
The AMP (Asynchronous Message Protocol)-communication commands and constants used by Evennia.

This module acts as a central place for AMP-servers and -clients to get commands to use.

class evennia.server.portal.amp.Compressed(optional=False)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.String

This is a custom AMP command Argument that both handles too-long sends as well as uses zlib for compression across the wire. The batch-grouping of too-long sends is borrowed from the “mediumbox” recipy at twisted-hacks’s ~glyph/+junk/amphacks/mediumbox.

fromBox(name, strings, objects, proto)[source]

Converts from box string representation to python. We read back too-long batched data and put it back together here.

toBox(name, strings, objects, proto)[source]

Convert from python object to string box representation. we break up too-long data snippets into multiple batches here.


Convert to send as a bytestring on the wire, with compression.

Note: In Py3 this is really a byte stream.


Convert (decompress) from the string-representation on the wire to Python.

class evennia.server.portal.amp.MsgLauncher2Portal(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Message Launcher -> Portal

key = 'MsgLauncher2Portal'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'operation', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>), (b'arguments', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = []
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'MsgLauncher2Portal'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.MsgPortal2Server(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Message Portal -> Server

key = b'MsgPortal2Server'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'packed_data', <evennia.server.portal.amp.Compressed object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = []
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'MsgPortal2Server'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.MsgServer2Portal(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Message Server -> Portal

key = 'MsgServer2Portal'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'packed_data', <evennia.server.portal.amp.Compressed object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = []
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'MsgServer2Portal'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.AdminPortal2Server(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Administration Portal -> Server

Sent when the portal needs to perform admin operations on the server, such as when a new session connects or resyncs

key = 'AdminPortal2Server'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'packed_data', <evennia.server.portal.amp.Compressed object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = []
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'AdminPortal2Server'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.AdminServer2Portal(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Administration Server -> Portal

Sent when the server needs to perform admin operations on the portal.

key = 'AdminServer2Portal'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'packed_data', <evennia.server.portal.amp.Compressed object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = []
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'AdminServer2Portal'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.MsgStatus(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Check Status between AMP services

key = 'MsgStatus'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'status', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'status', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>)]
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'MsgStatus'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.FunctionCall(**kw)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.Command

Bidirectional Server <-> Portal

Sent when either process needs to call an arbitrary function in the other. This does not use the batch-send functionality.

key = 'FunctionCall'
arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'module', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>), (b'function', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>), (b'args', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>), (b'kwargs', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>)]
errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
response: List[Tuple[bytes, twisted.protocols.amp.Argument]] = [(b'result', <twisted.protocols.amp.String object>)]
allErrors = {<class 'Exception'>: b'EXCEPTION'}
commandName = b'FunctionCall'
reverseErrors = {b'EXCEPTION': <class 'Exception'>}
class evennia.server.portal.amp.AMPMultiConnectionProtocol(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: twisted.protocols.amp.AMP

AMP protocol that safely handle multiple connections to the same server without dropping old ones - new clients will receive all server returns (broadcast). Will also correctly handle erroneous HTTP requests on the port and return a HTTP error response.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize protocol with some things that need to be in place already before connecting both on portal and server.


Overrides the base stringReceived of twisted in order to handle the strange error reported in https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/2053, which can lead to the amp connection locking up.


string (str) – the data coming in.


To test, add the following code to the beginning of evennia.server.amp_client.AMPServerClientProtocol.data_to_portal, then run multiple commands until the error trigger:

import random
from twisted.protocols.amp import AmpBox
always_fail = False
if always_fail or random.random() < 0.05:
    breaker = AmpBox()

Handle non-AMP messages, such as HTTP communication.


Swallow connection log message here. Copied from original in the amp protocol.


This is called when an AMP connection is (re-)established. AMP calls it on both sides.


We swallow connection errors here. The reason is that during a normal reload/shutdown there will almost always be cases where either the portal or server shuts down before a message has returned its (empty) return, triggering a connectionLost error that is irrelevant. If a true connection error happens, the portal will continuously try to reconnect, showing the problem that way.

errback(err, info)[source]

Error callback. Handles errors to avoid dropping connections on server tracebacks.

  • err (Failure) – Deferred error instance.

  • info (str) – Error string.


Process incoming packed data.


packed_data (bytes) – Pickled data.


unpaced_data (any) – Unpickled package

broadcast(command, sessid, **kwargs)[source]

Send data across the wire to all connections.

  • command (AMP Command) – A protocol send command.

  • sessid (int) – A unique Session id.


deferred (deferred or None) – A deferred with an errback.


Data will be sent across the wire pickled as a tuple (sessid, kwargs).

send_FunctionCall(modulepath, functionname, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Access method called by either process. This will call an arbitrary function on the other process (On Portal if calling from Server and vice versa).


modulepath (str) - python path to module holding function to call functionname (str) - name of function in given module *args, **kwargs will be used as arguments/keyword args for the

remote function call


A deferred that fires with the return value of the remote function call


Helper decorator