Default Commands¶
The full set of default Evennia commands currently contains 89 commands in 9 source files. Our policy for adding default commands is outlined here. The Commands documentation explains how Commands work as well as how to make new or customize existing ones.
Note that this page is auto-generated. Report problems to the issue tracker.
Some game-states add their own Commands which are not listed here. Examples include editing a text with EvEditor, flipping pages in EvMore or using the Batch-Processor’s interactive mode.
@about [@version] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@accounts [@account] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@alias [setobjalias] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@channel [@chan, @channels] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
@cmdsets (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@copy (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@cpattr (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@create (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@desc (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@destroy [@del, @delete] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@dig (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@examine [@ex, @exam] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@find [@locate, @search] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@link (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@lock [@locks] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@mvattr (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@name [@rename] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@objects (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@open (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@py [@!] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: System)
@reload [@restart] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: System)
@reset (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: System)
@scripts [@script] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@server [@serverload] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@service [@services] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@set (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@sethome (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@shutdown (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: System)
@spawn [@olc] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@tag [@tags] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@tasks [@delays, @task] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@teleport [@tel] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@tickers (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@time [@uptime] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: System)
@tunnel [@tun] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@typeclass [@parent, @swap, @type, @typeclasses, @update] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
@wipe (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
__unloggedin_look_command [l, look] (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
access [groups, hierarchy] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
batchcode [batchcodes] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
batchcommands [batchcmd, batchcommand] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
charcreate (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
chardelete (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
color (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
connect [co, con, conn] (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
create [cr, cre] (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
discord2chan [discord] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
drop (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
encoding [encode] (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
get [grab] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
give (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
grapevine2chan (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
help [?] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
help [?, h] (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
home (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
ic [puppet] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
info (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
inventory [i, inv] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
irc2chan (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
ircstatus (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
look [l, ls] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
look [l, ls] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
nick [nickname, nicks] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
ooc [unpuppet] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
option [options] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
page [tell] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
password (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
pose [:, emote] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
quell [unquell] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
quit (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
quit [q, qu] (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
rss2chan (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: Comms)
say [”, ‘] (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
screenreader (cmdset: UnloggedinCmdSet, help-category: General)
sessions (cmdset: SessionCmdSet, help-category: General)
setdesc (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
sethelp (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
style (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)
unlink (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: Building)
whisper (cmdset: CharacterCmdSet, help-category: General)
who [doing] (cmdset: AccountCmdSet, help-category: General)