Knave has a system of Slots for its inventory.
from evennia.utils.utils import inherits_from
from .enums import Ability, WieldLocation
from .objects import EvAdventureObject, get_bare_hands
[docs]class EquipmentError(TypeError):
[docs]class EquipmentHandler:
_Knave_ puts a lot of emphasis on the inventory. You have CON_DEFENSE inventory
slots. Some things, like torches can fit multiple in one slot, other (like
big weapons and armor) use more than one slot. The items carried and wielded has a big impact
on character customization - even magic requires carrying a runestone per spell.
The inventory also doubles as a measure of negative effects. Getting soaked in mud
or slime could gunk up some of your inventory slots and make the items there unusuable
until you clean them.
save_attribute = "inventory_slots"
[docs] def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def _load(self):
Load or create a new slot storage.
self.slots = self.obj.attributes.get(
WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND: None,
WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND: None,
WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS: None,
WieldLocation.BODY: None,
WieldLocation.HEAD: None,
WieldLocation.BACKPACK: [],
self.slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK] = [
obj for obj in self.slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK] if obj and obj.id
def _save(self):
Save slot to storage.
self.obj.attributes.add(self.save_attribute, self.slots, category="inventory")
[docs] def count_slots(self):
Count slot usage. This is fetched from the .size Attribute of the
object. The size can also be partial slots.
slots = self.slots
wield_usage = sum(
getattr(slotobj, "size", 0) or 0
for slot, slotobj in slots.items()
if slot is not WieldLocation.BACKPACK
backpack_usage = sum(
getattr(slotobj, "size", 0) or 0 for slotobj in slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK]
return wield_usage + backpack_usage
def max_slots(self):
The max amount of equipment slots ('carrying capacity') is based on
the constitution defense.
return getattr(self.obj, Ability.CON.value, 1) + 10
[docs] def validate_slot_usage(self, obj):
Check if obj can fit in equipment, based on its size.
obj (EvAdventureObject): The object to add.
if not inherits_from(obj, EvAdventureObject):
raise EquipmentError(f"{obj.key} is not something that can be equipped.")
size = obj.size
max_slots = self.max_slots
current_slot_usage = self.count_slots()
if current_slot_usage + size > max_slots:
slots_left = max_slots - current_slot_usage
raise EquipmentError(
f"Equipment full ($int2str({slots_left}) slots "
f"remaining, {obj.key} needs $int2str({size}) "
f"$pluralize(slot, {size}))."
return True
[docs] def get_current_slot(self, obj):
Check which slot-type the given object is in.
obj (EvAdventureObject): The object to check.
WieldLocation: A location the object is in. None if the object
is not in the inventory at all.
for equipment_item, slot in self.all():
if obj == equipment_item:
return slot
def armor(self):
Armor provided by actually worn equipment/shield. For body armor
this is a base value, like 12, for shield/helmet, it's a bonus, like +1.
We treat values and bonuses equal and just add them up. This value
can thus be 0, the 'unarmored' default should be handled by the calling
int: Armor from equipment. Note that this is the +bonus of Armor, not the
'defense' (to get that one adds 10).
slots = self.slots
return sum(
# armor is listed using its defense, so we remove 10 from it
# (11 is base no-armor value in Knave)
getattr(slots[WieldLocation.BODY], "armor", 1),
# shields and helmets are listed by their bonus to armor
getattr(slots[WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND], "armor", 0),
getattr(slots[WieldLocation.HEAD], "armor", 0),
def weapon(self):
Conveniently get the currently active weapon or rune stone.
obj or None: The weapon. None if unarmored.
# first checks two-handed wield, then one-handed; the two
# should never appear simultaneously anyhow (checked in `move` method).
slots = self.slots
weapon = slots[WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS]
if not weapon:
weapon = slots[WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND]
if not weapon:
weapon = get_bare_hands()
return weapon
[docs] def display_loadout(self):
Get a visual representation of your current loadout.
str: The current loadout.
slots = self.slots
weapon_str = "You are fighting with your bare fists"
shield_str = " and have no shield."
armor_str = "You wear no armor"
helmet_str = " and no helmet."
two_hands = slots[WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS]
if two_hands:
weapon_str = f"You wield {two_hands} with both hands"
shield_str = " (you can't hold a shield at the same time)."
one_hands = slots[WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND]
if one_hands:
weapon_str = f"You are wielding {one_hands} in one hand."
shield = slots[WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND]
if shield:
shield_str = f"You have {shield} in your off hand."
armor = slots[WieldLocation.BODY]
if armor:
armor_str = f"You are wearing {armor}"
helmet = slots[WieldLocation.BODY]
if helmet:
helmet_str = f" and {helmet} on your head."
return f"{weapon_str}{shield_str}\n{armor_str}{helmet_str}"
[docs] def display_backpack(self):
Get a visual representation of the backpack's contents.
backpack = self.slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK]
if not backpack:
return "Backpack is empty."
out = []
for item in backpack:
out.append(f"{item.key} [|b{item.size}|n] slot(s)")
return "\n".join(out)
[docs] def display_slot_usage(self):
Get a slot usage/max string for display.
str: The usage string.
return f"|b{self.count_slots()}/{self.max_slots}|n"
[docs] def move(self, obj):
Moves item to the place it things it should be in - this makes use of the object's wield
slot to decide where it goes. The item is assumed to already be in the backpack.
obj (EvAdventureObject): Thing to use.
EquipmentError: If there's no room in inventory. It will contains the details
of the error, suitable to echo to user.
This will cleanly move any 'colliding' items to the backpack to
make the use possible (such as moving sword + shield to backpack when wielding
a two-handed weapon). If wanting to warn the user about this, it needs to happen
before this call.
# make sure to remove from backpack first, if it's there, since we'll be re-adding it
slots = self.slots
use_slot = getattr(obj, "inventory_use_slot", WieldLocation.BACKPACK)
to_backpack = []
if use_slot is WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS:
# two-handed weapons can't co-exist with weapon/shield-hand used items
to_backpack = [slots[WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND], slots[WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND]]
slots[WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND] = slots[WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND] = None
slots[use_slot] = obj
elif use_slot in (WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND, WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND):
# can't keep a two-handed weapon if adding a one-handed weapon or shield
to_backpack = [slots[WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS]]
slots[WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS] = None
slots[use_slot] = obj
elif use_slot is WieldLocation.BACKPACK:
# it belongs in backpack, so goes back to it
to_backpack = [obj]
# for others (body, head), just replace whatever's there and put the old
# thing in the backpack
to_backpack = [slots[use_slot]]
slots[use_slot] = obj
for to_backpack_obj in to_backpack:
# put stuff in backpack
if to_backpack_obj:
# store new state
[docs] def add(self, obj):
Put something in the backpack specifically (even if it could be wield/worn).
obj (EvAdventureObject): The object to add.
This will not change the object's `.location`, this must be done
by the calling code.
# check if we have room
[docs] def remove(self, obj_or_slot):
Remove specific object or objects from a slot.
obj_or_slot (EvAdventureObject or WieldLocation): The specific object or
location to empty. If this is WieldLocation.BACKPACK, all items
in the backpack will be emptied and returned!
list: A list of 0, 1 or more objects emptied from the inventory.
This will not change the object's `.location`, this must be done separately
by the calling code.
slots = self.slots
ret = []
if isinstance(obj_or_slot, WieldLocation):
if obj_or_slot is WieldLocation.BACKPACK:
# empty entire backpack
slots[obj_or_slot] = []
slots[obj_or_slot] = None
elif obj_or_slot in self.slots.values():
# obj in use/wear slot
for slot, objslot in slots.items():
if objslot is obj_or_slot:
slots[slot] = None
elif obj_or_slot in slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK]:
# obj in backpack slot
except ValueError:
if ret:
return ret
[docs] def get_wieldable_objects_from_backpack(self):
Get all wieldable weapons (or spell runes) from backpack. This is useful in order to
have a list to select from when swapping your wielded loadout.
list: A list of objects with a suitable `inventory_use_slot`. We don't check
quality, so this may include broken items (we may want to visually show them
in the list after all).
return [
for obj in self.slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK]
if obj
and obj.id
and obj.inventory_use_slot
in (WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND, WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS, WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND)
[docs] def get_wearable_objects_from_backpack(self):
Get all wearable items (armor or helmets) from backpack. This is useful in order to
have a list to select from when swapping your worn loadout.
list: A list of objects with a suitable `inventory_use_slot`. We don't check
quality, so this may include broken items (we may want to visually show them
in the list after all).
return [
for obj in self.slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK]
if obj and obj.id and obj.inventory_use_slot in (WieldLocation.BODY, WieldLocation.HEAD)
[docs] def get_usable_objects_from_backpack(self):
Get all 'usable' items (like potions) from backpack. This is useful for getting a
list to select from.
list: A list of objects that are usable.
character = self.obj
return [
obj for obj in self.slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK] if obj and obj.at_pre_use(character)
[docs] def all(self, only_objs=False):
Get all objects in inventory, regardless of location.
Keyword Args:
only_objs (bool): Only return a flat list of objects, not tuples.
list: A list of item tuples `[(item, WieldLocation),...]`
starting with the wielded ones, backpack content last. If `only_objs` is set,
this will just be a flat list of objects.
slots = self.slots
lst = [
(slots[WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND], WieldLocation.WEAPON_HAND),
(slots[WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND], WieldLocation.SHIELD_HAND),
(slots[WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS], WieldLocation.TWO_HANDS),
(slots[WieldLocation.BODY], WieldLocation.BODY),
(slots[WieldLocation.HEAD], WieldLocation.HEAD),
] + [(item, WieldLocation.BACKPACK) for item in slots[WieldLocation.BACKPACK]]
if only_objs:
# remove any None-results from empty slots
return [tup[0] for tup in lst if tup[0]]
# keep empty slots
return [tup for tup in lst]