# Map Builder Contribution by Cloud_Keeper 2016 Build a game map from the drawing of a 2D ASCII map. This is a command which takes two inputs: ≈≈≈≈≈ ≈♣n♣≈ MAP_LEGEND = {("♣", "♠"): build_forest, ≈∩▲∩≈ ("∩", "n"): build_mountains, ≈♠n♠≈ ("▲"): build_temple} ≈≈≈≈≈ A string of ASCII characters representing a map and a dictionary of functions containing build instructions. The characters of the map are iterated over and compared to a list of trigger characters. When a match is found the corresponding function is executed generating the rooms, exits and objects as defined by the users build instructions. If a character is not a match to a provided trigger character (including spaces) it is simply skipped and the process continues. For instance, the above map represents a temple (▲) amongst mountains (n,∩) in a forest (♣,♠) on an island surrounded by water (≈). Each character on the first line is iterated over but as there is no match with our `MAP_LEGEND`, it is skipped. On the second line it finds "♣" which is a match and so the `build_forest` function is called. Next the `build_mountains` function is called and so on until the map is completed. Building instructions are passed the following arguments: x - The rooms position on the maps x axis y - The rooms position on the maps y axis caller - The account calling the command iteration - The current iterations number (0, 1 or 2) room_dict - A dictionary containing room references returned by build functions where tuple coordinates are the keys (x, y). ie room_dict[(2, 2)] will return the temple room above. Building functions should return the room they create. By default these rooms are used to create exits between valid adjacent rooms to the north, south, east and west directions. This behaviour can turned off with the use of switch arguments. In addition to turning off automatic exit generation the switches allow the map to be iterated over a number of times. This is important for something like custom exit building. Exits require a reference to both the exits location and the exits destination. During the first iteration it is possible that an exit is created pointing towards a destination that has not yet been created resulting in error. By iterating over the map twice the rooms can be created on the first iteration and room reliant code can be be used on the second iteration. The iteration number and a dictionary of references to rooms previously created is passed to the build commands. You then call the command in-game using the path to the MAP and MAP_LEGEND vars The path you provide is relative to the evennia or mygame folder. See also the [separate tutorial in the docs](./Contrib-Mapbuilder-Tutorial.md). ## Installation Use by importing and including the command in your default_cmdsets module. For example: ```python # mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py from evennia.contrib.grid import mapbuilder ... self.add(mapbuilder.CmdMapBuilder()) ``` ## Usage: mapbuilder[/switch] <path.to.file.MAPNAME> <path.to.file.MAP_LEGEND> one - execute build instructions once without automatic exit creation. two - execute build instructions twice without automatic exit creation. ## Examples mapbuilder world.gamemap.MAP world.maplegend.MAP_LEGEND mapbuilder evennia.contrib.grid.mapbuilder.EXAMPLE1_MAP EXAMPLE1_LEGEND mapbuilder/two evennia.contrib.grid.mapbuilder.EXAMPLE2_MAP EXAMPLE2_LEGEND (Legend path defaults to map path) Below are two examples showcasing the use of automatic exit generation and custom exit generation. Whilst located, and can be used, from this module for convenience The below example code should be in mymap.py in mygame/world. ### Example One ```python from django.conf import settings from evennia.utils import utils # mapbuilder evennia.contrib.grid.mapbuilder.EXAMPLE1_MAP EXAMPLE1_LEGEND # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Add the necessary imports for your instructions here. from evennia import create_object from typeclasses import rooms, exits from random import randint import random # A map with a temple (▲) amongst mountains (n,∩) in a forest (♣,♠) on an # island surrounded by water (≈). By giving no instructions for the water # characters we effectively skip it and create no rooms for those squares. EXAMPLE1_MAP = ''' ≈≈≈≈≈ ≈♣n♣≈ ≈∩▲∩≈ ≈♠n♠≈ ≈≈≈≈≈ ''' def example1_build_forest(x, y, **kwargs): '''A basic example of build instructions. Make sure to include **kwargs in the arguments and return an instance of the room for exit generation.''' # Create a room and provide a basic description. room = create_object(rooms.Room, key="forest" + str(x) + str(y)) room.db.desc = "Basic forest room." # Send a message to the account kwargs["caller"].msg(room.key + " " + room.dbref) # This is generally mandatory. return room def example1_build_mountains(x, y, **kwargs): '''A room that is a little more advanced''' # Create the room. room = create_object(rooms.Room, key="mountains" + str(x) + str(y)) # Generate a description by randomly selecting an entry from a list. room_desc = [ "Mountains as far as the eye can see", "Your path is surrounded by sheer cliffs", "Haven't you seen that rock before?", ] room.db.desc = random.choice(room_desc) # Create a random number of objects to populate the room. for i in range(randint(0, 3)): rock = create_object(key="Rock", location=room) rock.db.desc = "An ordinary rock." # Send a message to the account kwargs["caller"].msg(room.key + " " + room.dbref) # This is generally mandatory. return room def example1_build_temple(x, y, **kwargs): '''A unique room that does not need to be as general''' # Create the room. room = create_object(rooms.Room, key="temple" + str(x) + str(y)) # Set the description. room.db.desc = ( "In what, from the outside, appeared to be a grand and " "ancient temple you've somehow found yourself in the the " "Evennia Inn! It consists of one large room filled with " "tables. The bardisk extends along the east wall, where " "multiple barrels and bottles line the shelves. The " "barkeep seems busy handing out ale and chatting with " "the patrons, which are a rowdy and cheerful lot, " "keeping the sound level only just below thunderous. " "This is a rare spot of mirth on this dread moor." ) # Send a message to the account kwargs["caller"].msg(room.key + " " + room.dbref) # This is generally mandatory. return room # Include your trigger characters and build functions in a legend dict. EXAMPLE1_LEGEND = { ("♣", "♠"): example1_build_forest, ("∩", "n"): example1_build_mountains, ("▲"): example1_build_temple, } ``` ### Example Two ```python # @mapbuilder/two evennia.contrib.grid.mapbuilder.EXAMPLE2_MAP EXAMPLE2_LEGEND # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Add the necessary imports for your instructions here. # from evennia import create_object # from typeclasses import rooms, exits # from evennia.utils import utils # from random import randint # import random # This is the same layout as Example 1 but included are characters for exits. # We can use these characters to determine which rooms should be connected. EXAMPLE2_MAP = ''' ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ♣-♣-♣ ≈ | | ≈ ♣ ♣ ♣ ≈ | | | ≈ ♣-♣-♣ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ''' def example2_build_forest(x, y, **kwargs): '''A basic room''' # If on anything other than the first iteration - Do nothing. if kwargs["iteration"] > 0: return None room = create_object(rooms.Room, key="forest" + str(x) + str(y)) room.db.desc = "Basic forest room." kwargs["caller"].msg(room.key + " " + room.dbref) return room def example2_build_verticle_exit(x, y, **kwargs): '''Creates two exits to and from the two rooms north and south.''' # If on the first iteration - Do nothing. if kwargs["iteration"] == 0: return north_room = kwargs["room_dict"][(x, y - 1)] south_room = kwargs["room_dict"][(x, y + 1)] # create exits in the rooms create_object( exits.Exit, key="south", aliases=["s"], location=north_room, destination=south_room ) create_object( exits.Exit, key="north", aliases=["n"], location=south_room, destination=north_room ) kwargs["caller"].msg("Connected: " + north_room.key + " & " + south_room.key) def example2_build_horizontal_exit(x, y, **kwargs): '''Creates two exits to and from the two rooms east and west.''' # If on the first iteration - Do nothing. if kwargs["iteration"] == 0: return west_room = kwargs["room_dict"][(x - 1, y)] east_room = kwargs["room_dict"][(x + 1, y)] create_object(exits.Exit, key="east", aliases=["e"], location=west_room, destination=east_room) create_object(exits.Exit, key="west", aliases=["w"], location=east_room, destination=west_room) kwargs["caller"].msg("Connected: " + west_room.key + " & " + east_room.key) # Include your trigger characters and build functions in a legend dict. EXAMPLE2_LEGEND = { ("♣", "♠"): example2_build_forest, ("|"): example2_build_verticle_exit, ("-"): example2_build_horizontal_exit, } ``` ```{toctree} :hidden: Contrib-Mapbuilder-Tutorial ``` ---- <small>This document page is generated from `evennia/contrib/grid/mapbuilder/README.md`. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.</small>