Source code for evennia.contrib.full_systems.evscaperoom.utils

Helper functions and classes for the evscaperoom contrib.

Most of these are available directly from wrappers in state/object/room classes
and does not need to be imported from here.


import re
from random import choice

from evennia import create_object, search_object
from evennia.utils import inherits_from, justify

_BASE_TYPECLASS_PATH = "evscaperoom.objects."
_RE_PERSPECTIVE = re.compile(r"~(\w+)", re.I + re.U + re.M)
_RE_THING = re.compile(r"\*(\w+)", re.I + re.U + re.M)

[docs]def create_evscaperoom_object( typeclass=None, key="testobj", location=None, delete_duplicates=True, **kwargs ): """ This is a convenience-wrapper for quickly building EvscapeRoom objects. This is called from the helper-method create_object on states, but is also useful for the object-create admin command. Note that for the purpose of the Evscaperoom, we only allow one instance of each *name*, deleting the old version if it already exists. Keyword Args: typeclass (str): This can take just the class-name in the evscaperoom's module. Otherwise, a full path is needed. key (str): Name of object. location (Object): The location to create new object. delete_duplicates (bool): Delete old object with same key. kwargs (any): Will be passed into create_object. Returns: new_obj (Object): The newly created object, if any. """ if not ( callable(typeclass) or typeclass.startswith("evennia") or typeclass.startswith("typeclasses") or typeclass.startswith("evscaperoom") ): # unless we specify a full typeclass path or the class itself, # auto-complete it typeclass = _BASE_TYPECLASS_PATH + typeclass if delete_duplicates: old_objs = [ obj for obj in search_object(key) if not inherits_from(obj, "evennia.objects.objects.DefaultCharacter") ] if location: # delete only matching objects in the given location [obj.delete() for obj in old_objs if obj.location == location] else: [obj.delete() for obj in old_objs] new_obj = create_object(typeclass=typeclass, key=key, location=location, **kwargs) return new_obj
[docs]def create_fantasy_word(length=5, capitalize=True): """ Create a random semi-pronouncable 'word'. Keyword Args: length (int): The desired length of the 'word'. capitalize (bool): If the return should be capitalized or not Returns: word (str): The fictous word of given length. """ if not length: return "" phonemes = ( "ea oh ae aa eh ah ao aw ai er ey ow ia ih iy oy ua " "uh uw a e i u y p b t d f v t dh " "s z sh zh ch jh k ng g m n l r w" ).split() word = [choice(phonemes)] while len(word) < length: word.append(choice(phonemes)) # it's possible to exceed length limit due to double consonants word = "".join(word)[:length] return word.capitalize() if capitalize else word
# special word mappings when going from 2nd person to 3rd irregulars = { "were": "was", "are": "is", "mix": "mixes", "push": "pushes", "have": "has", "focus": "focuses", }
[docs]def parse_for_perspectives(string, you=None): """ Parse a string with special markers to produce versions both intended for the person doing the action ('you') and for those seeing the person doing that action. Also marks 'things' according to style. See example below. Args: string (str): String on 2nd person form with ~ markers ('~you ~open ...') you (str): What others should see instead of you (Bob opens) Returns: second, third_person (tuple): Strings replace to be shown in 2nd and 3rd person perspective Example: "~You ~open" -> "You open", "Bob opens" """ def _replace_third_person(match): match = lmatch = match.lower() if lmatch == "you": return "|c{}|n".format(you) elif lmatch in irregulars: if match[0].isupper(): return irregulars[lmatch].capitalize() return irregulars[lmatch] elif lmatch[-1] == "s": return match + "es" else: return match + "s" # simple, most normal form you = "They" if you is None else you first_person = _RE_PERSPECTIVE.sub(r"\1", string) third_person = _RE_PERSPECTIVE.sub(_replace_third_person, string) return first_person, third_person
[docs]def parse_for_things(string, things_style=2, clr="|y"): """ Parse string for special *thing markers and decorate it. Args: string (str): The string to parse. things_style (int): The style to handle `*things` marked: 0 - no marking (remove `*`) 1 - mark with color 2 - mark with color and [] (default) clr (str): Which color to use for marker.. Example: You open *door -> You open [door]. """ if not things_style: # hardcore mode - no marking of focus targets return _RE_THING.sub(r"\1", string) elif things_style == 1: # only colors return _RE_THING.sub(r"{}\1|n".format(clr), string) else: # colors and brackets return _RE_THING.sub(r"{}[\1]|n".format(clr), string)
[docs]def add_msg_borders(text): "Add borders above/below text block" maxwidth = max(len(line) for line in text.split("\n")) sep = "|w" + "~" * maxwidth + "|n" text = f"{sep}\n{text}\n{sep}" return text
[docs]def msg_cinematic(text, borders=True): """ Display a text as a 'cinematic' - centered and surrounded by borders. Args: text (str): Text to format. borders (bool, optional): Put borders above and below text. Returns: text (str): Pretty-formatted text. """ text = text.strip() text = justify(text, align="c", indent=1) if borders: text = add_msg_borders(text) return text