Source code for evennia.contrib.grid.slow_exit.slow_exit

Slow Exit typeclass

Contribution - Griatch 2014

This is an example of an Exit-type that delays its traversal. This
simulates slow movement, common in many different types of games. The
contrib also contains two commands, `CmdSetSpeed` and CmdStop for changing
the movement speed and abort an ongoing traversal, respectively.

## Installation:

To try out an exit of this type, you could connect two existing rooms
using something like this:

@open north:contrib.grid.slow_exit.SlowExit = <destination>

To make this your new default exit, modify `mygame/typeclasses/`
to import this module and change the default `Exit` class to inherit
from `SlowExit` instead.

# in mygame/typeclasses/

from evennia.contrib.grid.slowexit import SlowExit

class Exit(SlowExit):
    # ...


To get the ability to change your speed and abort your movement, import

# in mygame/commands/

from evennia.contrib.grid import slow_exit  <---

class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
    # ...
    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        # ...
        self.add(slow_exit.SlowDoorCmdSet)  <---


## Notes:

This implementation is efficient but not persistent; so incomplete
movement will be lost in a server reload. This is acceptable for most
game types - to simulate longer travel times (more than the couple of
seconds assumed here), a more persistent variant using Scripts or the
TickerHandler might be better.


from evennia.commands.cmdset import CmdSet
from evennia.commands.command import Command
from evennia.objects.objects import DefaultExit
from evennia.utils import utils

MOVE_DELAY = {"stroll": 6, "walk": 4, "run": 2, "sprint": 1}

[docs]class SlowExit(DefaultExit): """ This overloads the way moving happens. """
[docs] def at_traverse(self, traversing_object, target_location): """ Implements the actual traversal, using utils.delay to delay the move_to. """ # if the traverser has an Attribute move_speed, use that, # otherwise default to "walk" speed move_speed = traversing_object.db.move_speed or "walk" move_delay = MOVE_DELAY.get(move_speed, 4) def move_callback(): "This callback will be called by utils.delay after move_delay seconds." source_location = traversing_object.location if traversing_object.move_to(target_location, move_type="traverse"): self.at_post_traverse(traversing_object, source_location) else: if self.db.err_traverse: # if exit has a better error message, let's use it. self.caller.msg(self.db.err_traverse) else: # No shorthand error message. Call hook. self.at_failed_traverse(traversing_object) traversing_object.msg("You start moving %s at a %s." % (self.key, move_speed)) # create a delayed movement t = utils.delay(move_delay, move_callback) # we store the deferred on the character, this will allow us # to abort the movement. We must use an ndb here since # deferreds cannot be pickled. traversing_object.ndb.currently_moving = t
# # set speed - command # SPEED_DESCS = {"stroll": "strolling", "walk": "walking", "run": "running", "sprint": "sprinting"}
[docs]class CmdSetSpeed(Command): """ set your movement speed Usage: setspeed stroll|walk|run|sprint This will set your movement speed, determining how long time it takes to traverse exits. If no speed is set, 'walk' speed is assumed. """ key = "setspeed"
[docs] def func(self): """ Simply sets an Attribute used by the SlowExit above. """ speed = self.args.lower().strip() if speed not in SPEED_DESCS: self.caller.msg("Usage: setspeed stroll||walk||run||sprint") elif self.caller.db.move_speed == speed: self.caller.msg("You are already %s." % SPEED_DESCS[speed]) else: self.caller.db.move_speed = speed self.caller.msg("You are now %s." % SPEED_DESCS[speed])
# # stop moving - command #
[docs]class CmdStop(Command): """ stop moving Usage: stop Stops the current movement, if any. """ key = "stop"
[docs] def func(self): """ This is a very simple command, using the stored deferred from the exit traversal above. """ currently_moving = self.caller.ndb.currently_moving if currently_moving and not currently_moving.called: currently_moving.cancel() self.caller.msg("You stop moving.") for observer in self.caller.location.contents_get(self.caller): observer.msg("%s stops." % self.caller.get_display_name(observer)) else: self.caller.msg("You are not moving.")
[docs]class SlowExitCmdSet(CmdSet):
[docs] def at_cmdset_creation(self): self.add(CmdSetSpeed()) self.add(CmdStop())