Source code for evennia.accounts.accounts

Typeclass for Account objects.

Note that this object is primarily intended to
store OOC information, not game info! This
object represents the actual user (not their
character) and has NO actual presence in the
game world (this is handled by the associated
character object, so you should customize that
instead for most things).


import re
import time
import typing
from random import getrandbits

import evennia
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, password_validation
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ValidationError
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from evennia.accounts.manager import AccountManager
from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB
from evennia.commands.cmdsethandler import CmdSetHandler
from evennia.comms.models import ChannelDB
from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB
from evennia.scripts.scripthandler import ScriptHandler
from evennia.server.models import ServerConfig
from evennia.server.signals import (
from evennia.server.throttle import Throttle
from evennia.typeclasses.attributes import ModelAttributeBackend, NickHandler
from evennia.typeclasses.models import TypeclassBase
from evennia.utils import class_from_module, create, logger
from evennia.utils.optionhandler import OptionHandler
from evennia.utils.utils import is_iter, lazy_property, make_iter, to_str, variable_from_module

__all__ = ("DefaultAccount", "DefaultGuest")

_AT_SEARCH_RESULT = variable_from_module(*settings.SEARCH_AT_RESULT.rsplit(".", 1))

# Create throttles for too many account-creations and login attempts
    name="login", limit=settings.LOGIN_THROTTLE_LIMIT, timeout=settings.LOGIN_THROTTLE_TIMEOUT

class AccountSessionHandler(object):
    Manages the session(s) attached to an account.


    def __init__(self, account):
        Initializes the handler.

            account (Account): The Account on which this handler is defined.

        self.account = account

    def get(self, sessid=None):
        Get the sessions linked to this object.

            sessid (int, optional): Specify a given session by
                session id.

            sessions (list): A list of Session objects. If `sessid`
                is given, this is a list with one (or zero) elements.

        if sessid:
            return make_iter(evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.session_from_account(self.account, sessid))
            return evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.sessions_from_account(self.account)

    def all(self):
        Alias to get(), returning all sessions.

            sessions (list): All sessions.

        return self.get()

    def count(self):
        Get amount of sessions connected.

            sesslen (int): Number of sessions handled.

        return len(self.get())

class CharactersHandler:
    A simple Handler that lives on DefaultAccount as .characters via @lazy_property used to
    wrap access to .db._playable_characters.

    def __init__(self, owner: "DefaultAccount"):
        Create the CharactersHandler.

            owner: The Account that owns this handler.
        self.owner = owner

    def _ensure_playable_characters(self):
        if self.owner.db._playable_characters is None:
            self.owner.db._playable_characters = []

    def _clean(self):
        # Remove all instances of None from the list.
        self.owner.db._playable_characters = [x for x in self.owner.db._playable_characters if x]

    def add(self, character: "DefaultCharacter"):
        Add a character to this account's list of playable characters.

            character (DefaultCharacter): The character to add.
        if character not in self.owner.db._playable_characters:

    def remove(self, character: "DefaultCharacter"):
        Remove a character from this account's list of playable characters.

            character (DefaultCharacter): The character to remove.
        if character in self.owner.db._playable_characters:

    def all(self) -> list["DefaultCharacter"]:
        Get all playable characters.

            list[DefaultCharacter]: All playable characters.
        return list(self.owner.db._playable_characters)

    def count(self) -> int:
        Get the number of playable characters.

            int: The number of playable characters.
        return len(self.all())

    __len__ = count

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.all())

[docs]class DefaultAccount(AccountDB, metaclass=TypeclassBase): """ This is the base Typeclass for all Accounts. Accounts represent the person playing the game and tracks account info, password etc. They are OOC entities without presence in-game. An Account can connect to a Character Object in order to "enter" the game. Account Typeclass API: * Available properties (only available on initiated typeclass objects) - key (string) - name of account - name (string)- wrapper for user.username - aliases (list of strings) - aliases to the object. Will be saved to database as AliasDB entries but returned as strings. - dbref (int, read-only) - unique #id-number. Also "id" can be used. - date_created (string) - time stamp of object creation - permissions (list of strings) - list of permission strings - user (User, read-only) - django User authorization object - obj (Object) - game object controlled by account. 'character' can also be used. - is_superuser (bool, read-only) - if the connected user is a superuser * Handlers - locks - lock-handler: use locks.add() to add new lock strings - db - attribute-handler: store/retrieve database attributes on this self.db.myattr=val, val=self.db.myattr - ndb - non-persistent attribute handler: same as db but does not create a database entry when storing data - scripts - script-handler. Add new scripts to object with scripts.add() - cmdset - cmdset-handler. Use cmdset.add() to add new cmdsets to object - nicks - nick-handler. New nicks with nicks.add(). - sessions - session-handler. Use session.get() to see all sessions connected, if any - options - option-handler. Defaults are taken from settings.OPTIONS_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT - characters - handler for listing the account's playable characters * Helper methods (check autodocs for full updated listing) - msg(text=None, from_obj=None, session=None, options=None, **kwargs) - execute_cmd(raw_string) - search(searchdata, return_puppet=False, search_object=False, typeclass=None, nofound_string=None, multimatch_string=None, use_nicks=True, quiet=False, **kwargs) - is_typeclass(typeclass, exact=False) - swap_typeclass(new_typeclass, clean_attributes=False, no_default=True) - access(accessing_obj, access_type='read', default=False, no_superuser_bypass=False, **kwargs) - check_permstring(permstring) - get_cmdsets(caller, current, **kwargs) - get_cmdset_providers() - uses_screenreader(session=None) - get_display_name(looker, **kwargs) - get_extra_display_name_info(looker, **kwargs) - disconnect_session_from_account() - puppet_object(session, obj) - unpuppet_object(session) - unpuppet_all() - get_puppet(session) - get_all_puppets() - is_banned(**kwargs) - get_username_validators(validator_config=settings.AUTH_USERNAME_VALIDATORS) - authenticate(username, password, ip="", **kwargs) - normalize_username(username) - validate_username(username) - validate_password(password, account=None) - set_password(password, **kwargs) - get_character_slots() - get_available_character_slots() - create_character(*args, **kwargs) - create(*args, **kwargs) - delete(*args, **kwargs) - channel_msg(message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs) - idle_time() - connection_time() * Hook methods basetype_setup() at_account_creation() > note that the following hooks are also found on Objects and are usually handled on the character level: - at_init() - at_first_save() - at_access() - at_cmdset_get(**kwargs) - at_password_change(**kwargs) - at_first_login() - at_pre_login() - at_post_login(session=None) - at_failed_login(session, **kwargs) - at_disconnect(reason=None, **kwargs) - at_post_disconnect(**kwargs) - at_message_receive() - at_message_send() - at_server_reload() - at_server_shutdown() - at_look(target=None, session=None, **kwargs) - at_post_create_character(character, **kwargs) - at_post_add_character(char) - at_post_remove_character(char) - at_pre_channel_msg(message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs) - at_post_chnnel_msg(message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs) """ # Determines which order command sets begin to be assembled from. # Accounts are usually second. cmdset_provider_order = 50 cmdset_provider_error_order = 0 cmdset_provider_type = "account" objects = AccountManager() # Used by account.create_character() to choose default typeclass for characters. default_character_typeclass = settings.BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS lockstring = ( "examine:perm(Admin);edit:perm(Admin);" "delete:perm(Admin);boot:perm(Admin);msg:all();" "noidletimeout:perm(Builder) or perm(noidletimeout)" ) # properties
[docs] @lazy_property def cmdset(self): return CmdSetHandler(self, True)
[docs] @lazy_property def scripts(self): return ScriptHandler(self)
[docs] @lazy_property def nicks(self): return NickHandler(self, ModelAttributeBackend)
[docs] @lazy_property def sessions(self): return AccountSessionHandler(self)
[docs] @lazy_property def options(self): return OptionHandler( self, options_dict=settings.OPTIONS_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT, savefunc=self.attributes.add, loadfunc=self.attributes.get, save_kwargs={"category": "option"}, load_kwargs={"category": "option"}, )
[docs] @lazy_property def characters(self): return CharactersHandler(self)
[docs] def get_cmdset_providers(self) -> dict[str, "CmdSetProvider"]: """ Overrideable method which returns a dictionary of every kind of object which has a cmdsethandler linked to this Account, and should participate in cmdset merging. Accounts have no way of being aware of anything besides themselves, unfortunately. Returns: dict[str, CmdSetProvider]: The CmdSetProviders linked to this Object. """ return {"account": self}
[docs] def at_post_add_character(self, character: "DefaultCharacter"): """ Called after a character is added to this account's list of playable characters. Use it to easily implement custom logic when a character is added to an account. Args: character (DefaultCharacter): The character that was added. """ pass
[docs] def at_post_remove_character(self, character: "DefaultCharacter"): """ Called after a character is removed from this account's list of playable characters. Use it to easily implement custom logic when a character is removed from an account. Args: character (DefaultCharacter): The character that was removed. """ pass
[docs] def uses_screenreader(self, session=None): """ Shortcut to determine if a session uses a screenreader. If no session given, will return true if any of the sessions use a screenreader. Args: session (Session, optional): The session to check for screen reader. """ if session: return bool(session.protocol_flags.get("SCREENREADER", False)) else: return any( session.protocol_flags.get("SCREENREADER") for session in self.sessions.all() )
[docs] def get_extra_display_name_info(self, looker, **kwargs): """ Used in .get_display_name() to provide extra information to the looker. We split this to be consistent with the Object version of this method. This is used e.g. by the `find` command by default. """ if looker and self.locks.check_lockstring(looker, "perm(Admin)"): return f"(#{})" return ""
[docs] def get_display_name(self, looker, **kwargs): """ This is used by channels and other OOC communications methods to give a custom display of this account's input. Args: looker (Account): The one that will see this name. **kwargs: Unused by default, can be used to pass game-specific data. Returns: str: The name, possibly modified. """ return f"|c{self.key}|n"
# session-related methods
[docs] def disconnect_session_from_account(self, session, reason=None): """ Access method for disconnecting a given session from the account (connection happens automatically in the sessionhandler) Args: session (Session): Session to disconnect. reason (str, optional): Eventual reason for the disconnect. """ evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.disconnect(session, reason)
# puppeting operations
[docs] def puppet_object(self, session, obj): """ Use the given session to control (puppet) the given object (usually a Character type). Args: session (Session): session to use for puppeting obj (Object): the object to start puppeting Raises: RuntimeError: If puppeting is not possible, the `exception.msg` will contain the reason. """ # safety checks if not obj: raise RuntimeError("Object not found") if not session: raise RuntimeError("Session not found") if self.get_puppet(session) == obj: # already puppeting this object self.msg(_("You are already puppeting this object.")) return if not obj.access(self, "puppet"): # no access self.msg(_("You don't have permission to puppet '{key}'.".format(key=obj.key))) return if obj.account: # object already puppeted if obj.account == self: if obj.sessions.count(): # we may take over another of our sessions # output messages to the affected sessions if _MULTISESSION_MODE in (1, 3): txt1 = _( "Sharing |c{name}|n with another of your sessions.".format( ) ) txt2 = "|c{name}|n|G is now shared from another of your sessions.|n".format( ) self.msg(txt1, session=session) self.msg(txt2, session=obj.sessions.all()) else: txt1 = _( "Taking over |c{name}|n from another of your sessions.".format( ) ) txt2 = _( "|c{name}|n|R is now acted from another of your sessions.|n".format( ) ) self.msg(txt1, session=session) self.msg(txt2, session=obj.sessions.all()) self.unpuppet_object(obj.sessions.get()) elif obj.account.is_connected: # controlled by another account self.msg(_("|c{key}|R is already puppeted by another Account.").format(key=obj.key)) return if session.puppet: # cleanly unpuppet eventual previous object puppeted by this session self.unpuppet_object(session) # if we get to this point the character is ready to puppet or it # was left with a lingering account/session reference from an unclean # server kill or similar # check so we are not puppeting too much already if _MAX_NR_SIMULTANEOUS_PUPPETS is not None: already_puppeted = self.get_all_puppets() if ( not self.is_superuser and not self.check_permstring("Developer") and obj not in already_puppeted and len(self.get_all_puppets()) >= _MAX_NR_SIMULTANEOUS_PUPPETS ): self.msg( _( "You cannot control any more puppets (max {max_puppets})".format( max_puppets=_MAX_NR_SIMULTANEOUS_PUPPETS ) ) ) return # do the puppeting obj.at_pre_puppet(self, session=session) # used to track in case of crash so we can clean up later obj.tags.add("puppeted", category="account") # do the connection obj.sessions.add(session) obj.account = self session.puid = session.puppet = obj # re-cache locks to make sure superuser bypass is updated obj.locks.cache_lock_bypass(obj) # final hook obj.at_post_puppet() SIGNAL_OBJECT_POST_PUPPET.send(sender=obj, account=self, session=session)
[docs] def unpuppet_object(self, session): """ Disengage control over an object. Args: session (Session or list): The session or a list of sessions to disengage from their puppets. Raises: RuntimeError With message about error. """ for session in make_iter(session): obj = session.puppet if obj: # do the disconnect, but only if we are the last session to puppet obj.at_pre_unpuppet() obj.sessions.remove(session) if not obj.sessions.count(): del obj.account obj.at_post_unpuppet(self, session=session) obj.tags.remove("puppeted", category="account") SIGNAL_OBJECT_POST_UNPUPPET.send(sender=obj, session=session, account=self) # Just to be sure we're always clear. session.puppet = None session.puid = None
[docs] def unpuppet_all(self): """ Disconnect all puppets. This is called by server before a reset/shutdown. """ self.unpuppet_object(self.sessions.all())
[docs] def get_puppet(self, session): """ Get an object puppeted by this session through this account. This is the main method for retrieving the puppeted object from the account's end. Args: session (Session): Find puppeted object based on this session Returns: puppet (Object): The matching puppeted object, if any. """ return session.puppet if session else None
[docs] def get_all_puppets(self): """ Get all currently puppeted objects. Returns: puppets (list): All puppeted objects currently controlled by this Account. """ return list(set(session.puppet for session in self.sessions.all() if session.puppet))
def __get_single_puppet(self): """ This is a legacy convenience link for use with `MULTISESSION_MODE`. Returns: puppets (Object or list): Users of `MULTISESSION_MODE` 0 or 1 will always get the first puppet back. Users of higher `MULTISESSION_MODE`s will get a list of all puppeted objects. """ puppets = self.get_all_puppets() if _MULTISESSION_MODE in (0, 1): return puppets and puppets[0] or None return puppets character = property(__get_single_puppet) puppet = property(__get_single_puppet) # utility methods
[docs] @classmethod def is_banned(cls, **kwargs): """ Checks if a given username or IP is banned. Keyword Args: ip (str, optional): IP address. username (str, optional): Username. Returns: is_banned (bool): Whether either is banned or not. """ ip = kwargs.get("ip", "") if isinstance(ip, (tuple, list)): ip = ip[0] ip = ip.strip() username = kwargs.get("username", "").lower().strip() # Check IP and/or name bans bans = ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_bans") if bans and ( any(tup[0] == username for tup in bans if username) or any(tup[2].match(ip) for tup in bans if ip and tup[2]) ): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def get_username_validators( cls, validator_config=getattr(settings, "AUTH_USERNAME_VALIDATORS", []) ): """ Retrieves and instantiates validators for usernames. Args: validator_config (list): List of dicts comprising the battery of validators to apply to a username. Returns: validators (list): List of instantiated Validator objects. """ objs = [] for validator in validator_config: try: klass = import_string(validator["NAME"]) except ImportError: msg = ( f"The module in NAME could not be imported: {validator['NAME']}. " "Check your AUTH_USERNAME_VALIDATORS setting." ) raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg) objs.append(klass(**validator.get("OPTIONS", {}))) return objs
[docs] @classmethod def authenticate(cls, username, password, ip="", **kwargs): """ Checks the given username/password against the database to see if the credentials are valid. Note that this simply checks credentials and returns a valid reference to the user-- it does not log them in! To finish the job: After calling this from a Command, associate the account with a Session: - session.sessionhandler.login(session, account) ...or after calling this from a View, associate it with an HttpRequest: - django.contrib.auth.login(account, request) Args: username (str): Username of account password (str): Password of account ip (str, optional): IP address of client Keyword Args: session (Session, optional): Session requesting authentication Returns: account (DefaultAccount, None): Account whose credentials were provided if not banned. errors (list): Error messages of any failures. """ errors = [] if ip: ip = str(ip) # See if authentication is currently being throttled if ip and LOGIN_THROTTLE.check(ip): errors.append(_("Too many login failures; please try again in a few minutes.")) # With throttle active, do not log continued hits-- it is a # waste of storage and can be abused to make your logs harder to # read and/or fill up your disk. return None, errors # Check IP and/or name bans banned = cls.is_banned(username=username, ip=ip) if banned: # this is a banned IP or name! errors.append( _( "|rYou have been banned and cannot continue from here." "\nIf you feel this ban is in error, please email an admin.|x" ) ) logger.log_sec(f"Authentication Denied (Banned): {username} (IP: {ip}).") LOGIN_THROTTLE.update(ip, "Too many sightings of banned artifact.") return None, errors # Authenticate and get Account object account = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if not account: # User-facing message errors.append(_("Username and/or password is incorrect.")) # Log auth failures while throttle is inactive logger.log_sec(f"Authentication Failure: {username} (IP: {ip}).") # Update throttle if ip: LOGIN_THROTTLE.update(ip, _("Too many authentication failures.")) # Try to call post-failure hook session = kwargs.get("session", None) if session: account = AccountDB.objects.get_account_from_name(username) if account: SIGNAL_ACCOUNT_POST_LOGIN_FAIL.send(sender=account, session=session) account.at_failed_login(session) return None, errors # Account successfully authenticated logger.log_sec(f"Authentication Success: {account} (IP: {ip}).") return account, errors
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_username(cls, username): """ Django: Applies NFKC Unicode normalization to usernames so that visually identical characters with different Unicode code points are considered identical. (This deals with the Turkish "i" problem and similar annoyances. Only relevant if you go out of your way to allow Unicode usernames though-- Evennia accepts ASCII by default.) In this case we're simply piggybacking on this feature to apply additional normalization per Evennia's standards. """ if not isinstance(username, str): username = str(username) username = super(DefaultAccount, cls).normalize_username(username) # strip excessive spaces in accountname username = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", username).strip() return username
[docs] @classmethod def validate_username(cls, username): """ Checks the given username against the username validator associated with Account objects, and also checks the database to make sure it is unique. Args: username (str): Username to validate Returns: valid (bool): Whether or not the password passed validation errors (list): Error messages of any failures """ valid = [] errors = [] # Make sure we're at least using the default validator validators = cls.get_username_validators() if not validators: validators = [cls.username_validator] # Try username against all enabled validators for validator in validators: try: valid.append(not validator(username)) except ValidationError as e: valid.append(False) errors.extend(e.messages) # Disqualify if any check failed if False in valid: valid = False else: valid = True return valid, errors
[docs] @classmethod def validate_password(cls, password, account=None): """ Checks the given password against the list of Django validators enabled in the server.conf file. Args: password (str): Password to validate Keyword Args: account (DefaultAccount, optional): Account object to validate the password for. Optional, but Django includes some validators to do things like making sure users aren't setting passwords to the same value as their username. If left blank, these user-specific checks are skipped. Returns: valid (bool): Whether or not the password passed validation error (ValidationError, None): Any validation error(s) raised. Multiple errors can be nested within a single object. """ valid = False error = None # Validation returns None on success; invert it and return a more sensible bool try: valid = not password_validation.validate_password(password, user=account) except ValidationError as e: error = e return valid, error
[docs] def set_password(self, password, **kwargs): """ Applies the given password to the account. Logs and triggers the `at_password_change` hook. Args: password (str): Password to set. Notes: This is called by Django also when logging in; it should not be mixed up with validation, since that would mean old passwords in the database (pre validation checks) could get invalidated. """ super().set_password(password) logger.log_sec(f"Password successfully changed for {self}.") self.at_password_change()
[docs] def get_character_slots(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """ Returns the number of character slots this account has, or None if there are no limits. By default, that's settings.MAX_NR_CHARACTERS but this makes it easy to override. Maybe for your game, players can be rewarded with more slots, somehow. Returns: int (optional): The number of character slots this account has, or None if there are no limits. """ return settings.MAX_NR_CHARACTERS
[docs] def get_available_character_slots(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """ Returns the number of character slots this account has available, or None if there are no limits. Returns: int (optional): The number of open character slots this account has, or None if there are no limits. """ if (slots := self.get_character_slots()) is None: return None return max(0, slots - len(self.characters))
[docs] def check_available_slots(self, **kwargs) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Helper method used to determine if an account can create additional characters using the character slot system. Returns: str (optional): An error message regarding the status of slots. If present, this will halt character creation. If not, character creation can proceed. """ if (slots := self.get_available_character_slots()) is not None: if slots <= 0: if not (self.is_superuser or self.check_permstring("Developer")): plural = "" if (max_slots := self.get_character_slots()) == 1 else "s" return f"You may only have a maximum of {max_slots} character{plural}."
[docs] def create_character(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a character linked to this account. Args: key (str, optional): If not given, use the same name as the account. typeclass (str, optional): Typeclass to use for this character. If not given, use self.default_character_class. permissions (list, optional): If not given, use the account's permissions. ip (str, optional): The client IP creating this character. Will fall back to the one stored for the account if not given. kwargs (any): Other kwargs will be used in the create_call. Returns: Object: A new character of the `character_typeclass` type. None on an error. list or None: A list of errors, or None. """ # check character slot usage. if slot_check := self.check_available_slots(): return None, [slot_check] # parse inputs character_key = kwargs.pop("key", self.key) character_ip = kwargs.pop("ip", self.db.creator_ip) character_permissions = kwargs.pop("permissions", self.permissions.all()) # Load the appropriate Character class character_typeclass = kwargs.pop("typeclass", self.default_character_typeclass) Character = class_from_module(character_typeclass) if "location" not in kwargs: kwargs["location"] = ObjectDB.objects.get_id(settings.START_LOCATION) # Create the character character, errs = Character.create( character_key, self, ip=character_ip, typeclass=character_typeclass, permissions=character_permissions, **kwargs, ) if character: self.at_post_create_character(character, ip=character_ip) return character, errs
[docs] def at_post_create_character(self, character, **kwargs): """ An overloadable hook method that allows for further customization of newly created characters. """ if character not in self.characters: self.characters.add(character) # We need to set this to have @ic auto-connect to this character if len(self.characters) == 1: self.db._last_puppet = character character.locks.add( f"puppet:id({}) or pid({}) or perm(Developer) or" f" pperm(Developer);delete:id({}) or perm(Admin)" ) logger.log_sec( f"Character Created: {character} (Caller: {self}, IP: {kwargs.get('ip', None)})." )
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates an Account (or Account/Character pair for MULTISESSION_MODE<2) with default (or overridden) permissions and having joined them to the appropriate default channels. Keyword Args: username (str): Username of Account owner password (str): Password of Account owner email (str, optional): Email address of Account owner ip (str, optional): IP address of requesting connection guest (bool, optional): Whether or not this is to be a Guest account permissions (str, optional): Default permissions for the Account typeclass (str, optional): Typeclass to use for new Account character_typeclass (str, optional): Typeclass to use for new char when applicable. Returns: account (Account): Account if successfully created; None if not errors (list): List of error messages in string form """ account = None errors = [] username = kwargs.get("username", "") password = kwargs.get("password", "") email = kwargs.get("email", "").strip() guest = kwargs.get("guest", False) permissions = kwargs.get("permissions", settings.PERMISSION_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT) typeclass = kwargs.get("typeclass", cls) ip = kwargs.get("ip", "") if isinstance(ip, (tuple, list)): ip = ip[0] if ip and CREATION_THROTTLE.check(ip): errors.append( _("You are creating too many accounts. Please log into an existing account.") ) return None, errors # Normalize username username = cls.normalize_username(username) # Validate username if not guest: valid, errs = cls.validate_username(username) if not valid: # this echoes the restrictions made by django's auth # module (except not allowing spaces, for convenience of # logging in). errors.extend(errs) return None, errors # Validate password # Have to create a dummy Account object to check username similarity valid, errs = cls.validate_password(password, account=cls(username=username)) if not valid: errors.extend(errs) return None, errors # Check IP and/or name bans banned = cls.is_banned(username=username, ip=ip) if banned: # this is a banned IP or name! string = _( "|rYou have been banned and cannot continue from here." "\nIf you feel this ban is in error, please email an admin.|x" ) errors.append(string) return None, errors # everything's ok. Create the new account. try: try: account = create.create_account( username, email, password, permissions=permissions, typeclass=typeclass ) logger.log_sec(f"Account Created: {account} (IP: {ip}).") except Exception: errors.append( _( "There was an error creating the Account. " "If this problem persists, contact an admin." ) ) logger.log_trace() return None, errors # This needs to be set so the engine knows this account is # logging in for the first time. (so it knows to call the right # hooks during login later) account.db.FIRST_LOGIN = True # Record IP address of creation, if available if ip: account.db.creator_ip = ip # join the new account to the public channels for chan_info in settings.DEFAULT_CHANNELS: if chankey := chan_info.get("key"): channel = ChannelDB.objects.get_channel(chankey) if not channel or not ( channel.access(account, "listen") and channel.connect(account) ): string = ( f"New account '{account.key}' could not connect to default channel" f" '{chankey}'!" ) logger.log_err(string) else: logger.log_err(f"Default channel '{chan_info}' is missing a 'key' field!") if account and _AUTO_CREATE_CHARACTER_WITH_ACCOUNT: # Auto-create a character to go with this account character, errs = account.create_character( typeclass=kwargs.get("character_typeclass", account.default_character_typeclass) ) if errs: errors.extend(errs) except Exception: # We are in the middle between logged in and -not, so we have # to handle tracebacks ourselves at this point. If we don't, # we won't see any errors at all. errors.append(_("An error occurred. Please e-mail an admin if the problem persists.")) logger.log_trace() # Update the throttle to indicate a new account was created from this IP if ip and not guest: CREATION_THROTTLE.update(ip, "Too many accounts being created.") SIGNAL_ACCOUNT_POST_CREATE.send(sender=account, ip=ip) return account, errors
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Deletes the account persistently. Notes: `*args` and `**kwargs` are passed on to the base delete mechanism (these are usually not used). Return: bool: If deletion was successful. Only time it fails would be if the Account was already deleted. Note that even on a failure, connected resources (nicks/aliases etc) will still have been deleted. """ for session in self.sessions.all(): # unpuppeting all objects and disconnecting the user, if any # sessions remain (should usually be handled from the # deleting command) try: self.unpuppet_object(session) except RuntimeError: # no puppet to disconnect from pass session.sessionhandler.disconnect(session, reason=_("Account being deleted.")) self.scripts.stop() self.attributes.clear() self.nicks.clear() self.aliases.clear() if not return False super().delete(*args, **kwargs) return True
# methods inherited from database model
[docs] def msg(self, text=None, from_obj=None, session=None, options=None, **kwargs): """ Evennia -> User This is the main route for sending data back to the user from the server. Args: text (str or tuple, optional): The message to send. This is treated internally like any send-command, so its value can be a tuple if sending multiple arguments to the `text` oob command. from_obj (Object or Account or list, optional): Object sending. If given, its at_msg_send() hook will be called. If iterable, call on all entities. session (Session or list, optional): Session object or a list of Sessions to receive this send. If given, overrules the default send behavior for the current MULTISESSION_MODE. options (list): Protocol-specific options. Passed on to the protocol. Keyword Args: any (dict): All other keywords are passed on to the protocol. """ if from_obj: # call hook for obj in make_iter(from_obj): try: obj.at_msg_send(text=text, to_obj=self, **kwargs) except Exception: # this may not be assigned. logger.log_trace() try: if not self.at_msg_receive(text=text, **kwargs): # abort message to this account return except Exception: # this may not be assigned. pass kwargs["options"] = options if text is not None: if not (isinstance(text, str) or isinstance(text, tuple)): # sanitize text before sending across the wire try: text = to_str(text) except Exception: text = repr(text) kwargs["text"] = text # session relay sessions = make_iter(session) if session else self.sessions.all() for session in sessions: session.data_out(**kwargs)
[docs] def execute_cmd(self, raw_string, session=None, **kwargs): """ Do something as this account. This method is never called normally, but only when the account object itself is supposed to execute the command. It takes account nicks into account, but not nicks of eventual puppets. Args: raw_string (str): Raw command input coming from the command line. session (Session, optional): The session to be responsible for the command-send Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Other keyword arguments will be added to the found command object instance as variables before it executes. This is unused by default Evennia but may be used to set flags and change operating parameters for commands at run-time. """ # break circular import issues global _CMDHANDLER if not _CMDHANDLER: from evennia.commands.cmdhandler import cmdhandler as _CMDHANDLER raw_string = self.nicks.nickreplace( raw_string, categories=("inputline", "channel"), include_account=False ) if not session and _MULTISESSION_MODE in (0, 1): # for these modes we use the first/only session sessions = self.sessions.get() session = sessions[0] if sessions else None return _CMDHANDLER(self, raw_string, callertype="account", session=session, **kwargs)
# channel receive hooks
[docs] def at_pre_channel_msg(self, message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs): """ Called by the Channel just before passing a message into `channel_msg`. This allows for tweak messages per-user and also to abort the receive on the receiver-level. Args: message (str): The message sent to the channel. channel (Channel): The sending channel. senders (list, optional): Accounts or Objects acting as senders. For most normal messages, there is only a single sender. If there are no senders, this may be a broadcasting message. **kwargs: These are additional keywords passed into `channel_msg`. If `no_prefix=True` or `emit=True` are passed, the channel prefix will not be added (`[channelname]: ` by default) Returns: str or None: Allows for customizing the message for this recipient. If returning `None` (or `False`) message-receiving is aborted. The returning string will be passed into `self.channel_msg`. Notes: This support posing/emotes by starting channel-send with : or ;. """ if senders: sender_string = ", ".join(sender.get_display_name(self) for sender in senders) message_lstrip = message.lstrip() if message_lstrip.startswith((":", ";")): # this is a pose, should show as e.g. "User1 smiles to channel" spacing = "" if message_lstrip[1:].startswith((":", "'", ",")) else " " message = f"{sender_string}{spacing}{message_lstrip[1:]}" else: # normal message message = f"{sender_string}: {message}" if not kwargs.get("no_prefix") and not kwargs.get("emit"): message = channel.channel_prefix() + message return message
[docs] def channel_msg(self, message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs): """ This performs the actions of receiving a message to an un-muted channel. Args: message (str): The message sent to the channel. channel (Channel): The sending channel. senders (list, optional): Accounts or Objects acting as senders. For most normal messages, there is only a single sender. If there are no senders, this may be a broadcasting message or similar. **kwargs: These are additional keywords originally passed into `Channel.msg`. Notes: Before this, `Channel.at_pre_channel_msg` will fire, which offers a way to customize the message for the receiver on the channel-level. """ self.msg( text=(message, {"from_channel":}), from_obj=senders, options={"from_channel":}, )
[docs] def at_post_channel_msg(self, message, channel, senders=None, **kwargs): """ Called by `self.channel_msg` after message was received. Args: message (str): The message sent to the channel. channel (Channel): The sending channel. senders (list, optional): Accounts or Objects acting as senders. For most normal messages, there is only a single sender. If there are no senders, this may be a broadcasting message. **kwargs: These are additional keywords passed into `channel_msg`. """ pass
# search method
[docs] def search( self, searchdata, return_puppet=False, search_object=False, typeclass=None, nofound_string=None, multimatch_string=None, use_nicks=True, quiet=False, **kwargs, ): """ This is similar to `` but defaults to searching for Accounts only. Args: searchdata (str or int): Search criterion, the Account's key or dbref to search for. return_puppet (bool, optional): Instructs the method to return matches as the object the Account controls rather than the Account itself (or None) if nothing is puppeted). search_object (bool, optional): Search for Objects instead of Accounts. This is used by e.g. the @examine command when wanting to examine Objects while OOC. typeclass (Account typeclass, optional): Limit the search only to this particular typeclass. This can be used to limit to specific account typeclasses or to limit the search to a particular Object typeclass if `search_object` is True. nofound_string (str, optional): A one-time error message to echo if `searchdata` leads to no matches. If not given, will fall back to the default handler. multimatch_string (str, optional): A one-time error message to echo if `searchdata` leads to multiple matches. If not given, will fall back to the default handler. use_nicks (bool, optional): Use account-level nick replacement. quiet (bool, optional): If set, will not show any error to the user, and will also lead to returning a list of matches. Return: match (Account, Object or None): A single Account or Object match. list: If `quiet=True` this is a list of 0, 1 or more Account or Object matches. Notes: Extra keywords are ignored, but are allowed in call in order to make API more consistent with """ # handle me, self and *me, *self if isinstance(searchdata, str): # handle wrapping of common terms if searchdata.lower() in ("me", "*me", "self", "*self"): return [self] if quiet else self searchdata = self.nicks.nickreplace( searchdata, categories=("account",), include_account=False ) if search_object: matches = ObjectDB.objects.object_search(searchdata, typeclass=typeclass) else: matches = AccountDB.objects.account_search(searchdata, typeclass=typeclass) if quiet: matches = list(matches) if return_puppet: matches = [match.puppet for match in matches] else: matches = _AT_SEARCH_RESULT( matches, self, query=searchdata, nofound_string=nofound_string, multimatch_string=multimatch_string, ) if matches and return_puppet: try: matches = matches.puppet except AttributeError: return None return matches
[docs] def access( self, accessing_obj, access_type="read", default=False, no_superuser_bypass=False, **kwargs ): """ Determines if another object has permission to access this object in whatever way. Args: accessing_obj (Object): Object trying to access this one. access_type (str, optional): Type of access sought. default (bool, optional): What to return if no lock of access_type was found no_superuser_bypass (bool, optional): Turn off superuser lock bypassing. Be careful with this one. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Passed to the at_access hook along with the result. Returns: result (bool): Result of access check. """ result = super().access( accessing_obj, access_type=access_type, default=default, no_superuser_bypass=no_superuser_bypass, ) self.at_access(result, accessing_obj, access_type, **kwargs) return result
@property def idle_time(self): """ Returns the idle time of the least idle session in seconds. If no sessions are connected it returns nothing. """ idle = [session.cmd_last_visible for session in self.sessions.all()] if idle: return time.time() - float(max(idle)) return None @property def connection_time(self): """ Returns the maximum connection time of all connected sessions in seconds. Returns nothing if there are no sessions. """ conn = [session.conn_time for session in self.sessions.all()] if conn: return time.time() - float(min(conn)) return None # account hooks
[docs] def basetype_setup(self): """ This sets up the basic properties for an account. Overload this with at_account_creation rather than changing this method. """ # A basic security setup self.locks.add(self.lockstring) # The ooc account cmdset self.cmdset.add_default(_CMDSET_ACCOUNT, persistent=True)
[docs] def at_account_creation(self): """ This is called once, the very first time the account is created (i.e. first time they register with the game). It's a good place to store attributes all accounts should have, like configuration values etc. """ # set an (empty) attribute holding the characters this account has lockstring = "attrread:perm(Admins);attredit:perm(Admins);attrcreate:perm(Admins);" self.attributes.add("_playable_characters", [], lockstring=lockstring) self.attributes.add("_saved_protocol_flags", {}, lockstring=lockstring)
[docs] def at_init(self): """ This is always called whenever this object is initiated -- that is, whenever it its typeclass is cached from memory. This happens on-demand first time the object is used or activated in some way after being created but also after each server restart or reload. In the case of account objects, this usually happens the moment the account logs in or reconnects after a reload. """ pass
# Note that the hooks below also exist in the character object's # typeclass. You can often ignore these and rely on the character # ones instead, unless you are implementing a multi-character game # and have some things that should be done regardless of which # character is currently connected to this account.
[docs] def at_first_save(self): """ This is a generic hook called by Evennia when this object is saved to the database the very first time. You generally don't override this method but the hooks called by it. """ self.basetype_setup() self.at_account_creation() # initialize Attribute/TagProperties self.init_evennia_properties() permissions = [settings.PERMISSION_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT] if hasattr(self, "_createdict"): # this will only be set if the utils.create_account # function was used to create the object. cdict = self._createdict updates = [] if not cdict.get("key"): if not self.db_key: self.db_key = f"#{self.dbid}" updates.append("db_key") elif self.key != cdict.get("key"): updates.append("db_key") self.db_key = cdict["key"] if updates: if cdict.get("locks"): self.locks.add(cdict["locks"]) if cdict.get("permissions"): permissions = cdict["permissions"] if cdict.get("tags"): # this should be a list of tags, tuples (key, category) or (key, category, data) self.tags.batch_add(*cdict["tags"]) if cdict.get("attributes"): # this should be tuples (key, val, ...) self.attributes.batch_add(*cdict["attributes"]) if cdict.get("nattributes"): # this should be a dict of nattrname:value for key, value in cdict["nattributes"]: self.nattributes.add(key, value) del self._createdict self.permissions.batch_add(*permissions)
[docs] def at_access(self, result, accessing_obj, access_type, **kwargs): """ This is triggered after an access-call on this Account has completed. Args: result (bool): The result of the access check. accessing_obj (any): The object requesting the access check. access_type (str): The type of access checked. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): These are passed on from the access check and can be used to relay custom instructions from the check mechanism. Notes: This method cannot affect the result of the lock check and its return value is not used in any way. It can be used e.g. to customize error messages in a central location or create other effects based on the access result. """ pass
[docs] def at_cmdset_get(self, **kwargs): """ Called just before cmdsets on this object are requested by the command handler. If changes need to be done on the fly to the cmdset before passing them on to the cmdhandler, this is the place to do it. This is called also if the object currently have no cmdsets. Keyword Args: caller (Object, Account or Session): The object requesting the cmdsets. current (CmdSet): The current merged cmdset. force_init (bool): If `True`, force a re-build of the cmdset. (seems unused) **kwargs: Arbitrary input for overloads. """ pass
[docs] def get_cmdsets(self, caller, current, **kwargs): """ Called by the CommandHandler to get a list of cmdsets to merge. Args: caller (obj): The object requesting the cmdsets. current (cmdset): The current merged cmdset. **kwargs: Arbitrary input for overloads. Returns: tuple: A tuple of (current, cmdsets), which is probably self.cmdset.current and self.cmdset.cmdset_stack """ return self.cmdset.current, list(self.cmdset.cmdset_stack)
[docs] def at_first_login(self, **kwargs): """ Called the very first time this account logs into the game. Note that this is called *before* at_pre_login, so no session is established and usually no character is yet assigned at this point. This hook is intended for account-specific setup like configurations. Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_password_change(self, **kwargs): """ Called after a successful password set/modify. Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_pre_login(self, **kwargs): """ Called every time the user logs in, just before the actual login-state is set. Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
def _send_to_connect_channel(self, message): """ Helper method for loading and sending to the comm channel dedicated to connection messages. This will also be sent to the mudinfo channel. Args: message (str): A message to send to the connect channel. """ global _MUDINFO_CHANNEL, _CONNECT_CHANNEL if _MUDINFO_CHANNEL is None: if settings.CHANNEL_MUDINFO: try: _MUDINFO_CHANNEL = ChannelDB.objects.get(db_key=settings.CHANNEL_MUDINFO["key"]) except ChannelDB.DoesNotExist: logger.log_trace() else: _MUDINFO = False if _CONNECT_CHANNEL is None: if settings.CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO: try: _CONNECT_CHANNEL = ChannelDB.objects.get( db_key=settings.CHANNEL_CONNECTINFO["key"] ) except ChannelDB.DoesNotExist: logger.log_trace() else: _CONNECT_CHANNEL = False if settings.USE_TZ: now = timezone.localtime() else: now = now = "%02i-%02i-%02i(%02i:%02i)" % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute) if _MUDINFO_CHANNEL: _MUDINFO_CHANNEL.msg(f"[{now}]: {message}") if _CONNECT_CHANNEL: _CONNECT_CHANNEL.msg(f"[{now}]: {message}")
[docs] def at_post_login(self, session=None, **kwargs): """ Called at the end of the login process, just before letting the account loose. Args: session (Session, optional): Session logging in, if any. **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). Notes: This is called *before* an eventual Character's `at_post_login` hook. By default it is used to set up auto-puppeting based on `MULTISESSION_MODE` """ # if we have saved protocol flags on ourselves, load them here. protocol_flags = self.attributes.get("_saved_protocol_flags", {}) if session and protocol_flags: session.update_flags(**protocol_flags) # inform the client that we logged in through an OOB message if session: session.msg(logged_in={}) self._send_to_connect_channel(_("|G{key} connected|n").format(key=self.key)) if _AUTO_PUPPET_ON_LOGIN: # in this mode we try to auto-connect to our last connected object, if any try: self.puppet_object(session, self.db._last_puppet) except RuntimeError: self.msg(_("The Character does not exist.")) return else: # In this mode we don't auto-connect but by default end up at a character selection # screen. We execute look on the account. self.msg(self.at_look(target=self.characters, session=session), session=session)
[docs] def at_failed_login(self, session, **kwargs): """ Called by the login process if a user account is targeted correctly but provided with an invalid password. By default it does nothing, but exists to be overridden. Args: session (session): Session logging in. **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_disconnect(self, reason=None, **kwargs): """ Called just before user is disconnected. Args: reason (str, optional): The reason given for the disconnect, (echoed to the connection channel by default). **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ reason = f" ({reason if reason else ''})" self._send_to_connect_channel( _("|R{key} disconnected{reason}|n").format(key=self.key, reason=reason) )
[docs] def at_post_disconnect(self, **kwargs): """ This is called *after* disconnection is complete. No messages can be relayed to the account from here. After this call, the account should not be accessed any more, making this a good spot for deleting it (in the case of a guest account account, for example). Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_msg_receive(self, text=None, from_obj=None, **kwargs): """ This hook is called whenever someone sends a message to this object using the `msg` method. Note that from_obj may be None if the sender did not include itself as an argument to the obj.msg() call - so you have to check for this. . Consider this a pre-processing method before msg is passed on to the user session. If this method returns False, the msg will not be passed on. Args: text (str, optional): The message received. from_obj (any, optional): The object sending the message. Keyword Args: This includes any keywords sent to the `msg` method. Returns: receive (bool): If this message should be received. Notes: If this method returns False, the `msg` operation will abort without sending the message. """ return True
[docs] def at_msg_send(self, text=None, to_obj=None, **kwargs): """ This is a hook that is called when *this* object sends a message to another object with `obj.msg(text, to_obj=obj)`. Args: text (str, optional): Text to send. to_obj (any, optional): The object to send to. Keyword Args: Keywords passed from msg() Notes: Since this method is executed by `from_obj`, if no `from_obj` was passed to `DefaultCharacter.msg` this hook will never get called. """ pass
[docs] def at_server_reload(self): """ This hook is called whenever the server is shutting down for restart/reboot. If you want to, for example, save non-persistent properties across a restart, this is the place to do it. """ pass
[docs] def at_server_shutdown(self): """ This hook is called whenever the server is shutting down fully (i.e. not for a restart). """ pass
ooc_appearance_template = """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- {header} {sessions} |whelp|n - more commands |wpublic <text>|n - talk on public channel |wcharcreate <name> [=description]|n - create new character |wchardelete <name>|n - delete a character |wic <name>|n - enter the game as character (|wooc|n to get back here) |wic|n - enter the game as latest character controlled. {characters} {footer} -------------------------------------------------------------------- """.strip()
[docs] def at_look(self, target=None, session=None, **kwargs): """ Called when this object executes a look. It allows to customize just what this means. Args: target (Object or list, optional): An object or a list objects to inspect. This is normally a list of characters. session (Session, optional): The session doing this look. **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). Returns: look_string (str): A prepared look string, ready to send off to any recipient (usually to ourselves) """ if target and not is_iter(target): # single target - just show it if hasattr(target, "return_appearance"): return target.return_appearance(self) else: return f"{target} has no in-game appearance." # multiple targets - this is a list of characters characters = list(tar for tar in target if tar) if target else [] ncars = len(characters) sessions = self.sessions.all() nsess = len(sessions) if not nsess: # no sessions, nothing to report return "" # header text txt_header = f"Account |g{}|n (you are Out-of-Character)" # sessions sess_strings = [] for isess, sess in enumerate(sessions): ip_addr = sess.address[0] if isinstance(sess.address, tuple) else sess.address addr = f"{sess.protocol_key} ({ip_addr})" sess_str = ( f"|w* {isess + 1}|n" if session and session.sessid == sess.sessid else f" {isess + 1}" ) sess_strings.append(f"{sess_str} {addr}") txt_sessions = "|wConnected session(s):|n\n" + "\n".join(sess_strings) if not characters: txt_characters = "You don't have a character yet. Use |wcharcreate|n." else: max_chars = ( "unlimited" if self.is_superuser or _MAX_NR_CHARACTERS is None else _MAX_NR_CHARACTERS ) char_strings = [] for char in characters: csessions = char.sessions.all() if csessions: for sess in csessions: # character is already puppeted sid = sess in sessions and sessions.index(sess) + 1 if sess and sid: char_strings.append( f" - |G{}|n [{', '.join(char.permissions.all())}] " f"(played by you in session {sid})" ) else: char_strings.append( f" - |R{}|n [{', '.join(char.permissions.all())}] " "(played by someone else)" ) else: # character is "free to puppet" char_strings.append(f" - {} [{', '.join(char.permissions.all())}]") txt_characters = ( f"Available character(s) ({ncars}/{max_chars}, |wic <name>|n to play):|n\n" + "\n".join(char_strings) ) return self.ooc_appearance_template.format( header=txt_header, sessions=txt_sessions, characters=txt_characters, footer="", )
[docs]class DefaultGuest(DefaultAccount): """ This class is used for guest logins. Unlike Accounts, Guests and their characters are deleted after disconnection. """
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs): """ Forwards request to cls.authenticate(); returns a DefaultGuest object if one is available for use. """ return cls.authenticate(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def authenticate(cls, **kwargs): """ Gets or creates a Guest account object. Keyword Args: ip (str, optional): IP address of requester; used for ban checking, throttling and logging Returns: account (Object): Guest account object, if available errors (list): List of error messages accrued during this request. """ errors = [] account = None username = None ip = kwargs.get("ip", "").strip() # check if guests are enabled. if not settings.GUEST_ENABLED: errors.append(_("Guest accounts are not enabled on this server.")) return None, errors try: # Find an available guest name. for name in settings.GUEST_LIST: if not AccountDB.objects.filter(username__iexact=name).exists(): username = name break if not username: errors.append(_("All guest accounts are in use. Please try again later.")) if ip: LOGIN_THROTTLE.update(ip, "Too many requests for Guest access.") return None, errors else: # build a new account with the found guest username password = "%016x" % getrandbits(64) home = settings.GUEST_HOME permissions = settings.PERMISSION_GUEST_DEFAULT typeclass = settings.BASE_GUEST_TYPECLASS # Call parent class creator account, errs = super(DefaultGuest, cls).create( guest=True, username=username, password=password, permissions=permissions, typeclass=typeclass, home=home, ip=ip, ) errors.extend(errs) if not account.characters: # this can happen for multisession_mode > 1. For guests we # always auto-create a character, regardless of multi-session-mode. character, errs = account.create_character() if errs: errors.extend(errs) return account, errors except Exception: # We are in the middle between logged in and -not, so we have # to handle tracebacks ourselves at this point. If we don't, # we won't see any errors at all. errors.append(_("An error occurred. Please e-mail an admin if the problem persists.")) logger.log_trace() return None, errors return account, errors
[docs] def at_post_login(self, session=None, **kwargs): """ By default, Guests only have one character regardless of which MAX_NR_CHARACTERS we use. They also always auto-puppet a matching character and don't get a choice. Args: session (Session, optional): Session connecting. **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ self._send_to_connect_channel(_("|G{key} connected|n").format(key=self.key)) self.puppet_object(session, self.db._last_puppet)
[docs] def at_server_shutdown(self): """ We repeat the functionality of `at_disconnect()` here just to be on the safe side. """ super().at_server_shutdown() for character in self.characters: character.delete()
[docs] def at_post_disconnect(self, **kwargs): """ Once having disconnected, destroy the guest's characters and Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ super().at_post_disconnect() for character in self.characters: character.delete() self.delete()