Extended Room

Contribution - Griatch 2012, vincent-lg 2019, Griatch 2023

This extends the normal Room typeclass to allow its description to change with time-of-day and/or season as well as any other state (like flooded or dark). Embedding $state(burning, This place is on fire!) in the description will allow for changing the description based on room state. The room also supports details for the player to look at in the room (without having to create a new in-game object for each), as well as support for random echoes. The room comes with a set of alternate commands for look and @desc, as well as new commands detail, roomstate and time.


Add the ExtendedRoomCmdset to the default character cmdset will add all new commands for use.

In more detail, in mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py:

from evennia.contrib.grid import extended_room   # <---

class CharacterCmdset(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        self.add(extended_room.ExtendedRoomCmdSet)  # <---

Then reload to make the new commands available. Note that they only work on rooms with the typeclass ExtendedRoom. Create new rooms with the right typeclass or use the typeclass command to swap existing rooms. Note that since this contrib overrides the look and @desc commands, you will need to add the extended_room.ExtendedRoomCmdSet to the default character cmdset after super().at_cmdset_creation(), or they will be overridden by the default look.

To dig a new extended room:

dig myroom:evennia.contrib.grid.extended_room.ExtendedRoom = north,south

To make all new rooms ExtendedRooms without having to specify it, make your Room typeclass inherit from the ExtendedRoom and then reload:

# in mygame/typeclasses/rooms.py

from evennia.contrib.grid.extended_room import ExtendedRoom

# ...

class Room(ObjectParent, ExtendedRoom):
    # ...


State-dependent description slots

By default, the normal room.db.desc description is used. You can however add new state-ful descriptions with room.add_desc(description, room_state=roomstate) or with the in-game command

@desc/roomstate [<description>]

For example

@desc/dark This room is pitch black.`.

These will be stored in Attributes desc_<roomstate>. To set the default, fallback description, just use @desc <description>. To activate a state on the room, use room.add/remove_state(*roomstate) or the in-game command

roomstate <state>      (use it again to toggle the state off)

For example

roomstate dark

There is one in-built, time-based state season. By default these are ‘spring’, ‘summer’, ‘autumn’ and ‘winter’. The room.get_season() method returns the current season based on the in-game time. By default they change with a 12-month in-game time schedule. You can control them with

ExtendedRoom.months_per_year      # default 12
ExtendedRoom.seasons_per year     # a dict of {"season": (start, end), ...} where
                                  # start/end are given in fractions of the whole year

To set a seasonal description, just set it as normal, with room.add_desc or in-game with

@desc/winter This room is filled with snow.
@desc/autumn Red and yellow leaves cover the ground.

Normally the season changes with the in-game time, you can also ‘force’ a given season by setting its state

roomstate winter

If you set the season manually like this, it won’t change automatically again until you unset it.

You can get the stateful description from the room with room.get_stateful_desc().

Changing parts of description based on state

All descriptions can have embedded $state(roomstate, description) FuncParser tags embedded in them. Here is an example:

room.add_desc("This a nice beach. "
              "$state(empty, It is completely empty)"
              "$state(full, It is full of people).", room_state="summer")

This is a summer-description with special embedded strings. If you set the room with

> room.add_room_state("summer", "empty")
> room.get_stateful_desc()

This is a nice beach. It is completely empty.

> room.remove_room_state("empty")
> room.add_room_state("full")
> room.get_stateful_desc()

This is a nice beach. It is full of people.

There are four default time-of-day states that are meant to be used with these tags. The room tracks and changes these automatically. By default they are ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘evening’ and ‘night’. You can get the current time-slot with room.get_time_of_day. You can control them with

ExtendedRoom.hours_per_day    # default 24
ExtendedRoom.times_of_day     # dict of {season: (start, end), ...} where
                              # the start/end are given as fractions of the day.

You use these inside descriptions as normal:

"A glade. $(morning, The morning sun shines down through the branches)."


Details are “virtual” targets to look at in a room, without having to create a new database instance for every thing. It’s good to add more information to a location. The details are stored as strings in a dictionary.

detail window = There is a window leading out.
detail rock = The rock has a text written on it: 'Do not dare lift me'.

When you are in the room you can then do look window or look rock and get the matching detail-description. This requires the new custom look command.

Random echoes

The ExtendedRoom supports random echoes. Just set them as an Attribute list room_messages:

room.room_message_rate = 120   # in seconds. 0 to disable
room.db.room_messages = ["A car passes by.", "You hear the sound of car horns."]
room.start_repeat_broadcast_messages()   # also a server reload works

These will start randomly echoing to the room every 120s.

Extra commands

  • CmdExtendedRoomLook (look) - look command supporting room details

  • CmdExtendedRoomDesc (@desc) - desc command allowing to add stateful descs,

  • CmdExtendeRoomState (roomstate) - toggle room states

  • CmdExtendedRoomDetail (detail) - list and manipulate room details

  • CmdExtendedRoomGameTime (time) - Shows the current time and season in the room.

This document page is generated from evennia/contrib/grid/extended_room/README.md. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.