Source code for evennia.web.api.views

Views are the functions that are called by different url endpoints. The Django
Rest Framework provides collections called 'ViewSets', which can generate a
number of views for the common CRUD operations.


from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSet

from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB
from import HelpEntry
from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB
from evennia.objects.objects import DefaultCharacter, DefaultExit, DefaultRoom
from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB
from evennia.web.api import filters, serializers
from evennia.web.api.permissions import EvenniaPermission

[docs]class GeneralViewSetMixin: """ Mixin for both typeclass- and non-typeclass entities. """
[docs] def get_serializer_class(self): """ Allow different serializers for certain actions. """ if self.action == "list": if hasattr(self, "list_serializer_class"): return self.list_serializer_class return self.serializer_class
[docs]class TypeclassViewSetMixin(GeneralViewSetMixin): """ This mixin adds some shared functionality to each viewset of a typeclass. They all use the same permission classes and filter backend. You can override any of these in your own viewsets. The `set_atribute` action is an example of a custom action added to a viewset. Based on the name of the method, it will create a default url_name (used for reversing) and url_path. The 'pk' argument is automatically passed to this action because it has a url path of the format <object type>/:pk/set-attribute. The get_object method is automatically set in the expected viewset classes that will inherit this, using the pk that's passed along to retrieve the object. """ # permission classes determine who is authorized to call the view permission_classes = [EvenniaPermission] # the filter backend allows for retrieval views to have filter arguments passed to it, # for example: to find matches based on objects having a db_key of bob filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
[docs] @action(detail=True, methods=["put", "post"]) def set_attribute(self, request, pk=None): """ This action will set an attribute if the db_value is defined, or remove it if no db_value is provided. """ attr = serializers.AttributeSerializer( obj = self.get_object() if attr.is_valid(raise_exception=True): key = attr.validated_data["db_key"] value = attr.validated_data.get("db_value") category = attr.validated_data.get("db_category") attr_type = attr.validated_data.get("db_attrtype") if attr_type == "nick": handler = obj.nicks else: handler = obj.attributes if value: handler.add(key=key, value=value, category=category) else: handler.remove(key=key, category=category) return Response( serializers.AttributeSerializer(obj.db_attributes.all(), many=True).data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK, ) return Response(attr.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
[docs]class ObjectDBViewSet(TypeclassViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet): """ The Object is the parent for all in-game entities that have a location (rooms, exits, characters etc). """ # An example of a basic viewset for all ObjectDB instances. It declares the # serializer to use for both retrieving and changing/creating/deleting # instances. Serializers are similar to django forms, used for the # transmitting of data (typically json). serializer_class = serializers.ObjectDBSerializer queryset = ObjectDB.objects.all() filterset_class = filters.ObjectDBFilterSet list_serializer_class = serializers.ObjectListSerializer
[docs]class CharacterViewSet(ObjectDBViewSet): """ Characters are a type of Object commonly used as player avatars in-game. """ queryset = DefaultCharacter.objects.all_family()
[docs]class RoomViewSet(ObjectDBViewSet): """ Rooms indicate discrete locations in-game. """ queryset = DefaultRoom.objects.all_family()
[docs]class ExitViewSet(ObjectDBViewSet): """ Exits are objects with a destination and allows for traversing from one location to another. """ queryset = DefaultExit.objects.all_family()
[docs]class AccountDBViewSet(TypeclassViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet): """ Accounts represent the players connected to the game """ serializer_class = serializers.AccountSerializer queryset = AccountDB.objects.all() filterset_class = filters.AccountDBFilterSet list_serializer_class = serializers.AccountListSerializer
[docs]class ScriptDBViewSet(TypeclassViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet): """ Scripts are meta-objects for storing system data, running timers etc. They have no in-game existence. """ serializer_class = serializers.ScriptDBSerializer queryset = ScriptDB.objects.all() filterset_class = filters.ScriptDBFilterSet list_serializer_class = serializers.ScriptListSerializer
[docs]class HelpViewSet(GeneralViewSetMixin, ModelViewSet): """ Database-stored help entries. Note that command auto-help and file-based help entries are not accessible this way. """ serializer_class = serializers.HelpSerializer queryset = HelpEntry.objects.all() filterset_class = filters.HelpFilterSet list_serializer_class = serializers.HelpListSerializer