# Dice
Rolls dice for roleplaying, in-game gambling or GM:ing
Evennia contribution - Griatch 2012
This module implements a a dice-roller and a `dice`/`roll` command
to go with it. It uses standard RPG 'd'-syntax (e.g. 2d6 to roll two
six-sided die) and also supports modifiers such as 3d6 + 5.
> roll 1d20 + 2
One can also specify a standard Python operator in order to specify
eventual target numbers and get results in a fair and guaranteed
unbiased way. For example a GM could (using the dice command) from
the start define the roll as 2d6 < 8 to show that a roll below 8 is
required to succeed. The command will normally echo this result to all
parties (although it also has options for hidden and secret rolls).
# Installation:
Add the `CmdDice` command from this module to your character's cmdset
(and then restart the server):
# in mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py
# ...
from evennia.contrib.rpg import dice <---
class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
# ...
def at_cmdset_creation(self):
# ...
self.add(dice.CmdDice()) # <---
# Usage:
roll 1d100 + 10
To roll dice in code, use the `roll` function from this module:
from evennia.contrib.rpg import dice
dice.roll("3d10 + 2")
If your system generates the dice dynamically you can also enter each part
of the roll separately:
dice.roll(3, 10, ("+", 2)) # 3d10 + 2
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from random import randint
from evennia import CmdSet, default_cmds
from evennia.utils.utils import simple_eval
[docs]def roll(
This is a standard dice roller.
dice (int or str): If an `int`, this is the number of dice to roll, and `dicetype` is used
to determine the type. If a `str`, it should be on the form `NdM` where `N` is the number
of dice and `M` is the number of sides on each die. Also
`NdM [modifier] [number] [conditional]` is understood, e.g. `1d6 + 3`
or `2d10 / 2 > 10`.
dicetype (int, optional): Number of sides of the dice to be rolled. Ignored if
`dice` is a string.
modifier (tuple, optional): A tuple `(operator, value)`, where operator is
one of `"+"`, `"-"`, `"/"` or `"*"`. The result of the dice
roll(s) will be modified by this value. Ignored if `dice` is a string.
conditional (tuple, optional): A tuple `(conditional, value)`, where
conditional is one of `"=="`,`"<"`,`">"`,`">="`,`"<=`" or "`!=`".
Ignored if `dice` is a string.
return_tuple (bool): Return a tuple with all individual roll
results or not.
max_dicenum (int): The max number of dice to allow to be rolled.
max_dicetype (int): The max number of sides on the dice to roll.
int, bool or tuple : By default, this is the result of the roll + modifiers. If
`conditional` is given, or `dice` is a string defining a conditional, then a True/False
value is returned. Finally, if `return_tuple` is set, this is a tuple
`(result, outcome, diff, rolls)`, where, `result` is the the normal result of the
roll + modifiers, `outcome` and `diff` are the boolean absolute difference between the roll
and the `conditional` input; both will be will be `None` if `conditional` is not set.
The `rolls` a tuple holding all the individual rolls (one or more depending on how many
dice were rolled).
TypeError if non-supported modifiers or conditionals are given.
All input numbers are converted to integers.
# string form
print roll("3d6 + 2")
print roll("2d10 + 2 > 10")
print roll("2d20 - 2 >= 10")
(8, False, 2, (4, 6)) # roll was 4 + 6 - 2 = 8
# explicit arguments
print roll(2, 6) # 2d6
print roll(1, 100, ('+', 5) # 1d100 + 5
print roll(1, 20, conditional=('<', 10) # let'say we roll 3
print roll(3, 10, return_tuple=True)
(11, None, None, (2, 5, 4))
print roll(2, 20, ('-', 2), conditional=('>=', 10), return_tuple=True)
(8, False, 2, (4, 6)) # roll was 4 + 6 - 2 = 8
modifier_string = ""
conditional_string = ""
conditional_value = None
if isinstance(dice, str) and "d" in dice.lower():
# A string is given, parse it as NdM dice notation
roll_string = dice.lower()
# split to get the NdM syntax
dicenum, rest = roll_string.split("d", 1)
# parse packwards right-to-left
if any(True for cond in ("==", "<", ">", "!=", "<=", ">=") if cond in rest):
# split out any conditionals, like '< 12'
rest, *conditionals = re.split(r"(==|<=|>=|<|>|!=)", rest, maxsplit=1)
conditional_value = int(conditionals[1])
except ValueError:
raise TypeError(
f"Conditional '{conditionals[-1]}' was not recognized. Must be a number."
conditional_string = "".join(conditionals)
if any(True for op in ("+", "-", "*", "/") if op in rest):
# split out any modifiers, like '+ 2'
rest, *modifiers = re.split(r"(\+|-|/|\*)", rest, maxsplit=1)
modifier_string = "".join(modifiers)
# whatever is left is the dice type
dicetype = rest
# an integer is given - explicit modifiers and conditionals as part of kwargs
dicenum = int(dice)
dicetype = int(dicetype)
if modifier:
modifier_string = "".join(str(part) for part in modifier)
if conditional:
conditional_value = int(conditional[1])
conditional_string = "".join(str(part) for part in conditional)
dicenum = int(dicenum)
dicetype = int(dicetype)
except Exception:
raise TypeError(
f"The number of dice and dice-size must both be numerical. Got '{dicenum}' "
f"and '{dicetype}'."
if 0 < dicenum > max_dicenum:
raise TypeError(f"Invalid number of dice rolled (must be between 1 and {max_dicenum}).")
if 0 < dicetype > max_dicetype:
raise TypeError(f"Invalid die-size used (must be between 1 and {max_dicetype} sides).")
# roll all dice, remembering each roll
rolls = tuple([randint(1, dicetype) for _ in range(dicenum)])
result = sum(rolls)
if modifier_string:
result = simple_eval(f"{result} {modifier_string}")
outcome, diff = None, None
if conditional_string and conditional_value:
outcome = simple_eval(f"{result} {conditional_string}")
diff = abs(result - conditional_value)
if return_tuple:
return result, outcome, diff, rolls
elif conditional or (conditional_string and conditional_value):
return outcome # True|False
return result # integer
# legacy alias
roll_dice = roll
RE_PARTS = re.compile(r"(d|\+|-|/|\*|<|>|<=|>=|!=|==)")
RE_MOD = re.compile(r"(\+|-|/|\*)")
RE_COND = re.compile(r"(<|>|<=|>=|!=|==)")
[docs]class CmdDice(default_cmds.MuxCommand):
roll dice
dice[/switch] <nr>d<sides> [modifier] [success condition]
hidden - tell the room the roll is being done, but don't show the result
secret - don't inform the room about neither roll nor result
dice 3d6 + 4
dice 1d100 - 2 < 50
This will roll the given number of dice with given sides and modifiers.
So e.g. 2d6 + 3 means to 'roll a 6-sided die 2 times and add the result,
then add 3 to the total'.
Accepted modifiers are +, -, * and /.
A success condition is given as normal Python conditionals
(<,>,<=,>=,==,!=). So e.g. 2d6 + 3 > 10 means that the roll will succeed
only if the final result is above 8. If a success condition is given, the
outcome (pass/fail) will be echoed along with how much it succeeded/failed
with. The hidden/secret switches will hide all or parts of the roll from
everyone but the person rolling.
key = "dice"
aliases = ["roll", "@dice"]
locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self):
"""Mostly parsing for calling the dice roller function"""
if not self.args:
self.caller.msg("Usage: @dice <nr>d<sides> [modifier] [conditional]")
argstring = "".join(str(arg) for arg in self.args)
parts = [part for part in RE_PARTS.split(self.args) if part]
len_parts = len(parts)
modifier = None
conditional = None
if len_parts < 3 or parts[1] != "d":
"You must specify the die roll(s) as <nr>d<sides>."
" For example, 2d6 means rolling a 6-sided die 2 times."
# Limit the number of dice and sides a character can roll to prevent server slow down and crashes
ndicelimit = 10000 # Maximum number of dice
nsidelimit = 10000 # Maximum number of sides
if int(parts[0]) > ndicelimit or int(parts[2]) > nsidelimit:
self.caller.msg("The maximum roll allowed is %sd%s." % (ndicelimit, nsidelimit))
ndice, nsides = parts[0], parts[2]
if len_parts == 3:
# just something like 1d6
elif len_parts == 5:
# either e.g. 1d6 + 3 or something like 1d6 > 3
if parts[3] in ("+", "-", "*", "/"):
modifier = (parts[3], parts[4])
else: # assume it is a conditional
conditional = (parts[3], parts[4])
elif len_parts == 7:
# the whole sequence, e.g. 1d6 + 3 > 5
modifier = (parts[3], parts[4])
conditional = (parts[5], parts[6])
# error
self.caller.msg("You must specify a valid die roll")
# do the roll
result, outcome, diff, rolls = roll_dice(
ndice, nsides, modifier=modifier, conditional=conditional, return_tuple=True
except ValueError:
"You need to enter valid integer numbers, modifiers and operators."
" |w%s|n was not understood." % self.args
# format output
if len(rolls) > 1:
rolls = ", ".join(str(roll) for roll in rolls[:-1]) + " and " + str(rolls[-1])
rolls = rolls[0]
if outcome is None:
outcomestring = ""
elif outcome:
outcomestring = " This is a |gsuccess|n (by %s)." % diff
outcomestring = " This is a |rfailure|n (by %s)." % diff
yourollstring = "You roll %s%s."
roomrollstring = "%s rolls %s%s."
resultstring = " Roll(s): %s. Total result is |w%s|n."
if "secret" in self.switches:
# don't echo to the room at all
string = yourollstring % (argstring, " (secret, not echoed)")
string += "\n" + resultstring % (rolls, result)
string += outcomestring + " (not echoed)"
elif "hidden" in self.switches:
# announce the roll to the room, result only to caller
string = yourollstring % (argstring, " (hidden)")
string = roomrollstring % (self.caller.key, argstring, " (hidden)")
self.caller.location.msg_contents(string, exclude=self.caller)
# handle result
string = resultstring % (rolls, result)
string += outcomestring + " (not echoed)"
# normal roll
string = yourollstring % (argstring, "")
string = roomrollstring % (self.caller.key, argstring, "")
self.caller.location.msg_contents(string, exclude=self.caller)
string = resultstring % (rolls, result)
string += outcomestring
[docs]class DiceCmdSet(CmdSet):
a small cmdset for testing purposes.
Add with @py self.cmdset.add("contrib.dice.DiceCmdSet")
[docs] def at_cmdset_creation(self):
"""Called when set is created"""