Source code for evennia.web.admin.scripts
# This sets up how models are displayed
# in the web admin interface.
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB
from . import utils as adminutils
from .attributes import AttributeInline
from .tags import TagInline
[docs]class ScriptForm(forms.ModelForm):
db_key = forms.CharField(
label="Name/Key", help_text="Script identifier, shown in listings etc."
db_typeclass_path = forms.ChoiceField(
help_text="This is the Python-path to the class implementing the actual script functionality. "
"<BR>If your custom class is not found here, it may not be imported into Evennia yet.",
choices=lambda: adminutils.get_and_load_typeclasses(
parent=ScriptDB, excluded_parents=["evennia.prototypes.prototypes.DbPrototype"]
db_lock_storage = forms.CharField(
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={"cols": "100", "rows": "2"}),
help_text="In-game lock definition string. If not given, defaults will be used. "
"This string should be on the form "
db_interval = forms.IntegerField(
label="Repeat Interval",
help_text="Optional timer component.<BR>How often to call the Script's<BR>`at_repeat` hook, in seconds."
"<BR>Set to 0 to disable.",
db_repeats = forms.IntegerField(
help_text="Only repeat this many times." "<BR>Set to 0 to run indefinitely."
db_start_delay = forms.BooleanField(help_text="Wait <B>Interval</B> seconds before first call.")
db_persistent = forms.BooleanField(
label="Survives reboot", help_text="If unset, a server reboot will remove the timer."
[docs]class ScriptTagInline(TagInline):
Inline script tags.
model = ScriptDB.db_tags.through
related_field = "scriptdb"
[docs]class ScriptAttributeInline(AttributeInline):
Inline attribute tags.
model = ScriptDB.db_attributes.through
related_field = "scriptdb"
class ScriptAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
Displaying the main Script page.
list_display = (
list_display_links = ("id", "db_key")
ordering = ["-db_date_created", "-id"]
search_fields = ["=id", "^db_key", "db_typeclass_path"]
readonly_fields = ["serialized_string"]
form = ScriptForm
save_as = True
save_on_top = True
list_select_related = True
view_on_site = False
raw_id_fields = ("db_obj",)
fieldsets = (
"fields": (
("db_key", "db_typeclass_path"),
("db_interval", "db_repeats", "db_start_delay", "db_persistent"),
inlines = [ScriptTagInline, ScriptAttributeInline]
[docs] def serialized_string(self, obj):
Get the serialized version of the object.
from evennia.utils import dbserialize
return str(dbserialize.pack_dbobj(obj))
serialized_string.help_text = (
"Copy & paste this string into an Attribute's `value` field to store this script there."
[docs] def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
Overrides help texts.
help_texts = kwargs.get("help_texts", {})
help_texts["serialized_string"] = self.serialized_string.help_text
kwargs["help_texts"] = help_texts
return super().get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
Model-save hook.
request (Request): Incoming request.
obj (Object): Database object.
form (Form): Form instance.
change (bool): If this is a change or a new object.
if not change:
# adding a new object
# have to call init with typeclass passed to it