
XYZ-aware commands

Just add the XYZGridCmdSet to the default character cmdset to override the commands with XYZ-aware equivalents.

class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.PathData(target, xymap, directions, step_sequence, task)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 1

class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.CmdXYZTeleport(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.building.CmdTeleport

teleport object to another location


tel/switch [<object> to||=] <target location> tel/switch [<object> to||=] (X,Y[,Z])


tel Limbo tel/quiet box = Limbo tel/tonone box tel (3, 3, the small cave) tel (4, 1) # on the same map tel/map Z|mapname

quiet - don’t echo leave/arrive messages to the source/target

locations for the move.

intoexit - if target is an exit, teleport INTO

the exit object instead of to its destination

tonone - if set, teleport the object to a None-location. If this

switch is set, <target location> is ignored. Note that the only way to retrieve an object from a None location is by direct #dbref reference. A puppeted object cannot be moved to None.

loc - teleport object to the target’s location instead of its contents map - show coordinate map of given Zcoord/mapname.

Teleports an object somewhere. If no object is given, you yourself are teleported to the target location. If (X,Y) or (X,Y,Z) coordinates are given, the target is a location on the XYZGrid.


Breaking out searching here to make this easier to override.

aliases = ['@tel']
help_category = 'building'
key = '@teleport'
lock_storage = 'cmd:perm(teleport) or perm(Builder)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '@tel', 'category': 'building', 'key': '@teleport', 'no_prefix': 'teleport tel', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n teleport object to another location\n\n Usage:\n tel/switch [<object> to||=] <target location>\n tel/switch [<object> to||=] (X,Y[,Z])\n\n Examples:\n tel Limbo\n tel/quiet box = Limbo\n tel/tonone box\n tel (3, 3, the small cave)\n tel (4, 1) # on the same map\n tel/map Z|mapname\n\n Switches:\n quiet - don't echo leave/arrive messages to the source/target\n locations for the move.\n intoexit - if target is an exit, teleport INTO\n the exit object instead of to its destination\n tonone - if set, teleport the object to a None-location. If this\n switch is set, <target location> is ignored.\n Note that the only way to retrieve\n an object from a None location is by direct #dbref\n reference. A puppeted object cannot be moved to None.\n loc - teleport object to the target's location instead of its contents\n map - show coordinate map of given Zcoord/mapname.\n\n Teleports an object somewhere. If no object is given, you yourself are\n teleported to the target location. If (X,Y) or (X,Y,Z) coordinates\n are given, the target is a location on the XYZGrid.\n\n "}
class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.CmdXYZOpen(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.building.CmdOpen

open a new exit from the current room


open <new exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass] [,<return exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass]]] = <destination> open <new exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass] [,<return exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass]]] = (X,Y,Z)

Handles the creation of exits. If a destination is given, the exit will point there. The destination can also be given as an (X,Y,Z) coordinate on the XYZGrid - this command is used to link non-grid rooms to the grid and vice-versa.

The <return exit> argument sets up an exit at the destination leading back to the current room. Apart from (X,Y,Z) coordinate, destination name can be given both as a #dbref and a name, if that name is globally unique.


open kitchen = Kitchen open north, south = Town Center open cave mouth;cave = (3, 4, the small cave)


We need to expand the default parsing to get all the cases, see the module doc.

aliases = []
help_category = 'building'
key = '@open'
lock_storage = 'cmd:perm(open) or perm(Builder)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'building', 'key': '@open', 'no_prefix': 'open ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n open a new exit from the current room\n\n Usage:\n open <new exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass] [,<return exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass]]] = <destination>\n open <new exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass] [,<return exit>[;alias;..][:typeclass]]] = (X,Y,Z)\n\n Handles the creation of exits. If a destination is given, the exit\n will point there. The destination can also be given as an (X,Y,Z) coordinate on the\n XYZGrid - this command is used to link non-grid rooms to the grid and vice-versa.\n\n The <return exit> argument sets up an exit at the destination leading back to the current room.\n Apart from (X,Y,Z) coordinate, destination name can be given both as a #dbref and a name, if\n that name is globally unique.\n\n Examples:\n open kitchen = Kitchen\n open north, south = Town Center\n open cave mouth;cave = (3, 4, the small cave)\n\n '}
class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.CmdGoto(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

Go to a named location in this area via the shortest path.


path <location> - find shortest path to target location (don’t move) goto <location> - auto-move to target location, using shortest path path - show current target location and shortest path goto - abort current goto, otherwise show current path path clear - clear current path

Finds the shortest route to a location in your current area and can then automatically walk you there.

Builders can optionally specify a specific grid coordinate (X,Y) to go to.

key = 'goto'
aliases = ['path']
help_category = 'general'
locks = 'cmd:all()'
auto_step_delay = 2
default_xyz_path_interrupt_msg = 'Pathfinding interrupted here.'

Implement command

lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'path', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'goto', 'no_prefix': ' path', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n Go to a named location in this area via the shortest path.\n\n Usage:\n path <location> - find shortest path to target location (don't move)\n goto <location> - auto-move to target location, using shortest path\n path - show current target location and shortest path\n goto - abort current goto, otherwise show current path\n path clear - clear current path\n\n Finds the shortest route to a location in your current area and\n can then automatically walk you there.\n\n Builders can optionally specify a specific grid coordinate (X,Y) to go to.\n\n "}
class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.CmdMap(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

Show a map of an area


map [Zcoord] map list

This is a builder-command.

key = 'map'
locks = 'cmd:perm(Builders)'

Implement command

aliases = []
help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:perm(Builders)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'map', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n Show a map of an area\n\n Usage:\n map [Zcoord]\n map list\n\n This is a builder-command.\n\n '}
class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.XYZGridCmdSet(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

Cmdset for easily adding the above cmds to the character cmdset.

key = 'xyzgrid_cmdset'

Hook method - this should be overloaded in the inheriting class, and should take care of populating the cmdset by use of self.add().

path = 'evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.XYZGridCmdSet'
class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.CmdFlyAndDive(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

Fly or Dive up and down.


fly dive

Will fly up one room or dive down one room at your current position. If there is no room above/below you, your movement will fail.

key = 'fly or dive'
aliases = ['fly', 'dive']

This is the hook function that actually does all the work. It is called by the cmdhandler right after self.parser() finishes, and so has access to all the variables defined therein.

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all();'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'fly dive', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'fly or dive', 'no_prefix': ' fly dive', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n Fly or Dive up and down.\n\n Usage:\n fly\n dive\n\n Will fly up one room or dive down one room at your current position. If\n there is no room above/below you, your movement will fail.\n\n '}
class evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.XYZGridFlyDiveCmdSet(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

Optional cmdset if you want the fly/dive commands to move in a 3D environment.

key = 'xyzgrid_flydive_cmdset'

Hook method - this should be overloaded in the inheriting class, and should take care of populating the cmdset by use of self.add().

path = 'evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.commands.XYZGridFlyDiveCmdSet'