Installing with Docker

Evennia releases docker images as part of regular commits and releases. This makes running an Evennia-based game in a Docker container easy.

First, install the docker program so you can run the Evennia container. You can get it freely from Linux users can likely also get it through their normal package manager.

To fetch the latest evennia docker image, run:

docker pull evennia/evennia

This will get the latest stable image.

docker pull evennia/evennia:develop 

gets the image based off Evennia’s unstable develop branch.

Next, cd to a place where your game dir is, or where you want to create it. Then run:

docker run -it --rm -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -p 4002:4002 --rm -v $PWD:/usr/src/game --user $UID:$GID evennia/evennia

Having run this (see next section for a description of what’s what), you will be at a prompt inside the docker container:

evennia|docker /usr/src/game $

This is a normal shell prompt. We are in the /usr/src/game location inside the docker container. If you had anything in the folder you started from, you should see it here (with ls) since we mounted the current directory to usr/src/game (with -v above). You have the evennia command available and can now proceed to create a new game as per the normal game setup instructions (no virtualenv needed).

You can run Evennia from inside this container if you want to, it’s like you are root in a little isolated Linux environment. To exit the container and all processes in there, press Ctrl-D. If you created a new game folder, you will find that it has appeared on-disk.

The game folder or any new files that you created from inside the container will appear as owned by root. If you want to edit the files outside of the container you should change the ownership. On Linux/Mac you do this with sudo chown myname:myname -R mygame, where you replace myname with your username and mygame with whatever your game folder is named.

Below is an explanation of the docker run command we used:

  • docker run ... evennia/evennia tells us that we want to run a new container based on the evennia/evennia docker image. Everything in between are options for this. The evennia/evennia is the name of our official docker image on the dockerhub repository. If you didn’t do docker pull evennia/evennia first, the image will be downloaded when running this, otherwise your already downloaded version will be used. It contains everything needed to run Evennia.

  • -it has to do with creating an interactive session inside the container we start.

  • --rm will make sure to delete the container when it shuts down. This is nice to keep things tidy on your drive.

  • -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -p 4002:4002 means that we map ports 4000, 4001 and 4002 from inside the docker container to same-numbered ports on our host machine. These are ports for telnet, webserver and websockets. This is what allows your Evennia server to be accessed from outside the container (such as by your MUD client)!

  • -v $PWD:/usr/src/game mounts the current directory (outside the container) to the path /usr/src/game inside the container. This means that when you edit that path in the container you will actually be modifying the “real” place on your hard drive. If you didn’t do this, any changes would only exist inside the container and be gone if we create a new one. Note that in linux a shortcut for the current directory is $PWD. If you don’t have this for your OS, you can replace it with the full path to the current on-disk directory (like C:/Development/evennia/game or wherever you want your evennia files to appear).

  • --user $UID:$GID ensures the container’s modifications to $PWD are done with you user and group IDs instead of root’s IDs (root is the user running evennia inside the container). This avoids having stale .pid files in your filesystem between container reboots which you have to force delete with sudo rm server/*.pid before each boot.

Running your game as a docker image

If you run the docker command given in the previous section from your game dir you can then easily start Evennia and have a running server without any further fuss.

But apart from ease of install, the primary benefit to running an Evennia-based game in a container is to simplify its deployment into a public production environment. Most cloud-based hosting providers these days support the ability to run container-based applications. This makes deploying or updating your game as simple as building a new container image locally, pushing it to your Docker Hub account, and then pulling from Docker Hub into your AWS/Azure/other docker-enabled hosting account. The container eliminates the need to install Python, set up a virtualenv, or run pip to install dependencies.

Start Evennia and run through docker

For remote or automated deployment you may want to start Evennia immediately as soon as the docker container comes up. If you already have a game folder with a database set up you can also start the docker container and pass commands directly to it. The command you pass will be the main process to run in the container. From your game dir, run for example this command:

docker run -it --rm -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -p 4002:4002 --rm -v $PWD:/usr/src/game evennia/evennia evennia start -l

This will start Evennia as the foreground process, echoing the log to the terminal. Closing the terminal will kill the server. Note that you must use a foreground command like evennia start -l or evennia ipstart to start the server - otherwise the foreground process will finish immediately and the container go down.

Create your own game image

These steps assume that you have created or otherwise obtained a game directory already. First, cd to your game dir and create a new empty text file named Dockerfile. Save the following two lines into it:

FROM evennia/evennia:latest

ENTRYPOINT evennia start -l

These are instructions for building a new docker image. This one is based on the official evennia/evennia image, but also makes sure to start evennia when it runs (so we don’t need to enter it and run commands).

To build the image:

    docker build -t mydhaccount/mygame .

(don’t forget the period at the end, it will use the Dockerfile from the current location). Here mydhaccount is the name of your dockerhub account. If you don’t have a dockerhub account you can build the image locally only (name the container whatever you like in that case, like just mygame).

Docker images are stored centrally on your computer. You can see which ones you have available locally with docker images. Once built, you have a couple of options to run your game.

Run container from your game image for development

To run the container based on your game image locally for development, mount the local game directory as before:

docker run -it --rm -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -p 4002:4002 -v $PWD:/usr/src/game --user $UID:$GID

Evennia will start and you’ll get output in the terminal, perfect for development. You should be able to connect to the game with your clients normally.

Deploy game image for production

Each time you rebuild the docker image as per the above instructions, the latest copy of your game directory is actually copied inside the image (at /usr/src/game/). If you don’t mount your on-disk folder there, the internal one will be used. So for deploying evennia on a server, omit the -v option and just give the following command:

docker run -it --rm -d -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -p 4002:4002 --user $UID:$GID mydhaccount/mygame

Your game will be downloaded from your docker-hub account and a new container will be built using the image and started on the server! If your server environment forces you to use different ports, you can just map the normal ports differently in the command above.

Above we added the -d option, which starts the container in daemon mode - you won’t see any return in the console. You can see it running with docker ps:

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID     IMAGE       COMMAND                  CREATED              ...
f6d4ca9b2b22     mygame      "/bin/sh -c 'evenn..."   About a minute ago   ...

Note the container ID, this is how you manage the container as it runs.

   docker logs f6d4ca9b2b22      

Looks at the STDOUT output of the container (i.e. the normal server log)

   docker logs -f f6d4ca9b2b22   

Tail the log (so it updates to your screen ‘live’).

   docker pause f6d4ca9b2b22     

Suspend the state of the container.

   docker unpause f6d4ca9b2b22   

Un-suspend it again after a pause. It will pick up exactly where it were.

   docker stop f6d4ca9b2b22      

Stop the container. To get it up again you need to use docker run, specifying ports etc. A new container will get a new container id to reference.

How it Works

The evennia/evennia docker image holds the evennia library and all of its dependencies. It also has an ONBUILD directive which is triggered during builds of images derived from it. This ONBUILD directive handles setting up a volume and copying your game directory code into the proper location within the container.

In most cases, the Dockerfile for an Evennia-based game will only need the FROM evennia/evennia:latest directive, and optionally a MAINTAINER directive if you plan to publish your image on Docker Hub and would like to provide contact info.

For more information on Dockerfile directives, see the Dockerfile Reference.

For more information on volumes and Docker containers, see the Docker site’s Manage data in containers page.

What if I Don’t Want “LATEST”?

A new evennia/evennia image is built automatically whenever there is a new commit to the main branch of Evennia. It is possible to create your own custom evennia base docker image based on any arbitrary commit.

  1. Use git tools to checkout the commit that you want to base your image upon. (In the example below, we’re checking out commit a8oc3d5b.)

git checkout -b my-stable-branch a8oc3d5b 
  1. Change your working directory to the evennia directory containing Dockerfile. Note that Dockerfile has changed over time, so if you are going far back in the commit history you might want to bring a copy of the latest Dockerfile with you and use that instead of whatever version was used at the time.

  2. Use the docker build command to build the image based off of the currently checked out commit. The example below assumes your docker account is mydhaccount.

docker build -t mydhaccount/evennia .
  1. Now you have a base evennia docker image built off of a specific commit. To use this image to build your game, you would modify FROM directive in the Dockerfile for your game directory to be:

FROM mydhacct/evennia:latest

Note: From this point, you can also use the docker tag command to set a specific tag on your image and/or upload it into Docker Hub under your account. 5. At this point, build your game using the same docker build command as usual. Change your working directory to be your game directory and run

docker build -t mydhaccountt/mygame .

Additional Creature Comforts

The Docker ecosystem includes a tool called docker-compose, which can orchestrate complex multi- container applications, or in our case, store the default port and terminal parameters that we want specified every time we run our container. A sample docker-compose.yml file to run a containerized Evennia game in development might look like this:

version: '2'

    image: mydhacct/mygame
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - "4001-4002:4001-4002"
      - "4000:4000"
      - .:/usr/src/game

With this file in the game directory next to the Dockerfile, starting the container is as simple as

docker-compose up

For more information about docker-compose, see Getting Started with docker- compose.

Note that with this setup you lose the --user $UID option. The problem is that the variable UID is not available inside the configuration file docker-compose.yml. A workaround is to hardcode your user and group id. In a terminal run echo  $UID:$GID and if for example you get 1000:1000 you can add to docker-compose.yml a line user: 1000:1000 just below the image: ... line.