
Custom Evennia admin-site, for better customization of the admin-site as a whole.

This must be located outside of the admin/ folder because it must be imported before any of the app-data (which in turn must be imported in the __init__.py of that folder for Django to find them).

class evennia.web.utils.adminsite.EvenniaAdminApp(app_name, app_module)[source]

Bases: django.contrib.admin.apps.AdminConfig

This is imported in INSTALLED_APPS instead of django.contrib.admin.

default_site = 'evennia.web.utils.adminsite.EvenniaAdminSite'
class evennia.web.utils.adminsite.EvenniaAdminSite(name='admin')[source]

Bases: django.contrib.admin.sites.AdminSite

The main admin site root (replacing the default from Django). When doing admin.register in the admin/ folder, this is what is being registered to.

site_header = 'Evennia web admin'
app_order = ['accounts', 'objects', 'scripts', 'comms', 'help', 'typeclasses', 'server', 'sites', 'flatpages', 'auth']

Return a sorted list of all the installed apps that have been registered in this site.