Source code for evennia.accounts.bots

Bots are a special child typeclasses of
Account that are  controlled by the server.


import time

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

import evennia
from evennia.accounts.accounts import DefaultAccount
from evennia.scripts.scripts import DefaultScript
from evennia.utils import logger, search, utils
from evennia.utils.ansi import strip_ansi


_DISCORD_ENABLED = settings.DISCORD_ENABLED and hasattr(settings, "DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN")

[docs]class BotStarter(DefaultScript): """ This non-repeating script has the sole purpose of kicking its bot into gear when it is initialized. """
[docs] def at_script_creation(self): """ Called once, when script is created. """ self.key = "botstarter" self.desc = "bot start/keepalive" self.persistent = True
[docs] def at_server_start(self): self.at_start()
[docs] def at_start(self): """ Kick bot into gear. """ if not self.account.sessions.all(): self.account.start()
[docs] def at_repeat(self): """ Called self.interval seconds to keep connection. We cannot use the IDLE command from inside the game since the system will not catch it (commands executed from the server side usually has no sessions). So we update the idle counter manually here instead. This keeps the bot getting hit by IDLE_TIMEOUT. """ for session in evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.sessions_from_account(self.account): session.update_session_counters(idle=True)
# # Bot base class
[docs]class Bot(DefaultAccount): """ A Bot will start itself when the server starts (it will generally not do so on a reload - that will be handled by the normal Portal session resync) """
[docs] def basetype_setup(self): """ This sets up the basic properties for the bot. """ # the text encoding to use. self.db.encoding = "utf-8" # A basic security setup (also avoid idle disconnects) lockstring = ( "examine:perm(Admin);edit:perm(Admin);delete:perm(Admin);" "boot:perm(Admin);msg:false();noidletimeout:true()" ) self.locks.add(lockstring) # set the basics of being a bot self.scripts.add(BotStarter, key="bot_starter") self.is_bot = True
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs): """ This starts the bot, whatever that may mean. """ pass
[docs] def msg(self, text=None, from_obj=None, session=None, options=None, **kwargs): """ Evennia -> outgoing protocol """ super().msg(text=text, from_obj=from_obj, session=session, options=options, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute_cmd(self, raw_string, session=None): """ Incoming protocol -> Evennia """ super().msg(raw_string, session=session)
[docs] def at_server_shutdown(self): """ We need to handle this case manually since the shutdown may be a reset. """ for session in self.sessions.all(): session.sessionhandler.disconnect(session)
# Bot implementations # IRC
[docs]class IRCBot(Bot): """ Bot for handling IRC connections. """ # override this on a child class to use custom factory factory_path = "evennia.server.portal.irc.IRCBotFactory"
[docs] def start( self, ev_channel=None, irc_botname=None, irc_channel=None, irc_network=None, irc_port=None, irc_ssl=None, ): """ Start by telling the portal to start a new session. Args: ev_channel (str): Key of the Evennia channel to connect to. irc_botname (str): Name of bot to connect to irc channel. If not set, use `self.key`. irc_channel (str): Name of channel on the form `#channelname`. irc_network (str): URL of the IRC network, like ``. irc_port (str): Port number of the irc network, like `6667`. irc_ssl (bool): Indicates whether to use SSL connection. """ if not _IRC_ENABLED: # the bot was created, then IRC was turned off. We delete # ourselves (this will also kill the start script) self.delete() return # if keywords are given, store (the BotStarter script # will not give any keywords, so this should normally only # happen at initialization) if irc_botname: self.db.irc_botname = irc_botname elif not self.db.irc_botname: self.db.irc_botname = self.key if ev_channel: # connect to Evennia channel channel = search.channel_search(ev_channel) if not channel: raise RuntimeError(f"Evennia Channel '{ev_channel}' not found.") channel = channel[0] channel.connect(self) self.db.ev_channel = channel if irc_channel: self.db.irc_channel = irc_channel if irc_network: self.db.irc_network = irc_network if irc_port: self.db.irc_port = irc_port if irc_ssl: self.db.irc_ssl = irc_ssl # instruct the server and portal to create a new session with # the stored configuration configdict = { "uid": self.dbid, "botname": self.db.irc_botname, "channel": self.db.irc_channel, "network": self.db.irc_network, "port": self.db.irc_port, "ssl": self.db.irc_ssl, } evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.start_bot_session(self.factory_path, configdict)
[docs] def at_msg_send(self, **kwargs): "Shortcut here or we can end up in infinite loop" pass
[docs] def get_nicklist(self, caller): """ Retrive the nick list from the connected channel. Args: caller (Object or Account): The requester of the list. This will be stored and echoed to when the irc network replies with the requested info. Notes: Since the return is asynchronous, the caller is stored internally in a list; all callers in this list will get the nick info once it returns (it is a custom OOB inputfunc option). The callback will not survive a reload (which should be fine, it's very quick). """ if not hasattr(self, "_nicklist_callers"): self._nicklist_callers = [] self._nicklist_callers.append(caller) super().msg(request_nicklist="") return
[docs] def ping(self, caller): """ Fire a ping to the IRC server. Args: caller (Object or Account): The requester of the ping. """ if not hasattr(self, "_ping_callers"): self._ping_callers = [] self._ping_callers.append(caller) super().msg(ping="")
[docs] def reconnect(self): """ Force a protocol-side reconnect of the client without having to destroy/recreate the bot "account". """ super().msg(reconnect="")
[docs] def msg(self, text=None, **kwargs): """ Takes text from connected channel (only). Args: text (str, optional): Incoming text from channel. Keyword Args: options (dict): Options dict with the following allowed keys: - from_channel (str): dbid of a channel this text originated from. - from_obj (list): list of objects sending this text. """ from_obj = kwargs.get("from_obj", None) options = kwargs.get("options", None) or {} if not self.ndb.ev_channel and self.db.ev_channel: # cache channel lookup self.ndb.ev_channel = self.db.ev_channel if ( "from_channel" in options and text and self.ndb.ev_channel.dbid == options["from_channel"] ): if not from_obj or from_obj != [self]: super().msg(channel=text)
[docs] def execute_cmd(self, session=None, txt=None, **kwargs): """ Take incoming data and send it to connected channel. This is triggered by the bot_data_in Inputfunc. Args: session (Session, optional): Session responsible for this command. Note that this is the bot. txt (str, optional): Command string. Keyword Args: user (str): The name of the user who sent the message. channel (str): The name of channel the message was sent to. type (str): Nature of message. Either 'msg', 'action', 'nicklist' or 'ping'. nicklist (list, optional): Set if `type='nicklist'`. This is a list of nicks returned by calling the `self.get_nicklist`. It must look for a list `self._nicklist_callers` which will contain all callers waiting for the nicklist. timings (float, optional): Set if `type='ping'`. This is the return (in seconds) of a ping request triggered with ``. The return must look for a list `self._ping_callers` which will contain all callers waiting for the ping return. """ if kwargs["type"] == "nicklist": # the return of a nicklist request if hasattr(self, "_nicklist_callers") and self._nicklist_callers: chstr = f"{self.db.irc_channel} ({self.db.irc_network}:{self.db.irc_port})" nicklist = ", ".join(sorted(kwargs["nicklist"], key=lambda n: n.lower())) for obj in self._nicklist_callers: obj.msg("Nicks at {chstr}:\n {nicklist}".format(chstr=chstr, nicklist=nicklist)) self._nicklist_callers = [] return elif kwargs["type"] == "ping": # the return of a ping if hasattr(self, "_ping_callers") and self._ping_callers: chstr = f"{self.db.irc_channel} ({self.db.irc_network}:{self.db.irc_port})" for obj in self._ping_callers: obj.msg( "IRC ping return from {chstr} took {time}s.".format( chstr=chstr, time=kwargs["timing"] ) ) self._ping_callers = [] return elif kwargs["type"] == "privmsg": # A private message to the bot - a command. user = kwargs["user"] if txt.lower().startswith("who"): # return server WHO list (abbreviated for IRC) whos = [] t0 = time.time() for sess in evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.get_sessions(): delta_cmd = t0 - sess.cmd_last_visible delta_conn = t0 - session.conn_time account = sess.get_account() whos.append( "%s (%s/%s)" % ( utils.crop("|w%s|n" %, width=25), utils.time_format(delta_conn, 0), utils.time_format(delta_cmd, 1), ) ) text = f"Who list (online/idle): {', '.join(sorted(whos, key=lambda w: w.lower()))}" elif txt.lower().startswith("about"): # some bot info text = f"This is an Evennia IRC bot connecting from '{settings.SERVERNAME}'." else: text = "I understand 'who' and 'about'." super().msg(privmsg=((text,), {"user": user})) else: # something to send to the main channel if kwargs["type"] == "action": # An action (irc pose) text = f"{kwargs['user']}@{kwargs['channel']} {txt}" else: # msg - A normal channel message text = f"{kwargs['user']}@{kwargs['channel']}: {txt}" if not self.ndb.ev_channel and self.db.ev_channel: # cache channel lookup self.ndb.ev_channel = self.db.ev_channel if self.ndb.ev_channel: self.ndb.ev_channel.msg(text, senders=self)
# # RSS #
[docs]class RSSBot(Bot): """ An RSS relayer. The RSS protocol itself runs a ticker to update its feed at regular intervals. """
[docs] def start(self, ev_channel=None, rss_url=None, rss_rate=None): """ Start by telling the portal to start a new RSS session Args: ev_channel (str): Key of the Evennia channel to connect to. rss_url (str): Full URL to the RSS feed to subscribe to. rss_rate (int): How often for the feedreader to update. Raises: RuntimeError: If `ev_channel` does not exist. """ if not _RSS_ENABLED: # The bot was created, then RSS was turned off. Delete ourselves. self.delete() return if ev_channel: # connect to Evennia channel channel = search.channel_search(ev_channel) if not channel: raise RuntimeError(f"Evennia Channel '{ev_channel}' not found.") channel = channel[0] self.db.ev_channel = channel if rss_url: self.db.rss_url = rss_url if rss_rate: self.db.rss_rate = rss_rate # instruct the server and portal to create a new session with # the stored configuration configdict = {"uid": self.dbid, "url": self.db.rss_url, "rate": self.db.rss_rate} evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.start_bot_session( "evennia.server.portal.rss.RSSBotFactory", configdict )
[docs] def execute_cmd(self, txt=None, session=None, **kwargs): """ Take incoming data and send it to connected channel. This is triggered by the bot_data_in Inputfunc. Args: session (Session, optional): Session responsible for this command. txt (str, optional): Command string. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional Information passed from bot. Not used by the RSSbot by default. """ if not self.ndb.ev_channel and self.db.ev_channel: # cache channel lookup self.ndb.ev_channel = self.db.ev_channel if self.ndb.ev_channel: self.ndb.ev_channel.msg(txt,
# Grapevine bot
[docs]class GrapevineBot(Bot): """ g Grapevine ( relayer. The channel to connect to is the first name in the settings.GRAPEVINE_CHANNELS list. """ factory_path = "evennia.server.portal.grapevine.RestartingWebsocketServerFactory"
[docs] def start(self, ev_channel=None, grapevine_channel=None): """ Start by telling the portal to connect to the grapevine network. """ if not _GRAPEVINE_ENABLED: self.delete() return # connect to Evennia channel if ev_channel: # connect to Evennia channel channel = search.channel_search(ev_channel) if not channel: raise RuntimeError(f"Evennia Channel '{ev_channel}' not found.") channel = channel[0] channel.connect(self) self.db.ev_channel = channel if grapevine_channel: self.db.grapevine_channel = grapevine_channel # these will be made available as properties on the protocol factory configdict = {"uid": self.dbid, "grapevine_channel": self.db.grapevine_channel} evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.start_bot_session(self.factory_path, configdict)
[docs] def at_msg_send(self, **kwargs): "Shortcut here or we can end up in infinite loop" pass
[docs] def msg(self, text=None, **kwargs): """ Takes text from connected channel (only). Args: text (str, optional): Incoming text from channel. Keyword Args: options (dict): Options dict with the following allowed keys: - from_channel (str): dbid of a channel this text originated from. - from_obj (list): list of objects sending this text. """ from_obj = kwargs.get("from_obj", None) options = kwargs.get("options", None) or {} if not self.ndb.ev_channel and self.db.ev_channel: # cache channel lookup self.ndb.ev_channel = self.db.ev_channel if ( "from_channel" in options and text and self.ndb.ev_channel.dbid == options["from_channel"] ): if not from_obj or from_obj != [self]: # send outputfunc channel(msg, chan, sender) text = text[0] if isinstance(text, (tuple, list)) else text prefix, text = text.split(":", 1) super().msg( channel=( text.strip(), self.db.grapevine_channel, ", ".join(obj.key for obj in from_obj), {}, ) )
[docs] def execute_cmd( self, txt=None, session=None, event=None, grapevine_channel=None, sender=None, game=None, **kwargs, ): """ Take incoming data from protocol and send it to connected channel. This is triggered by the bot_data_in Inputfunc. """ if event == "channels/broadcast": # A private message to the bot - a command. text = f"{sender}@{game}: {txt}" if not self.ndb.ev_channel and self.db.ev_channel: # simple cache of channel lookup self.ndb.ev_channel = self.db.ev_channel if self.ndb.ev_channel: self.ndb.ev_channel.msg(text, senders=self)
# Discord
[docs]class DiscordBot(Bot): """ Discord bot relay. You will need to set up your own bot ( and add the bot token as `DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN` to `` to use """ factory_path = "evennia.server.portal.discord.DiscordWebsocketServerFactory" def _load_channels(self): self.ndb.ev_channels = {} if channel_links := self.db.channels: # this attribute contains a list of evennia<->discord links in the form # of ("evennia_channel", "discord_chan_id") # grab Evennia channels, cache and connect channel_set = {evchan for evchan, dcid in channel_links} for channel_name in list(channel_set): channel = search.search_channel(channel_name) if not channel: logger.log_err(f"Evennia Channel {channel_name} not found; skipping.") continue channel = channel[0] self.ndb.ev_channels[channel_name] = channel
[docs] def at_init(self): """ Load required channels back into memory """ self._load_channels()
[docs] def start(self): """ Tell the Discord protocol to connect. """ if not _DISCORD_ENABLED: self.delete() return if not self.ndb.ev_channels: self._load_channels() for channel in self.ndb.ev_channels.values(): if not channel.connect(self): logger.log_warn(f"{self} could not connect to Evennia channel {channel}.") if not channel.access(self, "send"): logger.log_warn(f"{self} doesn't have permission to send messages to Evennia channel {channel}.") # these will be made available as properties on the protocol factory configdict = {"uid": self.dbid} # finally, connect evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.start_bot_session(self.factory_path, configdict)
[docs] def at_pre_channel_msg(self, message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs): """ Called by the Channel just before passing a message into `channel_msg`. We overload this to set the channel tag prefix. """ kwargs["no_prefix"] = not self.db.tag_channel return super().at_pre_channel_msg(message, channel, senders=senders, **kwargs)
[docs] def channel_msg(self, message, channel, senders=None, relayed=False, **kwargs): """ Passes channel messages received on to discord Args: message (str) - Incoming text from channel. channel (Channel) - The channel the message is being received from Keyword Args: senders (list or None) - Object(s) sending the message relayed (bool) - A flag identifying whether the message was relayed by the bot. """ if relayed: # don't relay our own relayed messages return if channel_list := self.db.channels: # get all the discord channels connected to this evennia channel channel_name = for dc_chan in [dcid for evchan, dcid in channel_list if evchan == channel_name]: # send outputfunc channel(msg, discord channel) super().msg(channel=(strip_ansi(message.strip()), dc_chan))
[docs] def change_nickname(self, new_nickname, guild_id, user_id, **kwargs): """ Changes a given user's nickname on the given guild the bot is in. Args: new_nickname (str) - The user's new nickname. guild_id (int) - The guild the nickname will be changed in. user_id (int) - The Discord ID of the user who's nickname will be changed. """ super().msg(nickname=(new_nickname, guild_id, user_id))
[docs] def assign_role(self, role_id, guild_id, user_id, **kwargs): """ Assigns a user the role on the given guild the bot is in. Args: role_id (int) - The Discord role's ID. guild_id (int) - The guild the role will be assigned in. user_id (int) - The user the given role will be assigned to. """ super().msg(role=(role_id, guild_id, user_id))
[docs] def direct_msg(self, message, sender, **kwargs): """ Called when the Discord bot receives a direct message on Discord. Args: message (str) - Incoming text from Discord. sender (tuple) - The Discord info for the sender in the form (id, nickname) Keyword args: **kwargs (optional) - Unused by default, but can carry additional data from the protocol. """ pass
[docs] def relay_to_channel( self, message, to_channel, sender=None, from_channel=None, from_server=None, **kwargs ): """ Formats and sends a Discord -> Evennia message. Called when the Discord bot receives a channel message on Discord. Args: message (str) - Incoming text from Discord. to_channel (Channel) - The Evennia channel receiving the message Keyword args: sender (tuple) - The Discord info for the sender in the form `(id, nickname)` from_channel (str) - The Discord channel name from_server (str) - The Discord server name kwargs - Any additional keywords. Unused by default, but available for adding additional flags or parameters. """ tag_str = "" if from_channel and self.db.tag_channel: tag_str = f"#{from_channel}" if from_server and self.db.tag_guild: if tag_str: tag_str += f"@{from_server}" else: tag_str = from_server if tag_str: tag_str = f"[{tag_str}] " if sender: sender_name = f"|c{sender[1]}|n: " message = f"{tag_str}{sender_name}{message}" to_channel.msg(message, senders=None, relayed=True)
[docs] def execute_cmd( self, txt=None, session=None, type=None, sender=None, **kwargs, ): """ Take incoming data from protocol and send it to connected channel. This is triggered by the bot_data_in Inputfunc. Keyword args: txt (str) - The content of the message from Discord. session (Session) - The protocol session this command came from. type (str, optional) - Indicates the type of activity from Discord, if the protocol pre-processed it. sender (tuple) - Identifies the author of the Discord activity in a tuple of two strings, in the form of (id, nickname) kwargs - Any additional data specific to a particular type of actions. The data for any Discord actions not pre-processed by the protocol will also be passed via kwargs. """ # normal channel message if type == "channel": channel_id = kwargs.get("channel_id") channel_name = self.db.discord_channels.get(channel_id, {}).get("name", channel_id) guild_id = kwargs.get("guild_id") guild = self.db.guilds.get(guild_id) if channel_links := self.db.channels: for ev_channel in [ ev_chan for ev_chan, dc_id in channel_links if dc_id == channel_id ]: channel = search.channel_search(ev_channel) if not channel: continue channel = channel[0] self.relay_to_channel(txt, channel, sender, channel_name, guild) # direct message elif type == "direct": # pass on to the DM hook self.direct_msg(txt, sender, **kwargs) # guild info update elif type == "guild": if guild_id := kwargs.get("guild_id"): if not self.db.guilds: self.db.guilds = {} self.db.guilds[guild_id] = kwargs.get("guild_name", "Unidentified") if not self.db.discord_channels: self.db.discord_channels = {} self.db.discord_channels.update(kwargs.get("channels", {}))