Wilderness system

Contribution by titeuf87, 2017

This contrib provides a wilderness map without actually creating a large number of rooms - as you move, you instead end up back in the same room but its description changes. This means you can make huge areas with little database use as long as the rooms are relatively similar (e.g. only the names/descs changing).


This contrib does not provide any new commands. Instead the default py command is used to call functions/classes in this contrib directly.


A wilderness map needs to created first. There can be different maps, all with their own name. If no name is provided, then a default one is used. Internally, the wilderness is stored as a Script with the name you specify. If you don’t specify the name, a script named “default” will be created and used.

py from evennia.contrib.grid import wilderness; wilderness.create_wilderness()

Once created, it is possible to move into that wilderness map:

py from evennia.contrib.grid import wilderness; wilderness.enter_wilderness(me)

All coordinates used by the wilderness map are in the format of (x, y) tuples. x goes from left to right and y goes from bottom to top. So (0, 0) is the bottom left corner of the map.

You can also add a wilderness by defining a WildernessScript in your GLOBAL_SCRIPT settings. If you do, make sure define the map provider.


The defaults, while useable, are meant to be customised. When creating a new wilderness map it is possible to give a “map provider”: this is a python object that is smart enough to create the map.

The default provider, WildernessMapProvider, just creates a grid area that is unlimited in size.

WildernessMapProvider can be subclassed to create more interesting maps and also to customize the room/exit typeclass used.

The WildernessScript also has an optional preserve_items property, which when set to True will not recycle rooms that contain any objects. By default, a wilderness room is recycled whenever there are no players left in it.

There is also no command that allows players to enter the wilderness. This still needs to be added: it can be a command or an exit, depending on your needs.


To give an example of how to customize, we will create a very simple (and small) wilderness map that is shaped like a pyramid. The map will be provided as a string: a “.” symbol is a location we can walk on.

Let’s create a file world/pyramid.py:

# mygame/world/pyramid.py

map_str = '''

from evennia.contrib.grid import wilderness

class PyramidMapProvider(wilderness.WildernessMapProvider):

    def is_valid_coordinates(self, wilderness, coordinates):
        "Validates if these coordinates are inside the map"
        x, y = coordinates
            lines = map_str.split("\n")
            # The reverse is needed because otherwise the pyramid will be
            # upside down
            line = lines[y]
            column = line[x]
            return column == "."
        except IndexError:
            return False

    def get_location_name(self, coordinates):
        "Set the location name"
        x, y = coordinates
        if y == 3:
            return "Atop the pyramid."
            return "Inside a pyramid."

    def at_prepare_room(self, coordinates, caller, room):
        "Any other changes done to the room before showing it"
        x, y = coordinates
        desc = "This is a room in the pyramid."
        if y == 3 :
            desc = "You can see far and wide from the top of the pyramid."
        room.ndb.active_desc = desc

Note that the currently active description is stored as .ndb.active_desc. When looking at the room, this is what will be pulled and shown.

Exits on a room are always present, but locks hide those not used for a location. So make sure to quell if you are a superuser (since the superuser ignores locks, those exits will otherwise not be hidden)

Now we can use our new pyramid-shaped wilderness map. From inside Evennia we create a new wilderness (with the name “default”) but using our new map provider:

py from world import pyramid as p; p.wilderness.create_wilderness(mapprovider=p.PyramidMapProvider())
py from evennia.contrib.grid import wilderness; wilderness.enter_wilderness(me, coordinates=(4, 1))

Implementation details

When a character moves into the wilderness, they get their own room. If they move, instead of moving the character, the room changes to match the new coordinates.

If a character meets another character in the wilderness, then their room merges. When one of the character leaves again, they each get their own separate rooms.

Rooms are created as needed. Unneeded rooms are stored away to avoid the overhead cost of creating new rooms again in the future.

This document page is generated from evennia/contrib/grid/wilderness/README.md. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.