: channel/boot[/quiet] channelname[,channelname,...] = subscribername [: reason] channel/ban channelname[, channelname, ...] = subscribername [: reason] channel/unban channelname[, channelname, ...] = subscribername channel/unban channelname channel/ban channelname (list bans) Booting will kick a named subscriber from channel(s) temporarily. The 'reason' will be passed to the booted user. Unless the /quiet switch is used, the channel will also be informed of the action. A booted user is still able to re-connect, but they'll have to set up their aliases again. Banning will blacklist a user from (re)joining the provided channels. It will then proceed to boot them from those channels if they were connected. The 'reason' and `/quiet` works the same as for booting. Example: boot mychannel1 = EvilUser : Kicking you to cool down a bit. ban mychannel1,mychannel2= EvilUser : Was banned for spamming. """ key = "@channel" aliases = ["@chan", "@channels"] help_category = "Comms" # these cmd: lock controls access to the channel command itself # the admin: lock controls access to /boot/ban/unban switches # the manage: lock controls access to /create/destroy/desc/lock/unlock switches locks = "cmd:not pperm(channel_banned);admin:all();manage:all();changelocks:perm(Admin)" switch_options = ( "list", "all", "history", "sub", "unsub", "mute", "unmute", "alias", "unalias", "create", "destroy", "desc", "lock", "unlock", "boot", "ban", "unban", "who", ) # disable this in child command classes if wanting on-character channels account_caller = True
[docs] def search_channel(self, channelname, exact=False, handle_errors=True): """ Helper function for searching for a single channel with some error handling. Args: channelname (str): Name, alias #dbref or partial name/alias to search for. exact (bool, optional): If an exact or fuzzy-match of the name should be done. Note that even for a fuzzy match, an exactly given, unique channel name will always be returned. handle_errors (bool): If true, use `self.msg` to report errors if there are non/multiple matches. If so, the return will always be a single match or None. Returns: object, list or None: If `handle_errors` is `True`, this is either a found Channel or `None`. Otherwise it's a list of zero, one or more channels found. Notes: The 'listen' and 'control' accesses are checked before returning. """ caller = self.caller # first see if this is a personal alias channelname = caller.nicks.get(key=channelname, category="channel") or channelname # always try the exact match first. channels = CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS.objects.channel_search(channelname, exact=True) if not channels and not exact: # try fuzzy matching as well channels = CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS.objects.channel_search(channelname, exact=exact) # check permissions channels = [ channel for channel in channels if channel.access(caller, "listen") or channel.access(caller, "control") ] if handle_errors: if not channels: self.msg( f"No channel found matching '{channelname}' " "(could also be due to missing access)." ) return None elif len(channels) > 1: self.msg( f"Multiple possible channel matches/alias for '{channelname}':\n" + ", ".join(chan.key for chan in channels) ) return None return channels[0] else: if not channels: return [] elif len(channels) > 1: return list(channels) return [channels[0]]
[docs] def msg_channel(self, channel, message, **kwargs): """ Send a message to a given channel. This will check the 'send' permission on the channel. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to send to. message (str): The message to send. **kwargs: Unused by default. These kwargs will be passed into all channel messaging hooks for custom overriding. """ if not channel.access(self.caller, "send"): self.msg(f"You are not allowed to send messages to channel {channel}") return # avoid unsafe tokens in message message = strip_unsafe_input(message, self.session) channel.msg(message, senders=self.caller, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_channel_history(self, channel, start_index=0): """ View a channel's history. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to access. message (str): The message to send. **kwargs: Unused by default. These kwargs will be passed into all channel messaging hooks for custom overriding. """ caller = self.caller log_file = channel.get_log_filename() def send_msg(lines): return self.msg( "".join(line.split("[-]", 1)[1] if "[-]" in line else line for line in lines) ) # asynchronously tail the log file tail_log_file(log_file, start_index, 20, callback=send_msg)
[docs] def sub_to_channel(self, channel): """ Subscribe to a channel. Note that all permissions should be checked before this step. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to access. Returns: bool, str: True, None if connection failed. If False, the second part is an error string. """ caller = self.caller if channel.has_connection(caller): return False, f"Already listening to channel {channel.key}." # this sets up aliases in post_join_channel by default result = channel.connect(caller) return result, "" if result else f"Were not allowed to subscribe to channel {channel.key}"
[docs] def unsub_from_channel(self, channel, **kwargs): """ Un-Subscribe to a channel. Note that all permissions should be checked before this step. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to unsub from. **kwargs: Passed on to nick removal. Returns: bool, str: True, None if un-connection succeeded. If False, the second part is an error string. """ caller = self.caller if not channel.has_connection(caller): return False, f"Not listening to channel {channel.key}." # this will also clean aliases result = channel.disconnect(caller) return result, "" if result else f"Could not unsubscribe from channel {channel.key}"
[docs] def add_alias(self, channel, alias, **kwargs): """ Add a new alias (nick) for the user to use with this channel. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to alias. alias (str): The personal alias to use for this channel. **kwargs: If given, passed into nicks.add. Note: We add two nicks - one is a plain `alias -> channel.key` that we need to be able to reference this channel easily. The other is a templated nick to easily be able to send messages to the channel without needing to give the full `channel` command. The structure of this nick is given by `self.channel_msg_pattern` and `self.channel_msg_nick_replacement`. By default it maps `alias <msg> -> channel <channelname> = <msg>`, so that you can for example just write `pub Hello` to send a message. The alias created is `alias $1 -> channel channel = $1`, to allow for sending to channel using the main channel command. """ channel.add_user_channel_alias(self.caller, alias, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove_alias(self, alias, **kwargs): """ Remove an alias from a channel. Args: alias (str, optional): The alias to remove. The channel will be reverse-determined from the alias, if it exists. Returns: bool, str: True, None if removal succeeded. If False, the second part is an error string. **kwargs: If given, passed into nicks.get/add. Note: This will remove two nicks - the plain channel alias and the templated nick used for easily sending messages to the channel. """ if self.caller.nicks.has(alias, category="channel", **kwargs): DefaultChannel.remove_user_channel_alias(self.caller, alias) return True, "" return False, "No such alias was defined."
[docs] def get_channel_aliases(self, channel): """ Get a user's aliases for a given channel. The user is retrieved through self.caller. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to act on. Returns: list: A list of zero, one or more alias-strings. """ chan_key = channel.key.lower() nicktuples = self.caller.nicks.get(category="channel", return_tuple=True, return_list=True) if nicktuples: return [tup[2] for tup in nicktuples if tup[3].lower() == chan_key] return []
[docs] def mute_channel(self, channel): """ Temporarily mute a channel. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to alias. Returns: bool, str: True, None if muting successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ if channel.mute(self.caller): return True, "" return False, f"Channel {channel.key} was already muted."
[docs] def unmute_channel(self, channel): """ Unmute a channel. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to alias. Returns: bool, str: True, None if unmuting successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ if channel.unmute(self.caller): return True, "" return False, f"Channel {channel.key} was already unmuted."
[docs] def create_channel(self, name, description, typeclass=None, aliases=None): """ Create a new channel. Its name must not previously exist (case agnostic) (users can alias as needed). Will also connect to the new channel. Args: name (str): The new channel name/key. description (str): This is used in listings. aliases (list): A list of strings - alternative aliases for the channel (not to be confused with per-user aliases; these are available for everyone). Returns: channel, str: new_channel, "" if creation successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ caller = self.caller if typeclass: typeclass = class_from_module(typeclass) else: typeclass = CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS if typeclass.objects.channel_search(name, exact=True): return False, f"Channel {name} already exists." # set up the new channel lockstring = "send:all();listen:all();control:id(%s)" % new_chan = create.create_channel( name, aliases=aliases, desc=description, locks=lockstring, typeclass=typeclass ) self.sub_to_channel(new_chan) return new_chan, ""
[docs] def destroy_channel(self, channel, message=None): """ Destroy an existing channel. Access should be checked before calling this function. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to alias. message (str, optional): Final message to send onto the channel before destroying it. If not given, a default message is used. Set to the empty string for no message. if typeclass: pass """ caller = self.caller channel_key = channel.key if message is None: message = ( f"|rChannel {channel_key} is being destroyed. " "Make sure to clean any channel aliases.|n" ) if message: channel.msg(message, senders=caller, bypass_mute=True) channel.delete() logger.log_sec(f"Channel {channel_key} was deleted by {caller}")
[docs] def set_lock(self, channel, lockstring): """ Set a lockstring on a channel. Permissions must have been checked before this call. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. lockstring (str): A lockstring on the form 'type:lockfunc();...' Returns: bool, str: True, None if setting lock was successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ try: channel.locks.add(lockstring) except LockException as err: return False, err return True, ""
[docs] def unset_lock(self, channel, lockstring): """ Remove locks in a lockstring on a channel. Permissions must have been checked before this call. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. lockstring (str): A lockstring on the form 'type:lockfunc();...' Returns: bool, str: True, None if setting lock was successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ try: channel.locks.remove(lockstring) except LockException as err: return False, err return True, ""
[docs] def set_desc(self, channel, description): """ Set a channel description. This is shown in listings etc. Args: caller (Object or Account): The entity performing the action. channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. description (str): A short description of the channel. Returns: bool, str: True, None if setting lock was successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ channel.db.desc = description
[docs] def boot_user(self, channel, target, quiet=False, reason=""): """ Boot a user from a channel, with optional reason. This will also remove all their aliases for this channel. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. target (Object or Account): The entity to boot. quiet (bool, optional): Whether or not to announce to channel. reason (str, optional): A reason for the boot. Returns: bool, str: True, None if setting lock was successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ if not channel.subscriptions.has(target): return False, f"{target} is not connected to channel {channel.key}." # find all of target's nicks linked to this channel and delete them for nick in [ nick for nick in target.nicks.get(category="channel", return_tuple=True) or [] if nick.value[3].lower() == channel.key ]: nick.delete() channel.disconnect(target) reason = f" Reason: {reason}" if reason else "" target.msg(f"You were booted from channel {channel.key} by {self.caller.key}.{reason}") if not quiet: channel.msg(f"{target.key} was booted from channel by {self.caller.key}.{reason}") logger.log_sec( f"Channel Boot: {target} (Channel: {channel}, " f"Reason: {reason.strip()}, Caller: {self.caller}" ) return True, ""
[docs] def ban_user(self, channel, target, quiet=False, reason=""): """ Ban a user from a channel, by locking them out. This will also boot them, if they are currently connected. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. target (Object or Account): The entity to ban quiet (bool, optional): Whether or not to announce to channel. reason (str, optional): A reason for the ban Returns: bool, str: True, None if banning was successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ self.boot_user(channel, target, quiet=quiet, reason=reason) if channel.ban(target): return True, "" return False, f"{target} is already banned from this channel."
[docs] def unban_user(self, channel, target): """ Un-Ban a user from a channel. This will not reconnect them to the channel, just allow them to connect again (assuming they have the suitable 'listen' lock like everyone else). Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. target (Object or Account): The entity to unban Returns: bool, str: True, None if unbanning was successful. If False, the second part is an error string. """ if channel.unban(target): return True, "" return False, f"{target} was not previously banned from this channel."
[docs] def channel_list_bans(self, channel): """ Show a channel's bans. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. Returns: list: A list of strings, each the name of a banned user. """ return [banned.key for banned in channel.banlist]
[docs] def channel_list_who(self, channel): """ Show a list of online people is subscribing to a channel. This will check the 'control' permission of `caller` to determine if only online users should be returned or everyone. Args: channel (Channel): The channel to operate on. Returns: list: A list of prepared strings, with name + markers for if they are muted or offline. """ caller = self.caller mute_list = list(channel.mutelist) online_list = if channel.access(caller, "control"): # for those with channel control, show also offline users all_subs = list(channel.subscriptions.all()) else: # for others, only show online users all_subs = online_list who_list = [] for subscriber in all_subs: name = subscriber.get_display_name(caller) conditions = ( "muting" if subscriber in mute_list else "", "offline" if subscriber not in online_list else "", ) conditions = [cond for cond in conditions if cond] cond_text = "(" + ", ".join(conditions) + ")" if conditions else "" who_list.append(f"{name}{cond_text}") return who_list
[docs] def list_channels(self, channelcls=CHANNEL_DEFAULT_TYPECLASS): """ Return a available channels. Args: channelcls (Channel, optional): The channel-class to query on. Defaults to the default channel class from settings. Returns: tuple: A tuple `(subbed_chans, available_chans)` with the channels currently subscribed to, and those we have 'listen' access to but don't actually sub to yet. """ caller = self.caller subscribed_channels = list(channelcls.objects.get_subscriptions(caller)) unsubscribed_available_channels = [ chan for chan in channelcls.objects.get_all_channels() if chan not in subscribed_channels and chan.access(caller, "listen") ] return subscribed_channels, unsubscribed_available_channels
[docs] def display_subbed_channels(self, subscribed): """ Display channels subscribed to. Args: subscribed (list): List of subscribed channels Returns: EvTable: Table to display. """ comtable = self.styled_table( "id", "channel", "my aliases", "locks", "description", align="l", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) for chan in subscribed: locks = "-" chanid = "-" if chan.access(self.caller, "control"): locks = chan.locks chanid = my_aliases = ", ".join(self.get_channel_aliases(chan)) comtable.add_row( *( chanid, "{key}{aliases}".format( key=chan.key, aliases=";" + ";".join(chan.aliases.all()) if chan.aliases.all() else "", ), my_aliases, locks, chan.db.desc, ) ) return comtable
[docs] def display_all_channels(self, subscribed, available): """ Display all available channels Args: subscribed (list): List of subscribed channels Returns: EvTable: Table to display. """ caller = self.caller comtable = self.styled_table( "sub", "channel", "aliases", "my aliases", "description", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) channels = subscribed + available for chan in channels: if chan not in subscribed: substatus = "|rNo|n" elif caller in chan.mutelist: substatus = "|rMuting|n" else: substatus = "|gYes|n" my_aliases = ", ".join(self.get_channel_aliases(chan)) comtable.add_row( *( substatus, chan.key, ",".join(chan.aliases.all()) if chan.aliases.all() else "", my_aliases, chan.db.desc, ) ) comtable.reformat_column(0, width=8) return comtable
[docs] def func(self): """ Main functionality of command. """ # from evennia import set_trace;set_trace() caller = self.caller switches = self.switches channel_names = [name for name in self.lhslist if name] # from evennia import set_trace;set_trace() if "all" in switches: # show all available channels subscribed, available = self.list_channels() table = self.display_all_channels(subscribed, available) self.msg( "\n|wAvailable channels|n (use no argument to " f"only show your subscriptions)\n{table}" ) return if not channel_names: # empty arg show only subscribed channels subscribed, _ = self.list_channels() table = self.display_subbed_channels(subscribed) self.msg(f"\n|wChannel subscriptions|n (use |w/all|n to see all available):\n{table}") return if not self.switches and not self.args: self.msg("Usage[/switches]: channel [= message]") return if "create" in switches: # create a new channel if not self.access(caller, "manage"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/create.") return config = self.lhs if not config: self.msg("To create: channel/create name[;aliases][:typeclass] [= description]") return name, *typeclass = config.rsplit(":", 1) typeclass = typeclass[0] if typeclass else None name, *aliases = name.rsplit(";") description = self.rhs or "" chan, err = self.create_channel(name, description, typeclass=typeclass, aliases=aliases) if chan: self.msg(f"Created (and joined) new channel '{chan.key}'.") else: self.msg(err) return if "unalias" in switches: # remove a personal alias (no channel needed) alias = self.args.strip() if not alias: self.msg("Specify the alias to remove as channel/unalias <alias>") return success, err = self.remove_alias(alias) if success: self.msg(f"Removed your channel alias '{alias}'.") else: self.msg(err) return possible_lhs_message = "" if not self.rhs and self.args and " " in self.args: # since we want to support messaging with `channel name text` (for # channels without a space in their name), we need to check if the # first 'channel name' is in fact 'channelname text' no_rhs_channel_name = self.args.split(" ", 1)[0] possible_lhs_message = self.args[len(no_rhs_channel_name) :] if possible_lhs_message.strip() == "=": possible_lhs_message = "" channel_names.append(no_rhs_channel_name) channels = [] errors = [] for channel_name in channel_names: # find a channel by fuzzy-matching. This also checks # 'listen/control' perms. found_channels = self.search_channel(channel_name, exact=False, handle_errors=False) if not found_channels: errors.append( f"No channel found matching '{channel_name}' " "(could also be due to missing access)." ) elif len(found_channels) > 1: errors.append( f"Multiple possible channel matches/alias for '{channel_name}':\n" + ", ".join(chan.key for chan in found_channels) ) else: channels.append(found_channels[0]) if not channels: self.msg("\n".join(errors)) return # we have at least one channel at this point channel = channels[0] if not switches: if self.rhs: # send message to channel self.msg_channel(channel, self.rhs.strip()) elif channel and possible_lhs_message: # called on the form channelname message without = self.msg_channel(channel, possible_lhs_message.strip()) else: # inspect a given channel subscribed, available = self.list_channels() if channel in subscribed: table = self.display_subbed_channels([channel]) header = f"Channel |w{channel.key}|n" self.msg( f"{header}\n(use |w{channel.key} <msg>|n (or a channel-alias) " "to chat and the 'channel' command " f"to customize)\n{table}" ) elif channel in available: table = self.display_all_channels([], [channel]) self.msg( "\n|wNot subscribed to this channel|n (use /list to " f"show all subscriptions)\n{table}" ) return if "history" in switches or "hist" in switches: # view channel history index = self.rhs or 0 try: index = max(0, int(index)) except ValueError: self.msg( "The history index (describing how many lines to go back) " "must be an integer >= 0." ) return self.get_channel_history(channel, start_index=index) return if "sub" in switches: # subscribe to a channel aliases = [] if self.rhs: aliases = set(alias.strip().lower() for alias in self.rhs.split(";")) success, err = self.sub_to_channel(channel) if success: for alias in aliases: self.add_alias(channel, alias) alias_txt = ", ".join(aliases) alias_txt = f" using alias(es) {alias_txt}" if aliases else "" self.msg( "You are now subscribed " f"to the channel {channel.key}{alias_txt}. Use /alias to " "add additional aliases for referring to the channel." ) else: self.msg(err) return if "unsub" in switches: # un-subscribe from a channel success, err = self.unsub_from_channel(channel) if success: self.msg(f"You un-subscribed from channel {channel.key}. All aliases were cleared.") else: self.msg(err) return if "alias" in switches: # create a new personal alias for a channel alias = self.rhs if not alias: self.msg("Specify the alias as channel/alias channelname = alias") return self.add_alias(channel, alias) self.msg(f"Added/updated your alias '{alias}' for channel {channel.key}.") return if "mute" in switches: # mute a given channel success, err = self.mute_channel(channel) if success: self.msg(f"Muted channel {channel.key}.") else: self.msg(err) return if "unmute" in switches: # unmute a given channel success, err = self.unmute_channel(channel) if success: self.msg(f"Un-muted channel {channel.key}.") else: self.msg(err) return if "destroy" in switches or "delete" in switches: # destroy a channel we control if not self.access(caller, "manage"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/destroy.") return if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg("You can only delete channels you control.") return reason = self.rhs or None def _perform_delete(caller, *args, **kwargs): self.destroy_channel(channel, message=reason) self.msg(f"Channel {channel.key} was successfully deleted.") ask_yes_no( caller, prompt=( f"Are you sure you want to delete channel '{channel.key}' " "(make sure name is correct!)?\nThis will disconnect and " "remove all users' aliases. {options}?" ), yes_action=_perform_delete, no_action="Aborted.", default="N", ) if "desc" in switches: # set channel description if not self.access(caller, "manage"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/desc.") return if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg("You can only change description of channels you control.") return desc = self.rhs.strip() if not desc: self.msg("Usage: /desc channel = description") return self.set_desc(channel, desc) self.msg("Updated channel description.") if "lock" in switches: # add a lockstring to channel if not self.access(caller, "changelocks"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/lock.") return if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg("You need 'control'-access to change locks on this channel.") return lockstring = self.rhs.strip() if not lockstring: self.msg("Usage: channel/lock channelname = lockstring") return success, err = self.set_lock(channel, self.rhs) if success: self.msg("Added/updated lock on channel.") else: self.msg(f"Could not add/update lock: {err}") return if "unlock" in switches: # remove/update lockstring from channel if not self.access(caller, "changelocks"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/unlock.") return if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg("You need 'control'-access to change locks on this channel.") return lockstring = self.rhs.strip() if not lockstring: self.msg("Usage: channel/unlock channelname = lockstring") return success, err = self.unset_lock(channel, self.rhs) if success: self.msg("Removed lock from channel.") else: self.msg(f"Could not remove lock: {err}") return if "boot" in switches: # boot a user from channel(s) if not self.access(caller, "admin"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/boot.") return if not self.rhs: self.msg("Usage: channel/boot channel[,channel,...] = username [:reason]") return target_str, *reason = self.rhs.rsplit(":", 1) reason = reason[0].strip() if reason else "" for chan in channels: if not chan.access(caller, "control"): self.msg(f"You need 'control'-access to boot a user from {chan.key}.") return # the target must be a member of all given channels target =, candidates=chan.subscriptions.all()) if not target: self.msg(f"Cannot boot '{target_str}' - not in channel {chan.key}.") return def _boot_user(caller, *args, **kwargs): for chan in channels: success, err = self.boot_user(chan, target, quiet=False, reason=reason) if success: self.msg(f"Booted {target.key} from channel {chan.key}.") else: self.msg(f"Cannot boot {target.key} from channel {chan.key}: {err}") channames = ", ".join(chan.key for chan in channels) reasonwarn = ( ". Also note that your reason will be echoed to the channel" if reason else "" ) ask_yes_no( caller, prompt=( f"Are you sure you want to boot user {target.key} from " f"channel(s) {channames} (make sure name/channels are correct{reasonwarn}). " "{options}?" ), yes_action=_boot_user, no_action="Aborted.", default="Y", ) return if "ban" in switches: # ban a user from channel(s) if not self.access(caller, "admin"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/ban.") return if not self.rhs: # view bans for channels if not channel.access(caller, "control"): self.msg(f"You need 'control'-access to view bans on channel {channel.key}") return bans = [ "Channel bans " "(to ban, use channel/ban channel[,channel,...] = username [:reason]" ] bans.extend(self.channel_list_bans(channel)) self.msg("\n".join(bans)) return target_str, *reason = self.rhs.rsplit(":", 1) reason = reason[0].strip() if reason else "" for chan in channels: # the target must be a member of all given channels if not chan.access(caller, "control"): self.msg(f"You don't have access to ban users on channel {chan.key}") return target =, candidates=chan.subscriptions.all()) if not target: self.msg(f"Cannot ban '{target_str}' - not in channel {chan.key}.") return def _ban_user(caller, *args, **kwargs): for chan in channels: success, err = self.ban_user(chan, target, quiet=False, reason=reason) if success: self.msg(f"Banned {target.key} from channel {chan.key}.") else: self.msg(f"Cannot boot {target.key} from channel {chan.key}: {err}") channames = ", ".join(chan.key for chan in channels) reasonwarn = ( ". Also note that your reason will be echoed to the channel" if reason else "" ) ask_yes_no( caller, ( f"Are you sure you want to ban user {target.key} from " f"channel(s) {channames} (make sure name/channels are correct{reasonwarn}) " "{options}?" ), _ban_user, "Aborted.", ) return if "unban" in switches: # unban a previously banned user from channel if not self.access(caller, "admin"): self.msg("You don't have access to use channel/unban.") return target_str = self.rhs.strip() if not target_str: self.msg("Usage: channel[,channel,...] = user") return banlists = [] for chan in channels: # the target must be a member of all given channels if not chan.access(caller, "control"): self.msg(f"You don't have access to unban users on channel {chan.key}") return banlists.extend(chan.banlist) target =, candidates=banlists) if not target: self.msg(f"Could not find a banned user '{target_str}' in given channel(s).") return for chan in channels: success, err = self.unban_user(channel, target) if success: self.msg(f"Un-banned {target_str} from channel {chan.key}") else: self.msg(err) return if "who" in switches: # view who's a member of a channel who_list = [f"Subscribed to {channel.key}:"] who_list.extend(self.channel_list_who(channel)) self.msg("\n".join(who_list)) return
# a channel-command parent for use with Characters/Objects.
[docs]class CmdObjectChannel(CmdChannel): account_caller = False
[docs]class CmdPage(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ send a private message to another account Usage: page <account> <message> page[/switches] [<account>,<account>,... = <message>] tell '' page <number> Switches: last - shows who you last messaged list - show your last <number> of tells/pages (default) Send a message to target user (if online). If no argument is given, you will get a list of your latest messages. The equal sign is needed for multiple targets or if sending to target with space in the name. """ key = "page" aliases = ["tell"] switch_options = ("last", "list") locks = "cmd:not pperm(page_banned)" help_category = "Comms" # this is used by the COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS parent account_caller = True
[docs] def func(self): """Implement function using the Msg methods""" # Since account_caller is set above, this will be an Account. caller = self.caller # get the messages we've sent (not to channels) pages_we_sent = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_sender(caller).order_by("-db_date_created") # get only messages tagged as pages or not tagged at all (legacy pages) pages_we_sent = pages_we_sent.filter( Q(db_tags__db_key__iexact="page", db_tags__db_category__iexact="comms") | Q(db_tags__isnull=True) ) # we need to default to True to allow for legacy pages pages_we_sent = [msg for msg in pages_we_sent if msg.access(caller, "read", default=True)] # get last messages we've got pages_we_got = Msg.objects.get_messages_by_receiver(caller).order_by("-db_date_created") pages_we_got = pages_we_got.filter( Q(db_tags__db_key__iexact="page", db_tags__db_category__iexact="comms") | Q(db_tags__isnull=True) ) # we need to default to True to allow for legacy pages pages_we_got = [msg for msg in pages_we_got if msg.access(caller, "read", default=True)] # get only messages tagged as pages or not tagged at all (legacy pages) targets, message, number = [], None, None if "last" in self.switches: if pages_we_sent: recv = ",".join(obj.key for obj in pages_we_sent[0].receivers) self.msg(f"You last paged |c{recv}|n:{pages_we_sent[0].message}") return else: self.msg("You haven't paged anyone yet.") return if self.args: if self.rhs: for target in self.lhslist: target_obj = if not target_obj: return targets.append(target_obj) message = self.rhs.strip() else: # no = sign, handler this as well target, *message = self.args.split(" ", 1) if target and target.isnumeric(): # a number to specify a historic page number = int(target) elif message: target_obj =, quiet=True) if target_obj: # a proper target targets = [target_obj[0]] message = message[0].strip() else: # a message with a space in it - use the original args message = self.args.strip() else: # a single-word message - use the original args message = self.args.strip() pages = list(pages_we_sent) + list(pages_we_got) pages = sorted(pages, key=lambda page: page.date_created) if message: # send a message if not targets: # no target given - send to last person we paged if pages_we_sent: targets = pages_we_sent[0].receivers else: self.msg("Who do you want page?") return header = f"|wAccount|n |c{caller.key}|n |wpages:|n" if message.startswith(":"): message = f"{caller.key} {message.strip(':').strip()}" # create the persistent message object target_perms = " or ".join([f"id({})" for target in targets + [caller]]) create.create_message( caller, message, receivers=targets, locks=( f"read:{target_perms} or perm(Admin);" f"delete:id({}) or perm(Admin);" f"edit:id({}) or perm(Admin)" ), tags=[("page", "comms")], ) # tell the accounts they got a message. received = [] rstrings = [] for target in targets: if not target.access(caller, "msg"): rstrings.append(f"You are not allowed to page {target}.") continue target.msg(f"{header} {message}") if hasattr(target, "sessions") and not target.sessions.count(): received.append(f"|C{}|n") rstrings.append( f"{received[-1]} is offline. They will see your message " "if they list their pages later." ) else: received.append(f"|c{}|n") if rstrings: self.msg("\n".join(rstrings)) self.msg("You paged %s with: '%s'." % (", ".join(received), message)) return else: # no message to send if number is not None and len(pages) > number: lastpages = pages[-number:] else: lastpages = pages to_template = "|w{date}{clr} {sender}|nto{clr}{receiver}|n:> {message}" from_template = "|w{date}{clr} {receiver}|nfrom{clr}{sender}|n:< {message}" listing = [] prev_selfsend = False for page in lastpages: multi_send = len(page.senders) > 1 multi_recv = len(page.receivers) > 1 sending = self.caller in page.senders # self-messages all look like sends, so we assume they always # come in close pairs and treat the second of the pair as the recv. selfsend = sending and self.caller in page.receivers if selfsend: if prev_selfsend: # this is actually a receive of a self-message sending = False prev_selfsend = False else: prev_selfsend = True clr = "|c" if sending else "|g" sender = f"|n,{clr}".join(obj.key for obj in page.senders) receiver = f"|n,{clr}".join([ for obj in page.receivers]) if sending: template = to_template sender = f"{sender} " if multi_send else "" receiver = f" {receiver}" if multi_recv else f" {receiver}" else: template = from_template receiver = f"{receiver} " if multi_recv else "" sender = f" {sender} " if multi_send else f" {sender}" listing.append( template.format( date=utils.datetime_format(page.date_created), clr=clr, sender=sender, receiver=receiver, message=page.message, ) ) lastpages = "\n ".join(listing) if lastpages: string = f"Your latest pages:\n {lastpages}" else: string = "You haven't sent or received any pages yet." self.msg(string) return
def _list_bots(cmd): """ Helper function to produce a list of all IRC bots. Args: cmd (Command): Instance of the Bot command. Returns: bots (str): A table of bots or an error message. """ ircbots = [ bot for bot in AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="ircbot-") ] if ircbots: table = cmd.styled_table( "|w#dbref|n", "|wbotname|n", "|wev-channel|n", "|wirc-channel|n", "|wSSL|n", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) for ircbot in ircbots: ircinfo = "%s (%s:%s)" % ( ircbot.db.irc_channel, ircbot.db.irc_network, ircbot.db.irc_port, ) table.add_row( "#%i" %, ircbot.db.irc_botname, ircbot.db.ev_channel, ircinfo, ircbot.db.irc_ssl, ) return table else: return "No irc bots found."
[docs]class CmdIRC2Chan(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Link an evennia channel to an external IRC channel Usage: irc2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <ircnetwork> <port> <#irchannel> <botname>[:typeclass] irc2chan/delete botname|#dbid Switches: /delete - this will delete the bot and remove the irc connection to the channel. Requires the botname or #dbid as input. /remove - alias to /delete /disconnect - alias to /delete /list - show all irc<->evennia mappings /ssl - use an SSL-encrypted connection Example: irc2chan myircchan = 6667 #mychannel evennia-bot irc2chan public = 6667 #evgaming #evbot:accounts.mybot.MyBot This creates an IRC bot that connects to a given IRC network and channel. If a custom typeclass path is given, this will be used instead of the default bot class. The bot will relay everything said in the evennia channel to the IRC channel and vice versa. The bot will automatically connect at server start, so this command need only be given once. The /disconnect switch will permanently delete the bot. To only temporarily deactivate it, use the |wservices|n command instead. Provide an optional bot class path to use a custom bot. """ key = "irc2chan" switch_options = ("delete", "remove", "disconnect", "list", "ssl") locks = "cmd:serversetting(IRC_ENABLED) and pperm(Developer)" help_category = "Comms"
[docs] def func(self): """Setup the irc-channel mapping""" if not settings.IRC_ENABLED: string = """IRC is not enabled. You need to activate it in game/""" self.msg(string) return if "list" in self.switches: # show all connections self.msg(_list_bots(self)) return if "disconnect" in self.switches or "remove" in self.switches or "delete" in self.switches: botname = f"ircbot-{self.lhs}" matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username=botname) dbref = utils.dbref(self.lhs) if not matches and dbref: # try dbref match matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=dbref) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("IRC connection destroyed.") else: self.msg("IRC connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = ( "Usage: irc2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> =" " <ircnetwork> <port> <#irchannel> <botname>[:typeclass]" ) self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs self.rhs = self.rhs.replace("#", " ") # to avoid Python comment issues try: irc_network, irc_port, irc_channel, irc_botname = [ part.strip() for part in self.rhs.split(None, 4) ] irc_channel = f"#{irc_channel}" except Exception: string = "IRC bot definition '%s' is not valid." % self.rhs self.msg(string) return botclass = None if ":" in irc_botname: irc_botname, botclass = [part.strip() for part in irc_botname.split(":", 2)] botname = f"ircbot-{irc_botname}" # If path given, use custom bot otherwise use default. botclass = botclass if botclass else bots.IRCBot irc_ssl = "ssl" in self.switches # create a new bot bot = AccountDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use an existing bot bot = bot[0] if not bot.is_bot: self.msg(f"Account '{botname}' already exists and is not a bot.") return else: try: bot = create.create_account(botname, None, None, typeclass=botclass) except Exception as err: self.msg(f"|rError, could not create the bot:|n '{err}'.") return bot.start( ev_channel=channel, irc_botname=irc_botname, irc_channel=irc_channel, irc_network=irc_network, irc_port=irc_port, irc_ssl=irc_ssl, ) self.msg("Connection created. Starting IRC bot.")
[docs]class CmdIRCStatus(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Check and reboot IRC bot. Usage: ircstatus [#dbref ping | nicklist | reconnect] If not given arguments, will return a list of all bots (like irc2chan/list). The 'ping' argument will ping the IRC network to see if the connection is still responsive. The 'nicklist' argument (aliases are 'who' and 'users') will return a list of users on the remote IRC channel. Finally, 'reconnect' will force the client to disconnect and reconnect again. This may be a last resort if the client has silently lost connection (this may happen if the remote network experience network issues). During the reconnection messages sent to either channel will be lost. """ key = "ircstatus" locks = "cmd:serversetting(IRC_ENABLED) and perm(ircstatus) or perm(Builder))" help_category = "Comms"
[docs] def func(self): """Handles the functioning of the command.""" if not self.args: self.msg(_list_bots(self)) return # should always be on the form botname option args = self.args.split() if len(args) != 2: self.msg("Usage: ircstatus [#dbref ping||nicklist||reconnect]") return botname, option = args if option not in ("ping", "users", "reconnect", "nicklist", "who"): self.msg("Not a valid option.") return matches = None if utils.dbref(botname): matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=utils.dbref(botname)) if not matches: self.msg( "No matching IRC-bot found. Use ircstatus without arguments to list active bots." ) return ircbot = matches[0] channel = ircbot.db.irc_channel network = ircbot.db.irc_network port = ircbot.db.irc_port chtext = f"IRC bot '{ircbot.db.irc_botname}' on channel {channel} ({network}:{port})" if option == "ping": # check connection by sending outself a ping through the server. self.msg(f"Pinging through {chtext}.") elif option in ("users", "nicklist", "who"): # retrieve user list. The bot must handles the echo since it's # an asynchronous call. self.msg(f"Requesting nicklist from {channel} ({network}:{port}).") ircbot.get_nicklist(self.caller) elif self.caller.locks.check_lockstring( self.caller, "dummy:perm(ircstatus) or perm(Developer)" ): # reboot the client self.msg(f"Forcing a disconnect + reconnect of {chtext}.") ircbot.reconnect() else: self.msg("You don't have permission to force-reload the IRC bot.")
# RSS connection
[docs]class CmdRSS2Chan(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ link an evennia channel to an external RSS feed Usage: rss2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <rss_url> Switches: /disconnect - this will stop the feed and remove the connection to the channel. /remove - " /list - show all rss->evennia mappings Example: rss2chan rsschan = This creates an RSS reader that connects to a given RSS feed url. Updates will be echoed as a title and news link to the given channel. The rate of updating is set with the RSS_UPDATE_INTERVAL variable in settings (default is every 10 minutes). When disconnecting you need to supply both the channel and url again so as to identify the connection uniquely. """ key = "rss2chan" switch_options = ("disconnect", "remove", "list") locks = "cmd:serversetting(RSS_ENABLED) and pperm(Developer)" help_category = "Comms"
[docs] def func(self): """Setup the rss-channel mapping""" # checking we have all we need if not settings.RSS_ENABLED: string = """RSS is not enabled. You need to activate it in game/""" self.msg(string) return try: import feedparser assert feedparser # to avoid checker error of not being used except ImportError: string = ( "RSS requires python-feedparser (" " Install before continuing." ) self.msg(string) return if "list" in self.switches: # show all connections rssbots = [ bot for bot in AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="rssbot-") ] if rssbots: table = self.styled_table( "|wdbid|n", "|wupdate rate|n", "|wev-channel", "|wRSS feed URL|n", border="cells", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) for rssbot in rssbots: table.add_row(, rssbot.db.rss_rate, rssbot.db.ev_channel, rssbot.db.rss_url ) self.msg(table) else: self.msg("No rss bots found.") return if "disconnect" in self.switches or "remove" in self.switches or "delete" in self.switches: botname = f"rssbot-{self.lhs}" matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, db_key=botname) if not matches: # try dbref match matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=self.args.lstrip("#")) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("RSS connection destroyed.") else: self.msg("RSS connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: rss2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <rss url>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs url = self.rhs botname = f"rssbot-{url}" bot = AccountDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use existing bot bot = bot[0] if not bot.is_bot: self.msg(f"Account '{botname}' already exists and is not a bot.") return else: # create a new bot bot = create.create_account(botname, None, None, typeclass=bots.RSSBot) bot.start(ev_channel=channel, rss_url=url, rss_rate=10) self.msg("RSS reporter created. Fetching RSS.")
[docs]class CmdGrapevine2Chan(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Link an Evennia channel to an external Grapevine channel Usage: grapevine2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <grapevine_channel> grapevine2chan/disconnect <connection #id> Switches: /list - (or no switch): show existing grapevine <-> Evennia mappings and available grapevine chans /remove - alias to disconnect /delete - alias to disconnect Example: grapevine2chan mygrapevine = gossip This creates a link between an in-game Evennia channel and an external Grapevine channel. The game must be registered with the Grapevine network (register at and the GRAPEVINE_* auth information must be added to game settings. """ key = "grapevine2chan" switch_options = ("disconnect", "remove", "delete", "list") locks = "cmd:serversetting(GRAPEVINE_ENABLED) and pperm(Developer)" help_category = "Comms"
[docs] def func(self): """Setup the Grapevine channel mapping""" if not settings.GRAPEVINE_ENABLED: self.msg("Set GRAPEVINE_ENABLED=True in settings to enable.") return if "list" in self.switches: # show all connections gwbots = [ bot for bot in AccountDB.objects.filter( db_is_bot=True, username__startswith="grapevinebot-" ) ] if gwbots: table = self.styled_table( "|wdbid|n", "|wev-channel", "|wgw-channel|n", border="cells", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) for gwbot in gwbots: table.add_row(, gwbot.db.ev_channel, gwbot.db.grapevine_channel) self.msg(table) else: self.msg("No grapevine bots found.") return if "disconnect" in self.switches or "remove" in self.switches or "delete" in self.switches: botname = f"grapevinebot-{self.lhs}" matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, db_key=botname) if not matches: # try dbref match matches = AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, id=self.args.lstrip("#")) if matches: matches[0].delete() self.msg("Grapevine connection destroyed.") else: self.msg("Grapevine connection/bot could not be removed, does it exist?") return if not self.args or not self.rhs: string = "Usage: grapevine2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> = <grapevine_channel>" self.msg(string) return channel = self.lhs grapevine_channel = self.rhs botname = "grapewinebot-%s-%s" % (channel, grapevine_channel) bot = AccountDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=botname) if bot: # re-use existing bot bot = bot[0] if not bot.is_bot: self.msg(f"Account '{botname}' already exists and is not a bot.") return else: self.msg(f"Reusing bot '{botname}' ({bot.dbref})") else: # create a new bot bot = create.create_account(botname, None, None, typeclass=bots.GrapevineBot) bot.start(ev_channel=channel, grapevine_channel=grapevine_channel) self.msg(f"Grapevine connection created {channel} <-> {grapevine_channel}.")
[docs]class CmdDiscord2Chan(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Link an Evennia channel to an external Discord channel Usage: discord2chan[/switches] discord2chan[/switches] <evennia_channel> [= <discord_channel_id>] Switches: /list - (or no switch) show existing Evennia <-> Discord links /remove - remove an existing link by link ID /delete - alias to remove /guild - toggle the Discord server tag on/off /channel - toggle the Evennia/Discord channel tags on/off /start - tell the bot to start, in case it lost its connection Example: discord2chan mydiscord = 555555555555555 This creates a link between an in-game Evennia channel and an external Discord channel. You must have a valid Discord bot application ( ) and your DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN must be added to settings. (Please put it in secret_settings !) """ key = "discord2chan" aliases = ("discord",) switch_options = ( "channel", "delete", "guild", "list", "remove", "start", ) locks = "cmd:serversetting(DISCORD_ENABLED) and pperm(Developer)" help_category = "Comms"
[docs] def func(self): """Manage the Evennia<->Discord channel links""" if not settings.DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: self.msg( "You must add your Discord bot application token to settings as DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN" ) return discord_bot = [ bot for bot in AccountDB.objects.filter(db_is_bot=True, username="DiscordBot") ] if not discord_bot: # create a new discord bot bot_class = class_from_module(settings.DISCORD_BOT_CLASS, fallback=bots.DiscordBot) discord_bot = create.create_account("DiscordBot", None, None, typeclass=bot_class) discord_bot.start() self.msg("Created and initialized a new Discord relay bot.") else: discord_bot = discord_bot[0] if not discord_bot.is_typeclass(settings.DISCORD_BOT_CLASS, exact=True): self.msg( f"WARNING: The Discord bot's typeclass is '{discord_bot.typeclass_path}'. This does" f" not match {settings.DISCORD_BOT_CLASS} in settings!" ) if "start" in self.switches: if discord_bot.sessions.all(): self.msg("The Discord bot is already running.") else: discord_bot.start() self.msg("Starting the Discord bot session.") return if "guild" in self.switches: discord_bot.db.tag_guild = not discord_bot.db.tag_guild self.msg( f"Messages to Evennia |wwill {'' if discord_bot.db.tag_guild else 'not '}|ninclude" " the Discord server." ) return if "channel" in self.switches: discord_bot.db.tag_channel = not discord_bot.db.tag_channel self.msg( f"Relayed messages |wwill {'' if discord_bot.db.tag_channel else 'not '}|ninclude" " the originating channel." ) return if "list" in self.switches or not self.args: # show all connections if channel_list := discord_bot.db.channels: table = self.styled_table( "|wLink Index|n", "|wEvennia|n", "|wDiscord|n", border="cells", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) # iterate through the channel links # load in the pretty names for the discord channels from cache dc_chan_names = discord_bot.attributes.get("discord_channels", {}) for i, (evchan, dcchan) in enumerate(channel_list): dc_info = dc_chan_names.get(dcchan, {"name": dcchan, "guild": "unknown"}) table.add_row( i, evchan, f"#{dc_info.get('name','?')}@{dc_info.get('guild','?')}" ) self.msg(table) else: self.msg("No Discord connections found.") return if "disconnect" in self.switches or "remove" in self.switches or "delete" in self.switches: if channel_list := discord_bot.db.channels: try: lid = int(self.args.strip()) except ValueError: self.msg("Usage: discord2chan/remove <link id>") return if lid < len(channel_list): ev_chan, dc_chan = discord_bot.db.channels.pop(lid) dc_chan_names = discord_bot.attributes.get("discord_channels", {}) dc_info = dc_chan_names.get(dc_chan, {"name": "unknown", "guild": "unknown"}) self.msg( f"Removed link between {ev_chan} and" f" #{dc_info.get('name','?')}@{dc_info.get('guild','?')}" ) return else: self.msg("There are no active connections to Discord.") return ev_channel = self.lhs dc_channel = self.rhs if ev_channel and not dc_channel: # show all discord channels linked to self.lhs if channel_list := discord_bot.db.channels: table = self.styled_table( "|wLink Index|n", "|wEvennia|n", "|wDiscord|n", border="cells", maxwidth=_DEFAULT_WIDTH, ) # iterate through the channel links # load in the pretty names for the discord channels from cache dc_chan_names = discord_bot.attributes.get("discord_channels", {}) results = False for i, (evchan, dcchan) in enumerate(channel_list): if evchan.lower() == ev_channel.lower(): dc_info = dc_chan_names.get(dcchan, {"name": dcchan, "guild": "unknown"}) table.add_row(i, evchan, f"#{dc_info['name']}@{dc_info['guild']}") results = True if results: self.msg(table) else: self.msg(f"There are no Discord channels connected to {ev_channel}.") else: self.msg("There are no active connections to Discord.") return # check if link already exists if channel_list := discord_bot.db.channels: if (ev_channel, dc_channel) in channel_list: self.msg("Those channels are already linked.") return else: discord_bot.db.channels = [] # create the new link channel_obj = search.search_channel(ev_channel) if not channel_obj: self.msg(f"There is no channel '{ev_channel}'") return channel_obj = channel_obj[0] discord_bot.db.channels.append((, dc_channel)) channel_obj.connect(discord_bot) if dc_chans := discord_bot.db.discord_channels: dc_channel_name = dc_chans.get(dc_channel, {}).get("name", dc_channel) else: dc_channel_name = dc_channel self.msg(f"Discord connection created: {} <-> #{dc_channel_name}.")